
World Shatter

Henry Miller always dreamt of being teleported to a fantasy world but he never expected that a fantasy world would be brought to him. On that day, the earth cracked open letting loose monsters and magical beasts onto the surface. A stroke of misfortune causes Henry to be incapable of leveling, and in turn, he is forced to become stronger through the power of exercise mixed with a fiery resolve and unparalleled regenerative powers. This isn't a story of candy and roses, but one of pain, struggling, and a strong reliance on community to work together in order to survive. Out of the ruins of shattered earth, many will rise to the top and many will fall at the feet of others, but there are very few truly strong enough to protect others, and of those few even less will willingly choose to do so. Therefore it is Henry's duty to carry that torch and be someone who can bear that responsibility. Through light and darkness, Henry will remain as the pin that holds together the World Shatter.

Gulags · Urban
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30 Chs


I heard a crowd of people surround me.

"Oh my god, is he okay?"

"What happened to him."

Using all the strength I could muster, I grunted, "Food… Or… I die!"


I felt something pass my lips and rest atop my tongue.

Is it… Chocolate?

Crunching down on the bar, I quickly chewed the chocolate and swallowed. It was oddly chewy like spongey meat, and tasted a bit like iron.

I felt a liquid pour past my lip as I yelled, "More! More!"

The crowd gasped as if they had seen something terrifying.


"No! Need food… Or I… Die," I responded, cutting the girl off.

"Y-Your tongue."

My… Tongue?

I tried moving my tongue and realized I could no longer feel it. I must've eaten it.

"Ignore that… Just give food… quickly."

"O-Okay," the woman worriedly responded.

"Glucose… I need… Glucose."

"Give the kid some candy, dammit!" yelled an older sounding man.

Another bar of candy pressed passed my lips, but when I tried to chew, I couldn't get my jaw to function

The older sounding man yelled, "he's about to pass out, chew it for him!"

Chew it… For… Me?



[Qualifications Met]

[Player (Henry Miller) is evolving]

[Cataloging User (Henry Miller) As Race (Juggernaut) Into System Database]




I opened my eyes to see that I was alone in a pink bedroom. In a bed with pink sheets.

"What the hell?"

Stats open.


[User: Henry Miller]

[Race: Juggernaut]

[Class: Spiteful Loser]

[Lv: 0]

[Xp: 0/100]

[Body: 8]

[Mental: 11]

[Senses: 10]

[Magic: 0]

[Skills: Racial ability (Uncanny Regeneration), Racial ability (Stomach Pocket-Dimension), Class ability (Fearless Resolve)]

[Traits: Racial trait (Starting attributes are unaffected by this race), Class trait (Attributes don't increase by leveling up), Class trait (Starting attributes are unaffected by this class)]


"Stomach fuckin' pocket dimension, huh?"

My body felt stiff, like I had just recovered from a bad case of rigor mortis. Maybe it's normal for dead people to feel like they had just woken up from a massive hangover. It's okay. At least my senses have improved by one, whatever the hell that means.

Lifting the sheets forward revealed I was wearing nothing but my underwear.

"Okay, where the hell am I?"

Looking around, I observed that the room I was in was akin to that of a little girl's.

Standing up, I began stretching out my stiffened muscles. I observed the man in the wardrobe mirror. He was husky but no longer fat.

I stepped closer to the wardrobe mirror.

His eyes were still a steely grey, but both eyes had four thick red streaks, each running perpendicular from the iris's edges to the pupil in the center. The four peculiar red lines were located to the left, right, top, and bottom of the pupils. In other words, they looked like the edges of a red cross transposed with what otherwise were steely grey irises.

"Fantasy, my ass. The system is straight making stuff up now."

"Tch… Could've let me know that I needed a pocket dimension stomach earlier dickhead System."

An office chair sat in the center of the room, with neatly folded clothes sitting atop it, above a letter written in cute female handwriting read:

Your body shrank, and your tongue grew back! Very cool!

P.S. I hope you don't mind, but I tried clothes out on you to see what fit while you were sleeping.

Great, so I played as some little girl's dolly.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't complain. I was cared for after all."

Reaching down, I slipped on the pair of jeans and tank top.

The husky man in the wardrobe mirror looked like a Grade-A Wife Beater.

I reflexively shook my head and strode out the door. Turning the corner and walking down the hall, I entered the kitchen.

"Please have running water."

Turning the handle on the sink caused nothing but dust to come out. Another note sat to the side of the sink that read:

This house doesn't have running water or food, but they should've sent over a cooler full of water and food to your location. Don't eat all in one sitting. :p

"That's exactly what I'm going to do."

Stepping out the front door, I immediately recognized where I was and how I could get back to the encampment.

Where is this cooler, though?


I sat around and waited for thirty minutes hoping for the person with the cooler to show up. It was noon meaning not much time had passed since I was knocked out cold—a true testament to my regenerative powers.

"Hey!" a man hollered from down the road.

It was the buff grey-skinned guy, and he was carrying what looked to be an entire freezer atop his head

"Damn, how strong Is this guy?" I quietly murmured.

"Hang on, I'm coming over."