
World Saver System

Gerald Acers is given powers and abilities by the World Saver System. Time on his world freezes when he is sent to other worlds to eradicate invaders. When his mission is completed he is given rewards based on how well he completed his jobs. The rewards allow him to take certain items or abilities home with him. In his everyday life, Gerald tries to stay out of trouble but it seems to have a way to find him. While his family has military and government association, Gerald is an author by trade. While the world sees him as a popular fiction writer, he himself knows that he writes nonfiction. He turns his adventures in other worlds into stories that he sells for profit.

Dao_Of_Fiction · Urban
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42 Chs

Making A New Friend

"This can't be happening." The woman said with a pale face. She then turned to Kristen. "You said that there wouldn't be a problem. What the hell am I supposed to do now?"

"Not my problem." Kristen said as she put on a pair of large sunglasses, then turned and left the store with her posse.

"You… You…" The woman then turned back towards Gerald. "You… you ruined a one of a kind dress. How dare you?"

"Shut up. Take me to the register to pay."

"Don't you talk to my employee like that." Said a new voice from behind the group.

Gerald turned to see a middle-aged woman walking over. "You have no right to demean others in my store." She spoke. "Especially after you butchered one of our dresses. I will be calling security to escort you out after you pay. I will have you banned from this mall."

Gerald didn't show an ounce of concern. "I treat people how they should be treated. Are you going to take me to the register?"

The lady snatched the price tag from his hand and then walked towards the register.

She pressed a few buttons on the phone next to the register and then entered into the machine.

Fourteen thousand dollars appeared on the digital display. Amy was aghast.

She then turned towards the saleslady that had quietly followed them over. "This is way out of the price range I gave you. I said I would spend two thousand at most."

The saleslady lowered her head but didn't say anything.


The door chimed as two security guards walked in. "Where is the problem?" The first one asked.

The woman behind the counter pointed towards Gerald and then looked at him. "Pay up and then never set foot in this mall again."

"What, that's ridiculous. This whole thing is a scam." Amy said with a pout.

"Don't worry, I don't mind buying you a gift." Gerald said while running his finger across her hair again and then lightly poked at the ribbon that tied her hair.

The two security guards each moved to a different side of the couple and watched them closely while Jessica stood behind them.

Gerald opened his jacket and reached for his breast pocket.

"Gun!" One of the security guards yelled while drawing his own weapon. The other did the same.

Amy shuddered and grabbed Gerald tightly while he himself didn't react at all.

He pulled a card out of his breast pocket and tossed it on the counter, but it wasn't his credit card, it was the NSA badge that the suit had given him before he left. It was given in hopes that Gerlad would stop by and work with them more often. Others may not be aware, but the suit knew that he was the Directors son. He wouldn't be a bad person to make friends with.

The Security guards hesitated and slightly lowered their guns when they saw the badge with his picture and the large N.S.A. logo on it.

"Don't worry boys, I am perfectly legal." Gerald said while reaching into a different pocket. He rooted around for a moment and then pulled out another card and tossed it on the counter.

Unfortunately, it too wasn't his credit card. It was a military I.D. with his picture, two stars, and the words Major General.

"Hold on a second, I know it is here somewhere." He said while still searching. The security guards had holstered their weapons and respectfully stood at the sides now.

"Ah, here it is."


A black card landed on the counter. The guards didn't recognize it, but the lady behind the counter was all to familiar with the sound of a credit card made from metal. She sucked in a cool breath while she picked up the black card. Only accounts that had over fifty million in them were allowed to have access to such a card.

Gerald gathered up his I.D.'s and looked at the woman behind the counter. "Swipe away." He said as he was still holding the card and not doing anything.

She then quickly charged the card that was approved immediately.

She politely handed it back.

Gerald stuffed it into his pocket and spoke. "You may want to ask your saleswoman how we got our hands on that dress in the first place." He said before turning around and walking towards the door.

The woman shot a look at her employee.

The young lady started to speak. "Well… Miss Kristen asked me-."

"Shut up." The older woman interrupted her. She then turned towards the guards. "Apparently the problem was with my staff and not the customer. Sorry for troubling you two."

"No worries, no worries." They said as they moved and opened the door for Gerald who was walking with Amy hugging his arm. Jessica followed them out.

"Sir… about earlier." The guard started while he spoke to Gerald.

"You did everything you were supposed. Keep up the hard work of making the mall safe." He said while clapping the man on the shoulder and then walking away.

Gerald walked towards a frozen yogurt stand and ordered three servings while Amy and Jessica stayed quiet. The three sat down and ate. After a minute, Jessica broke the silence.

"Were those I.D.s real?" She asked.

Gerald nodded and stole a bite from Amy's spoon that was hanging in the air while she was waiting for him to answer.

"Hey, that's mine."

"To slow." He answered while she giggled.

"Did you know?" Jessica asked Amy.

She nodded. "I knew he was high up in the military, and he told me his mom is the Director of the NSA, so it isn't that surprising." She then turned towards Gerald. "But why do you have a gun on you?"

