
World Quest

Jacob Springer a human from earth met his end during the global extinction. Met with no other choice, before he died he asked for a single wish. A single wish for another life. Who would have guess that right after he died, his wish will be heard. This is the story of Jacob Springer, a human flesh in another world. This is , WORLD QUEST

dionescuyn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Lucky Guy

It was already late in the afternoon when jacob wake up. Beside him was the head of the dead humungous python whom he miraculously slain.

Still somehow a little bit scared of it, jacob shivered. However as he somehow think of it, it was him who have killed it. Thus, he gathered his courage and moved on.

Covered with stinky blood, jacob with all of his force, pulled out his feet from being stuck from the head of the snake. After several times, he successfully removed his feet. Eventually he came out like a soccer ball rolling into the ground. He then stood up to reclaim his hillarious glory.

He looks up to the sky above him and raised his hands. His actions are somehow being rendered by the great environment around him, and he looks extremely almighty with the background of the sun behind him.

Jacob:"Im a brave guy, and my first kill is a massive python!"

claimed by jacob. Then he happily danced with joy. However if you look at it from far, he looks like dancing in an ancient ritual dance towards the setting sun.

Jacob: Now that i have killed an extremely powerful monster, im expecting myself to have leveled up.

This time, jacob hurriedly closed his eyes to figure out how much level did he went up. Small sweat from his foreheads can be clearly seen while his palms are closed, expecting a great result from his harvest.

A great concentration can be clearly seen from jacob trying to figure out his status as much as he can. However, still if you look at it from a far, jacob is like a member of an ancient cult, which is now currently praying for an offering.

Jacob: Come on, why is it still updating?

And after a brief moment, the update was completed, and yes. It is a big yes, and a loud of applause for the audiences, for his expectations was not met. A crowd of monkeys on the nearby forest who have saw him were very delighted of the scene. It was a horrible scene with a horrible face.

They even gave him a huge load of bananas as a reward.

Lvl 1. Jacob


Str - F-

Agi - F-

Vit - F-

Int - F-

Luck - S+

Title: Coward Novice of Atlantean, Running Man.

Skill: Unmeasurable Luck, Heavenly Comprehension.


It was a great reward indeed, a bloody reward for jacob. To his frustrations a burning flame suddenly rose up from his heart. It was his frustration, it was some feelings that he he had felt before.

Betrayed by the expectation, jacob swear down to his heart that he would never return to the kingdom unless he leveled up. So with a knife on his bag, he started cutting out the flesh of the massive python aggressively.

With the set of knives on his backpack, and the dried fallen branches and leaves from the forest added with the grumpy crystal stone, jacob was able to start out a fire. It was a campfire. Jacob then cut some of good meat from the snakes flesh and cooked it under the great campfire.

Jacob:"Since this is what happened, i will be staying here for a week consuming all of the meat from this massive python. To hell with this level up thing, id rather cook this monster and feast it out. Youve made me really furious"

Claimed by jacob as he childishly roast the portion of meat using the tip of his knife. In reality, even if he stays in the forest for a whole month, he will never be successful on eating up the entire body of the massive python. Plus, if he really intend to eat it, he will need to gradually die first. Thus this is the main reason why, his claim is only considered as a joke.

The once bright sky is finally devoured by the darkness, and billions of stars above the sky of the ancient earth gathered up together. With the giant moon giving out a beautiful light to the ancient world, a beautiful and clear night sky covered the whole kingdom of Atlantis.

That night, two guards who were tasked to guard the kingdoms gate are now worried of jacobs whereabouts. These two guards have to submit their daily report to their office tonight, and the only recorded person that they marked was jacob.

However, up to the present time, the young man has not yet returned. Thus, the two guards is on a very troubling state. One of the guards guessed that the young man is already dead, while the other one still believes that he is still alive.

Guard: Man, see i told you, we should have gone and stop him first.

Guard2: What's done is done, you shouldn't blame me for this pal. Were in this duty together.

Guard: But what about the report?

Guard2: Such stinky brat, When i see him again ill never forgive him. Tear the

report and make sure no one would be able to notice it. OK.

Guard: Got it pal.

So the guards have decided to tear down the record that they created and start with a new one. That night they submitted a blank report to their office to avoid quarrel.

That night too, at the edge of the cliff where jacob is feasting to death. Several red eyes are watching him while he is non chalantly tearing out a roasted meat of the pythons flesh. On his mouth were greases of fluid coming from the roasted meat. It was the oil of the meat, which is gradually covering his lips. It is evident enough that the young jacob is enjoying his oriental exotic meal.

