
World Saviour: Luminous Hero And World Destroyer: Demon Lord

When we open our eyes, we were greeted by a world full of light as the eyes can see. A woman with unparallel beauty appeared in front of us. "Please save the world!" The woman beg. "Huh?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now we were in fantasy world filled with magic and strange being, and now we must save this from it's unknown imminent destruction. ________________________________________________________________ Roy Malkus was an orphan boy, when he was 15 he's parent died in a car accident. Evaline Rose is the childhood friend of Roy, her parents was friends and indebt with Roy's parents. So when they died Evaline's parent took Roy under their roof in order to repay the favor with Roy's parent. ________________________________________________________________ While Evaline and Roy were in class a giant magic circle appeared in the whole classroom. Causing them to be transported to another world. ________________________________________________________________ Note: This is my first novel so don't expect much. PS: English is not my strongest suit, so expect some grammar errors. PPS: I'm just doing this for fun.

Lazy_Cake · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Welcome Heroes!

When Roy and Evaline opened their eyes, a gigantic and majestic grand hall, and dozens of people in robes surrounding them greeted them.

When they looked at the floor, they saw a gigantic magic circle.

When they surveyed the area around them, they saw more people their age near them also summoned in this world.

"Welcome Heroes, I am Celia Von Zenith. The 2nd princess of the Kingdom Zenith." A beautiful woman walked up to them and bowed then introduced herself.

The woman has sky blue hair and eyes, she was wearing a light blue dress and a tiara on her head.

"Please follow me." Celia politely requested and led them outside.

When they exited the giant door, a beautiful scenery greeted them with gigantic creatures flying through the air.

'This is another world alright.' Evaline thought seeing the scenery, feeling depressed.

"Mom.... Dad...." Evaline called out to her parents in a quiet whisper, her voice full of longing.

Roy sighed seeing Evaline's face that displayed clear sadness.

Roy looked around and saw a gigantic beautiful carriage driven by lizard type monster with a horn; its size is the same with the car in earth.

'Huge! Evaline thought seeing the sheer size of the carriage; she looked at the large lizard, forcing herself to stop thinking about her parents.

Roy also saw dozen of men clad in metallic armor around them; they bowed seeing them and the princess.

"Evaline, let's follow the princess for now." Roy told Evaline and followed the princess.

Evaline nodded and followed them.

The others, who were summoned alongside Roy and Evaline, saw Roy and Evaline follow the princess, also followed along.

"Please enter." Celia entered the carriage and politely told them to follow.

Evaline was first then Roy then the others, this continued until all of them had entered.

"Would you please tell me your names?" Celia asked

"Evaline Rose." Evaline was the first to introduce herself in a blatant or dry manner, making sure to convey she does not want to converse right now.

Due to her being unable to see her parent ever again, Evaline was not in the mood to talk right now.

"I'm Roy Morales; you can call me Roy instead." Roy followed after but in a more polite manner.

'We probably not offend someone with high status for now without sufficient strength.' Roy thought.

"I'm Maria Ashton, nice to meet you Your Highness Celia."

A beautiful woman with light blue hair and eyes excluding air of coldness and indifference introduced herself in a polite manner.

"Please just call me Celia." Celia requested them.

All of them nodded except for Evaline.

"Hello there, I am Alex Maxwell, you can call me Alex."

The person who introduced herself next was a handsome young man with blonde hair and blue eyes. The man showed a bright and amiable smile.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Kyle Brandon, you can just call me Kyle."

The person who followed up was also a handsome young man with brown hair and green eyes, this person has a calming atmosphere around him that can led you to let your guard down around him.

"Hello everyone, I'm May Watson, you can call me May."

The next person who introduced himself next was another beautiful woman with Black hair and ocean blue eyes; she has the air of an easygoing, bright and energetic person around her.

"Nice to meet you everyone." Celia said with a gentle smile, after they introduced themselves.

After that, the group talked about small things, trying to slightly know each other.

"Your highness, we arrived." The driver announced.

"Follow me everyone." Celia told them as she left the carriage.

When they exited the carriage, a statue of Gaia reaching her hands out greeted them.

Behind the statue was a beautiful majestic church.

"Let's enter." Celia said as she led them to the church.

When they entered, their greeted by an equally beautiful and majestic grand hall compared to the place their summoned.

There was a giant stone monolith in the middle of the hall surrounded by dozen of nuns.

"Heroes, please follow me." A woman in pries robes walked up them and led them to the monolith.

"I'll stay here." Celia said and stayed next to the entrance.

