
Worlds Away (JJK AU)

A powerful shaman woman who has unique abilities and background finds herself in the middle of an immense power struggle between the top major clans. Her heart beats for Satoru but their love is challenged time and again by others that also wish to have her but what does she really know without all of her memories? Can she figure out her past while still building a future? Will her heart be torn on who to love?

Sassooda · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

No Harm Comes to Him

Satoru mauls over Naoya's use that technique. If he'd known that the Zenin was capable of that kind of power he simply would've killed him years ago.

Gojo brings both hands to his head, whining as he copes and runs his fingers through his hair. He no longer wishes to harm Naoya but it bothers him that if he ever changed his mind, it could possibly surmount to a struggle just like Toji nowadays.


Satoru darts his eyes to the right to see Toji grinning in disbelief but asks anyways.

"Did you know Zenin could do that?"

Toji cackles, enjoying seeing Gojo on edge but exultingly grins.

"Hell no. I had no idea but damn am I proud."

They both know somethings wrong on the other end of that portal and although that show of strength was reassuring, Toji wishes he could've gone through as well.

"What's wrong Gojo? Afraid of little Naoya now?"

He's gotten used to their estranged friendship even if most of the time Toji finds it hard putting up with some of Satoru's personality quirks.

Gojo wasn't nearly as bad before they sealed him though and he can't help but pick up on the fact that the shaman has become progressively unstable since Elska and Itadori's abduction.

Gojo frowns to Toji's failed assumption.

"I am still the strongest, Toji. Don't forget that."

Swinging his arms forward to form a single clap with his hands, Satoru exhales dramatically with a sense of insecurity.

"...I just don't know what I'm going to do about the handsome devil."

 Toji squints his eyes to Gojo while he listens to the shaman demonstrate further affection for Naoya.

"Okay…what is your deal with him? The shits weird. You kept fucking trying to touch him too."

Gojo turns his head up in a pout, bottom lip jutting out and all.

"You were the one straddling him in the dark! You never do that to me!"

Toji is ready to respond with some nasty comments but right as he opens his mouth to deflect whatever weird thoughts were concocting in Gojo's strange brain, the shaman confesses.

"You wouldn't even feed from me..."

"I'm about to punch you right in the fucking teeth. Don't you DARE bring that up ever again…"

The giant's huffing in frustration as he finds words.

"….that was…I was starving!"

Toji is finally able to understand the kind of pain Elska went through after they took Satoru and deprived her of who she fed from. These simple facts grip his discomfort for the situation and tone their agitation down.

A wave of guilt rushes through him as he recalls that he was the one that left her isolated to purposefully weaken and take advantage of her. Gojo isn't the only one who has changed but to Toji's dismay, it unfortunately seems like they're going in opposite directions lately.

"Number one, you taste like fucking venom, Gojo, you're flavored like a bitter fresh pile of horse shit. Number two, I'm just not putting my lips on you, fucker. You'd probably like it or something."

Having to break down his reasoning to Satoru inadvertently forces Toji to acknowledge that every single thing he's vehemently speaking against in this same breath was all done to his cousin regardless. Toji's body shudders as he looks to the hole in the floor that his hand made while Naoya was trying to escape from underneath him.

"I can't even believe I did that to…him. Ughhh...that was really fucking strange…"

Gojo brushes the comments off as he locks his fingers behind his head and leans back to stretch.

"I just don't know how he's going to fit into all of this…but I have a feeling he's not going anywhere."

Satoru slowing folds his own arms now, still somewhat lost in his own head.

"I can tell he's actually fucking serious about her but why doesn't that seem to bother me more in the way it should? I feel like I might be pissed about all the wrong things"

"Gojo, you're a fucking disaster, that's why."

Toji grunts his denial about Naoya's impact on Elska so he's missing the whole point of Satoru's question.

Cracking his knuckles, the giant's face turns to a smirk as his excitement grows; they're finally going to eliminate Getou.

"We need to get with everyone else and prepare for this. Gojo, let's end this shit once and for all."

Gojo smiles to the reminder of the fight that's about to ensue.

"I have so many plans for that cunt…"

Satoru chuckles in a high-pitched tone while imaging how he'll be breaking Suguru down mentally and physically.

"I needed that uplifting thought, thank you."

Toji is looking around his room noticing it's completely wrecked now. Between the brief fight with himself and Naoya followed by the boy concentrating all of that energy, shit is just everywhere. He bends down to collect the pieces of mail scattered by his feet, wishing to ignore Gojo's questioning.

"Why bother cleaning right now?"

Toji huffs and replies.

"I don't want her coming back to this mess."

Gojo sarcastically spins in place like he's gauging a crowd but then one of Satoru's hands lift with the palm up as if he's holding something obvious. 

"Ummm not to ruffle your feathers but she already has a room? With me? Remember?"

When the giant rolls his eyes and refuses to engage, Gojo winks to him with a joking yet serious expression.

"You can come sleep with us if you want though, I'm sure my love would enjoy that."

Toji slams the collected envelopes down on the coffee table a few feet behind Gojo.

"Shut the fuck up, Gojo. Let's just go let everyone know what's going on."

Toji misses Elska terribly in many ways but he wasn't automatically already trying to plan their first sexual encounter upon her arriving.

"And look, we don't really know what her stay there has been like so give her a fucking break will ya?"

Toji walks toward the door, suggesting they should get a move on but he feels like there's something he needs to address first.

