
Worlds Away (JJK AU)

A powerful shaman woman who has unique abilities and background finds herself in the middle of an immense power struggle between the top major clans. Her heart beats for Satoru but their love is challenged time and again by others that also wish to have her but what does she really know without all of her memories? Can she figure out her past while still building a future? Will her heart be torn on who to love?

Sassooda · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


An icy cold gust cuts through.

Suguru opens his eyes but continues to only perceive darkness. He lies there a moment absorbed in the endless black thinking that it would all end any second now.

'Am I...dead?'

Curiously, he touches his face but freezes in a stunned manner when he can tell that his hands are somehow way smaller than before. He bends his fingers at the knuckle only to feel tiny soft tips curling into his palm.

"What the hell is going on?!"

But the recognition of his own voice sends him for a loop. It's scratchy and higher in pitch much like a child's would be.

'Where am I?'


Getou waits for a response or even an echo but finds himself utterly alone in the endless silence. Panic brings his feet beneath him so he frantically begins willing his body, having no idea where to should go.

'Why can't I see anything? What is wrong with me?!'


His first step is accomplished but he trips over the now excessively large suit draped around him. While fighting his limbs through the pinstriped material frustration boils as the weight from the fabric continues to trap and confuse him.


A face flashes before his mind; a face that held eyes of pure scorn.

This is when Suguru recalls Choso attacking him.

The pain from the hybrid's violent attack seems to reinstate its presence throughout his body just as that vicious black energy burned its way through his entirety.

Getou remembers seeing Elska beneath him, crying and wanting to get away. He was in the process of forcing himself into her but then it starts to go blank after he recalls being pinned by the being.

"So ultimately it was Choso that tried to kill me…"

He feels saddened by this but only because he put more trust in him than Naoya.

"I never would have suspected him..."


Those regurgitated words catch his retention snap Getou into a rage as he feels like a fool for being so arrogant.

"So he knew this entire time…"

 Kechizu and Eso.

 —————The Past—————

Kechizu was always interested about the world that he was hidden from, given his physical form that resembled more of a curse than human. He would constantly snoop around, learning whatever he could so that he could work with Choso one day.

"I'm going to be just like him!"

This would be what Kechi always said upon a new discovery. The young boy craved knowledge and thoroughly enjoyed figuring things out and he understood the vastness of the world without ever having explored.

Getou never particularly disliked the little fellow but found him obnoxious with the lack of privacy he was awarded at first while the bugger was around. Every time Suguru turned around the little curse would be checking out his personal books as if he were a library or Kechi would pick up little trinkets from his room and "cursify" them.

This is in reference to how the trinkets would look covered in a clear glaze. Kechi would simply get excited and involuntarily slime on them. Of course, he'd also try to clean it up but when every extremity is oozing, Kechi found it best to set whatever down and run. The annoyance of the little curse lifted though as it was clear to Suguru that Kechizu seemed to look up to him as well. 

Getou never understood how anyone could be so fond of someone like himself but because of the curse's judgeless love, they were actually very close when it was all said and done.

One day, while Choso was tasked with following the vessel and Eso was out searching for more of their brothers, Kechizu snuck his way into Getou's room to study some more Suguru's books. He found the material collected on the Titer clan that lived on the shelves to be extremely enlightening as that clan was one of his favorites.

"They can really do ANYTHING!"

Kechizu would innocently inform Eso and Choso of Titer superiority often enough. He found the metaphysical nature of their techniques to be so overwhelmingly thrilling that he could never get enough of the literature.

The young boy was sprawled out over the floor while lying on his stomach, turning the pages with excited kicking feet in the air until he heard the knob turn.

"Uh oh! I should hide!"

Getou enters the room with another man, a Titer at that. They were clearly in the midst of deep conversation so Kechizu quietly waited in the bathroom with the door cracked, not wanting to interrupt them yet and be rude. His eyes gloss over the yellow robes of the man beside Getou and his smiles open widely.


The Titer has short black buzzed hair and a weathered but strong face with dark brown eyes. His aura seems to yearn for respect.

"This will take some time but we've been preparing for generations for an opportunity like this. A little longer won't hurt you."

The nameless man in yellow robes states this as he looks around the room feeling it was not up to par with his own standards.

Getou shifts his stance before taking his suit coat off.

"Do I really have to fight for her though? She's already been tainted by Gojo."

His face scrunches in displeasure as he pictures them together, not wanting anything to do with Satoru or Elska.

"Yes of course, we need her. Stop being such a fucking child. We don't have time for your personal feelings on the matter. This is bigger than the both of us."

The disdain in the Titer's voice was obvious as he lifts his head in haughtiness.

Getou sighs.

"Yea well you're not the one expected to dip your fucking dick into her…it's like having the sloppiest seconds. She's been used up."

Getou then walks across the room to open the blinds, revealing a fake ocean scene in a sculpted window.

"How am I supposed to appease the Elders and Zenin's with this act and still capture her? That's a lot of shit to be responsible for. Meanwhile, you sit on the throne unbothered by any event…"

Getou glares to the Titer now.

"My throne that is…"

Kechizu gasps inside the bathroom.

"Suguru is really a Titer!?"

