
World Tree Online: Origin

In the "Hypothetical Realistic Game," Elf Theocracy," the most popular NPC, the incarnation of the World Tree, the Mother of Nature, the Goddess of Life, and ruler of the elfkind-------- Eve Yggdrasill, seated on the godly throne, smiled down at the players: "Welcome to the world of swords and magic." ----------------- A/N: Mc was a male but got reinarcation as a female

Litch_Mei · Games
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Upon finishing his speech, Lantana's giant protector's physique quakes slightly once more, his half-kneeling position becoming even more reverential.

Eve glimpses him bow down deeply and hears his voice tremble with delight, like a child receiving admiration from their mother:

"Berserker, praise the Mother Goddess!"

Simultaneously, Eve sensed a pure warm presence that came from Lantana's guard, appearing to pass through the void and directly bless his body, finally uniting with his form.

Including the original Natural Divine Power, this seemed to have reached his deepest core and was combined with his existing strength.

But Eve was surprised to discover that his original Divine Power, having consumed 1/3, had gradually recovered.

Considering the knowledge within his and reasoning it out, he acquired an answer swiftly.

"Could it be... the power of faith?"

Sega Continent, a Fantasy world where Divine Spirits exist, has its world controlled by a True Gods.

Power of the Divine Spirit is derived from faith, with this faith power of sentient entities coalescing in the form of Divine Power, later transformed by the Deity into pure Divine Energy.

And the source of this power is undoubtedly coming from Guardian Lantana's body. With no doubt, it is the faith power of the latter.

Due to Eve's casting through his own Natural Divine Power, it has naturally become his loyal ally, and shall inevitably supply him with faith energy.

Gazing at Berserker's respectful obedience toward him, Eve couldn't help but feel pleased.

Conscious of the fact that he vaguely comprehended the method by which he could restore power, Eve looked at the document concerning his inheritance once more and successfully discovered pertinent information:

Sega Continent, True God exists.

With the origin of the True God's power as the basis, two sects can be divided, namely The New God Sector and Old God Sector...

The New God Sector, also referred to as the Divine Spirit Sect, is a group formed of Divine Spirits.

This group mainly depends on faith to transform Divine Power, enhance their godly capabilities, and perfect the world via the construction of a Divine Kingdom.

The Old God Sector, referred to as the Mythical Creature Sect, belongs to the group of Inborn True Gods.

Their Divine Power has its origins in the laws granted by heaven or earth, along with their own energy from the void, enabling them to manifest Divine Abilities.

The Old God Sector doesn't need faith in order to strengthen itself, but it can also utilize believers to further strengthen its power.

The World Tree belongs to this sector.

If the World Tree has recovered fully, it can absorb energy directly from the void, obtain Divine Power, or transform the life force of other creatures into natural Divine Power.

However, the World Tree is presently in a near-death state, losing the Natural Divine Energy it obtained from the void.

Due to this condition, the World Tree is unable to work on its own, and can only indirectly influence the surrounding world by utilizing Divine Power.

The life force around has regained its power, however since Eve cannot do it himself at the current moment, he can only rely on faith to increase his power.

Nonetheless, the path of faith isn't suitable.

From the contents in the inheritance information available to Eve, he has grasped the reality that the competition amongst gods and deities for the faith of the populace on Sega Continent is fierce.

In the past, the World Tree died as a result of this.

As the object of his affection is in front of Eve, he can't help but perceive him as a valuable treasure.

Once again, Lantana is categorized as a "Fanatical" entity.

A level above this, which is akin to the "Saint" variant, is what Eve observes in his mind.

Thinking that it would be best to replicate the data displayed in the game, if the opportunity arises, Eve muses about the necessity to better comprehend Berserker's abilities.

Name: Berserker

Race: Lantana Guardian

Class: Druid

Level: 51 (Mid Silver)

Faith in the True God: Eve Yggdrasill (Faith level: Fanatical)

Description: One who is favored by nature, Guardian of the World Tree

Capabilities: War Sacrifice, Lantana Grasp, Natural Dike...


Eve gapes his mouth widely in surprise at the revelation.

"Wowsers... My thoughts came true?"

Though his heart was somewhat skeptical, Eve recognized and understood that following him merging with the core of the World Tree, he's now regarded as a True God.

Even if Eve doesn't wield complete authority over his power yet, he's able to utilize Natural Divine Power to enact several miracles ever since he combined with the world's laws as a result of the clash of divine forces.

In his mind, information related to Berserker surfaces, and the action feels quite natural.

However, Eve still feels agonizing discomfort from the limited Divine Power.

It feels as though he's the newly-appointed Chief Executive Officer of a company on the brink of bankruptcy.

After closely looking over all of the information regarding Berserker, Eve didn't seem all too pleased.

