
World Powered by Breasts

Adam is insanely luck in the afterlife and got chosen to host the Gamer system, he isn't sure what the Gamer System is for that matter, but what he does know is that he is stuck in a world with insanely op assholes, dumb main characters and a plot that makes no sense. All he wants to do now is relax. OC/GamerFic (Lemons)

ChineseChung · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Figuring it out

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Chapter 2: Figuring it out

Previously on Dragon Ba- ahem Dxd

"I think this is just a big misunderstanding. Why don't we introduce ourselves to clear this up? I'll go first. My name is Serafall Leviathan Formerly Sitri." Serafall interrupted in a pacifying tone. Quickly catching on to the fact that they entered a castle that was in a ward for 500 years the crimson haired satan introduces himself.

"My name is Sirzechs Lucifer formerly Gremory, and this is my maid Grayfia Lucifuge." he motions towards the frozen maid that hasn't taken her eyes off of Yorha. It's quiet before I decide to continue the introductions.

"My name is Adam Lucifer-Leviathan, and this is my maid Yorha Lucifuge. Now may we move this conversation to the living room so that you can explain why the Gremory and Sitri decided to poach the names of my ancestors?" I questioned with an impassive voice, noticing how all of them tense up at hearing my name. 2B looking back at me with a questioning gaze, I just nod subtly and she comes back to my side, I give her a slight smile and mouth 'Everything going to be okay.' Seeing us react non-hostily and acting diplomatically they agree.

Fuck now I need to fleece a conversation with 2 satans that I'm not hostile to them or their cause.

There are many things I would rather be doing first thing in the morning like being balls deep inside my 2B maid that is apparently a Gojo ripoff, but the game really wanted to get this shit started.

So we arrive at the conference area that's just a really big table in another room that isn't the kitchen. Honestly why the fuck did I pick a castle this shits annoysing. I sit on one side with 2B behind me heading to go make some tea or some shit whatever a meeting normally is for devils. On the other side of the table sit the 2 satans with Grayfia behind Sirzechs just looking at 2B longingly.

"You have my thanks for being amicable to this meeting, Lord Adam, it's an honor to meet a descendant of the Original 4 satans somewhere other than the battlefield." Sirzechs Lucifer, a man who could sneeze in my direction and disintegrate me, says with a polite tone. Though I notice the slight jab at calling me by my given name instead of Lucifer or Leviathan and my pride trait flairs up.

"The pleasure is mine, Sirzechs." I say politely, giving her a respectful nod. I am not part of the Seventy-Two Pillars, so I don't need to be utterly respectful and I'm a fucking Lucifer.

-10 Affection with Sirzechs Lucifer for insulting a him [-10/100]

-5 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge for insulting a satan [-5/100]

-10 Affection with Serafall Leviathan for insulting a satan [-10/100]

The fuck is that? And why did Grayfia only go down by 5? Wait, I need to focus.

"Now that the pleasantries are out of the way... We would like to ask why you were sealed here with a long lost Lucifuge?" Serafall interrupts, before we can throw more barely concealed insults.

"We were placed here by my mother Tsufaame to ensure her lineage was secured and she didn't trust my father Rizevim to do well… anything for my own well being." I answered after a moment, causing them to still from the bombshell that my father is the original super-devil. Honestly this is pretty fun. "Now Lady Sitri, my family had quite a few enemies after all, so considering she didn't come back with you, or at all, can I assume that she's died and you won the civil war?" I question in a despondent tone.

"Call me Serafall" Serafall starts before hesitating, giving me a long look before she continues. "Yes the war ended nearly 500 years ago and your mother died in combat, though your father never participated in it and your sister Katera is alive as part of the Old Satan faction. After the war Sirzechs, Ajuka, Falbium, and I took up the title of the 4 satans to establish a new government, with the two coexisting." she finished.

"We didn't expect to find you here, but found a document labeled project 2B that your mother left behind; That led us here to where we discovered a Lucifer/Leviathan descendent and a Lucifuge." Sirzechs continued.