When they were closed, the nun dropped on her knees and started praying.

"Goddess Gaia, please grant your power to the heroes who will save the world."

In response to the nun, the monolith glowed brightly, before releasing six small orbs of light, with two of the six being slightly larger than the rest.

The orbs of light floated on top of the heroes, before shattering into multiple pieces and transforming into words.

[Luminous Hero] was the thing that appeared on top of Roy's head.

[Demon Lord] on Evaline.

[Ice Empress] on Maria.

[Light Hero] on Alex.

[Sword God] on Kyle.

Lastly [Saintess] on May.

"Hieh!" The nuns shrieked loudly.

Her shriek echoing throughout the hall, seeing the words on top of Evaline's head.

"What happened?" Celia walked up to them and questioned hearing the loud shriek.

Getting near them, Celia stopped in her tracks.

"Huh? [Demon Lord]? What does this mean?" Celia muttered to herself seeing the words on top of Evaline.

Suddenly two more words appeared next to Roy and Evaline's side.

[Magic Gunslinger] and [Magic Emperor] was on Roy's side.

Meanwhile [Sword God] and [Illusion Master] was on Evaline's side.

Seeing the commotion, Roy walked to Celia and requested:

"Can we get a room? Were a bit tired, so were going to rest for a bit."

"Two or one?" Celia asked Roy, still slightly in shock seeing their [Class].

"One for two people please." Roy replied.

"Lead them to one of the guest room!" Celia ordered the guard next to her.

The guard walked up to them and led them to a room.

"Evaline, let's go." Roy told Evaline and followed the guard.

Evaline nodded and followed Roy.

"Do you two know each other?" Alex curiously asked, seeing their interaction.

"Yes, we are lovers." Evaline replied.

That is right, when they were 15. Roy confessed to Evaline and she accepted his confession, and now their lovers.

"Huh?" All of them let a sound of confusion, hearing her answer.

Before they could say anything, Roy and Evaline already left following the guard.

"Do you have to announce it?" Roy asked Evaline, slightly embarrassed.

"Remember, you're a hero. Seeing as how even a princess is respectful to us, we probably high status in this world. Sooner or later somebody will probably offer their children to be married to you to elevate their status, so I have to do it." Evaline whispered, her voice filled with indifference and coldness.

As far as Roy remembered, Evaline does not like girls getting close to him.

"Just do whatever you want." Roy replied with a gentle loving smile on his face, deciding to give up on stopping Evaline.

Even thought they were talking in a quiet voice, the guard still heard them and felt awkward. Because he knows, what Evaline said is true.

"We arrived." The guard told them as they stood in front of a door.

"Thanks." Roy thanked the guard and entered inside with Evaline.

Roy closed the door and locked it.


The sound of the door closing echoed in the room.

Before turning on the lights, Evaline and Roy listened for outside noise, once they heard the footstep of the guard walking away, they sighed in relief.

It was a bit dark inside, so Roy and Evaline looked around for a light switch.

"Found it." Evaline said and flicked the light switch.


The whole room was lit up, revealing various beautiful and expensive furniture.

"Wow!" Evaline let out a sound of admiration seeing the furniture.

"Do you feel tired? I do." Roy said to Evaline.

"Yes." Evaline replied.

With all of the things happening, like being summoned to another world, took a toll on their minds.

"Let's sleep." Roy said and lied on the bed.

"Mm, move for a bit." Evaline told Roy, as she tried to snuggle on Roy's embrace.

"You done?" Roy ask as he felt Evaline moved around the bed.

"Done." Evaline replied.

Her head was resting on Roy's chest, while his arms were embracing her. Evaline looked adorable and cute while snuggling on Roy's embrace.

"Warm." Evaline murmured feeling Roy's body heat.

"New perfume?" Roy asked smelling a lavender fragrance on her body.

"Yes, now let's sleep." Evaline replied as she try to fall on the lands of dreams.

After a while, Roy heard Evaline soft snoring. Roy smiled affectionately while looking at her sleeping face, before slowly falling asleep.

The light was still on, because both of them were feeling tired, they just left it on.

Inside the room, only the sound snoring of two people can be only heard.

8 hours later.

*Knock! Knock!

A knocking sound echoed throughout the room, waking up Evaline and Roy from their sleep.

"Who is it?" Roy asked aloud.

"It's me, Celia." Celia replied across the door.

'Celia? Who is that...? Oh, right.... We're not in home anymore. I'm in another world.' Evaline thought feeling depressed.

'At least I have Roy.' Evaline felt her sadness fade away with that thought.

