

Bored of the limitless life their immortality granted them, the great powers of the universe searched high and low for more ways to make their lives more thrilling, eventually coming across a specific hobby on Earth. Speedrunning. With their twisted minds, they expanded upon this idea to make it far more thrilling than before, speedrunning through literal lives in order to achieve certain goals one would have in their life in the shortest time. Unexpectedly, many beings found the idea interesting and supported it, birthing the most ludicrous type of entertainment in the universe, the Worldrunners. Corius, a rookie Worldrunner, was sick and tired of aiming for the simpler achievements, seeing his name pushed down the ranks every second. Instead, he wanted his name to be renowned throughout the universe. And so, he joined many others in vying for the top spot at the Immortality% record, thinking it would be a piece of cake. Of course, it was anything but. ---------- Entry to WPC #324 - Reverse Isekai.

TrueDawn · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Half a year had passed since Corius had come up with a strategy to make sure he could achieve constant exercise and a balanced diet. Unsurprisingly, with the help of the Reinvigoration Bar and the Nutrient Recreation Fluid, he had no problems doing so, even going so far as to get seconds of the food their family ate everyday in order to make sure his body got all of the nutrients it needed.

Naturally, his parents could not help but find it odd that their youngest son started eating more out of nowhere. However, after thinking about it for a bit, they eventually came to the thought that their son was still growing, so he needed more food in order to supplement that growth.

Well… Corius definitely grew, that's for sure.

After just half a year of constant exercise and a balanced diet, his body had become more solid than it previously was, giving off the feeling that there was substance to his muscle. Aside from that, thanks to his body getting the nutrients it needed, he grew in height this past half year, going so far as to exceed the height of the third youngest, Eli, by a few centimeters.

In regards to the goal of achieving either a million year lifespan or true immortality, this past half year has definitely contributed quite a bit of progress to that achievement, with his entire lifespan now at 69 Earth Years. Considering that he had only been in this planet for only six and a half Earth years, increasing his lifespan by four years in just half a year was definitely something to be proud of.

Waking up due to the blistering heat of the sun's rays piercing through their windows, Corius could not help but open his eyes in annoyance, frowning as he glared outside the window for a bit. After taking a quick look at the sun's position, he then let out an inward sigh, coming to the conclusion that he did not have the luxury to sleep in for a few minutes more.

With that, he slowly got up from bed as he lightly stretched his body before making his way to the kitchen, making sure to not wake up his other siblings that were still sleeping.

Once he was there, he quickly noticed his mother cooking up a simple breakfast for him, to which he greeted her a good morning. Obtaining a good morning in response, he then went ahead and brushed his teeth before making his way to the bathroom to take a shower.

'I should probably stop this run once I graduate from elementary school,' Corius thought to himself amidst his shower. 'After all, it's going to be difficult for me to find a way to attend middle school in this place.'

As he thought about it for a bit more, the more determined Corius seemed. Then again, from the standpoint of a Worldrunner, it did make sense. In an achievement like Immortality% where every second counted, having quick access to higher levels of education was definitely preferred. Of course, Corius could opt to continue this run and eventually find a way to attend middle school. However, by the time he did, he would have already been years behind compared to other runs.

He may not know a lot on what to do for a high difficulty achievement run such as this, but he at least knew when to stop before it was useless.

A few minutes later, Corius left the bathroom feeling greatly refreshed. After putting on the uniform his mother had set aside for him last night, he then returned to the kitchen, where he ate breakfast with his mother as she told him about a couple things he should keep in mind on the first day of elementary school.

Nodding along to her words, he ate the hearty breakfast his mother prepared for him, with his still sleepy father appearing in the kitchen a couple minutes later. Rubbing his son's head for a while, Carlo went ahead and splashed his face with a bit of water before joining the mother and son duo on the table as the two parents decided to give him even more advice on what and what not to do in elementary school.

Fortunately, their conversation did not last any longer as Corius was eventually finished eating his breakfast, prompting the three to head out the house for a bit as Carlo and Celia both accompanied their youngest son on his first day of elementary school.

"Make sure to listen to your adviser, okay?" Carlo told his son as he gave him a long embrace. Soon after, Celia also gave her son a long embrace before kissing him on the cheek. "Just enjoy your first day of school, son. Before you know it, your classes will eventually be over."

