
World of Zodiacs

In a crowded marketplace where noise is everywhere theirs a little boy crying inside a cage where even human can fits.

"Hey compatriots, buy this fellow here this is from a newly fallen noble, it's a beauty so it's quite expensive." A middle aged man can be seen on the back alley where people is wearing cape not to be recognized by just anyone.

It is obvious that it has been there for a while, shouting just to get someone to buy his amazing "product" , a few moments later, a woman with thick lipstick on her face approached the middle aged man. "How much is it? You are just disturbing others with your irritating voice, you can stop now and if I see your face again, it will lose its appearance if it's really an appearance." She look to the middle aged man with an irritated and disgusted face to show its dislike.

"Haha I'm sorry madam, it's not really expensive just a five rubies is enough." It smiles in a very disgusting way and you can clearly see on his eyes his greediness for anything that is valuable in his eyes.

Rubies= 1000 pesos in one ruby

Gold= 500 pesos in one gold

(A/n: Philippines is my homeland so I'm gonna based it on our currency)

The woman didn't look any further, instead she just gave the money to the middle aged man after that, the middle-aged man opened the cage and the woman immediately took the boy inside even though he was trembling with fear of the unknown woman who would take him.

The woman immediately left that disgusting place and secretly left in case anyone followed them carrying the child on its back, later they reached a forest and not far away a small hut could be seen...

They rushed inside the house and slowly put the boy down on the bed and went to the kitchen to fetch some water, he saw that the child was dirty so he would bathe him first before they ate.

After she prepared a bath she took the child from the room and gave him a bath without hesitation even though he was shivering from the cold but when she realized that the child was cold, she took hot water from the kitchen and mixed it with the water that the child would bathe in.

The woman bathed the boy for a few minutes because of the dirt on his body that had been accumulated for several days after a while, the boy finished bathing, then he dressed him in simple home clothes.

"Why did you bathe me, I'm a slave why are you doing this?" The boy's face was mixed with curiosity and surprise at the actions of the person who bought him, he thought that when he lost his home, he would have to expect that his life would never get better.

So he was confused about what was happening, he was nervous and wondering what his future master might make him do from now on. "Ohm I really don't know either I just bought you because I just think you can be my disciple, I know I'm still too young but like a weather time is no longer predictable, maybe tomorrow I'll be gone, my job is too dangerous, so when I saw you, I immediately thought, why don't I make you my disciple, by the way young fellow, my name is Mev Krios how about you what's your name?" Mev shrugged and smiled at the boy mischievously.

"Why, are you afraid? I'm not going to do anything scary, that's all, so relax there haha. " Mev turned her back on the boy and went to the kitchen to get something for them to eat.

"Thank you for saving me, you can hope that I will return this favor one day." The boy said in a low voice even though mev couldn't hear him because of the distance from the kitchen to their room and if mev could hear him he would really be smiling because of the blushing face of the child when it murmured the said words.

Mev returned to the room with a simple dish of vegetables and two pieces of meat with 2 inches wide and having their rice in a bowl and their water is in a bamboo that comes from underground so it is cold and good to drink.

They ate a hearty breakfast and sometimes Mev would put a meat and vegetables in the boy's bowl. "My name is Azour master Mev." Later the child suddenly said his name and shyly looked to Mev.

"Haha your so cute,what's your name again?" Mev can't help but pinch his cheeks and tease him to make the boy a blushing mess. "Haha just joking you can relax and be comfortable with me we'll live together from now on so Azour please take care of me." She pet Azour and smiled dazzlingly.

Mev's face was comfortable to look at because she had already washed off her thick lipstick from her face earlier when she bathed the child Mev still looks like she's in her twenties, but even though she's a young woman at that age, it's noticeable that she has a lot of scars on other parts of her body that can be seen because she's wearing an arm-length clothes and knee-length pants.

Mev is an assassin, she was also a street vagabond when she was just a teenager.She never met his parents and violence on the sidewalk is what he sees almost every day, he got involved in a mess when he was seventeen, and it is agreed that killing influential people will be the exchange of his freedom one day.

So when she found out that fellow would not let her go until she die, he immediately thought of having a disciple to teach him her secret power.

She is one of the twelve zodiacs, she found that out when he nearly killed a person by shoving him in the street and he was only five years old at the time since then she practiced secretly and stole from different places of martial arts to practice, then she mixed them and the result became her own martial arts.

She knows that no one can defeat her, her only weakness is her slave mark on her back, it was placed when she was just a child while she was sleeping, I think they learned that the child is strong at a young age and needs to be controlled as early as possible.

Slave mark= an intricate pattern that symbolizes submission and loyalty without your consent it is created by a powerful zodiac, an outsider zodiac where their race cannot be found in regnum so nobody can ever break a slave mark once its ingraved on any part of your body unless you are stronger than the spell maker and you make your own spell to counter it but for a long time no one has ever done that so its origin seems to be a legend.

Regnum= world of zodiacs where 12 continents is named after the zodiacs.

Outsiders= they are from outside the regnum and there are others that came from a portal where they are from regnum but they have a world where zodiacs can't enter without permission from the residents of the said portal

She is not the only living zodiac she knows that the twelve zodiacs are complete but in her time in the living world she has not met anyone who is the same as her, all she knows is that if she exists the others also exist.

Zodiac waves= is a wavelength of soul on what you are zodiacs can sense their kin so it's just like a gps, a map locater or whatever you call it.

Metáfrasi tis exousías= transferring power to the chosen one, a destined and chosen by Ai


Aion= God of the world "Regnum"

A God of zodiacs