"Now all we'd like to implore is how you plan to respond?" the redhead queried. Sending us into another moment of silence with them thinking that I'd either tell them to fuck off or fight them.

"I feel rather dejected from not being able to meet my mother at least once, but honestly don't care for the ideology of the Old Satan faction from what Yorha has informed me of, so I won't be joining them if that's what you had in mind. I support your line of thinking more, however considering one of your members killed my mother I won't be joining you either." I responded, making them subtly sigh in relief, though Grayfias' is much more pronounced getting a look from both satans.

"I do have a proposal to offer you though for my assured neutrality. So would you like to make a deal with THE devil?" I say with a gleam in my eye. Causing them to look at each other more in a subtle agreement.

"What would this deal entail?" Serafall asks going into the satan of foreign affairs mode, making me chuckle a little.

After 2 hours of negotiating though most were 'informing' me of the things that have changed that lowered the tension in the room by manyfold I came out with what I assumed was a good deal, with some help of the system to remind me of shit.

I get a laptop to get up to date on current underworld news, an evil piece set, high class status, a new home located in previous Lucifer territory that the Bael claimed. I thought they would need Zekrams permission for it, but considering I am a Lucifer there ain't much shit even the 'Great King' can do about it, not that he would he practically worships my lineage. A considerable amount of wealth that has been stored in the Lucifer that Rizevim didn't claim, I couldn't get the Leviathan though with how I have an older sister and all that. Access to some territories under their jurisdiction to help build my peerage. I even got their affection scores into the positive with Sirzechs at a solid 5, Serafall at a decent 15, but Grayfia practically shot up to 30 even with that pride trait I have.

They get an on record support from a descendant of 2 original satan bloodlines saying that they're right and all that propaganda jazz. My assistance If there ever was a war with another race besides the Old Satan faction. Me following some basic laws both factions decided on and that's about it. I even kept my neutrality while officially joining the 72 pillars. Though my house is considered separate with how I'm not a leader of either faction.

"So we have reached an understanding. Thank you for your time and support. I'll stop by tomorrow to deliver the evil piece set though everything else will take some more time." Serafall ends, going into what I'll call Sera-tan mode. I just gave a hum of approval, because damn do negotiations blow I felt like my soul was being sucked out of me.

"One more thing considering you support the New Satan faction all, but officially it'd be wise to station a guard to prevent any attacks from the Old satan faction. Would that be okay with you Lord Lucifer-Leviathan?" Sirzechs asked.

Making me think that he might be right, they'll totally be spying on me considering it was all but official and I'm still an unknown, but I could use some fodder to save 2B if anyone attacks.

"While I do believe in 2b-sorry-Yorha's ability to defend me that would probably be wise Lord Lucifer. Who would be stationed here?" I asked, finally calling him by his title considering he isn't throwing insults my way. Before Sirzechs could respond the older maid chirps in.

"I will volunteer to guard Lord Lucifer-Leviathan, granted he already has one Lucifuge in his employment, but what's one more who has served 2 serving Lucifers and can help guard him. It can show that the 4 new satans and lord lucifer-leviathan have indeed come to an agreement and would elevate his standing with me serving under him." Grayfia pleads more than likely trying to be under me so she can do some sisterly bonding now that she knows I'm not an enemy.

"That would be a good idea from what I can sense she's at the pinnacle of ultimate class borderline satan level of power and she can reconnect with her sister serving under me while also serving as a deterrent from unwanted violence, that would strain the relations between the New and Old factions." I add, Serafall is all for it and Sirzechs has to contemplate for a bit before agreeing as well.

+80 Obedience with Grayfia Lucifuge [80/100]

+20 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge for helping her reconnect with her long lost sister [50/100]

+5 Affection with Sirzechs Lucifer for helping Grayfia reconnect with her long lost sister [10/100]

+5 Affection with Serafall Leviathan for helping Grayfia reconnect with her long lost sister [20/100]

Hahahaha damn, that sin of lust is really going to get worked out isn't it master.

What no, I genuinely wanted to make 2B happy and give her a chance to reconnect with her sister.