He immediately finds a new love for his older brother's boss.


He almost bursts through the door but calms himself as he feels their conversation is almost over.

Kechizu thinks about how this all rather baffling. He always talks about the Titers but Getou never showed any inkling of actually being one himself.

'Why wouldn't he tell anyone?'

A heavy ball of anxiety forms inside of Kechizu because none of it makes sense.

The Titer straightens his robes as if to show he's unaffected by Getou's words.

"We still have Toji Fushiguro. He will undoubtedly have the opportunity to get close to Elska Oda, we've seen it."

The Titer smiles.

"After he's done his part you can eliminate him though because the youngest, Naoya Zenin, will step in shortly after to keep her guard down. There's bad blood there anyways, correct? He'll no longer be of use and he's too much of a threat to leave idle regardless of the absence of his cursed energy. Toji Fushiguro is a monster all of his own."

Kechizu doesn't like the sound of this.

"Eliminate Mr. Toji?"

He feels sorrow flood him as he could not bare to have this knowledge. Toji was always so nice to him and his brothers! Mr. Toji would tell him about his son Megumi, whom Kechi always wanted to play with so he has love for the small Fushiguro family.

There's a long chain around Kechizu's neck that he now firmly grasps. It was a gift from when Toji had to travel to a temple that laid on the outskirts of the country.

"Here you go kid, here's a Buddha for ya! He liked to study too!"

A frustrated tear forms in his eye as he feels the Titer before him has crushed his expectations of the great clan. He's unable to tame his broken heart as he barrels through the door with heartache.


Kechizu's initially yelling but afterwards he begins rubbing the tears from his eyes,

"He's… he's our friend…tell him Suguru!!!"

Kechi looks up to see the horror wash over Getou's wide eyes as the man bends down to hug him.

The Titer steps away in disgust as he takes in Kechizu's unique appearance.

"What is this...creature?!" 

The curse's skin is blue and dry but his body is round, swollen and deformed looking. Where the stomach should lie is a gaping mouth with large jagged and spaced-out teeth. Another mouth exists higher up on his face, at least a normal sized one but his eyes are hollowed caverns that show only sockets.

"My God, how terrible!"

"His name is Kechizu and he's one of the clan's biggest fans you insufferable fuck."

Getou holds the crying curse gently.

"What are you doing in here Kechi?"

He's worried now.

"You shouldn't be in my room unattended little one…"

"I…I just wanted to read more about the Titers…"

Kechizu lifts his head and glares to the Titer.

"But there's no way you're one of them, you're not a nice man at all!"

He doesn't understand why that man is wearing the yellow robes when he clearly is evil.

The Titer scoffs as he sees Getou's uncharacteristic attitude involving the thing.

"So you heard all of that, did you?"

He brings his gaze slowly to Getou.

"This thing is a risk now…you need to get rid of it."

Getou can feel his eyes widening and his fury growing,


He stands with the boy hugging the front of his legs.

"He's just a child! I WILL HANDLE THIS."

Getou's fears come to fruition as he worries for the young boys safety.

The Titer is annoyed by this as Getou fails to understand that there's no room for error.

"900 years Suguru…what part about this do you not comprehend?"

He looks back down to the boy and smirks,

"If you're too weak to deal with this…then I will."

He sees Getou trying to move the thing so he aims his palm at the child's head and unleashes a force into his skull.


Getou activates his gravity and slams the Titer into place before dropping to his knees to see the struggling Kechi in front of him. The young curse writhes for a few seconds but now lays motionless, albeit still breathing.


He runs his hands over the boy's head caringly as tears well in his eyes.

'No…not him…'

The angry Titer is still clobbered into the floor but is able to muster the reply.

"He can't ruin this if he can't think. You're too soft Suguru, this is your own fault!"

He tries to push his body up but Getou increases the pressure until his left arm snaps and his humerus bone slices through skin.


The Titer now wails in pain as he's still unable to move.

Getou shakes Kechizu in front of him.


Tears form in his eyes as the limp child is unable to respond.


"He will…never be able to speak or articulate again…I had no…choice!"

The Titer now yells in a rage to the pain in his arm and body. Getou increases the pressure further until the ulnar and radial bones splinter through his skin from the odd manner in which he was pinned. The Titer is powerless to stop Getou so his wrath only builds as he's forced into the floor.



Getou's still holding the boy but his eyes are glossed over in anger and resentment.


He rocks Kechizu and coos quietly, shattered by state the boy is in.


The Titer demands as he's only concerned with his broken pride.


Suguru darts his sharpened and agonizing eyes towards the Titer. Getou imagines the man's head exploding from the pressure like a well-squeezed fruit. He pictures the mess the Titer's innards would create from the collapse of his pathetic body but despite the carnage to ensue, Getou feels as though it would be just.

Suguru raises his hand, narrows his eyes and decides that death is the only answer but suddenly, his late mentor flashes across his eyes.

Getou releases the yellow robed man reluctantly as his tears fall to Kechizu in his lap.

"I'm so sorry Kechi…I'm so…so sorry…"

"You should put the thing out of it's misery, it won't live much longer."

The Titer dusts his robes while gripping his useless arm and stands over the two of them.

