
Worlds Collide: A Support Mage in Apocalypse

**Taking part in the WPC [Oct-Nov] themed: Apocalypse** The sky turned an otherworldly shade of purple. The heart of the city morphed into an ancient temple. Futuristic skyscrapers enclosed the once-familiar streets. Reality itself was unraveling, space and time thrown into chaos. Apocalypse had descended upon the world. But for Kayne, an avid reader of fantasy and sci-fi tales, this was more than just a nightmare—it was an adventure of epic proportions. He had always dreamed of stepping into the pages of his favorite books, but this was no ordinary story. In this apocalyptic landscape, the boundaries of reality blurred, and the very fabric of the future was being rewritten. As the merging of parallel universes shattered the known world, Kayne and his close-knit group of friends found themselves at the center of this enigma. With each step they took, they delved deeper into a reality where magic and technology collided, where past and future coexisted, and where the fate of countless worlds hung in the balance. The apocalypse has arrived, but for Kayne and his friends, it's an adventure unlike any other.

Detektive_one · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Your GUIDE to Personal Merger (Dummy Edition)

Imagine a world where there are countless versions of you, each living in a different reality. It's like there are many parallel universes, and in each one, you exist. Now, think about what would happen if all these versions of you started to merge together. That's the basic idea behind the "Personal Merger."

**Why Is It Happening?**

The Personal Merger is taking place because these multiple versions of you need to come together and become one. This is because, in the future, all these parallel universes are going to combine into a single, super-packed universe. But to survive in this new universe, you need to be strong. That's why the Personal Merger is here – to make you powerful and ready for the big merge.

**Why you need to become Strong?**

Think of the alternate realities as papers stacked against one another. Now the universe is trying to compress all those papers into one. The resulting reality would have a very high energy density such that no normal human could survive in it. Hence why all living beings have to go through the personal merger to absorb their other selves. You have to be strong in every aspect.

**Stages of the Personal Merger**

The Personal Merger has four stages:

1. **Dream Stage:** This is like a practice stage where you face challenges in a dream world. It helps you learn and get better.

2. **World Stage:** In this stage, you're put in different worlds from the parallel universes. It's like an adventure where you explore and adapt to new environments.

3. **Memory Stage:** Here, you deal with memories. It's like solving puzzles based on your past experiences. Or past experiences of others.

4. **Reality Stage:** The toughest stage where you face the real deal. You step into the shoes of your alternate selves in other realities, and you have to outperform them.

**Challenges Along the Way**

During the Personal Merger, you might face some strange things. Temporal anomalies, like echoes and time storms, can mess up your world. These anomalies are like glitches in the process. But you have to overcome them to complete the merger successfully.

**The Bottom Line**

The Personal Merger is all about making you the best version of yourself, ready to face the big changes coming in the universe. So, buckle up and get ready to merge! It's an adventure like no other.

If there are other doubts and stuff that don't make sense, leave a comment and I'll explain it here.