"I don't know what your problem is Gojo but you should be focused on who's coming after her. I can't believe we're even talking about this right now; shouldn't even be on your mind..."

Despite the silver psycho's disregard for everything, Toji's received a certain level of general cooperation ever since their last fight that the giant technically won.

He opens the door that's not really latching after Gojo kicked it open, shooting narrowed emerald eyes at him for the damage but Satoru merely shrugs.

"It was in my way."

"What the f-...let's just go."

They leave down the hall heading towards the direction of Nanami's office that's in the next building over, Toji having more of a sense of urgency than Gojo.

Satoru knows he should probably be ashamed of himself but he can't help it; he's not been the same since he found Elska's wing.

It's almost as if he doesn't care about how he offends or disrupts whoever is around him; his depraved misery seeps from his pores wanting to invite others to join. He's desperate to get Elska back as he's felt shattered in the way of not feeling whole in her absence.

'My love…'

Gojo's arms feel empty along with heart, his soul foggy just like his mind.

He's supposed to protect her but a part of him deep, deep down knows he's a danger as well, though unwilling to admit it.

Toji is troubled. He as well is drowning in his own fears as they foot the distance to Nanami. He's lost count of the reg flags Gojo flies without reserve. He knows Gojo was offering him to join in another sexual excursion but really doesn't want to see the condition of Gojo's treatment of her with the way he currently is.

Satoru was already an artist of lunacy the first time.

'I am going to have to try and keep him off of her…'

At least until Toji's confident that Gojo won't do anything harmful.

He turns around while walking to tell Gojo to hurry up but almost trips over himself when he sees the tears welling in those chaotic blue eyes.

'So he does have some humanity left in there…'

He's relieved for a moment but then thinks to himself about how all over the place Gojo has been today, placing him back in a position to worry over his mental state.


When Naoya exits the portal and enters her room, he quickly scans it while steadily harnessing that massive amount of energy. He first sees Itadori lying on his back, unconscious with bent knees and the crater indention in the wall near him.

"What the..."

Fear consumes, turning him to the left to find the puddle of blood pooling in the depression of the floor aside from a large smear.

Naoya feels his breath leaving his body as his eyes take to Choso leaning back on his knees feeding Elska.


All of the scalar energy gathered evaporates as Naoya's focus becomes running over to them. He slips in the blood trail that he now perceives came from her, nearly screaming when reaches them.


Naoya lifts Elska away from Choso and into his own arms.

His stomach twists as he sees the front of her yukata yanked open and the bloodied slits from where she was stabbed in both shoulders.

"Not again…no…"

Tearing up, Naoya swiftly moves the fabric out of the way so he can see if she's still holding wounds and she is.


Elska opens her eyes slowly as her blurred vision focuses.


Burying her face into his robes, Elska releases every bit of fear and distress experienced.


She starts sobbing uncontrollably as the memory of Suguru's vicious attack replays in her mind. She is still washed in an amalgamation of emotions from the brutality of the situation before but the warmth from Naoya's presence gives her hope that the horrific sensation will eventually fade.

Naoya drops to his knees with her still in the bridal carry as he places her weight onto his thighs and speechlessly secures her more into himself. She's crying into the crook of his neck, causing his heart drops and fragment all while her tears dampen his clothes. His left hand leaves from the bend of her knees and finds itself resting on her head while trying to find words to communicate and soothe her. 

 Choso still hasn't gotten up from where he sits. Regret looms over him as he doesn't know what to say to Naoya.


He's afraid to meet eyes so the being just stares into his own lap, taking in the splotches of blood of Elska's that riddle his pants and arms.

"Sukuna took over…I was only trying to give them a little space…"


Naoya breathlessly whispers as he begins to rock Elska and hold her tighter.

"I am so sorry that I wasn't here…why did I ever fucking leave?!"

A tear falls from him as he closes his eyes to kiss Elska's head, his entirety shaken. Naoya inhales sharply before looking over at the dismayed Choso to clarify.

"Getou...and Sukuna?"

The strings of his heart are tethered to endless bounds as he can't help but feel he has failed her…again.

Elska's trying to calm herself down now, feeling the security of the arms she's in. She's still noticeably upset but tries to speak.

"Everything was fine and then…but Sukuna wanted me to feed from him…"

She takes a second to breathe as she was choking back on air still.

"He said I could thank Sati…that there was some kind of deal. He was saying all sorts of weird things..."

She slowly shakes her head into Naoya, shivering over the betrayal she felt from no one when she looked up to see she hadn't been salvaged at all.

"Getou pinned him but then went after me…I couldn't make it to the wall…"

Tears fall from her eyes again but she's slightly more collected than before, pulling her head back to see Naoya.

"Choso saved me…Getou was trying to…"

Elska eyes fall in shame knowing that even though he didn't get very far, he could still claim to know what she felt like to a small degree. Her face scrunches up in disgust, "He was…" Another tear streams down her face. "Choso killed him."

 Naoya's eyes widen to her broken explanation as he searches Choso for confirmation of the noisome ordeal. He holds Elska tightly and kisses her head as he stares off into space. He doesn't need her to elucidation to comprehend; Naoya knows what she was unable to say and understands what it was that Getou was trying to do.

"I should never have gone…I needed to be here!"

Naoya loses to the few sobs that escape him for the amount of disgust he holds for leaving her vulnerable until that last part hits him. Amber his eyes race to Choso, "Did she say...he's dead?!"