"So disgusting…"

"This is…Choso's baby brother you fucking idiot!"

Getou glares heatedly at the man looming over them.


Getou now feels his stomach drop as Kechizu coughs blood in his lap and begins to wheeze. He holds the young boy closer.

"Kechi…Kechi no…"

Suguru begins to cry as he understands that the sweet, innocent boy is dying before him.

"You should've been more careful Suguru…as I've already stated, this is your fault."

The Titer man is unable to grasp how such a bond could've been formed between them but doesn't feel the slightest bit of guilt.

"What a horrific little thing that is. End his suffering."

Getou doesn't want to move but watches Kechizu slowly lift his hand over his own heart.


It was something the boy did as he'd say I love you to which Getou fights through shaking breaths and tears.

"I…I love you too Kechi…and so do your brothers…we love you so very, very much…"

The wheezing intensifies as more blood ejects from both of his mouths now. A sharp cry leaves Suguru as his world crumbles under the guilt. He cannot stand to see Kechizu suffering like this but also cannot be the one to steal his life. 


Gurgling whimpers bubble from the curses core, thus leading Getou to don a mask he wishes never was made.

"I'm going to make the pain go away, ok? It will be like you're taking a nap, just like every day..."

Suguru tries to smile to ensure the curse's piece of mind but bursts into tears.

"This will be over soon…don't be…don't be afraid."

He wipes his eyes and leans over the boy now who seems to be smiling faintly.

"I'm so sorry Kechi…"

Is all Getou can say as he crushes the curse with the strongest gravity he's ever mustered. The sound was horrifying and inescapable; flesh pancaked under the weight of his own hatred and inadequacies. Suguru's arms now drop to his sides as the boy's body was instantly flattened while in his hold. He picks up and clutches the distorted Buddha chain, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Let that be a lesson. No one can know what we're doing. You are nobody Suguru. You're feelings are irrelevant, your desires unnecessary. You live as a beacon to your people.

The Titer then disappears.

 ————-The Present————– 

As the emotional memory rakes away at his cold heart, Getou forms a single tear and screams into the nothingness he's surrounded by.

He cared about Kechizu so much and only wanted to foster his growth. He wonders now if the Buddha chain disappearing was Choso all along.

'How long has he known?'

He screams a mixed fury again.

A light appears ahead, a streetlamp to be exact.

"The Last Level?"

Suguru understands where he is now although he's perplexed as to how he got here of all places.

There's nothing else aside the beacon itself but adrenaline decides to walk Getou towards it, tripping over the mass of clothing surrounding his body. His vision is fuzzy as the tears haven't quite stopped yet and he can't tell if he's even nearing it because he cannot compare it to anything else.

But suddenly, it begins to flicker.

He's staring up now, left without time to react as the streetlamp whooshes and moves to instantly be hanging overhead.

"It wants to show me something?"

When he brings his gaze down, Suguru is now met with a large single paned window but what he sees makes him cry out.

"Master Genghis!?" 

His mentor is tied down to a large, flat wooden table. The thick, stained leather straps wrench into Genghis's sweat soaked skin and intestines are strung out along his lower body; some resting on the sides of him.

Suguru turns his head away out of shock, squeezing his eyes shut and trembling from the horrific scene.

Why is his mentor being shown in such a way?

Is the Last Stage capable of fabrication?

Genghis's struggling grunts reach his pupil. In a fit, Getou launches to his feet and uses his tiny fists to beat on the window but there's no reciprocating sound to justify his efforts. Genghis can't hear him at all.

'What is going on?!'

Suguru's mind squalls into panic as he continuously shouts his mentor's name.


Getou proceeds to scream his name until the door leading out of the room swings open. With a slacked jaw, Suguru helplessly observes as another individual, covered by a black cloak enters.

The mysterious man removes his hood revealing the dried blood already sticking to his hands.

"Satoru Gojo?"

Suguru gasps.

"NO…no…this can't be…"

The little Getou is frozen in terror when he begins to comprehend what he's being shown. 

The adolescent silver shaman is giddily looking over his work, yanking on some of the innards as Genghis moans in pain. He can't hear what the young Gojo is saying but is more than aware of Genghis's torture as his strained voice blares through his space.

He sees Satoru reach inside his mentor's chest cavity, pulling at a rib to break it backwards, opening the man further.


Getou can't take his eyes away as he helplessly watches his mentor's bones being snapped and bent outwards.


Genghis's eyes are rolling in the back of his head as Getou seems to put together that he's under some kind of paralytic that immobilizes but allows him to still feel everything. Getou now notices the line up of organs in jars on an adjacent counter top and his eyes widen as he notes a stomach, gall bladder, spleen and an appendix that have the initials T.G. next to them.


But nothing is able to penetrate the eerie scene in front of him, he can only frantically scream as Gojo continues to bend and break his rib cage open one wet snap at a time.

Getou forms the true assumption that Gojo is slowly removing his organs while he's still alive.


After breaking the last rib back on Genghis's left side, he watches Gojo grab a scalpel that he infuses his blue energy into.

Getou bangs on the windows violently as the unbothered and overly joyed Satoru leans in and cuts something.