He thinks to himself, "A Mid Silver... Relatively low."

Through combining with the World Tree inheritance, Eve has gained a firm comprehension of the tier system in the world.

In Sega Continent, the classification of careers can be divided into four main categories, specifically, Career, Legend, Demi-god and Mythical levels.

The lowest level in the Career category is named Secular level, which can be broken down into Black Iron, Silver and Golden three levels, each one divided into Low, Mid and High levels.

Mid Silver, in the Career Level, is regarded as average at most when compared to the legendary characters.

Eve mentally vocalized a thought in his head.

"Reveal my status!"

Considering the scenario again, Eve once more commanded with the utmost sincerity in his heart.

Right after thinking about it, a document frame that resembled the previous one resurfaced inside his consciousness.

Name: Eve Yggdrasill

Race: World Tree (Old God)

Level: 150 (Mythical)

Status: Weak Divine Power (nearly dormant)

Controlling Deity: Nature, Life, Elf

Titles: Mother of Nature, Goddess of Life, Elf God

Divine Power Value: 10/500

Number of Believers: 3 (Saint 0, Fanatical 1, Devout Believer 1, Peasant Believer 1)

Capabilities: Communication, Gift, Magic, Healing, Summoning, Divine Selection...

"Hmm... Who the heck names Eve?! Oh, wait... He's the freakin' Mother Goddess. The World Tree is a mother of life from its inception, and it's naturally a goddess due to that. In my past life, I had gone through way too much of those stupid hypothetical games. Even if I'm granted a goddess title now, I don't even need it. And what's up with the believers that I'm still having?..."

Upon noticing the amount of his remaining believers, Eve felt a smidge of surprise, though he eventually returned back to his usual self after recalling some faint prayers prior to merging with the core of the World Tree.

If he guessed correctly, the prayers possibly emanated from the remnant of his believers.

More so, the value of 10 Divine Powers is indeed pitiful.

To top that, the act of casting a spell on Berserker consumed a complete 5 point value of Divine Power!

"I must increase my Divine Power value... It's far from adequate" Eve uttered quietly, knowing that having the capacity to pursue his personal independence is also a significant reason for striving to build up his Divine Power.

Although the near-dead state of the World Tree gives Eve the sensation of being a lifeless, inert entity, with the exception of its consciousness, Eve laments over its sad predicament.

If he keeps remaining in this state, Eve fears going mad from frustration.

Accumulating abundant Divine Power, recovering from near-death, and shaping the incarnation of God are his priorities.

As soon as Eve embodies his divine incarnation, he's able to exert his agency to a certain extent.

However, if he intends to take advantage of the Divine Power within it, Eve discovers that he needs a significant amount of Divine Power in order to sustain it!

Upon witnessing such a hefty cost, Eve sighed with a heavy heart.

"Too poor..." he laments in his mind.

Fortunately, believers provide faith, which can be transformed into Divine Power.

Eve, having seen that the number of believers is merely three, was even more distraught.

"Is there truly a True God who's worse off than me in the entire world?" He reflects despondently.

Although the ancient True God World Tree belongs to the Old God category, it doesn't have the faith of the Gods.

However, according to Eve, faith seems to be the only way for him to replenish his Divine Power for now.

With an impulse, Eve feels his heart spark with curiosity.

"If I'm able to communicate with the Lantana guards on my own, then doesn't that mean I can make contact with other Believers as well?" he ponders with increasing interest.

Eve, once again lost in thought, finds himself inside that green space.

Although he's aware now as to what it actually is, the space remains shrouded in darkness.

The core of the World Tree Deity and original form of the Kingdom of God is still enveloped by dim light, while an aspect of chaos.

During this moment, Eve senses that he rules the space, but he refrains from making any changes since his Divine Power is too weak.

Eve notices the presence of three groups of green photons in the space, akin to streaks of shooting stars.

These are the channels through which he may engage the three Believers.

In addition to these, Eve was surprised to find the same group of blue light that he had observed during his transmigration.

Not only that, the feeling of closeness from the blue light group is growing consistently.

After some deliberation, Eve decides to delay contacting the other believers for the time being, and instead explores the consciousness that's connected to the blue light group.

As Eve touched the blue light group, a large volume of numerical and symbolic data flashes before his eyes, making up a massive amount of info.

"[Hypothetical Realistic] illuminates the advent of new revolutionary scientific and technological advances?"

"In the interest of our nation, there is optimism regarding implementing a full-scale Virtual Network by the end of the year!"

"Game professionals who've grinded all night suddenly perish in their gaming cabins..."


After holding on for a few seconds, Eve quickly cut off the incoming information.

He stared at the group of blue lights in front of him with some bewilderment, and his heart was filled with storms and storms -

The blue light group, the connection is of course the previous life's Earth internet!