Choso feels small after hearing how emotionally distraught Elska is and having to witness some of it. He wishes he would have never left them alone room before.

 "I had to. Getou needed to die."

The savagery still churns his stomach that is until the being's mind takes to her drinking from him.

"I didn't mean to feed her either, it ju-…"

Naoya gathers that Choso is still in a daze himself and knows that despite whatever mistakes were made, the being handled the situation and protected her.

 "Cho, thank you. And if you hadn't let her bite you then who knows what condition she'd be in…I could never be angry at you for that. I appreciate it all very much."

Choso looks surprised but grateful to his response which is nice because Naoya genuinely means it.

The distraught Zenin glances back down to Elska with sorrowful eyes though.

"I-I didn't want to leave you, Elska."

He takes a deep breath as he takes in her features, cupping her face as he glides his thumb across her cheek, searching her for forgiveness.

"I'm so sorry that I did…" 

Elska shuts her eyes as she continues to try and relax and shake off the awful reminders.

"I didn't know if I was ever going to see you again…but you're here."

She forms a trembling smile while feeling tears freely fall from the corners of her eyes.

"I do not blame you Naoya. You were trying to make everything better…you have to remember that."

The devastation clinging to her weakens as Naoya simply being there gives her strength.

"Satoru Gojo made a pact with Sukuna…"

Choso's voice is unusually hateful and paired with a viscerally cold expression.

"My brother explained to me that Gojo suppressed him. I had to explain that it wasn't that simple."

The being's face is of a glare as he looks to Naoya again.

Choso does not take kindly to learning about the deal as it could've cost Elska and Itadori their lives.

"I knew something was wrong there but didn't even factor that in when I left you two alone…its all my fault."

Elska's eyes widen upon hearing this, knowing exactly of the moment Choso the pact is referring to.

"Sati wouldn't…"

For the first time in full actuality, she feels betrayed by Satoru.

Naoya is now thinking back to the repulsive behavior he endured from the silver shit head moments ago. 

"Judging by what I just saw of him, I think Gojo would. What a piece of shit!"

Naoya's voice deepens as he ponders on what kind of man Satoru Gojo is with her...and how much it bothers him.


His princess looks up to him with hurt as if she's already seeing where this is going but Naoya doesn't stop himself.

"Gojo is poison."

He can see the acknowledgement in her eyes and softens his expression for her as he knows that's probably hard for her to face.

"I'm so sorry baby…none of this should have ever happened. I don't know why these bad things keep happening..."

He leans down to kiss her forehead but shoots Choso a heated scowl; their eyes confirming that they're on the same page.

"That will not go unanswered. All of this will be made right."

Choso finally stands up so he can walk over to Itadori, kneeling down beside him as he goes to straighten Itadori's legs into a better position.

"He's going to be out for a while…I had to send his brain into a REM state."

He brushes a hand over his younger brother's head with a furrowed brow, hating that he had to knock him out.

"I didn't know you could do that, Cho. I'm sure he'll understand..."

Choso was in the process scooping up Itadori to lay him on the bed but after he lifts him up and turns in that direction, the being's warmth leaves his body; his heart arrhythmic.

 "Naoya pick her up right now."

The Zenin adjusts his arms around Elska immediately, visually searching the room for whatever alarmed Choso but is confused because Naoya sees nothing.

Choso closes his eyes and maps the path back to Toji's room. When he opens them, the black begins to bleed into the color and whites of his eyes as he draws out the portal.

 "Cho what's wrong?! Talk to me!"

Naoya senses the urgency and uneasiness but can't fathom as to why its invading them.

Choso looks to Elska.

"Are you well enough to go through this right now?"

Elska nods with unnerved eyes but also now looks around the room curiously; gasping in horror when she comprehends why Choso is acting this way.

 "Getou's gone! WHERE DID HE GO!?"

She clutches Naoya's robes as she anxiously swivels her head around, fearing that he'll appear out of thin air just like he seemingly vanished.

"Naoya, HE WAS DEAD! Choso killed him!"

The arms securing her tighten around her legs and upper body as Naoya sprints them towards the portal, needing no further explanation.

"I'm not letting go, princess so don't worry."

Elska twists around as much as she can and sees Choso carrying Itadori right behind them. Panic becomes her in those last few seconds until she senses the familiar and deteriorating experience of floating through the shadow realm.

Before, when she traveled it alone Elska was guided by Choso's voice as she motionlessly hovered down a path through the bright blackness. This time however, although she's caught in the same limp manner, she can feel Naoya near her.

She can't see him; she can't see anything really…sight is clearly not what is used to navigate this dimension as it proves useless. His presence though is the only thing she can identify with certainty. Before she knows it however, the atmosphere becomes recognizable and their bodies regain form in one of the academy dorms that looks to be trashed. She's still being carried by Naoya as he goes to lay her down on the couch.

"This is Toji's room…we had a little scuffle."

Naoya is now sitting on the edge of the cushion beside by her waist. He looks up to Choso and relays something he hopes isn't hurtful.

"You can put Itadori in the bed, I just didn't want them near each other yet."

Elska's holding his hands as he looks down to her, reliving his hatred as he again takes in her assaulted appearance.

The acts that Getou inflicted upon her, the most precious woman in Naoya's life, are for all to imagine and see. Her hair is matted in areas from the blood, her skin riddled with red. She wears his clan's yukata but its condition shows that it bore her no more protection than an imaginary shield. He can't stand to see her in such a way so he rocks to his feet.