I am still in your head and can hear all your thoughts, my favorite being 'Lucifuge sandwich here I come!' followed by 'I'm going to be her new God after she gets a taste.' that pride really is showing up strong even in your thoughts.

Shut up was all I could think.

"Though I have one small request considering your taking the queen of my peerage." Sirzechs asks with a smile.

"Well what do you need of me Lord Lucifer?"

"Considering you will gain a massive political pull. Would you help me end the engagement of my little sister Rias Gremory. Currently she is betrothed to the third son of the Phenex family and has been dreading the engagement since it began and with my position as a satan I cannot interfere with inter-pillar matters, but perhaps another Lord Lucifer can." he finishes with the same damn smile.

"I won't guarantee success because nothing is certain in this world, but I will accept. If you can send me all the information you have on the engagement I'll look into it as soon as possible for a fellow lord lucifer." I respond with a cocky smirk.

+20 Affection with Sirzechs Lucifer for agreeing to help Rias [30/100]

+10 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge for agreeing to help Rias [60/100]

+10 Affection with Serafall Leviathan for agreeing to help Rias [30/100]

After all was settled and he agreed to have Grayfia deliver the documents he has on the engagement they left. That left me in a castle with the 2 maids.

After deciding it was probably time to eat breakfast prepared by 2B who was rather awkward around Grayfia who was following her around like a lost puppy. I called her to my room to discuss the meeting, leaving grayfia alone in the castle.

"So 2B I know I agreed to have Grayfia here without your consent, but I think it would be best if you reconnect with her. I know for you it was only 17 years since you last saw her, but it was nearly 500 for her and from what I understood and saw she truly does care for you. Don't let this connection go just because she swayed to the New Satan faction. We both lost Tsufaame, but it affected you more. I can see it did, but you still have someone that loves you 'me'. And I'll always be there for you, so just give her a chance that's all I ask and if it doesn't work out I'll respect your decision.`` I stated embracing her, rubbing her back soothingly before she started to shake slightly and I heard slight sobs with the front of my shirt being stained with tears.

"I'll try Adam, I will. It just hurts so bad!" was all she managed to get out

"It'll be hard, but that's what I'm here for. To support you every step of the way like you did me for these years we've been together. You'll get through this I know you will." I say confidently. We stay standing in my room for hours before she's tuckered out from all the emotions and honestly so am I, but I still need to talk to Grayfia and check out the rest of the system I thought before feeling a ping.

+10 Obedience with Grayfia Lucifuge for giving her a chance [90/100]

+20 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge for giving her a chance [80/100]

Of course she was eavesdropping, but damn what's up with her points that shits going up way too fast. Game?

Hmm of that devils are naturally subservient to those above them and considering your lineage that she was literally bred to serve and her sister being under you it combines for the perfect way into her pants especially with you openly helping her. Also some history changed with her joining the New Satan faction. Normally she fell in love with Sirzechs, but her feelings were cemented yet and with her sister being allegedly KIA all she could do was stay on their side knowing that if she went back she would be killed. So in the end while she became Sirzechs queen and maid she isn't his wife with the whole your government killed my sister thing.

So it's open season on banging the sisters Master! XD

Damn that legendary servant choice really worked out for me. I thought, before heading to find Grayfia who quickly left after hearing my footsteps.

I walked back into the living room to find grayfia sitting down on the couch calmly drinking tea. She tensed when I walked in most likely because she was eavesdropping on the conversation and didn't want me to get mad. I calmly walk toward the seat across from her and sit down looking at her with a calm smile easing her tension significantly.

"Hello Grayfia, it's nice to finally meet you. Your sister has told me a bit about you. Considering the recent developments I wanted to have a quick chat with you one on one for a bit." I subtly admire those Lucifuge genes, I swear it's like they put something in the water.

"Indeed there have been rather shocking events that have taken place today, but I can't find myself regretting them happening. What would you like to talk about my lord?" she responds with a small smile gracing her lips, trying to keep up her professional facade.

