
World War Zerø

Vortexsama · Fantasy
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73 Chs

That Feeling

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(Chapter 29)


As I walked out of General minamino's residence, I noticed a sheet of paper was squeezed in my hands.

"How did this get here?" I asked myself rhetorically while looking round to see if anyone was around.

On opening the paper, I saw a title saying: - Training routines for newbies/freshmen.

When did head captain give me these? Well at least he wants me to get stronger quickly.

:100 seat ups,

85 mountain climbs

Plank (for fifteen minutes).

Use a stick or rod for the exercises below👇

10 spins,

10 forward thrusts,

30 horizontal strikes,

15 low strikes,

The exercises that involves weapons, must be repeated three times a day.

All these exercises in a single day? What the hell is even a plank? I don't even use a weapon, and why do I have to do exercises that includes the using of sticks/rods?

"Damn that head captain, he really wants me dead." I said, before heaving a sigh.

I have no other options, I've got to get stronger quickly. There's no way one can rule without power, is there?

"Ouch! Watch your steps!" I shouted at an individual who crashed into me, stepping me in the process.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" He said sincerely, as he bent quickly to take the paper that fell from my hand.

"Well, there's no need to---- Shinsui?" I echoed with surprise.

"It's been a long time fushi! Isn't your facial expression rather cringe?" He chuckles as he gets up to stretch the paper to me.

I must change my attitude, at least I must to some extent.

"Don't give me a bittersweet welcome". A thin smile could be seen on my lips as I shook his hands while collecting the paper.

"Friends". I said internally.

Remember when he asked to be my friend and I refused? Now I've accepted. I was really foolish at the beginning.

"Whoa what a firm grip you got there". He forces a smile as we stopped shaking hands. Seems our friendly relationship got strained.

"Don't worry, I'll still talk with you right after your project gets accepted." I said with alacrity.

"So you know about my project?" He asked shyly before shooting a stare at me that says: 'Is this really the Fushi I know?'

"Yeah!" I replied.

I should really thank Kenji for telling me about his (Shinsui's) project. Phew! It would have really portrayed me as inefficient and unreliable if I was unaware of the project.

"You mustn't waste time any further". I said while walking few steps further from him.

"Oh, yeah!" Immediately after his reply, he dashes towards the head captain's residence.

"Now! To go and check on Kenji." I muttered as I put the paper in my pockets neatly, before resuming to walking.


As I headed towards where I lived, several whispers could be heard from the direction of my house.

"Who did I invite?" I muttered to myself knowing I am not hospitable in any way.

Could it be Kenji? I thought inwardly as a dark grin crept on my face.

I held a long stick with my left hand while tiptoeing towards my door to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"I hope you're not disturbing your host?" A voice asked almost with a whisper.

"Don't be ridiculous! I am as gentle as ever. I have no reason to be rebellious". Kenji replied with a carefree tone.

"Quiet down!" *Another voice echoed.

'Bam!' I slammed the door wide open in a reckless manner, I was panting heavily as I held the stick with a firm grip, ready to strike at any time.

But to my surprise, I saw my dad, Kenji and an unknown individual who was probably 6'0"feet tall. His grey eyes were shining brightly in the dark room.

'Click!' *I switched on the lights, then looked around to see if there was another individual.

"Don't you know the switch button? That you decided to remain in the dark?" I scoffed at them as I walked towards the stranger.

"And you, what are you doing here?" I asked him (the stranger) blankly.

"He's the one I talked about previously". My dad shrugged as he looked at me with little concern.

Talked about what? I asked myself as I kept looking at the stranger that was at my front.

In the blink of an eye, he holds both of my hands.

"So you're the one fated with our future huh?" He asks with a smile.

Future? I was thrown in the midst of a blue bolt with their discussion.

"Don't make things complicated, make straight your approach." My Dad says as he walks towards the door in a cool manner.

"Hi, I'm Floch, a real fan of your dad. I'm in his squad but, I'm fated to serve you, you see".

"Cut the crap! And get straight to the point". I said, as I shot a dreadful look at him.

"I knew it, I knew it, yippee! He's not a disappointment." The way in which he jubilated surprised me, while Kenji was shaking his head simultaneously alongside a sigh.

"You are really my leader young general!" He says with a serious tone as he stared right into my eye with a weird smile.

He was so near to me that his nose almost touched mine.

In that split second, I saw his grey eyes glow like an optical flare one more time.

I could see the symbol of death written all over his eyes. Almost immediately, I grinned widely out of anxiety.

It was like his manifestation affected mine also.

"Stop!" I echoed nonchalantly as I pushed him few meters away from me.

"He's really the one. He's really your son sir". He echoed repeatedly as he chuckled.

"*Sighs* what he's trying to tell you is that, he made a promise to your dad to serve under you if deem fit. Lo and behold, he takes a liking to you." Kenji uttered with a bored look.

"How does any of this benefit me?" I asked blankly.

"Oh! I didn't tell you the good part, you get on the shortlist for a promotion in the army. It's another way of getting promoted instead of recommendation." Kenji announces boldly.

"Is that so?" I asked with a hint of victory.

"I'm afraid so." My dad confirms it as he opens the door to take his leave.

I was happy on hearing that having a good number of followers get you through the rank. But what I was worried of, is how Kenji knew of that theory when he joined the army few weeks earlier.

Come to think of it, I felt a strange feeling when I stared into Floch's eyes, it was like we were one.

And, what the hell were they talking about before I entered. As if Kenji read my mind, he ensures me that everything is okay.

"Those two were trying to know if I was giving you problems you know." He said, before letting out a sigh.

I looked towards my dad's direction as he walked out of my house, only to see Floch ahead of him. Like, when did he transmit from here to there? I asked myself inwardly.

"See ya later son!" My dad says coolly as he closes the door gently.

"Those two are one of a kind". Kenji says as he gets up from the chair he was sitting on.

"And oh! You owe me a drink for the information I disseminated to you." He chuckles as he throws a cricket ball towards me.

"I couldn't hear you, dogs are meant to bark louder." I said with a sarcastic look as I caught the ball.

"You're no different from a monster, you're only a little bit far from awakening". He smiled awkwardly like he was trying to convey a message to me.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked him worriedly.

"Watch your back frequently, it seems you have the ability to draw others to yourself." He says with one eyes closed.

"Yeah I know, that's a normal stuff. Maybe because I'm almost an introvert?". I said as I scratched the back of my head while staring at the ceiling.

"You saw his eyes, didn't you?" Kenji asks with an anxious smile.

"Yeah, it was like we were one." A smile crept on my face sub-consciously, as I spoke.

"He isn't your enemy, you should be grateful that a person like that chooses to be your follower Fushi." *He echoes

"Yeah! I know, and we have some workouts to begin." I said as I pointed the paper that head captain gave me to him.

"What the hell was going through your mind when you collected it?" He asked, before bursting into laughter as he read the workouts loudly.

"I really don't know but since it would improve my skills, I'll do it without needing the help of anyone." I said

"I don't need it after all, since I'm not a newbie at fighting." He says with a relieved look.

"And who gave you the permission to decide? It's my house, my rules." I said with a grin.

"Aww c'mon! Spare me of that nonsense you call rules." He paces thro and fro the room as he defends himself with series of points.

"Talk all you want, I and you are going through the drills daily." I said with a broad smile.

"Fine, I'll do it your way." He says as he buries his face into one of the pillows on the chair.

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