
Charecter Creation

Pitch black darkness, so thick that I couldn't even see my hand if it was in front of my face. I couldn't test that theory, no limbs to move, no eyes to see. But I could see, I don't know how but I knew that I was seeing. What I was seeing with I didn't know. I only knew that it wasn't my lack of seeing ability making my surroundings dark.

*Pop* In front of me a golden letter burst into existence. I watched as the letter opened up by itself, almost elegantly. The letter read… "Do absolutely anything you want, anything you can possibly imagine can be done."

I watched as the letter burst into a golden flame before I was left alone in this pitch black darkness again. 

'Heh… really?' I tried to say out loud, but no noise came out. Just thoughts in my head. Normal people might be freaking out right now, maybe asking questions like, did I die? Or, am I dreaming? But I'm not normal.

'Then I want a character creation, to give myself a body' I try and will into existence, I thought about a video game character creation, but it would be more in depth then normal. I was once again not alone, as a screen appeared in front of me.

It looked like a video game character creation screen, with a gray blank human with no features on the right, and a bunch of options to customize on the left.

'Now what do I want my body to be? Certainly not a human, humans are boring. I would like my body to be humanoid though. Maybe a demon? No, I wouldn't want to look grotesque.'

'Ok what is my favorite color? Blue is my favorite color, and what element is blue, water? No water is boring, how about ice? Ya I like ice a lot. So do I want to be male or female? Male obviously.'

'Ok so i got ice and male, what kind of vibe would you get if you were staring at me? Mysterious. So maybe I should cover myself in clothes, and the only thing that you would see is my arms, so let's start with my arms.'

Going to the options I find an element section, and I cover the arms of the gray featureless human in ice, as if the ice was corrupting the arms. The ice covers the fingers, down to the palm and making it 90% of the way to the elbow before stopping.

'That's a good start, but the round fingertips are putting me off, I should make them spikes, but before that how are the clothes going to look? Maybe mixing some purple and blues together? Or actually I make lighter shades of blue start at the bottom and get darker as they go up my body. With some red accents to complement the blues.'

Liking the plan that I made in my head, I went to the clothes section. I could either make custom clothes, or look at the presets and change the colors. I decided that I would make some custom clothes.

'Ok what type of clothes would I want? I don't really want some big bulky armor. Let's take some inspiration, what is my favorite class in RPGs? Mages of course, but I wouldn't want to look like some fragile mage, maybe a battle mage? Ya with their leather armor, but I want this to scream Mysterious.'

'Ah I got it, I'll make some big blocky leather and stitch them together. I don't know, how about I just experiment and see what works and what doesn't.'

So I experimented, I made my body really slender and tall, so about 7ft(2.1 Meters) in height. I put my head in a dark blue hood, I made a crown out of ice that stuck out of the hood. 

I have a red scarf around my neck. When looking into the hole of the hood you would only see two blue eyes and nothing else but darkness, my eyes would show the emotion I was feeling by turning sharp when angry, crescent when sad, and maybe spiraling when confused.

I had a blue blocky cape that was an extension of the hood and covered my arms and extended down to my knees, the cape was held up by the holes I left my arms to fit through. I also had a skirt made out of blocky leather that was tied to my waist by a brown rope. The skirt was made of two leather pieces, one light blue and the other red.

Under both the cape and the skirt was brown leather armor that covered everything from my legs to my neck, but did not cover my arms. The only skin that you could see was my elbows to my hands that were covered in ice. Finally I had two boots that were cyan.

(Image, it's also the cover.)

'That looks very cool, it's definitely a mysterious appearance, but it doesn't look unfriendly. The eyes kind of give it a cartoonish look, but I look like I'm not someone to mess with. The skirt doesn't look out of place and doesn't make me look girly, the overall outfit gives off a battle mage vibe. I'm happy with this.'

I clicked the 'Finish' button and as soon as I did that I was in the body I just made, I stretched out my limbs and got used to moving around, my hands were ice cold if I touched anything it might freeze. You would think I would be hot from all the leather I had on but the ice cooled me down.

'It's nice to have a body but it would suck if I were to die in it so, I want my body to be impervious to any form of attack or ailment, anything that could possibly hurt me would fail to do any damage and never kill me'.

