
Worldly Overlord

There are three worlds in the universe, The mortal world, the Underground world, and the Demon world. Devon, born and raised in the mortal world. In a world where power determined the world's dynamics, Devon who was born from a top-class family failed to live up to the expectations of his family and this brought about his exile from the family. Shortly after he was banished from the family, Devon was contracted by the most deadliest race in the world, The Devil race. And so, Devon's journey began...... Join Devon as he uncovers the secret of the worlds, the truth about his mother's death, and how he becomes the omniarch of the world with his harem of beauties. ---------- So this is an original book, and I'm giving it my all and I hope you give it a chance. The first twenty chapters (more or less) were not quite good tbh it might seem boring and confusing, but that is only because they were the first I ever wrote Try reading 40 chapters before deciding to drop it or not. You'll understand how much potential the book has. It really gets better eventually Thanks....... Our journey to creating one of the most overpowered character begins. PS:- I don't own the image on my cover. If the original owner sees this message, you can contact me.

Bhar_Yo · Fantasy
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396 Chs

Taking Over The Ominous Cave II

Even though the old man's body was restricted, making him unable to move from his position, his mouth wasn't. So, he was able to speak as much as he wanted.

Devon didn't even hold the man's words into consideration, as he had his own reason why he chose to make that move. Just because numerous people had failed in this part didn't mean that he was going to fail also.

Suddenly, all the eggs inside the pool began to move in circles. At first, the pace at which they took was slow but after a few seconds, the eggs could hardly be seen. "Hahahaha! It's just about time, and once those eg-…" The old man paused, as he saw the scene which had just taken place.

The old man soon began trembling afterward, as he stared at the pool then back at Devon. "How… Is… This… Possible!" His voice was quivering in fright as he spoke to Devon.