"Hold on baby..."

Naoya saunters to a dresser and begins rummaging through Toji's drawers, pulling out a pair of briefs and a folded black shirt. He walks these back over to Elska but swivels his head.

"Cho, can you close your eyes for a sec?"

When the Zenin nears her, he gently grabs her hands to help her to her feet to assist in the removal of the obi and tattered yukata.

Naoya winces when he sees the blood all over her shoulders and back. He was already aware of the bit covering her chest, though the awareness doesn't depress him any less.

He steps away and grabs a white hand towel from the bathroom and wets it. The dingy streaked mirror reveals to Naoya exactly how tiny he is when compared to the complexities of their shaman world. His mind though, as he stares at himself, begins to hallucinate the outline of wings behind him which reminds him to return his princess and reality.

Leaving the bathroom, Naoya sees Choso with his back to Elska, watching Itadori on the other side of the room.

'What would I have done without him? What would have happened to her?'

Elska wishes she could absolve all of Naoya's woes. He wears them despite himself and she gets why he's upset but she wants him to know that its not his fault. Words elude her though and the mood remains treading the atmosphere as they all continue to settle down.

Naoya carefully maneuvers and drops the robes to her waist, exposing Elska's upper body as he begins to clean the abhorrent reminder away from her skin.

He wishes he could absolve her of all the various types of pain she's endured. Elska is exquisitely resistant but that in no way means to Naoya that she should be faced with it as she has. Apologies are not enough though, not that he has the first inkling of how to present one for this anyways.

His tender hand wipes across her upper back but grazes the spot where Getou's knife went through her shoulder and hisses.

Naoya jerks his hand away ultimately choking on his own breath and becoming emotive.

"I'm...I'm so sorry..."

"I'm alright, I promise! Its just a little raw..."

Naoya fights back tears.

"After I finish this baby, you feed from me, okay? Get you all healed up...that would make me feel better."

She nods to him but Naoya can sense that Getou's disappearance is clearly still on her mind. He leans down to press his lips against hers lovingly, simply desiring to ease her as much as humanly possible.

"He will never get his hands on you again, princess."

Her eyes well up to his words and in turn morphs the Zenin's in an apologetic way as he proceeds to clean her.

"Toji and Gojo agreed to help so he doesn't stand a chance baby. That piece of shit excuse for a human will never hurt you or anyone else. He's a goner."

Naoya says it with confidence but he's honestly disturbed with how both Choso and Elska thought him to have perished only to eerily find out that he was able to somehow escape.

Snapping the shirt out of its fold, Naoya prepares it to be donned. Her shoulders hurt too much to lift all the way so he helps guide them and position it over her head. Toji's shirt is smaller than you'd think even as it loosely hangs over her body.

'How the hell does he fit those mommy milkers in these?'

Naoya crouches down to also assist her into the briefs which goes much smoother.

When she's dressed, he wraps his arms around her.

"We're good over here now Cho."

Naoya raises his hands to his collar to unbutton it and sits back down on the couch.

"Here princess..."

He grabs her wrists and guides her over towards him; she lowers down and curls into his lap. He feels her cool hand wrap around his neck as her thumb rests along his jaw, her mouth aligning to the other side. She places a kiss instead of fangs and nuzzles her head softly into his before piercing him.

"Thank you, my prince."

He pleasantly gasps to her intrusion but tears flow from her eyes once more as she's hit with his truth.

As if her own fear wasn't enough, she's tasting Naoya's now too.

He seems dutifully collected on the outside but his emotions are plentiful in magnitude and number internally. Luckily, his depth and love satiates her nerves though and the sanctuary that is him fills her in the most meaningful of ways. She feels the remainder of her stab wounds heal up almost instantly as well but takes a few more draws of his sweetness for her own soul.

'This man…how did I ever live without him before?'

When she's had enough, Elska brings her fingertips to the bite and closes the punctures, revitalized. Her eyes take to the dried blood on his collar, widening them as she grabs it with concern.

"Naoya, were you hurt earlier?!"

His right hand grabs lifts the hem of Toji's shirt up to her chin to check her injuries. He's sighs in relief as he can no longer tell there was anything there prior.

"Thank goodness…"

He smiles to her and explains with his hand caressing her arm.

"No, not exactly…Toji uhh, fed from me too."

He automatically shivers to the ordeal and catches her confused eyes.

"Apparently, your scent is all over me and he hadn't fed since he had you last…"

Elska's spirits drop.

"He was probably in a lot of pain then."

She catches the rim of Naoya's collar between her thumb and index finger, fondling it while in thought.

"Poor Toji…"

Her eyes flinch as she recalls the agony of being starved but she turns to Naoya.

"I know that was probably strange but thank you for helping him too. It sounds like he really needed sustenance."

She's so overwhelmed with how selfless the man before her is, how she could only wish to be capable of such wonderful means.

Choso is approaching them to sit down.

"Naoya, I melted Getou's brain with my own two hands…"

The being's in a state of shock still as he was so sure that he'd ended him and doesn't understand how the monster could have recovered or left.

"There's something really wrong here, Naoya…maybe something we've overlooked..."

Elska would usually find her laying across Naoya's lap to be more of a private act but is so worn out by the day's stress that she chooses to not care.

"I think Sukuna said something about recognizing Getou's technique. He made it sound like he was special or along those lines..."

She's trying to remember the words the cursed relayed but it's all pretty hazy as she was not in the best way at the time.