"I told you I had to do a favor for my mom right?" He answered.

She nodded. "Was it dangerous."

"Nah, not for me."

"What kind of favor did you have to do?" Jessica asked.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. You would think I was making it up."

"Then I won't ask." Amy said while quickly snatching a bite from Gerald's spoon. And then she let out a small laugh when she saw Gerald's surprised face. It was clear that he didn't expect her to steal away his last bite. He wasn't upset and only wrinkled his nose towards her and then smiled.

Amy then quickly finished her own while trying to block his spoon from her bowl. When they finished, Gerald found Amy staring at him.

"Do you think… Would it be okay for me to shoot your gun?"

"You want to shoot it?" He asked.

Amy nodded. "I have never touched a gun before. I think it might be fun." She said with a smile.

"We can go to the range if you want."

"Really?" She asked excitedly.

"Sure, why not? Next time you come to my place I can take you to the range nearby."

"We can't go to one in Grove city?" Amy asked.

"We could, but if you wait until you're in Hopple again, I can take you somewhere where we can play with some real fun stuff."

"Yes, yes, let's do that." She said with a smile.

The three spent a few more minutes chatting before Jessica decided they leave the mall and head out. The girls still needed to find something to wear to the ball.

"We can head to Bell street." Amy suggested. "There are a few good shops there and we may find what we are looking for."

"Sounds like a plan." Jessica said.

Gerald followed along. He had nothing better to do anyway. A few hours and a handful of shops later, Amy had found a dress she liked but Jessica was still looking.

They walked along the sidewalk and came to the next store. Gerald was lagging behind. He was happy to be spending time with Amy, but the shopping was still boring.

"You don't have to stay with us, you can head back if you want." Amy offered. She could tell that Gerald wasn't having much fun.

"No, no, but I think I may step into the café next door and grab something to drink." He said.

"Sure, that works. We will make sure to find you before we leave." Amy said before walking into the heavily perfumed dressed store with Jessica.

Gerald stopped and had a few cups of tea next door, but even when he had finished, the girls were still looking for a dress for Jessica.

He stepped out of the café and looked towards the sky. It was nighttime, but not a single star in the sky could be seen. The light pollution from the city blocked everything except for the moon.

Gerald turned his head suddenly. He directed his hearing towards the alley next to the café. He could hear someone whining and crying.

He turned and walked into the dirty alley. He pushed aside a few soggy cardboard boxes and found the source of the noise. It wasn't a person, it was dog.

The gray furred dog looked up with dropping ears and whined again. As it did so, Gerald could see its ribs showing throw its dirty and patchy fur. As Gerald raised his hand to pat its head, the dog pulled back and whined again and then laid down.

"Hold on boy." Gerald said while standing back up and heading into the café again.

A few minutes later he returned. He opened the takeout packing and set a lambchop in front of the dog and then took the plastic container and poured a bottle of water into and set it next to the food.

The dog stared at the food and then back at Gerald.

"Go on. You look hungry enough." Gerald said.

The dog looked towards the food again and then stared at Gerald.

"Alright, alright." He said and then took a step back.

As he moved away, the dog crawled forward and began to eat the meat that was set in front of it.

The dog kept its eye on Gerald as it ate. It watched as the man moved forward. Its hunger won out as it let the man pet its dirty head while it continued to eat.

After the meat was gone, the dog buried its snout in the water and drank its fill, almost starving itself of air in the process.

Gerald sat next to the mut while it panted for air. He stroked it's back as it began to gnaw on the bone of the lambchop.

"You are a good boy, aren't you?" Gerald said as he stroked the dogs back.

He had always enjoyed the company of animals. Unfortunately, he never had a pet growing up. Gerald kept petting the dog while it continued to chew on its bone. After a few minutes, the dog scooted closer and leaned against him.

The filthy animal dirtied his suit, but that didn't bother him in the slightest.

*Ring* *Ring*

The dog jerked up.

"Hey, it's alright." Gerald said while soothing the startled dog. "It is just my phone." He said while showing his cell to the mutt.

It tilted its head and stared at the ringing device for a moment before it laid back down and went back to its bone.

"This is Gerald." He said while answering the call.

"Sure, sure, take your time. I made a new friend. We are just hanging out around the corner."

"What does that mean? I can make friends."

"Ha, ha, yeah okay. There is no rush."

"Okay, call me when you are done."


Gerald put his phone back into his pocket.

"That was just my girlfriend. Her name is Amy, she was saying that she will be a bit longer." Gerald said to the dog while going back to petting it. "She is really nice. One of the nicest people I have ever met."

Gerald kept talking to the dog for several minutes.

"GRRRRRR!" The dog suddenly growled towards the darkness at the end of the alley.

"Shh. It's alright, just people passing through." Gerald said while trying to sooth the dog.

"Looks like the dog is smarter than you." A voice said.

Three men spread out while another two came from the street side of the alley and blocked it off.

Gerald frowned and stood up why the dog continued to growl.