
CHAPTER 1.4 : Fight or Flight

"Me?, I am just an Ordinary Student."

he said it with no expression, i sensed the power behind his word.

"I-it was a cool move!!"

i don't know why i said this. In fact, i know why, it's for breaking the silence between us.

"you are the cool one here, you picked a fight with the leader and took him down."

i will take that as an incentive, but i feel something weird about Peter, the latter is frigid, no emotions at all, like he is a robot or something, the only time i noticed him doing an expression is when he told me to fight....

"what are you thinking about, you seem engulfed"

it was conspicuous that i was thinking, i have to be more careful, he is not an *Ordinary Student*

"Nothing nothing, let's go to the class."

"what class?, the school is already finished."

"Oh, i didn't notice that."

"Daniel, Do you want to hanging out a little bit?"

i will just going to refuse, he is not safe, but...

"yeah sure, why not?"

i didn't know what i was thinking but my mind was precarious. I think because he's the first person who treats me right.

"that's cool man, let's meet at 2 P.M in the school's front street."

he said it with a smile, but i didn't feel any happiness from that smile, like he's just faking it.

i return to my home, or i should say my *House*, because there is no one there, i just manage to pay rent. After i moved from my aunt's house, i studied the stock's market, and thanks to my ability to analyse and study everything, i could make so much money for eating, drinking, studying and live under a roof. i wish my body was not like the body of a trafficker, i could go to HOPE, and forget about all this nightmare.Anyway, I just leaned at my coach and waiting for 2 P.M, I was analysing Peter's character. i realized that he is not a normal human being, Something weird about him, but i am not able to know it. I tremendously was waiting for 2 P.M. Here it is, i went to to the place, i saw him and approach to him.

"Hey Daniel."

"Hey Peter, how is going?"

i really like how am I not struggling for talking, but what i love the most is how confident i seemed.

"Let's go to a restaurant, bills on me."

oh come on, don't make me embarrassed. i don't love when people pay for me. even if it's the first time getting invited by a friend.

"No, No, let's just share it."

"Ok. As long as you feeling comfortable."

We went to a restaurant called "Les rêves", it's a french word means "Dreams", he ordered an orange juice and egg sandwich, but for me i ordered a hamburger with fries.

" I want to talk to you about something."

he said it with cold face of course.

"yeah sure, what is it about?"

"It's about the school's Hierarchy."

i don't know what is that, but my intuition tell me it's something dangerous

"Don't worry it's not something dangerous, it's more like a hindrance."

he's like reading my mind, the best thing is i didn't make a shocked face when he said that, for not proving his point.

"what this Hierarchy is about?"

"The school Hierarchy is like stages, in the bottom, there is the *Slaves*, they are people like you who are victims of bullying. next, The *Average*, they are the normal students in the school including bullies like that student you fought. and there is *The Predators*, they are the bullies and the students who are with gangs and crews like *The bikers* or *Back Stab*. last but not least, there is the *kings* and they are the leaders and top dogs of the gangs and crews."

there is a lot to know about this school, i mean like *Back stab*, who wants to mess with that gang, even the name is scary.

"why do you tell me this?"

"I tell you this because i want to you destroy the Hierarchy."

"Are you kidding me!!!, i almost got killed when i fought that jerk, and he is only an *Average*."

"Wow Daniel, you just told me all that without stuttering at all, I am proud of you."

yeah i clearly notice that, it was satisfying, but your proudness will make me happy if you use emotions button to activate the happiness button.

"but why you don't you destroy it yourself, Peter?"

"because i want to you to do it, you ar..."

"Excuse me messieurs, here are your meals"

the waiter bring us food, actually, i was hungry after hearing all this stuffs.

"like i was trying to say, you are the first person i told him this mission, you can become stronger and protect people from bullying, you were a victim of that too. It's your time to change yourself and the others."

"Peter, i respect your gentle ambition, but that doesn't answer my question, why don't you do it yourself?"

" Even if i told you, you will not be able to understand. I promise, when you become stronger i will tell you anything you want to know."

he called the waiter and pay the bill even though he didn't eat anything, and he goes away with no word or even turning back. I was shocked and confused about what he said. It was obvious he wanted me to become stronger, but it's just frustrating how he reluctantly said all these things. I spontaneously made a sigh, finished my food, pay the bill and quit the restaurant while thinking about changing to become stronger and destroying the hierarchy, or staying weak my whole life but be comfortable.