
World Restart!

In the dim glow of the convenience store, a weary man in his mid-twenties, a regular clerk with a fate etched in financial struggle, weathers life's storms. He accepts the mundane, navigating the aisles with a quiet resignation. Then, a cosmic revelation: a mysterious comet, foretold on the internet, hurtles toward Earth that very night. Mesmerized by the flickering television screen, he witnesses the celestial spectacle. Reality fractures. Magic dances on the mundane, and status windows materialize, rewriting the rules of existence. The world reshapes itself, leaving the once ordinary clerk grappling with newfound complexities. In this unpredictable chaos, the stage is set for a riveting tale of survival and transformation. The World Restarts, and he must navigate this altered reality with courage, unraveling the enigma of a world reborn.

Ita_Nami · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 1

"Wasn't it fine when I used it earlier?" she called out from the living room, a hint of frustration in her voice.

It's acceptable when she opts for it initially, despite a reluctance to stroll around. She retraces her steps to the kitchen, heading toward her elder brother.

She observes her elder brother grappling with the stove, a silent struggle evident on his face as he attempts to ignite it.

Standing by her elder brother's side, she channels her mana just enough to breathe life into the stove. A spark of light flickers, and the stove springs to life. Swiftly, as soon as she initiates the process, she retreats back to the living room.


Bum. Bum. Bum.

'What in the actual... ' Brandon's thoughts abruptly go blank, his heartbeat quickening.

His eyes slowly shift towards his sister, shocked and unable to comprehend what just transpired. She employed something to ignite the stove, a device devoid of a starting mechanism or gas – a mysterious feat that leaves him bewildered.

Despite his confusion, his sister's nonchalant reaction suggests that this occurrence is nothing out of the ordinary, a truth that holds for everyone in this current world.

Examining the miraculously ignited stove, he looks up to discover a familiar holographic window before him, adding another layer of the bizarre to the unfolding scene.

"Nana, come and see this!" he calls out to his sister.

Pointing toward the air with his finger, he directs attention to the hologram.

Name: Brandon Tand

Level: 1

Class: None

Personal Attribute : None

HP: 100

MP: 10

Body status: None


Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10

Senses: 10

[Stats points available : 0]


Passive skills:


Active skills:


"Why are you showing that to me? What's wrong with it?" She responds, her tone nonchalant as if it's a completely normal occurrence.

Brandon's expression intensifies this time, his sister's nonchalant reaction confirming his growing doubts.

"Didn't you say you were going to awaken your innate ability today? With those peculiar friends of yours..." Nana responds, casually retrieving a box of milk from the fridge.

"What friends? Awaken wha-" Before he could finish his sentence, his phone buzzes in his leg pocket.

In his memories, the concept of friends is distant. He acknowledges his inclination toward low social interest, perhaps a personal preference that remains shrouded in mystery.

Noticing it belatedly, as he had rushed to check on his family, Brandon realizes his wallpaper features a group of people, including Heidi. However, he doesn't recognize the others.

'Who are these people? I don't remember having these pictures.'

His thoughts grow fuzzier, grappling with the fragments of information he currently possesses. Nothing seems to make sense. All he recalls is the extraordinary nature of the world he inhabits, altered by the impact of the Comet.

The Comet transformed everything except him. Strangely, he lacks memories of holograms or friends mentioned by his sister.

Examining his phone notifications:

¬Sal: Dude, where are you?

¬Aziq: Bruh, don't tell me he's still sleeping lol xD

¬Peke: Bro, you're gonna get scolded by the assist team later.

¬Sal: @Brandon, if you're awake, head to Wonder Hills. That's the spot the association designated for us. Just a reminder in case you forgot last week.

"Ah, what the hell... This and that, I'm lost."

Thinking it might be nothing but a dream, he slaps his own face multiple times. His sister observes, wondering if her brother is going insane due to being late.


Examining his room reveals nothing out of the ordinary—just his old, familiar space. On his desk, in drawers, there's nothing special except a few pamphlets. 'Where would I usually hide things?' he wonders. Ah, his adult magazines—under the mattress, alongside a thick book.

'This is it. I have no memories of this thing.'

The thick book, a common purchase, catches his eye. A quick glance at the first page reveals a version of him in this new world as a bit of a dweeb. Realizing his lateness for the supposed awakening by the association, he decides to continue reading the book later.

Arriving at Wonder Hills, true to its name, it's a place with numerous hills and dense forest. Brandon checks the group chats once more.