After saying a few more parting words, the couple then left Corius on his own in front of the school, both waving at him goodbye. Waving back in response, Corius soon turned around to enter the school, only for him to hear a sound he wouldn't have expected to hear at this moment.


'Due to the user promoting reckless activity while still being a Junior Worldrunner, the Worldrunner Content Moderation Committee has temporarily disabled the user's livestream. The user is advised to get in touch with the committee as soon as possible.'

Reading through the notification he had just received, Corius stood in place as a confused expression crept up his face. At a loss for words, he could not help but read through the notification once more. 'Me? Promoting reckless activity? When did I ever do that?'

'Sure, I might have started this attempt on a whim, but that doesn't mean anything I've done during the livestream has been reckless,' he thought to himself, wondering what the reasoning behind the notification was.

Fortunately, it did not take long for him to obtain the answer to that question as the world around him turned pitch black all of a sudden. Not long after, his field of vision was bombarded with various colors, eventually stopping on a blinding white.

After allowing his eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness, Corius eventually noticed that a masked being in a white tuxedo stood a couple meters away in front of him. As the masked being gave off a mysterious air, he could not help but let his curiosity get the better of him as he asked, "Who are you?"

"You may call me the Masked Man," the being replied. "I am a moderator under the Worldrunner Content Moderation Committee, and I am here to warn you, Corius Valtrezar, to not repeat what you've done in your livestream."

"What I've done?" Hearing that, Corius could not help but be confused once more. "Did I really do something wrong during the livestream?"

"Indeed, you have." The being nodded. "As a Junior Worldrunner, you have attempted the nine star achievement entitled Immortality%. Under the Worldrunner organization's rules and regulations, what you've done is considered as reckless activity, which is a bannable offense."

"Huh?" Unsurprisingly, Corius was still confused. After pondering over it in silence for a bit, he asked the being once more. "So, you're telling me that… because I attempted a nine star achievement while still being a Junior Worldrunner, the organization has decided to stop my livestream?"

"That is correct." The being nodded. "As this is considered your first offense, the Worldrunner Content Moderation Committee has decided to let you off with a warning for now. However, the next time you attempt such a thing again, the committee won't be that lenient anymore."

"Okay?" was the only thing Corius could say in response to those words, somewhat getting the being's point. "What will happen to my current run, though?"

"According to the organization's rules and regulations, runs that violate the organization's rules shall be terminated at the very instant the content moderation committee has alerted the runner of their violation," the being explained. "Nevertheless, all of the progress the runner has made in achieving the attempt shall still be compensated while they shall be sent back to their original bodies."

"And the bodies we've occupied for our attempts?" Corius asked, taking a long look at the body he currently had. Now that he had been told that he would going back to his original body without even giving a proper farewell to the family that took care of him, he could not help but feel sad.

Nevertheless, the being still replied, ignoring the grief Corius felt. "The bodies shall be returned to their original worlds, with replacement souls similar to the runner's soul being implanted."

"Before I send you back to your original body, I must remind you that even though your first offense has been considered a warning for now, the same penalties still apply," it added soon after.

"And that would be?" At this point, Corius had the urge to punch the masked being.

"Being barred from attempting the same achievement for a month, as well as any achievement at the same level of difficulty," the being replied. "Aside from that, any livestreams you create for the next two weeks shall have limited reach."

"Anyways, I shan't delay your return any further. Have a safe return."


At the very instant the masked being was finished talking, the world around Corius turned pitch black again before it regained its vibrancy a few minutes later. However, rather than return to the sight of a slightly dilapidated elementary school in front of him, he instead returned to the sight of a series of highly technological pads on his sides as an attendant came up to him.

"Welcome back, Worldrunner," said the attendant to him. "As you have voluntarily stopped your attempt, the system has calculated the progress you've made towards the attempt until before the voluntary stop, coming to a total of 500 Worldrunner Credits."

Hearing those words, Corius subconsciously extended out his arm as the attendant shot a beam towards his wrist. Soon, a holographic screen appeared around his wrist, showing a set of numbers that sharply increased in less than an instant. A few seconds later, the holographic screen disappeared, prompting Corius to nod at the attendant as he gradually left the premises soon after.

While walking his way back home, a thought could not help but surface in his mind.


'For some reason, I really want to attempt that achievement again.'

And thus, this is where the first run ends. Yes. This is just the first run.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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