Master Genghis blinks his eyes, facing Getou but whispers to Gojo.

"You will...never...be...the King." 

Gojo is now thrown into a spiral as Genghis dies in this moment. Satoru can be seen frantically grabbing a small sauntering iron that he brings into his mentor's gaping cavity, likely placing it against whichever piece of flesh he mistakenly sliced open but Getou can tell it was no use by the silver teen's expression.

In a frantic last attempt to keep his experiment alive, Satoru shoves his hand through the gruesome mess to snatch and jump start Genghis's heart. The hatred in the young Silver Shaman's eyes should have been enough to scare anyone back to life but Satoru slumps forward, resting his face into the gore and screams madly.

Getou is still unable to make out what Gojo is saying but jumps back terrified as Satoru erects himself to repeatedly stab the body of his mentor in a fit of rage. Suguru can see the shaman's bright blue eyes darken and his face turning red from the shouting tantrum. Blood flies all over the shaman in pattern to his movement and splatters the walls with esoteric visuals.

Getou knows that the life has left Genghis's eyes so he defeatedly drops to his knees in loss while the images sear into his mind. He's in disbelief, unsure of what to make of the horrors that were before him.

"...Master Genghis."

He's been told of this story before but never understood how terrible it was.

"Those were supposed to be my last moments…"

Getou hears this familiar voice but it's absent of agony and full of kindness. A comforting hand lands onto his shoulder.

With hope, Getou jumps to his feet in the darkness, simultaneously growing back into his adult form. He stares with his mouth open and eyes full of heartbreak evidence as he shockingly sees an unharmed Genghis in front of him.

His mentor smiles.

"Please don't cry Suguru, everything will make sense soon."

Genghis gently brushes a tear away from Getou who is now taller than himself. He grabs both of Getou's shoulders.

"Come with me now…let's go back. Your time has not ended in this world either."

Getou grabs his mentor's left wrist, nods in bewilderment and closes his eyes without even questioning what was happening.

When they open, Getou finds himself in the familiar Titer compound. He rushes to sit up and scours the room for Genghis, clinging to that wonderful feeling of his world having some light. His eyes fall upon the same dickhead Titer that he's always forced to communicate with, Mugoi Kokoro.

The fresh memory of Kechizu's abhorrent murder angers Getou as he glares to the man that forced his hand.

"One day, I will have your fucking head, Kokoro."

But the Titer merely offers an arrogant smirk in response.

'Was it just a dream after all? It felt so...real...'

"You say that now Suguru but you'll be singing a different tune here soon."

He walks towards Getou who is now sitting himself completely up, preparing to hop down from the table. Suguru crashes to the floor though making Mugoi explain.

"You should probably take it easy for a couple of days…you won't have full control back of your body until the technique is finished."

Suguru looks up to him confused.

"Surely you didn't think we'd let you enact this mission without some form of protection? You clearly needed it."

Suguru grunts on the floor as he's unable to stand up.

"You just couldn't lose your precious prized Titer, could you?"

Disappointment annihilates Getou. His chest buzzes with a fury of emotions that tidal his stomach in contempt of false hope over his late mentor. As if his pride wasn't in shambles enough, he now additionally feels idiotic for thinking Genghis would really be waiting for him.

"Precisely. You still have work to do. I too wish it fell upon someone else; someone worthy of such a purpose. Someone like me."

Kneeling down, Kokoro chuckles to Getou's frustrations; they've never seen eye-to-eye. 

"Hopefully you can do more than merely disappoint. I'm not holding my breath however."

"Eat shit, Kokoro. I fucking hate you."

When Suguru's vengeful eyes meet his own, Kokoro wishes he could carve the disrespect out of Getou's expression. He instead composes himself, stands back up and looks down upon Suguru with a agitated voice.

"One day, you will thank me for everything I've done Suguru. I'm quite fed up with your pissy attitude though so perhaps we should start this path now…"

Mugoi glowers to Getou but claps his hands.


Getou has no interest of ever being grateful for Mugoi's existence. He angrily keeps his eyes to the rich Earthy ground as he avoids seeing whatever it was that Kokoro felt so sure would change his attitude. There's another Titer in the room now.

Getou scoffs and turns his body away in a pout but he then hears something that shakes his core and compels him to eagerly look back.

"It's me, Little One…"


Naoya is watching her sleep once again. He's just exited his own shower, being upset that they both couldn't fit to enjoy one together even after she decided that she wanted to.

'I am going to have to do some serious modifying around here…'

She looks so peaceful though, not even stirring so he's sure she's worn out. He stands up in his towel realizing he didn't have shit for clean clothes so he rummages through Toji's drawers once again to find some kind of night apparel at least.


The Zenin drops the towel and dons the dark grey sweatpants, loving how soft they are.

"These are NICE!"

Toji walks in through the unlatching door at this moment. He sees the grinning Naoya in his favorite comfy wear and groans as he'd hoped him to be asleep by this point. He swigs the bottle that he brought back from the cafeteria.

"You're such a shit, I don't think I can say it enough..."

"Ahhh…yes… you never learn any new insults, Toji."

Naoya chuckles under his breath but points.

"Keep it down though, she's already out."