"Sukuna seemed familiar with it…"

Choso and Naoya stiffen to this immediately.

Naoya is scouring his brain for he knows there's something he's been missing as for as Getou is concerned; the guy's whole story is questionable. His amber eyes stay honed into the shifted coffee table in front of them while he tries to figure out what this all could insinuate.

"I don't think we can just ask Sukuna, right?"

Naoya looks over to Itadori sleeping in the bed unsure how to quell his rage with that particular situation as he knows the boy himself isn't to blame. He's not even sure why he asked that out loud; know pretty well that it could never be that easy.

"That would also mean risking repetition and I just don't think I can handle that right now. Let's try asking Itadori when he wakes instead, its all we've got."

Choso glances over to Naoya, prompted by the subject.

"You know, I wondered if you had ancient techniques. I saw the light that day when I was healing her."

Naoya looks over to him attentively and nods confirmation.

"Yes. I inherited scalar warfare."

The being lights up; his theory about their changing shaman society supported.

"I believe Getou's gravity technique is also an ancient one…though I don't know which clan it would come from. A lot of knowledge has been lost from the shaman age and on top of that, many techniques fizzled away despite having offspring."

Choso brings his hands together and leans over until his elbows rest on his thighs.

"I never trusted Getou's story of being orphaned. I think his ties in this are much deeper than we are aware of Naoya."

The being also then looks to Itadori, worried about what could have happened with Getou to make his body disappear.

Naoya is troubled by this but can't deny that it would make sense.

"He is indeed capable of great power; I've been calculating it. I was planning to deal with him after he helped me with Gojo but that's been falling apart for some time now."

His breath ceases as he didn't mean to casually speak about Satoru's demise in front of her, knowing that it upset her before.

"But I'm with you Cho. I also don't think his goal was to truly become an elder either…he doesn't really care for them that much."

Choso is anxious. 

"But how did he survive that? I didn't even remotely hold back...quite the opposite actually."

He shakes his head, baffled, but places a hand lightly on Elska's foot.

"I am very sorry that I allowed that to happen earlier. It was my responsibility to oversee your protection and I failed to do so."

Elska looks at Choso, tilting her head.

"I do not blame either of you…why would you act as if you did it yourself?"

She tries to give Choso a heartwarming smile to reinforce her sincerity but it doesn't seem to make him feel that much better.

"I am so thankful for the you of two."

She brings her left hand from her side to graze it along Naoya's chest until she tucks her fingers between his right shoulder and the couch, "…so thankful."

Footsteps are being heard nearing them and their eyes all take to the door as it swings open.


Toji hops over the couch to take view of her, kneeling down excitedly.

"Please, come here, Elska!"

Naoya helps her swing her legs over to the front of him so she can stand and as soon as she does, Toji's arms lift her up in an emotional embrace.

"We've all missed you so much…"

Toji inhales deeply to her scent and forms a large, amorous grin.

"Doll, its been so hard. So fucking hard..."

He squeezes her a little tighter, kisses her cheek but then sees Itadori in his bed and lets out a short laugh of relief.

"I'm so glad you both are alright."

He spins her around once before putting her back down on her feet. His hand blankets her left shoulder blade and she seems to understand that his eyes are sorrowful over her wing.

"I'm fine now, please, don't worry!"

She smiles up to Toji as his eyes shimmer a slight glow. Their illuminated timeless gaze restores vaults that had previously been pillaged by misfortune. Elska can literally feel Toji's presence calm itself, like hers is doing the longer they search each other and find answers to questions no one knows to even ask. One thing of importance does strike her though as her instincts strive for the men to get along as best as possible.

"They did everything they could to keep me safe Toji, please understand that they are not the enemy here."

"I know Doll, don't worry…"

He's still angry that she was taken to begin with but he's not wanting his first moments seeing her to be ruined by pointing fingers.

"I'm just glad you both are back."

Toji hugs her again, closing his eyes to exhale a mountain of weight. He smiles above her as he realizes that someone so tiny could be such a large part of his life. 

"Oh and...you'll be proud doll..."

Elska looks up with watery eyes, half laughing.

"You didn't fight with Sati a single time while I was gone?!"

Toji abruptly cackles, overly gratified to have her there to even make jokes.

"You know those happened...Gojo's a fucking nut. But no, doll...I finally told Megumi…"

Elska pulls away from him to cup his cheek with sincerity.

"I'm so proud of you!"

That bit of information sends her heart soaring since she has an idea of how much that means to them both. Megumi deserves to have the recognition of his dad and Toji deserves to give himself a chance with his son.

"You'll be a great father to him!"

Toji seems to have less faith in himself but nods to her anyways. Bringing up his son prompts him to reach in his pocket for his cell.

"I have to tell Megs that the kid's back!"

He's grinning so hard now as he waits for the line to pick up, walking over to Itadori to check him over.

Naoya stands up now and feels much more comfortable being there after seeing Toji's back to his usual self again…although he's never known the giant to be so gentle.

His hand reaches out for hers that's by her side and uses his thumbs to lightly graze over her fingers. She turns around and smiles at him and he notices that the affection they've been sharing still cements into her expression. Naoya feared in the back of his mind that her feelings might dissipate upon their return being as outside of those four walls, others aside from themselves exist.

He's compelled to bring his other hand to brush through her hair as their electricity magnetizes them into each other. When she rests her head under his, the embrace Naoya performs is natural but he stiffens when he notices Toji eyes carefully watching them while on the phone. Naoya can't help but feel that his cousin looks a little shocked over their interaction.