Jacob: Tastes like Chicken! I think im getting used to it.

With his knife being emptied with meat, Jacob gave another cut on the snakes body. For some reasons, this time, jacob felt that his knife touched a hard object.

Jacob: !!!

To his curiousity, jacob carved even more deeper to the snakes flesh. He is sure that it is something that is hard and tough like a metal or something. It might be treasure, thus his curiosity grows up. Several minutes later, after caving in the massive flesh of the python, finally jacob pulled out the object.

Apparently, what jacob obtained was a huge monster core. This crystal core is a part of any rare beast or rare monster that lives in the ancient earth. Not all of the beasts that exist in the world had their orbs inside them. Only selected monsters that either belongs from a rare bloodline could have had this.

Luckily, the huge Snake that jacob killed was one of it. It is a once in a lifetime chance. Even to the present times, none of the heroes of the world knows how to use this crystal core or even know what those rare stones are.

But not jacob.

Our hero despite not being able to obtain a massive strength, high affinity to magic, great vitality and speed. His talent with luck and comprehension was beyond godly. Thus, the moment he saw the crystal core, a strange flow of information appeared in jacobs mind. It keeps telling him to use it, and without further ado, he did so, he then immediately used it for his own benefits.

With a knife on his hands, he made a slight cut in his palm and let his blood be dripped towards the monsters core. The moment his blood were poured down to the monster core, a majestic purple light appears around it, then right after that, the monster core turned into a boiling fluid. Seconds later, the boiling fluid then evaporated and have turned into a purple smoke.

At that time, information runs wild inside jacobs brain. With out dilly dally, jacob went inside the particle of purple gasses. The particle of gasses then spread out, dissolving the flesh of the phytons remain. Turning them into a boiling fluid and eventually turning them into a gas.

This gases then suddenly went straight inside jacobs flesh, then to his nose, mouth, his ears and his eyes.

What is happening right now to jacob is called, body cleansing. This is the use of the monster core. Once dripped with blood, it will then turn into a nourishing particles that would cleanse out the impurities inside ones body and enhanced once physique.

An overpowering surge of heat then covered jacobs body. He felt himself like he is once again send to the raging hell of fire. Every parts of his body were being burnt into crisp. This is just one of the setback that anyone would get from consuming a monster core. In the process, you will feel yourself being burnt into crisps and being molten into fluids. Right now, if jacob manage to complete the session, he will definitely obtain a new and better physique. Another option of getting strong with out being backed by the deities.

Jacob could also feel that his bloods are transforming into a new form, he could clearly feel it. Every part of his bones were also being cleansed out by the heat. From his skull, to his limbs, to his chest down to his feet. He could also feel that somehow his internals are being cleansed out. His nasal cavities, his lungs, his heart, his intestines and gall bladders. He could also feel a great warm and amazing feeling between his legs. It was as if his sac of crystals are being cleansed out and his massive weapon is being stretched out. It was indeed a great encounter for jacob.

After several hours, jacob leaked out a gas and farted, then he opened up his eyes. The moment he realized what he did, a stinky killer fart lurks out of the area making jacob forcely evacuate. Several beasts and monsters who were near to the open cliff dispersed out.

This only proves, that the smell of jacobs fart is unbearable. You have to understand that the gas particles which he released were composed of all the impurities that his internal body has, it was gradually cleansed out by the purple gas particle turning it into a gas fart particles. Jacobs body is also covered with stinky black fluid, which is also set of impurities that his flesh and skin have had for the past years since he was born.

Aside from that, jacob could clearly feel a sudden change from his body, he felt that his body is filled with a never ending surge of energy that makes him extremely energetic. Not only that, he could also feel that his body is much more lighter than before.

Another thing is that it seems like his arse is burning out and it wants to get a big dung. So jacob move his way instantly to find a nearby stream where in he could give a big relief for himself. You have to understand that the only possible way for the humans to release out their toxins from their body is through, dung, pee and fart. After a candle stick of releasing the toxins in his body, jacobs body have finally stabilize and undergone a huge transformation.

Never would he ever thought that a time would come where in all of his body parts will be freed out from toxins, parasites and impurities. It was all thanks to the monster core that he have obtained from the massive snake.

Currently there is no more flesh for him to feast out. It has turned into massive snake skeleton ladder which somehow connects the cliff to the surface below them. Not only jacob managed to obtain something for himself, he has also created a new site that will help him ventured the vast shadowy forest.

Seeing his harvest, jacob once again closed his eyes for a quick scan on his status bar. Hoping for a level up, but it failed to do so.