¬Sal: @BrandonDude, where are you??????

¬Sal: We're at the front gate. Remember to show your ID to the guards for entry. Also, we're in group B.

'Group B... Alright.'

With a backpack slung over his shoulder containing essentials—two Gardenia chocolate bread and a water bottle—Brandon maneuvers through the crowded venue.

The people are divided into groups, each consisting of three unawakened individuals and two assist team members. The primary role of the assist team is to guide the unawakened through the trials in the rift for their awakening.

In the south area, Brandon spots a group of people he recognizes from the wallpaper.

Navigating through the bustling crowd at Wonder Hills, Brandon's eyes lock onto a familiar figure in the south area. The shout of his name cuts through the ambient noise, and he discovers it's none other than Sal, a bulky individual whose physicality contrasts with the gentle aura exuded by his stylish haircut and glasses. Intrigued by the convergence of his current reality with the faces from his wallpaper, Brandon heads toward Sal, the man he recognizes from his digital memories, hoping to unravel the mysteries awaiting him in this world shaped by the Comet's impact.

"Meet Mr. Kang and his partner; we'll be under their care later in the rift," Sal introduces Brandon to the assist team.

Brandon shakes hands with both of them, and in return, they greet him with gentle smiles. Seated beneath a large tree, another man initiates the conversation.

"So, what should we do in there?" asks a small-built individual with a very noticeable nose. His appearance stands in contrast to Brandon's, being skinny and talkative, making him approachable to others.

Observing the gathering around him, Brandon reflects silently, "These people are all waiting to awaken, huh?" A mix of shivers and excitement courses through his heart, despite the lingering confusion about the inexplicable events unfolding.

"Well, the four of you only need to take the last hit for all the monsters we hunt in the rift. Once the rift manages to accumulate at least twenty kills, the boss monster will appear. This rift boss monster is special for us because it's the first monster, the world's first hunter discovered, fought, and gained the powers to save humanity. Ever since then, all the unawakened registered at the association will come here to be awakened.

Of course, some people awaken by themselves. Those usually are people with a natural high affinity with nature mana. Those like us are the ones who need to be awakened by force. At most, we will get to Rank C." The guide's words unveil the significance of the upcoming challenge and the historical importance attached to the rift boss monster.

As the two assist members elaborate on essential details, a realization dawns on Brandon—his entire family is already awakened. A sigh escapes him once again, a mix of emotions coursing through him.

"Even in this life, mine is still wrong," Brandon reflects, a sense of disappointment clouding his thoughts regarding his own talent and fate. His mind wanders, thoughts shifting to Heidi again, wondering if she too possesses talents in this twisted world.

A chubby fellow notices Brandon's mind wandering and pokes him with a soda can, bringing him back to reality. Turning to his left, Brandon sees a big guy offering him a drink.

"You good, bro?" Peke inquires.

'This guy... What's his name?'

Unable to recognize anyone except Sal, whose profile picture he remembers from the chat app, Brandon can't help but ask the chubby man, "Sorry, but are you?" There's a hint of curiosity in his question.

The chubby fellow looks bewildered and responds, "I'm Peke. Bruh, did you hit your head or something? We've been friends since middle school."

'Ahh, but I've got no collection of those memories.'

Brandon, who obviously doesn't recognize them, can only pass off his question as a joke. Now, his attention shifts to the skinny one. It must be Aziq.

Abruptly, an announcement echoes through the area. A man in his late forties steps forward. In the announcement, Brandon learns that the rift won't return people unless the boss monster is slain. The rift they're entering is ranked S, but it's reassuringly explained that its true rank is E—significantly easier to handle. With enough regular people, it can even be defeated.

The association expresses gratitude for the participants, acknowledging the expensive cost for awakening by force. It dawns on Brandon that his parents must have spent a substantial amount for this process.

'Damn... I should pay them back in the future.'

A sense of gratitude fills Brandon's heart for his parents. A minute or so passes, and the assist team leads the group toward the rift. It cracks open in space, and the surrounding air seems to be sucked in. Everyone can feel the presence of the energy, the so-called mana.

Starting with group A, soon Brandon's group follows suit. Excitement fills the air as everyone enters. The odd sensation feels quite familiar to Brandon, though he can't quite fathom what it is.

Upon arriving on the other side, the expansive place resembles ruins, and a putrid smell pervades the group's noses.

Aziq, unable to tolerate it, cries out, "Man, this place stinks as f*ck!" holding both hands to his nose.

