
World Ring System

what will happen when a 20 year old person named Carl died in his own house and meets 3 mysterious visitors with a story from god realm, bringing along most powerful assisting Divine artifact [WORLD RING] created by sacrifice of a supreme god. what will he do when he get to know about largest war happened in god realm which devastated the god realm completely? join our hero as he train in different world with magical ring and charge into god realm for revenge for his teacher. This is not your random reincarnation with golden finger and happy living novel, it is a story , with complete cultivation system. Author note : This is first book I have written so if you have any suggestions please comment. Forgive me for not good enough writing in first few chapters. Thank you for you support. . . . . . First World: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) - Train Body and Qi. Second World: Bleach - Train Soul.

_DIVINE_ · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


"Hahaha" a voice sounded in void with white color.

"Hehe.. finally there is someone who can succeed the LORD."then a sweet voice sounded

"Yeah! its been several millennium since Devil War, now finally there is hope for our revenge " said a thick voice with excitement in his voice.

Carl slowly opens his eyes while rubbing his painful head , it feels like someone has smashed a rod at his head.

Carl looks around. He is standing in, what looks like a white room but with no walls, he can only see white color no matter how far he sees.

"Hello little guy."aid with sweet voice.

Carl looks around incredulously screaming in his heart ' where the fuck is this? '

"Oi BOY" shouted with thick voice

"Fuck you! Who is shouting at this daddy?" asked Carl with an angry face, looking around but sees no one .

When he didn't find anyone he started getting scared. Well, anyone would be scared when you are sleeping in your bed but woke up in a strange looking place with creepy voices in his head.

"Hey brat ! What do you mean by creepy." sounded the male with proud voice with an obvious anger in his tone.

"Who is speaking ? I asked for forgiveness , Sir. I was just a little scared." Carl said with calm face but he is still a little scared inside.

"Hmm.. that should be your attitude boy. Believe me boy, you are really lucky." pride voiced male said in pleased way.

"Don't worry little guy ,let me tell you who we are! We are three guardians of [WORLD RING]. And for some reason you can't see us, so we are talking through telepathy." said sweet voiced female with pride.

"why am I here? and what is this [WORLD RING]?" asked Carl. He is anxious, thinking he had been kidnapped by some strange organization, thinking of this he start feeling goosebumps.

"Don't worry boy we didn't kidnap you. When you sleeping, your house collapsed due to an earthquake and you were crushed to death by debris of your house, according to law of this realm you should be on your way to afterlife to be judged but because your special soul we took you here, it is a special dimension of [WORLD RING]. This [WORLD RING] is one of last surviving and strongest assisting divine artifact of god realm."Said the thick voiced male who haven't spoke for a long time.

Carl who digested this voice's words thought 'so I died' feeling empty inside, he never thought a person like him will die in this fucking way, not under guns of his enemies or even under a beautiful woman but under his own house.

"Ahhhh..fuck fuck I am real a unlucky person." thinking of girl who died because of him, he could not help but have an urge to cry. He who have killed hundreds of people, whose name is enough to scare the shit out of people.

"Cry child cry don't hold back sometimes it's better to let your feeling out otherwise it will eat you from inside." said sweet voiced female in a motherly tone.

"n..no I am fine" said Carl while calming his emotions.

"so this [WORLD RING] you spoke of brought me here because my soul is special in some way to it. So what do you want from me and you should at least introduce yourself to me." Said Carl after calming his emotion and analyzing the situation.

"alright let me introduce you, we are guardians of this artifact appointed by its creator to help it find his successor and help him on his journey. Since we were given our guardian title we don't have another name, my title is SOUL GAURDIAN or you can call me sister soul." Said sweet voice female

"my title is WAR GAURDIAN. You can call me senior guardian." said prideful voice.

"Are you sure you want to be called senior among guardians?" asked sister soul.

"Uhh.. h.hm you can call me brother war." said brother war feeling downcast.

"yes brother war and sister soul, please take care of me in future. But what should I call him?" asked carl

"Enough! Now its time for you to be serious. Listen boy, we are guardians of [WORLD RING] our duty is to protect it from falling into wrong hands and also find a suitable inheritor for it." Said thick voiced male

Carl said "uh.. alright since you don't want to tell me you name I will call you brother steel face, you know beacu.." while saying he imagined legendary T-800 or its another name Terminator

"pfftt.."sister soul and brother war are trying there best to not to laugh.

Steel face interrupted him' I don't care what you call me as for my title when you step in god realm then you will have qualification to know. War, Soul I am going you take it from here' he is almost shouting at the end of it.

"hahahaa" War started laughing hard

"heheh.. little guy you are really brave, you know big brother is always a strict person and he is also strongest among us you shouldn't make fun of him." Sister soul kindly told him

"Haha..if others in god realm know about this I don't know how shocked they will be." brother war said while wiping his tears of laughter.