Toji's eyes take to his bed, a sight he's happy to see. Most of his stresses slide off his back now that he knows Elska is back with them.

While in his admiration Naoya snags the bottle and sips from it, ending with a cough.

"God damnit, kid, why do you think everything that's mine is also yours?"

But let's Naoya drink from it more without any real resistance.

"Because you love me fucker!"

Naoya beams a wide smile as he hands the bottle back, completely trusting of Toji's love for him.

"Where's Gojo?"

Toji's eyes take to Elska again as he's now aware of what Gojo was so afraid of when she lost her shit.

"He's still in the cafeteria talking over things with Nanami and the others." 

Satoru explained to them how she was manipulated and captured by the Council of her planet. He also spared no detail to how she horrifyingly dismembered them all after awakening in their captivity.

Descriptions of the blood bath and how much she relished in it sends a chill up Toji's spine. He's always loved Elska's ferocity but what he was hearing about is something else entirely. Apparently Gojo found out about what they were going to try with her and that's why he decided to take her prematurely versus waiting longer. He was actually there and she was in trouble.

Toji mumbles.

"What a fucked up story…"

Naoya looks to him with concern.

"I'll explain later, kid, I'm exhausted."

Toji was aware that she lost a lot of development and abilities after losing her memories but is bothered by how they have no control over some of the changes now.

'What if that happened again?'

He knows Elska would never mean to but the fact that she could've killed everyone earlier doesn't escape him.

'Would this all be different if the Titers never involved? What is their stake in all of this?'

Naoya watches Toji nearing the far side of the bed from where Elska lays.

"What do you think you're doing, Toji?!"

He picks up the bottle while his amber eyes narrowly study the large man crawl into the bed.

"I'm going to sleep you asshole, what does it look like?"

Toji grunts as he lays flat on his back next to Elska who while dreaming rolls over towards him. Toji smiles as he's glad that hasn't changed at least.

"Tch. Well scoot over because I'm sleepy too!"

Naoya is agitated but not overly angry. He just wants to lay next to her as well.

Toji defends his territory in a mean and hasty whisper.

"Like hell you are! This is MY bed!" 

Naoya takes one last gulp from the bottle before setting it down on the still misaligned coffee table in front of the couch. He then swiftly trots over to the bed and sits on the other side of Elska.

"Watch me!"

He's glaring at Toji as he slinks down into the covers and throws an arm over her and settles his chest against her back.

Toji huffs but doesn't protest any further as he's too tired and also knows this will probably be his future now.

"Just...stay over there…"

He wraps his left hand over Elska's right one and lays them both on his chest.

"I haven't been able to have her next to me in what seems like forever. Fuck I missed this..."

He meant to think it but the sentence escaped him. He clears his throat to hide his embarrassment and change the subject.

"We'll probably be feeding tomorrow so I hope you're ready for that boy."

Naoya shifts his legs as he stubbornly takes in those words.

"I told you I can deal with that but you don't have to rub it in my face…"

Naoya inhales deeply as he smells the fruity scents cloaking her hair and leans up lightly to kiss the nape of her neck.

"Don't kiss on her in MY bed GOJO JR!"

Toji had his eyes closed but could hear everything.

Defiantly, Naoya does it again but quieter this time as he smirks. He sighs now though, resting his head back into the pillow.

"Thank you for being so good to her Toji..."

The giant's green eyes now shoot open and he turns his head slightly in Naoya's direction. The Zenin's eyes are already closed although he's positive the boy is still awake.

'Did he really say that?'

Toji finds himself smirking, knowing that he could trust Naoya to always try to protect her as he does himself. He's now settling back into his grey pillow as he brings their hands to his lips to kiss them. He finds that this is the first time he's been completely relaxed ever since Satoru was sealed. He misses having Elska all to himself but understands that she's still very confused as to what she wants. He closes his eyes and finds himself drifting off immediately, his light grip on her hand losing its strength as he nuzzles his chin into the top of her head.


Satoru knows it's late and that Elska is more than likely sleeping but he still wants to check on her. He's a little fired up after explaining to everyone what happened that day in her world. 'That was the day she cut me.' He smiles though as he could never shake the thrill of her power even as it was aimed at him. They had a brief battle since she was frenzied and he was a stranger but this is also when he learned that she could harm him easily. He knew right then in that moment after he watched her slay the hierarchy that she would be incredible to tame.

Gojo loved it; the idea of the power struggle between them. He also loved her wickedness as he felt her brutality could only be matched by his own.

"Things were so much simpler back then…"

He turns the last hallway before meeting his destination, trying to lessen his arousal.

'I would never have thought things to turn out like this.'

He ruminates over the different scenarios he's been thinking of involving her, Naoya and Toji and wonders if he'll ever have her to himself ever again.

'What would happen if I tried to remove them from the equation?'

Satoru halfheartedly thinks it, finding shame within this thought as he's very fond of Toji these days.

When he finds himself in front of the door, Gojo smiles widely before slowly pushing it open only for it to instantly fade.

"I should've expected this I guess…"

He sees Elska sleeping between Toji and Naoya. Naoya has himself pressed up against her as both of their heads lay on different parts of Toji's left arm.


