

"Go on with it then. Spill the beans. What are you talking about? How will this alliance be strengthened?" Nolan asked.

"I thought that you were under the impression that I was just a hotblooded youth who would go crazy with the power that I had and drive the alliance to the ground." Jake smiled.

"Not exactly the words that I used, but fair enough," Nolan smiled and nodded.

"That will be information privy to insiders, Chairman. Well, I can only presume that you are the chairman of Horace. I mean, your family probably owns the majority stake." Jake presumed.

"Your guess is right, again. But a gamble, you ask me to take. And this is a big one." Nolan sighed.

"This is not a gamble, Chairman. You have been talking to me for a while now. And someone like you, who has been on the opposite end for so many years, looking at people and judging their potential before they can enter the field, you must know that I am not bluffing right now." Jake said.

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