
Worlds Collide: A Support Mage in Apocalypse

**Taking part in the WPC [Oct-Nov] themed: Apocalypse** The sky turned an otherworldly shade of purple. The heart of the city morphed into an ancient temple. Futuristic skyscrapers enclosed the once-familiar streets. Reality itself was unraveling, space and time thrown into chaos. Apocalypse had descended upon the world. But for Kayne, an avid reader of fantasy and sci-fi tales, this was more than just a nightmare—it was an adventure of epic proportions. He had always dreamed of stepping into the pages of his favorite books, but this was no ordinary story. In this apocalyptic landscape, the boundaries of reality blurred, and the very fabric of the future was being rewritten. As the merging of parallel universes shattered the known world, Kayne and his close-knit group of friends found themselves at the center of this enigma. With each step they took, they delved deeper into a reality where magic and technology collided, where past and future coexisted, and where the fate of countless worlds hung in the balance. The apocalypse has arrived, but for Kayne and his friends, it's an adventure unlike any other.

Detektive_one · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 30: Huntsmen

Alina's heart raced as she swerved around a corner, the slippery roads of the snow-covered mountains threatening to throw her off into the abyss below. The saving grace was that her bike was actually a transformed from the GUIDE, a favor from it. The bike did not wear out or require any fuel. At least it hadn't needed a refill in the last two days since she had been using it to escape.

The huge number of scenarios she had cleared in a rush before setting out had helped her to gain some favors. And that was the only thing keeping her alive now.

Even as she zoomed across the looming peaks and dense forests of this snow-covered region which provided both cover and treacherous terrain, it did nothing to assure her. Those people did not use any human technology. No, they had much more advanced tech and maybe even magic at their behest. They will find her, and they would do anything to silence her.

She had known that her discovery was significant, something that would alter the history as we know it, but it also meant that powerful forces were now hunting her. Her only chance was to outwit them, to disappear into the unforgiving wilderness and stay one step ahead. But how do you do that when nowhere is safe?

Alina didn't know the answer to that. All she knew was that she had to use everything at her disposal to save her own life.

As she moved down the road, she stopped in the middle and dismissed the bike, navigating into the dense forest beside. Alina's footsteps were almost silent, her heightened senses helping her navigate the terrain with precision. She had been going about in this way, covering some distance on the bike and then using the forest to disappear from the road to appear on another peak.

It had been almost six hours since she last encountered the caped hunters who were pursuing her. The first encounter had been after she had decided to make the global announcement.

Unfortunately, her announcement had been stopped by someone with a higher authority, apparently. The act itself had warned her that she had messed with the wrong people. And the consequences had been immediate, almost.

She had been naïve that her hidden bunker would hide and protect her. An hour after her attempt at the announcing to the world the secrets that were buried, the caped hunters had arrived. Thankfully, she was not totally unprepared, but caught unaware at how quick they had acted. Whoever *they* were .

The GUIDE also had been very helpful and cooperative in her requests so far. Maybe it was because she had raised her authority. Whatever the reason, the GUIDE was the only reason she was still not captured by the hunters. Of course, she could be wrong about them chasing her due to the Global announcement attempt from her or if they were even related in any way to those people.

But better be cautious than to risk getting caught. So far, she had had only two close brushes with them and not once had they tried to communicate with her in any way. She doubted they were trying to reach out to her for something like her car's insurance. They were definitely bad guys. Their vibe gave it away easily. Or why would they be dressed in all black, covered in masks and capes?

Her only hope right now was to raise her authority to another level. The GUIDE had told her that would be enough to put her at the same level as those pursuing her. Open more options for her. So that's what she was doing now.

Stopping beside a tree, she sat with her back to it. She had a Memory Stage Scenario to complete. It would only take her a moment, after all. When she opened her eyes again, she would be one step closer to ending this miserable situation. With that thought, she closed her eyes and called out to the GUIDE to begin her challenge. Hopefully, it would be an easy one.


Just a few meters from where Alina had stopped, three silhouettes waited. They were covered in dark garb, masks over their face only showing their eyes and capes on their shoulders. The hunters were, in fact, hot on her trail, registering all her moves and making sure she was never out of sight.