Satoru whips out his phone to take a quick photo knowing that will agitate Toji to no end upon waking up. He snickers as he listens to all three of them breathe in the dark silence of the slowly shrinking room.

"It's about time for us to find another apartment…a large one…"

He sighs as he's forcing himself to relearn mannerisms. Toji and Naoya aren't going anywhere and its kind of his own fault anyways.

"And a ridiculously big bed."

He actually thinks to find one that can fit all four of them.

Gojo sits down on the couch but angles himself so that they're all in his line of sight. He glances over to the bottle and smirks, now leaning forward to grab it. As he takes a sip, he exhales loudly to the hair growing flavor of Nanami's family's illegal beverage. Gojo sits it in his lap as he continues to think more about their future.

'What am I going to do if she actually marries Zenin?'

Truly, that's Satoru's biggest fear as he knows that would eventually guarantee that she would be Naoya's alone.

'I can't just kill him, can I?'

He finds the thoughts mentally arousing but feels a twinge in his chest as that would sadden her beyond repair, while also causing hatred to form against him.

'Toji probably wouldn't like that too much either…'

Gojo still likes Naoya a lot, he just can't help but wonder sometimes.

He grunts mildly while shifting his position in the cushion. He throws his legs over the arm of the couch while leaning to the left as it supports him upright.

'And how are we going to do this sexually?'

Satoru imagines her being surrounded by them and feels his member jump. His tongue subconsciously swipes his lips as all of their hands grab and grope her bare body...how beautiful she'd look overwhelmed by the attention.

'I don't know if she'll go for that though…'

But he proceeds to envision it anyways. His memories and lecherous thoughts with her is all he seems to have nowadays. He's afraid to push her away by getting physical.

Gojo is not certain but he's worried he was...too much last time. It was simply too exciting of a situation for him to contain himself! He doesn't want their first threesome to be their last though so he's been patiently navigating through the situations, hoping another opportunity would arise.

'I definitely want to try it with Naoya…'

He bites his lip thinking about how she never fights the Zenin anymore. The blonde could probably ask to have his way with her and she'd gladly allow it.

Satoru hears Naoya snore and chuckles while trying to figure out what it is about him that is so special.

'He's so fucking goofy, I don't get it!'

But Gojo also knows that's a lie because he, himself is clearly fond of the Zenin as well.

Elska muffles out a dreamy moan that causes Gojo's eyebrow to curiously raise up.


He gets excited again.

Satoru fumbles to a standing position and tip toes toward the foot of the bed. Nothing is happening to his slight dismay but he still loved the sound.

"She must be deep asleep. Possibly having a sexy dream?"

Gojo stares at them and swigs the bottle again once the devious urge to create her moans rile through him.

'What would they do if they woke up to me eating her out?'

He smiles deviously as he pretends they would all be so turned that they would begin administering the same sexual debauchery.

Ideas birth action so Gojo finds himself under the sheets slowly crawling up to her from the foot of the bed. He carefully adjusts her hips away from Naoya as he places her rear flat of the grey sheeted mattress.

"My love…"

He's now on his knees by her ankles as he ravishes over her innocently sleeping form. His hands find themselves cruising up her shins to her knees, which he now carefully bends the left into Naoya and her right one onto Toji's leg. He frowns when he sees her panties, wishing they weren't in the way so this could be easier. With a angled wrist he fondles her sensitive area while biting his lip to the feeling of his growing erection. She moves a little which startles him but the overall excitement keeps him enthused.

He bends his body over, dragging his lips and tongue up the inner part of her right thigh, missing the way she tastes. He wants to nip the skin but knows that may cause him to get caught so he refrains. While slowly pulling her panties aside, he trains his eyes to her to check for subtle movements but she's still out. He smiles before dipping his head down and grazing his tongue over her clitoris and labia, catching himself humming to the sweet flavor that she wields.


He's far more into this than he originally thought he would be. As he orally conquers her body, it reacts, sending lust through him completely.

She's wet.

She's asleep beside her new body guards as he, the thief in the night, steals her lacquer for himself.

He's so overrun with things he wants to do to her but slows himself down and orchestrates his tongue through her core instead. Now she's moaning and lightly whimpering into Toji's neck but hasn't woken up yet.

He pushes her thighs apart further, trying to get as deep into her as he can. He hears Naoya shift and stops completely while remaining in the position of his sensual attack. Naoya's hand unknowingly slides across her stomach only inches away from Satoru's face to which he chuckles before resuming his ministrations.

Satoru continues but his member is starting to ache. He wants to be inside of her but doesn't know how he'll pull that off as there's not nearly enough room for him to do so. He whines quietly as he sits up and pulls himself from his pants while on his knees. Stroking himself for a few seconds, Gojo decides this is better than nothing and sends his free arm to stretch awkwardly so that his fingers at least could reach inside her.

Elska's face twists before she gasps quietly, him loving that he can draw that out of her even from her dreams. He struggles at first with pleasuring them both at the same time but finds his rhythm shortly through pure determination. Feeling how wet she is tortures him as he's unable to fully act out his desires so he tries to switch hands and almost loses his balance.


All he wanted was to coat himself with her love but the jostling that ensued over the bed hitches his breath as he thinks he's going to have to teleport out of there.