"Alright, considering it's just the two of us I'm going to be blunt. I know why you volunteered yourself to guard me besides for actual protection and I approve. I think Yorha should have a chance to reconnect with family after the confirmation of my mothers passing has been rather arduous on her emotionally." I explain with a frown, damn this body's previous memories really affected me though I rather like having this much of an emotional connection to 2B besides physical attraction. Her smile stretches even more before I speak again.

"However, if you so much as do anything to hurt her I will do everything in my power to absolutely ruin you in the worst ways possible. I'll make what happened during the 2 previous wars seem humane to what I'll do to you if you take advantage of the chance she's giving you." I utter my demonic power coming down on her with a snarl on my face. She stills for a bit, her face becoming emotionless once more before she beams at me, making my heart skip a beat. God-owww- damn those Lucifuge genes.

"Of course my Lord I will do whatever it takes to keep her in my life. All I can say is that I approve of how deeply you care for my sister." she responds, causing me to chuckle.

"Well then that's the main point I wanted to make. Also don't bother with all that formalities and titles when it's just us, just call me Adam. Your Yorha's sister and that's reason enough to call you family. Hell, hopefully I might even be able to call you sister in law one day.`` I finish chuckling, with her having a slight blush at what I just insinuated.

"Of course… Adam, all I can do is thank you for being there for my sister." she responds trying and failing to keep the smile off her face.

"Alright well I think we should get to know each other better so I'll start and even let you in on a little secret that I didn't tell the Satans. My name is Adam Lucifer-Leviathan and while I was born nearly 500 years ago I am currently only 17 years old. I like Yorha, reading and relaxing. I have a bit of a problem with pride. I dislike politics and hypocrites and my goal for the future is simply to live a happy life while getting stronger and traveling." I explain, seeding the confused look on her face. I assume it's about my age or the blatant ripoff of the speech format I used if they have Naruto in this world.

"You look a bit confused. Is there something you want me to explain?" I question with a teasing smile.

"Yes… um what do you mean you are only 17 years old? For you to be Tsufaame's child you'd have to be hundreds of years old." she asked baffled.

"It was all my mother's doing really. Chronologically I am 498 years old as of today. Biologically I am only 17 years old because my mother spent a fortune on some of the Dantalion wards to create a temporal field that allowed time to pass slower here, so she could come back to raise me without having missed most of my childhood, but we both know how that turned out. It's the barrier you initially came through." I explained with a small frown as she flinched from me mentioning my dead mother. We spent some time in silence letting her contemplate what she just learned, before she realized the implications that her sister is only in her mid-30's at most.

"I see very well, My name is Grayfia Lucifuge, older sister to Yorha Lucifuge. I love my family and enjoy my job as a maid. I dislike alcohol and incompetence. My goal is to bond with my sister and live a happy life." she states, a memory comes to mind of 2B drinking a single glass of wine and getting drunk.

"I have a feeling that I know why you don't like alcohol. You two seem more alike than I thought." I respond by chuckling a bit of the memory of 2B tripping constantly, she gains an atomic blush at that point.

We make small talk for a bit and I explain what life was like in a barrier while she mentions what the outside world is like and the places she visited. Before I decided to excuse myself to go take a bath.

Soaking in the perfectly warm water. I contemplate what to do with my peerage and life in general. I said my goal was to travel so I guess I'll figure it out on the fly. By the way, what other features does the game have?

I'm glad you finally asked and while we're at it let's finish the tutorial.

I was about to ask what it meant when I felt a ping go through my mind and my body convulsed slightly.

Tutorial Complete:

Skill Gained

[Gamers Mind] (Passive)

Grants Immunity to psychological status effects.

Skill Gained

[Gamers Body] (Passive)

Grants a body that allows the user to live real life like a game.

Inventory Unlocked: Allows the user to store items in storage.

System features:

Shop Opened: The shop is a store that lets you purchase items and abilities from other worlds.

World jump [LOCKED]: Allows the user to jump to a random world.

Gacha System: Once a week the user May roll for a random item that the system will grant or you may use a Gacha Token to use it immediately.