Evaline stood up opened the door, she slightly and peak her head out.

"What is it?" Evaline asked Celia.

"There is a banquet, so I came here to ask if you two hungry." Celia explained.

Hearing that, Evaline and Roy's stomach grumbled.

"Okay, wait for a bit, well come with you." Evaline said.

"Oh right, here are some clothes, please change into this." Celia clapped her hands as a guard walked to them with a change of clothes for her and Roy.

"Thanks." Evaline thanked Celia and receive the extra clothes, after receiving it Evaline closed the door.

"Roy, Celia gave us some extra clothes, we probably need to change our clothes." As she said that, Evaline looked at her school uniform it a bit crumpled due to sleeping earlier.

"There seem to be a bath here, so let's take a bath and changed clothes." Roy carried Evaline in princess style and head to the bathroom.

Evaline did not resist and let Roy do what he want.

10 minutes later.

Roy and Evaline was finished bathing themselves and changed to the clothes Celia gave to them.

Evaline was sitting on the edge of the bed, while Roy was still inside the bathroom.

Evaline was wearing a beautiful white dress, which enhance her beauty even further and gave her an air of innocence.

After a while, Roy exited the bathroom.

"Done?" Evaline asked Roy, as she slightly adjust her long blonde hair to fit her dress.

Roy was wearing formal suit, he was slightly adjusting the black bow tie on his neck.

"Let me help you." Evaline offered her help seeing Roy slightly struggling with his bow tie.

Roy accepted her help.

After helping Roy with his bow tie, they had finish changing their clothes.

"And...Done! Let's go and meet Celia." Evaline said and walked to the door.

Roy followed her to the door.

When they got out, they saw Celia wearing a beautiful blue dress matching her hair and eyes, with four men in iron armor surrounding her

"Let's go, there are already a carriage waiting for us." Celia said and began to lead the way.

Roy and Evaline nodded and followed her.

5 minutes later.

When they got out of the church, they saw a smaller carriage than earlier but this one was more beautiful and grand.

Two white horse in front of the carriage.

"Let's enter." Celia politely told both of them, as she enter inside.

Roy let Evaline first then him next.

"Why is there a banquet anyway?" Evaline asked Celia.

"It's to commemorate the heroes arrival." Celia replied.

"Ah! Okay." Evaline nodded in reply.

"Celia, I want to ask something." Roy told Celia, interrupting their conversation.

"Sure, what it is?" Celia replied.

"How many heroes has been summoned in the entire history of this world?"

Hearing his question, Celia fell into thought before explaining, "Mm, there was total of 20 people summoned in this world before you guys, the first two was a man and a woman in the age of destruction thousands of years ago. In regard to that era, we found almost zero to none records about this era, but we did find a record about a hero being summoned to defeat the enemies of that era."

"Basically we know nothing but this in that era."

"The second was 8 people, 5 men and 3 woman. It was about 800 years ago this was the time where the Demons suddenly went on a rampage around the world."

"Previously the Demons were not like this, they had a good relationship with every race in the world, but when the new demon king appeared they started rampaging around and killing every living thing they can find. This brought the ire of every race in the world, so all of the races formed an alliance to defeat the Demons."

"But something weird happened, when the demon king who ruled the Demon race was defeated and killed, the Demons suddenly mellowed down their rampaging tendencies vanishing without a trace, even the Demons themselves are confused. Till dis day historian was still left baffled."

"The third was 8 people again, 4 men and 4 women, this was 200 years ago. This time was called 'The Era of Apocalypse' millions of pure black monster in different shapes and forms appeared all around the world trying to kill everything they set their eyes on, some races was killed in extinction and some race almost went extinct, the human race was among the latter. In that time all of the races formed an alliance again to defeat the monsters."

"After countless years, the heroes and the world alliance killed the entire race of those monsters bringing about the world peace."

"And now those monster's are back, seeing this all of the races formed an alliance again to kill these monsters." This was the end of Celia's explanation.

"We arrived!" The coachman announced.

"Well both of you, let's go." Celia said and opened the door.

Dozens of people greeted Roy and Evaline, expensive and beautiful tables were spread around, and various food were lined up. The scenery around them further enhanced the beauty of the banquet.

"WELCOME HEROES!" The crowd of people shouted seeing both of them.

"Evaline, let's go." Roy said with a warm gentle smile and offered his hands to Evaline.

"Sure." Evaline nodded and held his hands with hers, while smiling warmly and gently at Roy.

This is gonna be their first step toward this world, while being together with every step of the way.