
World Rework

My first shot at a light novel, I apologize in advance for the grammatical errors I’m very dyslexic. Please let me know what you think of it.

SleepyHollows · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Ch.4: New Beginning

**Well no shit Sherlock! what gave it away? the goblin ambush, the multiple stab wounds or the plummet to the earth?!**. The cold robotic voice echoed [YOU HAVE DIED, YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING IN YOUR LIFE, YOUR DEATH WAS MEANINGLESS. YOU PERISHED AT THE HANDS OF SOME OF THE WEAKEST ENEMIES AND THEN THREW YOURSELF OFF A CLIFF. YOU DIED A COWARD. YOU DID NOT EVEN LAST 5 MINUTES. IN FACT YOU LASTED A RECORD BREAKING 4 MINUTES AND 13 SECONDS]. **WTF I was pushed??!** then more words emerged from the darkness, they read WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY AGAIN? Lorean felt a deep and menacing power coming from that simple question. **I don't have much of a choice do I? YES....** his awnser echoed through the darkness. [BACED ON YOUR AWNSER YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO BE REANIMATED, YOUR LIFE WILL FOREVER BE CHANGED. IT WILL BE NOTHING LIKE IT COULD HAVE BEEN. YOU HAVE BEEN GRANTED THE UNDEAD RACE IN ADDITION TO YOUR PREVIOUS RACE]. A black circle appeared with a white skull in it. The tab opened automatically.


RACE: Undead

"You are a unholy abomination, a scourge upon the land. The forces of the light will forever seek to destroy you, and those who find out what you are will distrust and scorn you."

- Racial Traits -

• +200% Poison Resistance

• +100% Cold Resistance

• +100% Disease Resistance

• +100% Bleed Resistance

• Immunity to Dehydration, Starvation, Sleep Depravation, Suffocation, Paralyzation and Fatigue.

• -200% Holy Resistance

• Spells and Abilities that would normally heal you deal damage instead, based off heal amount.


**Well shit** [PLEASE SELECT YOUR UNDEAD RACE, IT WILL BE ADDED AS A SUBCLASS IN ADDITION TO YOUR OTHER CLASSES]. The Voice piped up without waiting for a response. 3 circles appeared before him all a deep sickly purple. The first one had another Skull and said SKELETON the next had a black flame in the middle of it and read LICH, and the final one had a pair of wicked looking fangs attached to a devilish grin and read VAMPIRE. **This is a serious decision, these options are gonna decide essentially how the rest of my miserable life is gonna play out**. If Lorean could sweat he would be covered in it. He open each of them one by one and left them open to compare what he found.


RACE: Skeleton

"Lowest Tier of the undead hoards, they prefer to stab and slash their victims to death as they march on endlessly".

- Racial Traits -

• Immunity to Piercing Damage

• -50% Blunt Damage resistance

• G+ Proficiency with ALL One Handed Bladed Weapons

• Starting ability: Bone Frenzy



RACE: Lich

"Highest Tier of the undead hoards, Lich Kings lead massive armies of the undead to do their bidding, but rarely is one crowned".

- Racial Traits -

• +25% Magic Resistance

• +25% Magic Absorption

• -15% Spell cost

• G+ Proficiency with Dark Magic

• Starter ability: Dark Binding

• Can be possessed by spirits or worse.



RACE: Vampire

"Assassins and Nobles of the undead hoards, they are as charming as they are deadly. They look out for their own interests above all else".

- Racial Traits -

• +25% Movment speed in the dark

• +15% Slashing Damage

• -50% Fire Damage

• Starter ability: Leech

• G+ Heightened Senses passive ability

• G+ Unholy Strength passive ability

• G+ Proficiency with Illusion Magic

• Consume Blood to gain health. Amount healed in proportion to amount consumed

• -2% Health Per/Sec when exposed to Sunlight. Percentage increases when you abstain from blood.


**Wow that's a lot to choose from, the Skeleton seems like it would compliment my build nicely but the Vampire comes with a whole bunch of abilities. The Lich also looks pretty sweet but "Can be possessed by spirits or worse" sounds rather ominous**. Taking a moment to think **Hey voice! What's a proficiency anyways? I keep seeing them all over? The voice responded with.


- Proficiency -

• To be 15% more effective and gain 15% more Experience with a Weapon, Armor, Spell, or Ability and to be able to ignore stat requirements for said Weapon, Spell or Ability.