But unlike what she believed, the hunters actually did not belong to the enemy whom she was frightened off. Who were they and where did they come from? That was a question that would only be answered after she actually communicated with them. Until then, her misunderstanding would continue.

"Sir, wouldn't it be easier to interrogate her directly for the leads? She already knows of the Project VOID. She should also know of the one we seek. It is difficult to just wait and follow this, mortal." One of the hunter spoke to the leader standing between them.

They conversed in a language that was not human.

The hunter in the middle, their leader, did not respond. His eyes were trained on the target they had been ordered to shadow for the last two days. The woman had settled by the tree now, closing her eyes to challenge a scenario. The leader waited for around ten seconds, when the woman finally opened her eyes again. Disoriented at first, she quickly regained her bearing and launched up from her position. She did not waste anytime and found her path to a new direction, swiftly making her way.

The huntsmen who had been standing a few meters away from her did not move a single muscle, watching her disappear as if used to that.

The leader moved to follow her in pursuit, and the other two followed. For a few minutes they continued in silence, the shadow who had asked earlier feeling vexed. He believed that this futile chase served no purpose. If they could directly find the person, it would end up saving time. Time which was very precious in their situation.

Another few minutes passed by in silence, as they continued to chase, all the while Alina was blissfully unaware of how close her pursuers actually were.

Finally, when it seemed like an hour had passed, the leader replied in a hoarse voice, "The Oracle specifically pointed in her message that this woman will be the one to guide us to that person. Trust in the Oracle's message. If we capture the prey right now, it would be too soon to reach the actual prize. She has to be the one to lead us to our goal."

The other two immediately nodded in understanding. When the leader brought up the Oracle, they already knew what the reasoning was going to be. Their leader trusted every word of the Oracle. But the two of them also thought it was prudent not to take every word of the Oracle at its face value.

As if sensing their doubts, the leader continued, "I also contacted the HQ, and they confirmed that the woman does not know the person we are looking for. Her current distress might actually lead her to them, this chase being the catalyst for her finding that person. So be patient. Orders were to push her to the edge and take her into hold after five days. So for five days we chase."

The other two were surprised this time, understanding that there would be no more further questions on this topic. But the answer also cleared any doubts and ideas in their mind.

They continued with their task, following after Alina as she made her way through the forest. Soon she had left the forest and was back on the road, riding a bike to cover the distance faster. But the three hunters continued to follow her on foot, never losing sight of her. Their physical stats were definitely out of normal, as they managed to keep up with the speeding bike. But what was terrifying was the camouflage skill they were using to keep themselves hidden. No sound was made as they followed the bike in absolute silence. Like ghosts, they stuck close to their target.

It was six hours later, when Alina finally stopped for another break, that they caught some rest. But it didn't look like they needed to rest, as they didn't even seem to be tired. While their faces were hidden behind masks, it was evident from their stances that they were still full of energy.

"Sir, is it time to make another appearance?" The other shadow, who had not spoken until now, asked.

"No need for that. The target is determined to continue with her run until she can raise her authority rank. That will be the moment for us to reveal ourselves for a final scare. I can feel that it will be the crucial moment before she leads us to the person we seek."

Both of them nodded in understanding. They had worked with their leader for nearly a decade now and had learnt to trust in his instincts as well. He was always right on target with them.

"Sir, this might seem presumptuous, but honestly, how is one person alone going to make a change? It feels almost impossible to stop Project VOID on this planet from..." The shadow stopped whatever he was going to say, his voice dying as the leader glared at him.

"If you are so curious, then take up that question to the Oracle next time we have a meeting at the HQ. For now, shut up and focus on the mission. No more questions for the day."

The shadow nodded meekly, lowering his head in resignation. He scolded himself for being too chatty. But the leader's response made him understand that even his superior did not know the answer to the question. But he couldn't ask the Oracle either. So, he would have to hold his curiosity until they themselves met with the person they were seeking.

Maybe he would have more answers about the *Neimun Civilization*.

And the plot thickens. Something is brewing in the background,,,, welp whatever it is, what's that got to do with the gang? We focus on the Grind!!

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