Training Grounds:

Current Stage: Easy (Recommended for level 1-100)

The Coliseum - A battle ground used by the emperors of old to entertain.

Challenging[locked] (Recommended for level 100-500)

Valhalla - The heaven for all battle crazy maniacs.

Hard [Locked] (Recommended for level 500-1000)

Nine levels of hell - You don't know true pain until you've experienced the nine levels of hell.

Impossible [Locked] (Recommended for level 1000+)

The Void - Nothing escapes the voids cold grasp enter if you dare.

Those skills are pretty good, now I can't just get one shot with a mind wipe. But Holy shit the training grounds are going to help a lot. I thought I was going to have to kill a bunch of fodder or have a training montage. But the shop is something I'm more interested in. Selecting that option. A screen around 75 inches comes into existence and a magical girl whom I'm assuming is sailor moon walks onto the screen with one of those sticks with a hand on the end with its pointer finger up.

Welcome to the Super-Duper-Ultra-Mega Universal Game Shop. You can simply look up an item you want such as a sword in the search bar and a selection will show up. There are more filters such as price and size along with some others, but they're self explanatory. What really matters is Credits the way to earn them is simple you either gain them in the Training grounds or you can exchange your worlds currency into credits. For example 1,000 Rias can be exchanged for 1 in-store credit. That's about it you can figure out the rest on your own.

(A/N- In the LN the biblical faction decided to use a centralized currency and after a suggestion from Sirzechs it was called Ria as a singular unit of currency while Rias means more than one. Didn't happen until later, but decided it was easier to use.)

The Sailor moon finishes pointing the stick hand at me before I hear "MOON PRISM POWER! WAKE UP!" and the screen starts spinning while compressing itself into a sphere getting smaller and smaller and once it reaches the size of a softball it explodes into particles of light partially blinding me.

What the fuck game!?

Teehee sorry master I forgot it did that.

I seethe for a bit in silence as my vision returns to normal. I look into the shop and am thoroughly surprised by the sheer variety of items it sells. Summoning orbs, weapons, armors, food, familiars, vehicles, technology, hell there's even sex toys. Which gave me an Idea to gain my first major boost in power. I'll have to wait until I can get my hands on the Lucifer Vaults.

I explore for a bit more before coming across my ticket to having a stacked peerage besides summoning orbs.

Type-moon Summoning (One time Use Per Purchase): 50,000 Credits

This spell allows the user to set up a one time use summoning circle, to summon either a random heroic spirit if no catalyst is used.

It's real fucking expensive around 50 million Rias, plus the cost of the catalyst which I assume is more expensive for the stronger servants. But I gain a Servant that I'll transform into a devil. Don't know which yet, but it's something to think about later. The one that I can fleece is relatively cheap for what I'll get.

Companion Bot: 100 Credits

An android with baseline human stats that can be customized to however the user chooses. It comes with built in knowledge of all things sexual.

Yup it's all coming together. I think laughing like a psychopath. Praise Lady Luck's perfectly shaped ass all rooms are sound proof.

After getting out of the bath it was mid-afternoon, but with all that happened today I decided to call it a night after escorting an ecstatic Grayfia to her room. I went back to my room and slept with a still unconscious 2B snuggling into my arms.

Damn this is the life.


Not much this chapter, but it's something.

This was more of a monologue chapter with Adam still figuring shit out. Also with Grayfia I did it for reasons. One being that she's sexy and making her 2b's sister is even sexier. Two it seems logical if your long lost relative who you thought was dead suddenly came back you'd want to connect.

Sirzechs asking the favor is more of a trade-off kinda deal. He gets to see his sister happy and not miserable in a marriage that would likely ruin her life and he gives Grayfia away. While she's still going to be his queen she won't really be his.


Mutated Queen: N/A

Rook 1 & 2: Secret

Bishop : Rossweisse

Bishop : Ingvild Leviathan

Mutated Knight : 2B

Knight : Secret

Mutated Pawn 1 & 2: Secret

Pawn :N/A

Pawn :N/A

Pawn :N/A

Pawn :N/A

Pawn :N/A

Pawn :N/A