EX. Proficiency with 2 Handed Bladed weapons

- +15% damage from attacks

- -15% Stamina usage

- +15% more Experience from usage

• Proficiency stats can stack with other Different Proficiency stats. Only one of any particular proficiency may be gained.

EX. You can not gain Proficiency with 2 Handed Bladed weapons twice.


** Hmmmm**. After taking a great deal of time to mull it over. **Alright so the Skeleton takes extra blunt damage and I can kiss any chance of normalcy goodbye with a face like that, and the Vampire seems to catch on fire a lot so that's not a option. Guess I'm going with Lich**. As if reading his thought the voice spoke [HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DECISION?] **Yes, I choose the Lich**, [VERY WELL YOUR NEW BODY WILL BE REWORKED FROM YOUR PREVIOUS ONE, YOU WILL STILL MAINTAIN THE SCARS OF YOUR PAST AS A REMINDER] **Oh how kind of you** [AND BASED OFF YOUR PREVIOUS DEMISE YOU ARE BEING GRANTED HANDICAP PASSIVE ABILITIES]


• +50% Piercing Resistance

• +50% Fall Damage Resistance

• Physical Pain Immunity


**Now I feel like I'm being mocked** [REWORKING BODY NOW AND YOU ARE].

There was a flash of light and then the familiar blast of color, sound and smell. Lorean looked around he was now in a different spot then before. But he soon realized he was actually at the bottom of the cliff he had previously fallen off, and there in the distance where 2 goblins fighting over a familiar wooden shield. "They looted my corpse!" He said as his blood began to boil. "HEY ASSHOLES!" He shouted louder then he thought he had definitely got there attention. Thankfully while he was deciding his Undead race, he had quickly looked over his Other SPELLS AND ABILITIES and how to use them, to see if any would synchronize well with the Undead abilities. One of the goblins dropped the shield and sprinted towards Lorean with reckless abandon. Lorean didn't move a mussel as the goblin lunged at him and drove it crooked dagger deep into his side. "Hmmmm" A devilish smile crept across Lorean's face. "It seem my test was a success, I neither bleed nor feel pain" the goblin recoiled in shock at this change in demeanor. "But I bet you do" Lorean hissed, "I Call upon the Infinite void to come forth and hold my target, I cast Dark Binding" no sooner had the words escaped his lips he felt something within him drain, as if a thread from deep within him was being pulled out of him. Dark tendrils erupted from the shadow of the goblin, binding it in place. The other goblin screamed in protest as it dragged the wooded shield in a attempt to use it as a weapon. "Hold on you'll get your turn soon enough" the thought of what he was about to do to this goblin made is stomach churn but it didn't stop him. These where vermin and he was the exterminator. Society should be thanking him. With Finality he said "A life for a life" and pull the dagger out of his side and plunged it deep into the side of the goblins head. He could feel the crunch of the dagger as it passed through bone and sank into the goblins skull. If gave one final bloody gurgle and then died. After he pulled the dagger from its lifeless corpse, the shadow tendrils dissipated. The other goblin had given up on the shield and was now screaming in rage as it charged at Lorean. One powerful kick to sent the goblin sailing to the side. Lorean bolted for his shield, reaching it just as the goblin got back on his feet and launched himself into another frenzied attack. Lorean dropped the dagger and with 2 arms raised the shield above his head, and smashed it over the head of attacking goblin. This apparently attracted the 3rd goblin that flung itself onto Loreans back and begun stabbing him repeatedly in the back. "Please wait your turn", he shouted through gritted teeth as be continued to bash the goblins head in with the side of his shield. Blood was spattered everywhere, Lorean spun around trying to shake the pointy gremlin off his back. He opted for slamming his back into the wall of the cliff as hard as he could. This stunned the goblin just long enough for Lorean to smash his knee into the face of the goblin as hard as he could. The goblins head sandwiched in between the rock wall and Lorean's knee, it made a squishy crunching sound each time he hit him. Finally when Lorean was convinced it was dead he stepped back to admire his handy work, "And stay down" he said pointing at the goblin mess all over the wall. Though he had just taken the lives of 3 living creatures, he felt nothing. Normally the sight of so much blood would have made him pass out and be in bed sick for days what was even stranger was the lack of fatigue from the fight or the pain from being stabbed 3 more times in the back. As he gazed down at his blood soaked hands "I guess this is where my adventure REALLY begins".