"God realm..." sister soul voice seemed low.

"What happened sister soul?"

"Nothing, I think we should tell him what is happening or he will not understand next step. Okay not from start, this [WORLD RING] is crafted by our master who is a supreme god by sacrificing his cultivation with last piece of chaos soul in entire god realm fusing it into purest chaos stone ever known in god realm creating strongest supporting artifact into [ WORLD RING ]." speaking until end suddenly there is a ring floating in front of Carl.

Its appearance is pitch black with shining silver like stars in sky, it gave viewer a sense of mysteriousness and a godly or a holy feeling. holding it in hand he can feel its smoothness through its touch. Carl put this ring in his middle finger and staring at it thoughtfully asked

"Sister, what do you mean by god realm and why do your master go to this length to sacrifice his cultivation just to create this ring."

Thinking of god realm he read in novels. If its true then it means I can one day step into godly realm. Carl can feel his blood pumping.

"God realm is what you think it is. As for your second question, for this answer we have to few millennium ago at that time everything was going peacefully but suddenly one day there was a space crack opened in extreme north area of god realm and start expanding, at that time nobody notice until it was too big to ignore and when various powers of god realm gathered there thinking it was a secret realm then we discovered it was actually to a different realm with size and power of our god realm but there main cultivation system was devil system, which is known for its cruelty, a devil cultivator uses extreme method in exchange for power like drinking heart blood, killing babies to make an advancement array. Then biggest war of god realm happened, their soldier were stronger than ours but we have more top level powerhouse than them but they were more powerful in same realm. In this war majority of gods were killed but we can only seal the entrance with all our power but my master believed that it is only temporary solution. In that battle our master suffered life threatening injuries so instead of waiting for death he choose to create this ring with his life hoping to create a unparalleled god so that person can unite god realm and avenge us and create a safe place."

While listening to description Carl can also feel his emotions surging he can imagine the level of battle to be earth-shattering.

At this time brother war who was also listening in silence also spoke smilingly.

"sister I think its enough for him to know this much for now I think you should not be distracted or big brother will be angry."

"Yeah you are right, so little brother you have been chosen by this ring, so if you accept your life will be hard very hard, you should understand the road ahead is full of life threatening danger." soul said in serious way.

Carl replied with a smile.

"It will indeed be dangerous but it will allow me to see a vaster world a bigger world so I can only continue ahead bravely while facing danger."

"Good brother a man should face everything bravely whether it's a mountain of swords or ocean of fire." laughed brother war

"Yes, you didn't disappoint us little brother." there was relief in Soul voice

"Alright, since you have chosen this road then we are also willing to help you. Now , I will start the fusion with your soul but please note it will be painful so don't give up otherwise you soul may collapse." Soul reminded him kindly.

Carl was lost in his thought when he suddenly heard Soul's word but before he can ask her anything he felt a stabbing pain in his head.

'ahaaaa..' he tried not to shout at first but it was too painful he started screaming after few minutes.

In front of Carl stood three figures in the middle a muscular man with serious face and thick eyebrows with a authoritative aura around him he is Brother Steel Face AKA Terminator, on his right stood a beautiful woman with a devilish sexy body but have a holy face and temperament creating a strange but attractive atmosphere around her she is Sister Soul, on steel face's left stood a tall handsome boy with a playful look on his face his body is not muscular like steel face but belong to chiseled type surrounding him is a murderous aura he is Brother War.

"This boy's willpower is good he can hold for 3 min before he started screaming, he is indeed a unique seedling." War nodded in approval

"yup, because of chaos soul this artifact power is great but to own it too much willpower is needed in fresh seedling and because of this it has no owner until now. Although according to master it is strongest supportive artifact but its power I am afraid nobody knows about it." Soul said slowly

"Okay, leave him its his test whether he is qualified for it or not that's not something we can tell." Steel face brother who haven't spoken for long time finally spoke.

"Second sister you did a good job not telling him about everything because it may have adverse effect. Now most pressing issue is whether we should seal his talent according to master or not?" asked steel face.

"I suggest we don't do anything let [WORLD RING] handle it, after all it is strongest supportive artifact it will make best choice for him." replied Soul sister after pondering a bit.

"hey! Have you ever thought what its function is?" asked brother War with a curious face

"This.. I do not know after all it has no owner from the day its created, I think big brother may know?" replied Soul

Both of them started staring at their big brother, in their view their brother is most powerful and with most knowledge among them.

Sensing the gaze from his little brother and sister Steel face feels embarrassed, how can he say that he also don't know.

"Cough..cough don't talk anymore I think he is about to wake up." steel face hurriedly tried to change the topic

Although both of them have their doubts about this excuse but still they don't dare to expose it, who makes their big brother powerful than them.