Brandon takes out a worn-out scrub mask from his bag, aware that it has likely been used for a long time. 'Beggars can't be pickers,' he thinks while surveying his surroundings. Mr. Kang and his partner, Ms. Moria, take the lead, leading the group into a cave. As they enter, Ms. Moria snaps her fingers, conjuring a ball of blue flame that illuminates the cave.

From a distance, faint growls reminiscent of dogs can be heard.

SFX rabies dogs sounds.

Thud. Thud.

'Mongu Heeynas'

A name appears above a group of beasts. Unaffected by the intimidating aura emanating from them, Mr. Kang swiftly takes action, causing all the beasts to collapse.

With a demanding instruction, Mr. Kang instruct that the four friends to stab the beasts heart to gain experience points for level up.

"Sir, we don't have the equipment to do so," Peke remarks.

Taking initiative, Ms. Moria produces daggers from her inventory, providing each of them with a weapon.

'This looks solid,' Brandon thinks as he stabs the whimpering monster.


[Level Up!]

Name: Brandon Tand

Level: 2

Class: None

Personal Attribute : None

HP: 200

MP: 14

Body status: None


Strength: 11

Stamina: 11

Agility: 11

Intelligence: 11

Senses: 11

[Stats points available : 0]


Passive skills:


Active skills:


'Woah, it really went up!! Like the game I used to play as a kid.' Brandon observes, noting the increase in his stats reminiscent of childhood gaming experiences.

It appears to have happened to everyone there. With a nod, Mr. Kang urges them to move ahead. The cave becomes steeper as they arrive in a room with an ancient-looking wooden chest at the center. Despite the warning from the assist team not to touch anything in the rift without prior permission, Aziq can't resist his curiosity, having heard tales of rare treasures often found in the rift.

'Hehe, if I get to keep the artifact or skills book, I'll be in fortune!'

As Aziq opens the chest, its edges reveal ferocious sharp teeth, and tentacles emerge from inside, grabbing Aziq's leg. Unable to break free, he cries out for help.

Brandon, the closest to Aziq, panics before Aziq calls out for help. Mr. Kang, Ms. Moria, and Sal, who are across the room, quickly rush towards them.

Unable to bear seeing his friend's scared expression, Brandon pounces at the chest, shouting for chubby Peke, who freezes at the scene.

"Oy, help me out!"

Awaking from his fear, Peke shakes off his hesitation, pulling his friend's hand. Suddenly, arrows glowing in blue shoot at the chest's tentacles just as they are about to grab Brandon's body.

"Stab the intersection of the chest from the back; it will be slain," instructs Mr. Kang as he rushes toward them, holding onto Aziq's other arm.

With a few rough stabbings, the tentacles stop moving. Aziq has been saved by his friends and the assist team.

"What were you thinking?!" Mr. Kang looks at Aziq angrily, his concern evident.

Aziq, unable to hold back, answers honestly, admitting that he was being greedy, thinking the chest might have rare items.

"Next time, ask first. The association will not be petty enough to withhold what you get from the rift. You've paid the fee for multiple reasons. Remember that," Mr. Kang advises, sighing at the stunt Aziq pulled due to greed.

Gasping for air, Brandon, who finished off the monster earlier, looks at the floating notification in front of him.

[Level Up!]

Name : Brandon Tand

Level : 3

'It went up again! HP stands for health points. Does that mean I'm getting healthier? I don't feel any difference, though.'

They continue their hunts for another 20 minutes.

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]



They finally arrive at the boss room, greeted by an entrance that exudes majesty, reminiscent of the castles portrayed in English royalty genre movies. The door stands slightly taller than the average human, creating an awe-inspiring atmosphere.

As the group takes a moment to rest before the impending final battle, Brandon meticulously reviews his status, the beauty of the surroundings enhancing the anticipation in the air.

Name: Brandon Tand

Level: 6

Class: None

Personal Attribute : None

HP: 600

MP: 24

Body status: None


Strength: 16

Stamina: 16

Agility: 16

Intelligence: 16

Senses: 16

[Stats points available : 0]


Passive skills:


Active skills:


'Hmm, I have an additional extra level compared to others for killing the chest-like monster.'

"This is tiring, right guys?" Peke, the one who had gasped like crazy, remarks.

"Is there anything that doesn't tire you, Peke?" Aziq retorts with sarcasm.

Brandon and Sal doesn't have any verbal comment except for small chuckles.