As soon as I finished I felt something warm spread through my body, indicating that I got what I wanted. 

'So I guess I can't die while in this body? Would I die of old age? Or would I just prune up as I get older and older? Or would I just not age at all? I don't know, but just to be safe, I want this body to stop aging.' Another warm feeling spread throughout my body.


A voice that isn't high or low pitch, but just in the middle, it's also not smooth or raspy but just in the middle, it was the most middle voice you can think of, like all the sliders were not messed with when it came to my voice.

'I actually like this. It's too normal, almost artificial. Which thus gives off an uneasy feeling and I like that. Now that I have a body, what do I want to do? Well, creating a world might be interesting. But in order to create a world I need a universe where the world can reside, I want a sun ro apear right in front of me.'

A giant flaming ball of gas popped in front of me, it was multiple times bigger than me. I was an ant in front of the huge sun. The heat from the sun that would disintegrate anything else had no effect on me, it was akin to a campfire. Looking at my iced arms, I noticed that they weren't melting.

 'This is a good start, but the universe would be boring if there was only one sun, so I want trillions of suns to spread out in this vast void, they shouldn't be close enough to interfere with each other, but close enough that you would see the light that they give off.'

Looking around me nothing changed, the only light I saw was the one coming from the sun in front of me.

'The light has not reached me yet, so I won't be able to see stars for a while. I want planets and rocks to orbit the suns and rocks to orbit the planets, maybe some moons. None of these new planets should be inhabitable, and the number of planets orbiting the suns should be random.'

I looked around the sun I was near and saw more things. I saw a fire planet that was full of lava, and I also saw a gas giant. I noticed that I was being pulled by gravity towards the sun, without any way of propelling myself through space I would just be sucked into the sun.

'I want to be able to freely move as fast as I want, even over the speed of light.'

Another warm feeling went through my body and when it stopped I gained something new, like I was born with this power, just like how a baby knows how to breathe, I know how to fly. Using my power I stabilized myself so I wasn't going towards the sun anymore.

'I wonder what it's like to go over the speed of light?' 

I started moving in a direction, slowly speeding up, the sound barrier passed swiftly.

'I didn't hear a sonic boom, maybe I can't hear anything because I was in space, but then why was I able to hear my voice earlier? Maybe I hadn't created space yet?'

My speed increased until it was at the speed of light, I kept increasing my speed until I was 10000 times the speed of light. Nothing of interest was happening, it was just black. 

This went on for a while until I felt resistance, my speed drastically slowed down, I felt myself moving through something. I stop and look around me, only to see a planet blowing up, with a giant hole through the middle of it.

'I think I just blasted through a planet with my body… Ok enough playing around I should start creating a habitable planet for my future creations. I want to be teleported to a sun far away from here'.

My body disappears from the place it once was and appears in a different place, I didn't know exactly where. A new sun appeared right in front of me, with a different set of planets and rocks.

'I want a habitable planet, the day should last 24 hours and the night the same. A year should be 500 days, the planet should not automatically be full of life, but a lifeless husk. Life should have to evolve naturally so I would have to wait.'

A new world appeared around the sun, it had water and everything needed for life to grow, but no life has grown yet.

'Ok, I'm definitely not patient enough to wait for millions of years for life to grow, I want to see the world evolving through a time lapse, no very intelligent species should evolve, only animals, bugs and fish. The time lapse will end when the globe is sufficiently populated with animals.'

When I was done, the time lapse immediately started, the water was the first thing to have anything happen, the time lapse zoomed into a microscopic level to see the first organisms, though it was of only a single cell, I watched this organism multiply over the entire ocean. 

Other organisms multiplied and evolved, getting bigger and bigger. Plants started popping up in the water, and soon fish started evolving, in my old world it was called the cambrian explosion. Plants started making their way to land, feeding off the sun.

Billions of years went by as life got more complex, due to the longer day and night cycle the nights where colder and the days hotter, animals evolved to sleep for longer periods during the nights to stay up longer during the day, but not all animals slept like this.

The time lapse finally ended and it was quite the spectacle, scientists would be drooling if they saw that.

'Ok it's time to make my Intelligent species.'