
World Re;Birth

Among the worlds, many often exist in parallel. Similar events, similar people, but perhaps different outcomes and results. In one world, where someone lived they may have died. In another, enemies are instead allies. Yet there is always a constant unifying them. And this world, is one who's existence is owed to the actions of another, borne of the sole desire to save but one soul. A world whose story has yet to truly be told, which through its connection to a parallel, may see it's own ending encounter vast changes to the world which it has rippled outward from. What souls will be saved, and which will be damned?

SeikerHikaru · Video Games
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21 Chs

Will of Fire - 1

The Cardinal was man who could perhaps be called extraordinarily busy.

After all, he had a "flock" to tend to. Those poor souls displaced by the disasters caused by the Honkai, the ill afflicted by its "blessing" yet whose bodies had yet to adapt to it. The Followers of Finality demanded much time and attention, least of all when Schicksal was breathing down their necks just waiting for a chance.

But the man held little fear about the world's premier Anti-Honkai organization trying anything, yet. Oh did he know how vain that Oskar Apocalypse was. The lessons of fourteen years ago ensured he knew well how that man behaved. Something of a mutual understanding between foes as it were.

"Hmm… perhaps it is fate that something felt as if it were shifting on this day…" the Cardinal chuckled as he strolled through the deeper ends of the chapel halls, all decorated finely in rich purples and highlighted in white. "Something in the Honkai has changed."

"Cardinal!" The voice of another man entered his ears, the Cardinal smoothly shifting to look behind him. A robed follower of his hurriedly approached, the hooded man nodding his head as he caught up. "I hate to interrupt you sir, but we've received news."

"I have plenty of news from my flock. Tell me, what have you heard?"

"Nagazora has apparently gone silent," that certainly got the Cardinal's attention. "We have barely maintained communication with the Followers who were present in the city. They have reported a massive surge in Honkai energy centered on the Academy City."

"A surge large enough to almost knock out communications even in a city as advanced as Nagazora?" As he pondered it, a smile spread across the Cardinal's face. His eyes gleamed with zealous glee as he realized it, "Ahhh, I see! So, the Finality has sought to render its blessings unto us mortals once more! Hahaha, perhaps this is all ordained! Or maybe my old foe is up to his old tricks! Hahaha… ah, no matter."


"Contact whom you can from our brothers and sisters in Nagazora," the Cardinal placed his hands on the Follower's shoulders. "Tell them we are being greeted by another of Finality's Chosen! Only such a being could induce an outbreak such as this."

"Yes sir! And… what else should I tell them?"

"Tell them… to render those souls who could not adapt to Finality's blessing to the next life. Offer those poor souls mercy and locate those who yet live to embrace it. We have much work to do, in order to greet the newest Herrscher, whomsoever it may be."