Toji grunts and grabs himself absentmindedly while remaining asleep.

Satoru witnesses the large tent forming over Toji's pants.

'Surely her voice is causing this…'

Gojo smiles as he finds himself still not busted. He leans down to lap up her drenching desire again but Toji abruptly rolls over throwing a knee into his neck.


Satoru's weight falls into Naoya's legs and the Zenin man opens his eyes.

"Wh-What the fuck was that?!"

Naoya sits up and quickly glances around the room to find nothing out of the ordinary.

"Was I…just dreaming?"

He brings his hand through his hair as he looks over to Elska and the lude position she's laying in. His voice squeaks as he sees Toji's large knee pressing against her lady bits while smashing one of her legs.

"UGH! You fucking oaf!"

He shoves the muscular leg away and she rolls over towards Naoya now. He smiles as he reclines back into the bed but is only left with a moment of peace as Toji now begins to wake up.


Toji opens his eyes, feeling flustered beyond belief. He sees Elska now facing Naoya and feels like he just wants to be against her so he rolls onto his left side and spoons. He closes his eyes for a moment but they shoot back open, glowing, as he can smell the slight scent leaving her. He places his right hand on her hip and backs her into him silently but then he realizes that he's harder that the tribulations they've faced.

The sensation wakes Toji up fully as he feels compelled to feed from her. The giant scoots his upper body away to bend it so he can reach her neck while keeping them fastened into each other at the hips. He only releases his grasp to move her hair away from the area.

Naoya felt him moving around but was close to falling back asleep until Elska releases a loud wonderful moan throughout the room.


He sits up again with haste to find Toji drinking from her as she pants and whines, pinned right next to him.


He goes to push Toji off of her but Elska lifts up a hand in protest.

"No…Na…Naoya…don't…he…mmmmmm…he needs to."

Naoya is angered immediately though as everyone was supposed to getting that good night's rest they so desperately need.

Toji loves the flavor of her essence. He finds himself drunk off it as he struggles to get the best angle with her though. He pulls his fangs out of her for a second.

"I'm going to lift us up doll…"

To which he does. He's now on his knees with Elska sitting over him, but he's drinking her again from behind. He opens his eyes to see Naoya vaguely but finds himself not caring of his cousin's feelings in this exact moment; he's preoccupied with his joy of tasting her again. His arms wrap around her waist and shoulders tightly as she quietly cries to the pleasure of his bite.

Elska sees Naoya's face and wishes she had more control over this situation but she's not going to reject Toji in this matter. She reaches out to the Zenin and grabs his hand as she fails to mute her sounds of pleasure. He holds her hand back but still looks like he's upset.


She hears it while he observes her reaction. She tries to smile to him but isn't sure that he could tell with the lack of light so she pulls on his arm until he's closer.

"Naoya, I'm sorry…he needs this…"

She fights a moan back as she hears Toji hum into her neck and ear.

'My beloved…'

Naoya seems a little less freaked out but she's glad he's having to witness this, he deserves to know the truth of her and Toji. To her surprise though, after seeming like he was lost in thoughts that would cause him disgust, Naoya leans down and kisses her passionately. Her lack of expectancy is evident as she's too shocked to respond to his tongue gliding into her mouth. He pulls away with a frown though as if he's unsure of himself.

"Is that not okay, princess?"

But Elska pulls him back in without spoken words, only the language their tongues communicate against each other.

Toji groans as he understands what's happening but isn't sure what comes next. He tries to slyly pull her deeper into his lap as he feels his erection pitting against her dampness. There's a hand rubbing between her legs and he smiles into her neck as he thinks it's her own again but yanks his head back after he hears Naoya.

"Baby…you're so wet…"

Toji quickly brings his fingertips to the punctures as his annoyed glare is fixed on Zenin.

"Naoya…what do you think you're doing?"

"Shhhh. Don't talk."

Is all Naoya could think to say. He's staring into Elska's glowing eyes as she seemed to be enjoying herself until Toji stopped. He's surprising himself with how okay he was with this scenario but is finding that it could definitely be worse. Naoya feels the urge to kiss her again but feels he'll only get punched if he tries.

"I think she was liking that Toji…"

He bites his lip as his amber eyes have never left her.

"Toji…I'm alright, I promise!"

She whispers while surrendering her weight over his lap.

"You can feed some more my beloved."


Toji's almost speechless and definitely hesitant but finds the courage to directly confront his issue.

"I don't want to put you in this situation again, doll. Please, understand where I am coming from here..."

His heart sinks as he fears she will only enjoy herself for so long; he truly does not have the same need to push her boundaries as Naoya or Gojo.

"I'm not trying to have sex with her Toji!"

Naoya's eyes light up defensively.

"I just couldn't help but notice she liked that!"

He regretfully glances to Elska as he now gets what Toji is going on about. Naoya as well does not want to hurt her or make her uncomfortable.

Sensing the distress, Elska finally speaks up again.

"I did like that…a lot…"

She smiles and sighs as she knew that was nice while it lasted as she trusts Naoya wasn't trying to literally insert himself here. She brings her right arm back and over her head so she can rest it on Toji's to reassure him she's fine.