"I think that's enough Zenin…"

Satoru stands in the doorway with hateful eyes as he sees Elska comfortably settled in Naoya's arms.

He slowly walks around the couch to them and can't ignore his anger as they fail to separate from each other. He places a hand on Elska's shoulder to pull her away from him but Satoru's face twists into a deeper scowl as her hands clutch Naoya's robes and she turns coldly away.

Gojo retracts his hand, doing his best to not jump to conclusions but something is definitely off.


"Sati, please…"

Elska doesn't know how to react to Satoru right now.

A large part of her is happy to see him but she's resolved to not ignore the fact that he likely offered her to Sukuna. When she finally brings her gaze to his, Gojo's expression is so frightening that it procures a foreboding chill through her body. His darkened eyes leave her and narrow more as they take to Naoya.

Naoya reciprocates Gojo's glare as he holds Elska, feeling her apprehension.

"Back off, Gojo."

Satoru laughs madly to this as he turns around to Toji who's no longer speaking on the phone.

"Do you see this shit?"

Gojo is in disbelief as he's waited all this time holding on to the moment that he could see her again.

His love.

The hurt in his voice bellows through the room as he cannot comprehend why she's acting so hostilely to him. Toji seems to be hurt too as he's beginning to understand that her and Naoya share a deep connection now. Satoru turns back to Elska and Naoya, ignoring Choso behind them.

"Love…what the fuck is going on here? Do you fucking hate me now or something?"

Elska pulls herself from Naoya who reluctantly releases his hold around her. She walks towards Satoru with her fists down by her sides, expecting his expression to weaken but it doesn't.

"No I do not hate you but we have a lot of shit to discuss Sati…"

"Did lover boy here dick you down so well that you forgot that you're MY FUCKING WOMAN?! ACTING LIKE HIS WHORE NOW?!"

Gojo has lost his patience over this situation and is yelling at the top of his lungs. He's so blinded by his own rage that he didn't see her hand coming. When her palm fiercely connects to his cheek he stumbles back in bewilderment.


He sees her tearing up as he places his own hand to the stinging spot where she slapped him back to sense, understanding that he went too far with his tantrum.


Naoya steps in between them gritting his teeth.

"If you ever speak to her like that again I will put you in the ground Gojo."

The Zenin increases his presence to display his willingness and strength to uphold that. The golden flash of light travels over him before abruptly disappearing. 

"You're only alive because she wishes it so."

Naoya feels Choso grabbing his shoulders and decides to collect himself since he sees Toji coming up behind Gojo.

Toji spins Gojo around as if he's scolding a youth, unable to tolerate the level of disrespect.

"What the fuck would possess you say that for, Gojo? Is that how you really feel about her? That's what she's going to think you fucking moron!"

Satoru won't meet his gaze as his eyes also tear up and he drops to his knees.

"I didn't mean to!"

Gojo feels completely out of sorts as his heart breaks before them all.

"I just…FUCK!"

He stands back up quickly and warps next to Elska, grabbing her shoulders.

"Love, please…I'm sorry I didn't mean that…"

He hears Toji grunt to him teleporting and Naoya hollers, "HEY!".

Elska places her hands over Gojo's and squeezes them before softly speaking.

"Sati, I'm very angry with you right now and the reason as to why will have to wait because we have bigger issues at hand."

She notices him flinch to her words but remains adamant.

"My love…I just…"

"We need to focus on Getou, Sati."

She can tell how much he's agonizing over her reaction to him and feels a pit form in her stomach. Her hand cups his right cheek, him sighing in relief with closed eyes to her touch. His presence calms immediately and when his eyes open again they're back to their usual light blue hue.

"There's something wrong here, Sati..."

She looks to the being.

"I watched Choso kill him before I fed but by the time Naoya came back, Getou was gone."

Satoru feels her hand pulling away now but holds it to his face with his own while he internalizes this information.

He's always wondered why exactly Getou held such fucking grudge and can't help but feel that knowing would probably shed some light on this mystery.

"The cunt's kinda strong strong but he isn't invincible…"

Gojo drops his gaze to the ground which is when he sees the bloodied yukata, furrowing his brow.

He crouches down to pick it up and hears Elska begin to explain that she changed out of it but he shushes her before turning to Naoya.

"Were you two playing fucking house or what? What the fuck is this traditional shit doing here?"

Elska can call the signs of Gojo's personality switches better than anyone. She knows him all too well and befalls familiar apprehension as his unhinged interrogation continues.

"...Sati, please...let it go..."

Satoru's voice has lowered and he can't seem to take his eyes off of the Zenin blue cloth, picturing his love in another man's colors. He harshly throws the bundle at Naoya as he waits impatiently for an explanation.


His stormy eyes narrow again as he glares at Naoya and begins to build up energy to attack.


Elska leaps forward and grabs the energized hand of Satoru's to pull it away from Naoya.


But Gojo flings her off of his arm as if she were an insignificant fly needing to be swat at and she falls backwards.

Toji ends up putting a hand out and catches her balance through her back but looks extremely pissed off that he had to, to begin with.

"God damn it Gojo, you're just going to keep digging yourself in deeper aren't ya?"

The giant's eyes begin to glow as he grits his teeth and tries to remain calm knowing they all need their strength. The outfit in question does raise some speculation though so in order to help alleviate confusion, he calmly asks Elska.