Lvl 1. Jacob


Str - F-

Agi - F-

Vit - F-

Int - F-

Luck - S+

Title: Novice of Atlantean, Handsome Runner, Attractive Coward.

Skill: Unmeasurable Luck, Heavenly Comprehension.


His level didnt go up, however, to his surprise a sudden change to his title has appear. Though unlike before, this time, he is somehow contented from the simple change on his status bar. Well who would not be, when you receive such a great title.

Jacob: Shi.. Now you made me handsome. Sooner or later i will become harem king.

Jokingly claimed by Jacob as he started to move his feet back to the nearby bonfire, but before he moves back, he once again saw his copper sword. The sword which he accidentally used to kill the snake. He was very glad to see it once more, thus, he picked it up and head back to the nearby fire to take a little nap.

Never did he noticed that at that moment, an invisible deity have visited him and touched his back with her palm.

Jacob didn't noticed it even once, and neither feel the touch of the beautiful deity. Suddenly the status bar of jacob appear and his level went up to level two.

Lvl 2. Jacob


Str - F--

Agi - F--

Vit - F

Int - F-

Luck - S++

Title: Son of a !!!!

Skill: Unmeasurable Luck, Heavenly Comprehension. (!!!)


His status have finally changed into different stats and his title is no longer an atlantean, his title is somehow intriguing but still its entirely different from any atlantean blood. Without further ado, the deity then vanished and jacobs status bar went back inside him. After taking his rest for a long time, jacob then stood up and took a torch from the bon fire. He then went straight back to the kingdom of atlantis carrying a torch on his hands.

In a long distant mountain in the Archipelago of Atlantis, The Water Deity opened up her eyes from a great sleep. She then noticed a very familiar existence under her territory. It is one of their fellow deity, one of the spectator deity who refused to be connected with any mortals.

Deity of Water: So You've finally made your move. Hmmm..

Deity of Time: He is my only one child, the bearer of time and god of time. Kronos.

Deity of Water: !!!!

Alarmed by her fellow goddess remark, the deity of water then suddenly rose up from her bed and head towards the young man whom her fellow goddess have chosen.

The sky of the night and its moonlight, lights up the deep dark green forest. Jacob holding out a flaming torch, was able to travel with ease. Following the river flow with in the forest, which is bathed in the moonlight of the night, jacob is taking his walk with out encountering any troublesome beast. At that time too, jacob noticed the change of water stream from the river beside him. He then witnessed the sudden rise of the water level, forming into somewhat a humanlike form apparition.

Alarmed by the sudden appearance of such apparition, jacob took out his sword and prepared himself for a big massive flee.

Just as he was about to run, jacob was imprissoned in a massive spherical water. He then tried to bash it with his body to escape. However, the water sphere is intact and is hard to break. Surprisingly no downpour of water appear, and it did not even make jacob wet.

With his sword, he tried to cut the water sphere into to two, yet he failed to do so. During that moment, A beautiful face of a lady was reflected on the water apparition in front of him. This beauty is above anything else and any other woman that jacob have met. This beauty is non other than the deity of water. Aquarius.

Aquarius: Be settled young man, i am not here to kill you.

Jacob noticed the strange dazzling light coming up on the apparition and realize that maybe, just maybe, the woman is one of the deity of the world. Thus he put his sword on his back.

"Finally, a deity did come to my presence and noticed my existence" claimed by jacob to himself.

Aquarius: I am here to give a reward for your hardwork.

A watery hands then appear inside the water prison carrying out a golden ring with a symbol of the constellation of aquarius on it.

Aquarius: Take it as a sign of my approval and never ending love to you young man.

Jacob: !!!

The words of the goddess suddenly bounced back to his brain several times. Specially the word Never ending love.

Caught in a fantasy for awhile, jacob wondered about it while asking himself.

"Oh my God, a goddess has fallen in love with me?"

Jacob unconsciously took the ring and wear it on his index finger.

The Deity of Water, Aquarius, gave him a remarkable smile in return, then she vanished leaving jacob soaked by the downpour water of the water prison. He no longer have his torch and he is wet. Despite of it, jacob could feel that his heart is being soaked with a luke warm water instead.

Bathed by the moonlight of the night, jacob roared of out for joy.

Jacob: Oh my god, a goddess has fallen for me. Oh my God!!!

To his excitement, his nose suddenly released a huge turbulent of air like a mad bull and as fast as tazmanian devil, jacob went nuts, dashing towards the home of the goddess whom he claims to have fallen in love with him, the kingdom of atlantis.