"Thank you Toji, I understand why you're being protective…"

She leans back into him slightly but feels him reposition her back to the way she was.

Toji is looking at Naoya but can feel how fast her heart is racing from that little positional switch. He doesn't know what to say and is confused by how he feels but decides to sink his fangs in. Elska cries out again and it causes him to gently nudge his member into her and she gasps to feeling his hidden enthusiasm.

Her glowing eyes are half lidded as she melts into Toji. Naoya finds himself enticed again so he sends his right hand back between her legs while using his left hand to lift her chin slightly up to him.

"Such a pretty princess…"

Her eyes seem to open widely to this and he worries it was the wrong thing to say but she's tugging at him again to come closer. The moment their lips touch he angles his wrist so that he can send his fingers into her. Toji grunts and speedily moves his knees apart further as he probably didn't like feeling Naoya's hand so he now has more room to work with.

Her body temperature rises and he almost pulls away forgetting that they don't have to hide themselves anymore. He smiles into her now and bites her lip as the pheromones rip and release around them.


Naoya can't help himself from saying it but hopes she understands that he's still not trying to evolve the situation. He sees her gripping Toji's hair as she begins to squirm between them.

"Does this feel too good, baby?"

He chuckles as he plans to bring her to orgasm at least.

Between Toji slowly rubbing into her backside and Naoya caressing her in the front she feels extreme bliss creeping up through her body. She doesn't know how to admit it but she doesn't just like this, she fucking loves it.

She feels at their mercy but also still completely safe and trusts that they're working together to bring her such good feelings. Toji doesn't seem to be drinking as much now but he keeps his fangs pierced into her as he slowly pulls. Naoya is devilishly looking at her when he's not bringing his lips to hers and can't help but feel amazing from them being under his scrutiny.

Toji can sense that she's close; he can actually taste it too. He grips her hip with the arm wrapped around them and lifts himself into her more. He's starting to feel her arousal seep through his pants and it sends a wave of incredible lust through him as he pictures himself caged around with her while in the act. Naoya hasn't dropped the ball yet so as he's losing himself in a fantasy with his master as he's able to identify the flavor of her orgasm for the first time ever through her blood.

She's unravelling completely as Naoya and Toji have her pinned between them, her breaths leaving her abruptly as she twitches over Toji's lap. She didn't need to be quiet or anything but she found herself struggling to release her volume. After the wonderfully crippling sensation rivets through, she finds herself gasping for air.


She looks to Naoya with amazement, being completely taken back by how he was ok and even into that. He must be able to read her shock as he smiles and says,

"Anything for my princess!"

While she's still collecting herself footsteps can be heard approaching. She panics as she can sense who it is but when the door opens there's a widely grinning Satoru.

"Sati! What…"

He has no right to be mad considering this is likely his fault and he knows this.

"Love! I was watching from afar…you guys are naughty!"

Naoya tries to stand up but realizes he has a raging erection so he brings a pillow to his lap. He has a bad feeling that he knows exactly what Gojo meant by 'from afar'. He sighs and asks with remorse.

"Did you force Choso into using his technique?!"


Gojo snickers.

"No, no...Chose was quite willing once I explained what we might see. It's quite the handy technique!"

Gojo laughs as he's unsure that his joke will be understood.

Naoya glares.

"You twat! Where is he!? Where the fuck is Cho?"

Satoru chuckles bashfully, swinging his hands from behind to in front.

"Probably whacking one out after that."

Ignoring Naoya's annoyance, Gojo looks to Elska.

"I didn't think you three would be doing this together so I didn't know that's what we'd find!"

He laughs a little more outwardly when everyone is behaving awkwardly.

"Someone needs to show him the ropes though and it seems you've failed him in this department Naoya."

Naoya groans and runs his hands through his hair, being completely pissed off that Gojo used his friend to watch them.

"Cho doesn't need to see this Gojo, that's fucking why."

Toji hasn't released Elska yet, he's enjoying her being on his lap but finds himself angry at this information too.

"Jesus fucking Christ Gojo…you're such a fucking creep."

Satoru is still smiling as he knows he should've kept that to himself but he just loves this whole new thing of being honest with them.

"We're all going to have to get used to this is if we're going to live together!"

He's so cheerful knowing he heard her verbal confirmation to enjoying both Naoya and Toji moments before. His novel dreams with her may very well come true!

He looks to Elska now.


Her eyes meet his but they grow in confusion after his statement.

"From this moment on, everything is different. No one will have to stress about time with you because I'm going to find the perfect place for us all!"

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I always do. It's sad as hell and I always cry about Kechizu but it's an important part of Suguru's story. He has so much depth in this AU and I honestly feel like he becomes (in future chapters) one of the most relatable characters. He's just slap full of struggle.

How about Gojo once fearing Toji would crawl up on Elska sleeping when it was really him projecting something he'd only do?

BUT this chapter is also fun for me because I FINALLLY get to introduce Genghis! He's completely original (like Elska) but was a really fun character to create because of...well, you'll see!

Thank you for reading everyone, I appreciate the time you take out of your lives to follow up on this story. It means a lot!

See you next week!

Stay pervy :D

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Sassoodacreators' thoughts