"Doll, is that why you're in my clothes?"

She nods to him sheepishly as she's clearly not wanting to explain as to why anymore, leading him to become aware that something else indeed transpired.

Elska's now watching Naoya's body language as he doesn't seem eager to back down but rather is waiting for Satoru to make his move.

"Naoya…please don't. This isn't what at all what I want or what needs to be going on!"

Naoya glances to her regretfully as he's not wanting to upset her but she also has to understand that he can't cower before Gojo. Its simply not an option unless he wants to die because predators like Satoru search for weaknesses to prey upon.

Gojo begins ominously walking closer to them so Elska runs to get in between them as she sees Choso reaching to block Gojo.

"Doll, don't in between them right now..."

Toji tries to grab her arm but she's determined to stop this.

"Get the fuck off of me, hybrid."

Gojo shrugs Choso's hand away but when he returns his gaze to Naoya he sees Elska in front of him with her arms out to the sides, defending the Zenin.

Naoya is sure that he's going to have to try and put Gojo down now and doesn't trust that in his craze that Gojo won't hurt her too. He quietly but regretfully informs Elska something he wishes weren't true.

"It doesn't look like we can't avoid this fight after all..."

Naoya's hands meet her waist as he's trying to comfort her the best he can given the situation but is weary overall.

"Baby, you need to move…"


Gojo sneers as his view switches back and forth from Naoya and her.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me…"

His eyes ultimately land down to Elska though and he's beside himself with the expression he's receiving from her.

"Sati…you are NOT to fucking touch Naoya do you understand me?!"

Glowing and persistent eyes hone into him with the heart wrenching warning.

"Or else what, love? Are you going to fight me?"

Gojo's deeply saddened by how this is turning out but he's also angered by the fact that Naoya has seemingly planted his roots so deeply into her that she's willing to challenge him. He corrects his previous tangent over Naoya's involvement with her.

'Turns out I am extremely bothered by this.'

"We're supposed to be on the same side Sati!"

She yells into his face as her voice breaks from emotion.

"But if you won't let it go then... I'll be forced to!"

Atypically fired up, she looks around the room to reiterate in case there was any misunderstanding.


Her presence increases rapidly as she feels her limbs and chest begins to shake. Gojo reacts to her stance and sends a fist through the wall next to Naoya's head and she, without delay, roars and pushes Satoru backwards with all of her might.

Gojo stumbles and without thinking, releases the energy towards her that he had brewing in his hand but his heart drops immediately as it leaves his body, and soars towards her.

Naoya quickly grabs Elska and spins them around so that his body would protect hers from the attack but as he braces for the impact, it never lands. He hears Toji huff in annoyance and after turning to see what happened, gathers that Toji shielded them both.

Toji says nothing at first, he just glares into Gojo's shattered expression as he can genuinely tell that dick never meant to attack her. He's torn with what to do because although he completely understands why Gojo is so worked up about Naoya he also firmly believes that was a line he should never have crossed.

"Doll, why don't you two take a little walk…"

Toji eyes Choso to wordlessly ask him to stay behind and help with Satoru, witnessing the being's shock over the exchange that just took place.

Elska doesn't move initially, she's too provoked up and feeling shaken at the fact that her and Satoru just got physical with each other. She looks over to him as he sits defeatedly in silence before Toji, seeming more broken than ever.


But he doesn't look up to her or even make it known that her voice reached him.

Toji turns around though and placidly offers suggestions.

"Doll it's going to be alright, just go get changed or something. Everyone just needs to cool the fuck off right now before more regrettable shit happens."

Toji is desperately trying to address the mood of the room but to no real avail. He looks behind to Naoya and gestures for them to leave so the Zenin cautiously leads her toward the door.

"Come on, show me where your room is?"

Naoya's words are sweet but he can't mask his face that is dead in expression as he struggles to simply walk away after witnessing that.

He knew Gojo couldn't be trusted with her and now feels he has the proof and is hoping that the severity of his actions are causing his soul to weep.

'If Gojo even fucking has one…'.

He guides the quiet Elska out of the room though and they walk in silence for a moment before they near the end of the hall and she drops to the floor sobbing.

"This is…all my fault…"

Elska heaves in air and chokes back on her tears as she feels Naoya putting her back to her feet.

"I don't know…what I was expecting…but I knew better…"

She wraps her arms around herself as the weight of her heart being divided crushes her with the consequences.

"He has every right to be angry with me. He's supposed to be my boyfriend but I just declared my investment into another! I'm driving Sati insane because I can't keep my legs closed..."

Naoya pushes her against the wall at this exact instant and lifts her chin with his fingers to meet his gaze.

"Elska, NO."

She continues to cry and try to look away but he won't let her.

"We've done what we've done but what we have is pure, baby, you know this. There's no stopping something of this caliber."

His attempts don't seem to be helping her any but he continues.

"Gojo should never have went after you like that."

He feels the golden light flash over him as he's straining to control his own violent feelings.

"He almost hit you with his energy Elska...that's not a normal punch or slap, not that any of that would be acceptable...but he went the extra mile with it. That's not normal princess."

She's still fighting him to meet eyes and because of what he's saying, her metaphorical distance brings him to apprehension.

He totally gets where she's coming from and why she feels the need to burden this but at the same time, Naoya simply knows in his heart that they're supposed to be together so none of this would've mattered to anyways.

"I'm sorry for intruding on your life and aiding your predicament, Elska."

