
World Online: Rise of the Strongest Hero

The accident that killed his entire family turned Elijah into a game addict who didn't care about his life anymore. After excessive playing, Elijah finally died upon completing the same game for the 1000th time. [Kill the demon king and become a hero in the game world.] [Customized rewards will be allotted.] Elijah was willing to take the risk of diving into hell, hoping he could reverse the time and save his parents from dying. But upon progressing in the game with his task, Elijah discovers that there's something wrong with his system. [Attention! Going without sacrificing an NPC will increase your mission failure by 90%!] Elijah thought he was there to be a hero. However, why did he think that the system forced him to sacrifice NPCs in every way possible?

Aurora_Ayaka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
164 Chs

Rapid Growth

The Adventurer's Guild is a place that is always lively during the day. During the time when adventurers took a break to fill their stomachs and quench their thirst, the gossip swirling in the Adventurer's Guild would not escape the chatter of the people in the place.

"Hey, have you heard about the new adventurer who managed to reach E rank within five days? He looks young. Is there anyone of you who can guess why he was able to rank up that fast?"

An adventurer of the dwarven flavor opened the chat after gulping down the large glass of liquor he had ordered. His face was slightly flushed because he had drunk too much. However, his focused gaze indicated that he was not too drunk from the alcoholic beverage.

"Are you talking about the human adventurer with the sweet face who settled in the guild dormitory a few days ago? Who knows, Bjorn? Maybe he's seducing the guild staff to rank up that fast."

The one replying to him was a female adventurer of the human race. Her beautiful face looked even more stunning as she frowned. It was still fresh in the woman's memory how she invited Elijah to do a mission together with her, but was flatly rejected by the teenager.

"Don't say nonsense. Don't you see how many missions he does every day? Even if someone is a C-ranked adventurer, they will not do as many missions as that human do."

This time, it was an elf who was drinking her drink with graceful movements that were talking. All elves are born beautiful, both male and female elves. So, even if the elf was a man, his beauty and majesty could even outshine the female human sitting next to him.

"But Maynard, is it reasonable to do several missions in one day? Not to mention, I heard that she only took on extermination missions for him to complete."

"Having said that, I'm saying that rising to E rank within five days is not something that-"


Maynard stopped talking as the guild door opened, and Elijah walked in with another kill. Although he always returned in rags, it was undeniable that people always felt that something had changed whenever Elijah returned to the Adventurer's Guild. The teenager who once looked confused by the workings of their world had turned into a quiet teenager who looked strong. The body and aura he carried proved all that. Within a week, there had been a drastic level increase in the teenager.

Elijah ignored the people gossiping about him, then stopped at the reception desk manned by the same glasses woman who had first helped him enroll in the Adventurer's Guild. The woman smiled when she saw Elijah. Being used to it, the woman knew Elijah would sell various other games after he was done with his mission.

"Wow, you killed quite a few goblins this time, didn't you?"

After Elijah's level passed level 15, he no longer felt that killing wolves would be beneficial to him. Elijah always looked for stronger opponents every time he reached a new level. This time, he managed to hunt down a level 20 goblin that was troubling the citizens on the border of Arlo City with the human kingdom's territory.

The journey Elijah had to take was quite far. But after fighting the Chief Goblin in that place, Elijah gained a new skill that allowed him to move faster than ordinary humans. The journey that should have taken a full day can be traveled in just a few hours. Although Elijah's stamina had to be drained because the skill took a lot of stamina, everything was worth the results he got from the skill.

The day after tomorrow was the day when the entrance test to the Academy of Sword and Sorcery would be held. No matter what, Elijah felt he could not be late for the event.

"Oh yes, the day after tomorrow, you will be taking the entrance test for the Academy of Sword and Sorcery, right? Good luck, Elijah. I'm sure you can pass that test with your abilities."

The glasses woman felt she was already close enough to Elijah that encouraging him before the test didn't seem strange anymore. Elijah gave a small nod in reply to the woman's words. He had already lived in this game world for a few days. But until now, Elijah still wasn't used to how the NPCs in this world looked so alive like they weren't just a bunch of data.

"Then, are you going to take another mission for today?"

The glasses woman asked, and Elijah replied with a shake. "I have to give you some equipment before the test. From now on ... I won't be taking any missions anymore."

In addition to increasing his level, Elijah always fought tirelessly because he needed quite a lot of money to buy some equipment he needed before the test began. Elijah had found a shop that sold thunder magic books in Arlo City. Thunder magic is basic magic like fire. But since a magic book is still a magic book, Elijah needed 30 gold coins just to buy the magic book.

Not to mention, Elijah also had to buy a new sword because his old sword was almost broken after being used to fight a strong enemy. Elijah intended to buy a better-quality sword using the rest of his money. Therefore, he prepared approximately 100 gold coins for this shopping time.

"If you want to shop for armor or weapons, I suggest you go to Fire Steel in the west of the city. The blacksmith is a dwarf who has good skills. He may have a slightly bad temper. But I promise you won't be disappointed with the results of his forging."

That was the first time the woman had suggested a place to Elijah. And coincidentally, Elijah also didn't really understand where he could find a blacksmith shop with good quality. "Then I'll go there," Elijah decided.

The woman told Elijah the direction, and Elijah left the Adventurer's Guild again after that. Elijah intended to buy a thunder magic book first. Only then did he go to the blacksmith recommended by the woman.

"Please come again later!"

Elijah got the thunder magic book he wanted, then slipped away to a relatively quiet place where no one was watching him. Elijah wanted to read the magic book as soon as possible. Elijah opened the cover when he finally found a quiet alley that seemed harmless. Then just like before, Elijah felt like his head was being injected with foreign information until he fully understood the concept of using thunder magic.

Once Elijah had successfully mastered the concept of lightning magic, the book simply disappeared. Elijah took a deep breath. Right now, he couldn't wait to see his new status window.

[Name] Elijah (17 years old)

[Level 20]

[EXP] 5000/9500

[HP] 500/800

[MP] 200/800

[Stamina] 20/400

[Physical Skills] One-handed level 10, Light armor level 7, Block level 3, Body Enhancement level 2

[Magic Skills] Fire level 10, Thunder level 1

[Money] 65 gold coins, 50 silver coins, 10 copper coins

To enter the Academy of Sword and Sorcery, it feels like the preparation is not bad either. Elijah deliberately improved his mana in advance at the last moment. He, who majored in magic at the Academy of Sword and Sorcery, would definitely need more MP than his stamina.

More importantly, Elijah managed to reach a level that would have taken others years in five days. When Elijah looked at his information status, the teenager was subconsciously proud of himself.