Wolves can wander the world, and now they can the universe. This is the tale of a man becoming a wolf and moving through other worlds and other dimensions, come along for the journey.
It was a painful few hours, he had felt the pain in his stomach since he had woken, not having the chance to decide whether to go to the doctor or not. The pain forced itself deep into his mind, no thoughts could escape. It took over three hours before he finally slipped into the blissful embrace.
A moment later he took in another breath, the deep breath flowing through his nose bringing with it the scents of the forest and not the dirty laundry in the corner of his room. The sun seeming to be completely blinding towards his eyes, piercing pain was shoved into his mind for the brief moment.
Closing his eyes, he lifts his face towards the sky, it feeling different then what he had before. There is no feeling to really describe how his mind is off balance with the differently distributed weight. A whine of a canine sounding out, for a moment, he couldn't tell where the sound was coming from. Mind finally figuring out that he was making that noise.
He opens his eyes finally again, seeing his nose right in front of him on a muzzle. Something presses against his side, it seems like the wolfess laying next to him is a hill. His mind stutters for a moment, as a feeling of concern seems to radiate out from her. Nothing said, or a noise even made, but the thought was right on the outskirts of his mind, not intrusive.
There is a larger wolf that seems to tower over the pair. The thoughts going through his head grind to a stop as a voice reaches him from the wolf. 'Well met son, don't try to speak for now. I have much to say, with no time to say it.'
It's a moment before the cub nods, knowing now is not the time to try and ask anything. His mother's body moves around her, circling her child in the protective embrace. Her mind seeming to radiate warmth, the fact that she isn't able to speak isn't missed by her son.
His father shakes his head, "This was mating season, I had the fortune to meet her. Her species mind is most developed of the lower wolves, they can communicate more finely, but they don't use words, they can learn how to.'
The little cub nods, unsure how to show understanding like the pair of the wolves. His father nods, 'Now let's stop getting distracted, due to restriction I have to leave soon. That is due to our race, we are called world wolves by most sentient races, or world devouring, depending on our relations to them. We, as a race, are almost always patrilineal, Our daughters can be world wolves but they are a infintismal possibility. But all males are a reincarnation of another soul, meaning I know you can understand everything discussed.'
The cub agrees with his father, getting a little sapped with the long description of their race and the lineage. Even though this conversation was moving at the speed of thought. In a moment later, his father starts again, 'When you come of age, you will develop what most call a core, ours are a seed of life, needing to bring in living things to live on it. They will be able to help you grow, becoming stronger, and harnessing the ability to Walk.'
'Until your first walk, you will be able to reside here without restriction. Older wolves are only allowed here for a mating season, if it is a son, a daughter allows us to stay for longer period, the forces of this realm don't allow to many world wolves to reside here. You do not have to worry about any others.'
At the edge of his mind a pain starts to form, he knows it isn't his, but his fathers, it feels like a thorn was dug into his foot and was starting to press it's way deeper and deeper. Before fading a moment later, 'I don't have much more time, your mother will be able to help you. Find all the basic elements, the rest will come to you.' He says with a nod. Pressing his nose against mother's head, a wanting whine, to stay with her mate. 'Our son will bring you to me. He has to grow before that though.' Thoughts of all sorts of possible dangers and deaths coming into both receiving minds.
The images are a variety of different sorts of horrible, most taken from the eyes of an observer, some remnants of memories received from the point of the victim. The different poisons and acids, flames and ice, and then the feeling of choking on air that suddenly felt like a lump in their throats. Cold steel being stabbed or a ships hull breaching in the vacuum.
While they are taking in these horrible memories, The giant wolf starts to walk off, each step seeming to send his body into the immaterial. Mother wolf seems to notice it quicker, letting out a low whine and a sense of sorrow, with a tinge of understanding.
The cub's mind is filled with thoughts, looking where his father, at least his current one, had just disappeared from. Some warmth left in the remnants, like the sun heat of grass that had just escaped the sun's bright blaze, into the shadow of the trees.
The little cub stares for what feels like hours, but is only a brief moment of his short new life, curling up into his mother's side, and drifting off with the warmth of her body, and the embrace of her mind.