Naoya takes a deep breath and sighs.

"But I refuse to pretend that our chemistry isn't extraordinary. I would not interject myself into any other situation that already involved other men for the world but I'm doing it for you with little doubt in my mind."

Her eyes communicate that she understands where he's coming.

"And I..."

Elska gives an uncertain smile.

"I would usually not cheat on my significant other with his potential rival..."


Naoya despises her culpability over their relationship especially when he considers how undeserving Gojo is to have her heart. How are they considered the bad guys when Satoru literally kidnapped and abused her for years?

"Don't say things like that baby..."

In their moment of transparency, Naoya dips down to deeply and tenderly place his lips upon her own. He was half expecting her to pull away but to his surprise her body's tension releases. His hands end up on the sides of her face as he decides to steal her worries with the extended kiss, exhaling into her with such heaviness as he finds himself recognizing peace as well. When he breaks away, he leans his forehead into her own and sweetly soothes down into her as he brushes their noses together.

"We will figure this out, I promise…"

The ability Naoya has to bring her back from despair never ceases to amaze her. He's trying so hard to console her and she's upset at herself for throwing the pity party in the first place.

She still feels guilt and will not accept otherwise as she knows she's a big reason as to why Satoru is coming apart at the seams but Naoya helps her feel a little better about it. He pulls away from her face and she follows him with her eyes as his hands drop down to her shoulders.


She smiles as her eyes tear up again, not meaning for the mixture of feelings to blend and come out looking so sad.

Understanding that she has a lot going on, Naoya simply moves one hand behind her back and asks with flirty smirk.

"Would this princess like a lift?"

Elska can't help but chuckle through her tears as she agrees to being carried away. When he scoops her up and continues to walk them with her direction, she wishes that all moments in life were as simple as this; as self-explanatory as their fondness for one another. 

They reach the room and he sets her back onto her feet before walking through the door. Naoya's finding it a little weird being in there considering it was the room her and Gojo shared but he's doing his best to appear unbothered.

Seeing their environment and knowing that Satoru Gojo has everything in the world but takes it all for granted makes Naoya oddly uneasy. It doesn't make sense to him how a man could have a woman like Elska and treat her so poorly. He finds himself wondering how Gojo could be brought to harm her in all the ways that he has before and it sickens him to know she's been with him for almost five years now.

He doesn't like how much opportunity that's given him to hurt her.

While she's searching for clothes he thinks to check the bathroom out of inquisitiveness. He opens the door and turns on the light switch.

"Just as I thought."

He scoffs with disdain.

"A standard tub."

He turns his nose up to this before orienting back into the room but Elska quietly pokes her head in to see who he was talking to.

"What are you doing, Naoya?"

She's no longer crying but the puffiness remains as she smiles to him curiously.

"I was uhhh…"

He's not sure what to say to avoid sounding like a weirdo so he just fumbles out the truth.

"…this tub is too small baby and I don't know why you're being punished with it."

He's being serious but finds her giggles infectious as some leave him as well.

Elska looks up to princely blonde man who she's come to feel she's known her entire life. The yellow light brightens his features, giving her extreme detail to the amorous way his gaze lingers.

"You're so strange sometimes, you know that?"

She's walking away, nearing the shaman outfit she laid out on the edge of the bed.

"And it's one of the many things I like about you, Naoya Zenin…".

The words uplift his horrible mood and he finds himself leaning against the wall, lovingly watching her as she changes her clothes. He could study her all day and never get bored. His eyes happen notice that the panties she put on were close in shade to the Zenin blue and his face unintentionally beams as he questions if that was on purpose or not. Either way, it makes him feel like she and all of her…beauty…is his.

As she's finishing straightening out her uniform, Naoya forgets all of the looming dangers their involved with, the sorrow they've felt, and the hatred that's brewed and walks up slowly behind her.

She turns around immediately, throws her arms around his neck and they lean into a passionate battle of tongues. He hums into her, something she's learning is behavioral by this point but the bass in his voice causes her to whimper at how seductive she finds him to be. When he hoists her up, she wraps her legs around him as they moan into each other lustfully.

As much as a part of him would love to, he decides against bringing her to the bed out of respect for her feelings over Gojo. Naoya instead sits her down on one of the dressers that has a larger mirror fastened into the wall behind it.

"I just put these on too…"

She whines halfheartedly while allowing her expression to show that she really doesn't give a damn about the clothes.

"You don't have to take anything off…"

Naoya seductively responds and rubs her through her panties while watching her body arch in pleasure. He doesn't even comprehend how they've ended up like this but reason left him the moment he put her down on the dresser.

Through her gasps and high-pitched moans, Elska fights to express herself.

"It's so weird…we probably shouldn't...do this..."

She finds herself distracted by Naoya's groans in her ear that were likely a reaction to feeling how wet she is.

"But this…you…I want you, Naoya."

He's slipping past her panties, inserting two fingers into her as he brings his head back to stare into her with his half-lidded eyes. Her arousal coats his hand but her words blanket his entirety as they were everything he's wanted to hear.


Naoya chuckles quietly, raising a hand to remind her of where they are and how outlandish they're currently being.

"You already have me."

Her lips are parted into a smile until she bites her bottom one from his wonderful angling but while their eyes are still locked, she whimpers intention.

"Then give me the part of you that I need."

As always, thank you for reading <3

and stay P E R V Y for next week's chapter...for it definitely gets **perveted**.

Sassoodacreators' thoughts