
World War Nether (Midnights)

Walter, a young teen, relocated to Europe with family. Just under a year in the UK with his new girlfriend, Nicole, things go relatively smoothly until the course of their lives completely changed in a direction no one saw coming. They wake up in a mythological nightmare, saturated with mystery on every side. It was a place that was completely infested with every type of mythological beast, a place full of magic, a place full of imposters, a place without sun or moonlight, a place ravaged by an ongoing war, and no one was who they claimed to be. Walter gets caught up in the heat of the conflict, and somehow, HE IS THE CAUSE OF THE WAR THAT BEGAN 7 YEARS BEFORE HIS ARRIVAL. “How could this be? Who am I? Why is everyone after me?” Walter wondered, as he was being tossed around by different groups that all struggled to keep him in their custody. In less than a week of his arrival, he becomes the most wanted man in the whole dimension. Wanted by man, spirit and beast. Walter began considering what path to follow as those words, ‘The meaning of life is that it stops, and we only understand death after it has placed its hands on a loved one.’ rang through Walter's head. “Can I really get a second chance to relive?” At the end of his rope, Walter comes to the conclusion that it is man's innate nature to be evil, seeing that even in death, humans are still at war. But in the face of despair, Walter finds a reason to fight back!

Frank_not_ocean · Fantasy
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51 Chs

They've found us

The light from the dim candlestick slowly pulled Walter back into consciousness. He was welcomed by a very disturbing splitting headache. He slowly placed his hands on his head, an attempt to stop the ache that seemed to give his head a pulse. His fever was at an all time high.

Oh Walter, What have I gotten myself into this time, he wondered.

He tried to sit up, and on doing so, he saw he was laid on a bed in a dark room with the door leading out being slightly opened. Through the door, shadows sipped into the room. He concentrated, and voices slowly began to get audible.

Walter slowly rolled himself out of bed and tip toed to the door.

"We need to carryout the ritual quickly."

"Mother said we should wait."

"Time is no longer on our side. The boy is becoming more powerful with each passing day. Did you see what he did to our camouflage? Frances, that was his first manifestation. If that boy stays a little longer with us, we won't be able to control him anymore."

"Josephine, Adeola has ensured us that he can fight along side us. She has tried our best to bring out the warrior in him, and she's doing a good job."

"Adeola is young and naiive. Making him one of our own was never the plan. I don't know what Nicole and Adeola saw in that boy that they both developed feelings for him. He's not even that handsome."

"Josephine, please."

"Frances, not you too. That boy is still Will's son. The original plan was to use him to stop the war. Nicole has done her part. She laid down her life in the process. We can't waste that. And now, we've figured that we can even save our people totally from every bargain and live real lives on earth in exchange for him, and you all are giving this a second thought? What is wrong with you people? He nearly killed our sister."


"I'm going to meet the Queen to talk some sense into her!" She said, walking off.

"Josephine, wait!" Frances yelled, chasing after her.

Walter's headache became even more severe on hearing the conversation. He lost the strength in his feet as he went down on his knees.

"Use me? Save their people? Make me a warrior to fight alongside them? These people want to use me too?" He asked himself, "When does this end?"

As he struggled to stand up, he slowly walked past the bed and to the window of the dimly lit room. He admired the beautiful trees that gave the town its life one last time.

"It was fun here." He said to himself after which he sneakily climbed out and down the tree which the house was stayed on.

On his way down, he grabbed a pair of swords, a bow and a few arrows.

Walter snuck out very carefully, avoiding every guard on duty. Slowly, watching every step, he made his way past the town, and got closer to the edge where Adeola had taken him.

On getting to the base of the rock, he placed his hand on the rock to start climbing up when he stepped on a thick slime.

"What the hell did I just step on?" He yelled in disgust because of the thick and smelly slime. He removed his feet from the slime and bent to clean it.

On bending, he heard the tweak of a branch very close to him.

Fully alert, he slowly turned to his right and behold, four unusual looking beasts were approaching slowly.

They were slugs the size of hippopotamuses and were full of slime. Their eyes were elevated a lot higher than the usual.

On seeing that their ambush was broken, they stopped moving forward but revealed themselves fully by standing to their true size. They still had their eyes locked on him in a very eerie gaze.

What the hell are those? This place just keeps getting weirder.

He slowly got up, and drew out one of his swords, taking slow steps backwards.

On stepping backwards, he turned to the top of the rock he was about to climb and realized that the slugs were everywhere on the top of the rock.

He was surrounded, but the slugs stoped moving closer.

Walter paused his movements, looking for an escape route. The only way out was the way back to the village.

Before Walter took his step, a whistle from beyond the rock was blown, and immediately, the slugs on every side charged towards him. They were as fast as horses.

Walter ran back the way route he came, he could feel the slugs' slithering gaining on him with tremendous speed without even looking back.

Walter ran as fast as he could and on getting to a certain spot, he slipped and fell. Before he could get up, he was already surrounded again, but this time, it was a circle, and nowhere to run. This time, the slugs growled bitterly at him.

He didn't bother to fight back. Still on the floor, he slowly turned and the slugs looked down on him, and began moving closer with malicious intent.

Just when Walter was about to give up, the tambaloslos jumped from the trees in their numbers onto the slugs and even on Walter.

They pounced on the slugs, and a huge battle erupted. The place became immediately filled with blood. The growls of the slugs and the laughter of the tambaloslos utterly disrupted the serenity of the forest. It was a mini war, but it bought Walter enough time to escape.

Walter struggled to push the tambaloslos on top of him away, and as he tried to run, it grabbed his trouser again,

"Nope, not this time!" Walter said thrusting his sword into its chest, before resuming his race for his life.

As he continued running, he heard that same whistle one more time, agitating the slugs even more, but they were still held at a standstill.

Who is blowing that whistle? He worried, still running, but this time, he could hear the sound of horses, and soldiers from behind. He didn't bother to figure out, he just kept running.

On reaching the town, he was left in shock. He paused for a moment and couldn't seem to process what he had just seen. He was frightened to the marrow, and left in utter confusion.

There was war in the camouflage. The tall beautiful trees were all set ablaze. The smoke ot the flames was as tall and as dark enough to bleach the crimson sky black.

The houses on the trees came crashing down, and the melody of clashing swords filled the air. The soldiers of the town were being killed without second thoughts right before his very eyes.

Walter tried to take steps back into the forest, but the galloping of horses and the growls of monster slugs showed that they weren't far behind.

"Oh God. Where do I run to now?" He panicked as his heart began racing uncontrollably.

stay tuned!

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