Never did he know, that it was just a formalities from the deity of water. But since, our hero is short sighted, his immediate conclusion have once again blinded him.

Yet unexpectedly, He is undeniably a very lucky fellow.

Aquarius: It has been a long time, since one of those deity took up a new son. Sooner or Later, another stronghold on earth will arise. I cannot wait to see how your son will improve, Gaia.

Meanwhile on the other hidden part of the world, a hateful deity was able to track the events and the actions of her fellow spectate deity. This deity is none other than the deity of Death, Thanatos.

Thanatos: So Gaia have broken the pact. Of course, as a deity of the world, I would not let your son be successful easily my dear. I, thanatos, goddess of death would like to see how capable he is.

With a gentle clap of both of her hands,in the middle of the night, A massive Tower from the underworld have rosed up right at the center of the kingdom of Atlantis .

The lands suddenly trembled, as the massive tower that reaches the heaven have appeared. The appearance of such mysterious tower have caused trouble to the kingdom of atlantis.

Atlantean Guild Master : What was that?

Atlantean Soldier: I dont know?

Atlantean novice: Whats happening here.

Many of the Atlanteans were alarmed of its appearance. They then head out of their residences and head straight up to the massive tower.

By then another strange event have happened above the sky of the antlantis . The moon is slowly being devoured by the darkness itself, causing a great panic to the civilians that are around.

Atlanteans: The moon is being devoured.

Antlantean villager: Oh my goddess, please protect us.

By that time, many atlanteans officials and guards manage the crowd and maintained their order, they have to find a way to ease out the troubled citizens. So they have to ask for their kings presence, and the king did appear in front of his fellow atlanteans. Several moments later, the moon was finally covered with blood, It is called as the blazing red moon in the future, but for the people of the past, it is still unknown, thus the atlanteans and the living beings in the entire world were bathed with fear as it gives off an earie red moonlight.

From the massive continent of Mu, the kingdom of Lemuria and Uncharted continent, all of them were bathed in fear.

Several of the deities were once again alarmed of such thing, for they already knows whose actions is this coming from.

Deitie of Fire: Thanatos.

Deitie of Wind: That spectator is now on act.

Deitie of Land: Did you finally realized it now, great deity of death.

Deitie of Water: Oh come on, and you too appeared right into my territory.

At that moment, a dark shadow floated up above the crowd of atlanteans. The dark shadow, carries a massive scythe of death indicating a word that cannot be read by any mortals.

King Poseidon: You Devil, how dare you disturb us right in the middle of our rest.

Many heroes from the antlantis including the king have made their move and give their strike towards the enemy, however, with just one small palm strike coming from the shadow, all of their attacks were nullified.

King Poseidon: !!

Atlanteans: !!

At that moment, the Deity of Water Aquarius then received a brief message from her fellow deity thanatos. Thus she has no other choice but to let her be introduced to the warriors of atlanteans, her sons.

Thanatos: Listen, you atlanteans, proud mortal humans of the ancient world, Sons of Deity of water, Aquarius. I the deity of death have come to visit your homeland to greet my fellow sister your Deity. We had a great talk and as a gift, I offer to you people, the Tower of Doom. Whoever reaches the peak will be acknowledge by me, the goddess of Death, and will be granted a wish.

Immortality, Invincibility, Destructive Power. Anything you ask from me i will grant it.

The moment that every atlanteans heard it, their fear instantly vanished and was replaced with joy. They were filled with joy and gratitude towards the goddess of death and water and shouted to their hearts content.

Atlanteans: Long live Atlantis, long live for deities of the world !!

On the other hands, the king of atlantis and his army and family move away from the crowd and head to their mothers temple, the deity of water, Aquarius.

Thanatos: The first gate of the tower will be opened in the first cry of the eagle this morning, Who ever would want to venture the tower are free to do so. Who ever clears each of the floor will be rewarded with treasures and artifact from me and whoever reach the top will receive one opportunity to make a wish and be fulfilled by me. Im expecting a lot from you sons of aquarius.

A crowd of shadow bats then covered the shadow and the goddess of death vanished. The moonlight went back to normal and the people of atlantis were all left in shock.

At that moment a loud rumbling noise roar up in the middle of the night, as the crowd of people went back to their residence, immediately they then head back near the tower of doom. This time they are all carrying their weapons with them. Their excitement had overlapped their dizziness, that they were able to maintain their composure at night, patiently waiting for the first cry of the eagle in broad daylight.

Meanwhile, our main character, jacob springer cannot be bothered with what he feels. He is inside his house, sleeping to his hearts content, dreaming of the goddess whom he claims to have fallen in love with him.