"Ready for your awakening?" Mr. Kang suddenly joined the conversation with the four of them.

The four of them replied with confidence. The tall door open. The interior show an rather plain compared to the carving on the door. A pale green monster sat down on the throne made of bones. Beside it was huge club that most like used to attack the intruders.

Giving order to stand aside by the Mr. Kang. Brandon and his three friends stand there with anticipation.

A small incantation is intoned by Ms. Moria, a blue hue surrounding the man in silver armor. Closing the distance toward the monster boss, he skillfully dodges its rough attacks.

A combination of wind and a heavy hit from the side sends the monster's club flying across the huge room. Mr. Kang displays his swordsmanship with multiple swift attacks.

The huge monster let out a loud eerie growl and collapsed.

Next is the four youths turn. Simultaneously, Brandon and his friends stab the dagger into the monster boss heart. With that, the monster body slowly disintegrated revealing a red - ish crystal of the size babies head.

"Take that and sell it any guild or the association. Then the four of you can divide the profit."

Suddenly, Aziq is the first. His body glows with a blue hue as he awakens his innate abilities. Next is Peke.

"Yo!!! I got something cool," Aziq exclaims, tears falling down his cheeks.

"I got something called Goddess's love," says Peke while touching his hologram, revealing the newfound abilities granted by the awakening.

Sal's body emanated a subtle yet captivating purple aura, a silent manifestation of his hidden power. Despite this, he chose to keep his abilities shrouded in mystery.

In contrast, Brandon experienced a subtle awakening; a notification blinked before him, yet no magical aura enveloped his form. Anticipation lingered in the air as everyone awaited the revelation of his newfound potential.

Suddenly, the room began to crumble, and a rift appeared, transporting them to the dense forests they had occupied earlier. The people gathered, their expressions a mix of joy and celebration. Some, adorned in black suits, conducted interviews with those who had showcased extraordinary talents, capturing the essence of this extraordinary moment.

Brandon grasped the concept that prominent guilds aimed to scout these newly awakened individuals, luring them with enticing contracts and annual salaries. The realization dawned on him, emphasizing the competitive landscape surrounding these emerging talents.

Isolated as his friends were scouted by guilds, Brandon found solace when Mr. Kang and Ms. Moria approached him. Mr. Kang offered genuine encouragement, saying,

"Hey, don't let yourself fall down, kid."

Meanwhile, Ms. Moria chimed in, sharing insights,

"I've known people who awakened later than

others, but when they did, they often manifested exceptionally rare innate abilities." Their words served as a reassuring balm, uplifting Brandon amidst the shifting dynamics.

"Ugh, alright. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for everything," Brandon smiled, expressing gratitude with a small bow towards Mr. Kang and Ms. Moria.

Observing Brandon's politeness, Mr. Kang thought, 'This kid is very polite and grateful. Most people, when overwhelmed by happiness or hatred, either ignore us or leave immediately.'

"Here, take this," Mr. Kang said, producing an item from his system window and handing it to Brandon, adding a tangible gesture to their words of support.

In Brandon's hands lay a monster core, distinct from the crystals typically dropped by monsters or bosses. Unlike crystals, which are fragments requiring processing or experimentation, cores serve as the fundamental essence of all living beings in the world, embodying mana.

Brandon carefully examined the item, acknowledging its significance as a potent source of mana, the very essence that fueled the vitality of the world's inhabitants. The core held untapped potential, waiting to be harnessed and explored.

[Item : Druid's core]

Rarity : C

Once user absorbed the core. You will receive permanent boost in your intelligence.

As Brandon pondered the core in his hands, he couldn't help but wonder, 'This is a core. How expensive would it be if one were to buy it?' The value of the core, both in terms of rarity and the intelligence boost it offered, lingered in his thoughts, prompting him to consider its worth in the broader context of the world around him.

As Brandon expressed gratitude for the gift from Mr. Kang, the two mentors extended their well-wishes. "Good luck again next year, kid. If you need anything, just find us at the Hunter Association," Mr. Kang remarked, and with that, they bid farewell to Brandon.

Little did they know that Brandon had indeed awakened his abilities, concealed from plain sight. A hidden potential stirred within him, setting the stage for an extraordinary journey that went beyond what met the eye.

With determination in his step, Brandon decided to head home and share the great news with his family. The prospect of unveiling his newly discovered abilities and the support from Mr. Kang and Ms. Moria filled him with excitement as he anticipated the reactions awaiting him at home.