
World of Warships

The world has descended into a parallel universe, where one can forge their own unique battle armor. In the boundless ocean, with endless resources and terrifying sea creatures, including colossal deep-sea monsters, everyone must continuously upgrade their battleships in order to survive. The battleships and talents are all randomly assigned. However, from the start, Ye Xuan awakens an SSS-level talent called 'ARC System'. "Fusing with vine shells and evolving into a hive mothership?" "Fusing with machinery and granting the battleship an imperial engine?" "No..." Countless battleships fill the sky, and among them, the motherships directly fuse with stars as their energy source—"I want them all!" While others are still struggling to survive, Ye Xuan's battleship has already taken off, equipped with star-destroying cannons, earth-shattering celestial bombs, and requiems for the souls.

dota · Sci-fi
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28 Chs

Chapter 13 Kill the strange bird! Shock Therapy!

The ocean level is actually a bit like a one-way glass.

Looking down from the surface of the sea, it is getting darker and darker, and the vision is very poor.

But looking up from the bottom of the sea, it is facing the sun, so it looks very clear.


The strange bird made a hoarse cry.

It has found delicious food in the sky.

However, there were only a few of them, and they were not fish schools, so the rest of the strange birds stayed on the island without moving after hearing the call.

This strange bird dived rapidly.


The next moment, it rushed directly into the bottom of the sea.

It's like a sharp arrow.

In the deep sea, Ye Fei relied on the external eyeballs to observe this scene, and couldn't help being amazed.

As expected of a creature in the Extraordinary World, this speed is astonishing.

If the creatures on the earth rushed like this, their entire heads would be crushed.

The strange bird is like a cannonball.

It's too fierce!

It swooped extremely skillfully, directly pierced the fish, and carried the fish straight down for more than ten meters.

I have to say that this distance is just right.


The battleship closed its mouth happily, crunchy.

[Ding! Kill a level 1 monster bird, gain energy +5]

The rest of the people saw the strange bird with numb scalp, and Ye Fei delivered it directly to the door.

It's really too simple.

Ye Fei was taken aback.

What the hell, you rushed into your mouth before I even exerted my strength!

After reacting, Ye Fei was immediately happy.


If he could post to Moments, he would be able to post one.

At the same time, he was also inspired by this unexpected blow.

Obviously, this attack method is the habitual behavior of strange birds.

If you can make good use of it, and if you are lucky, you might be able to kill the leader of the group of strange birds first.

As long as the leader of the strange birds dies, the biggest threat to the group of strange birds will be gone.

Immediately, Ye Fei decided not to use the electric shock, but to eat one by one!

At the same time, Ye Fei also activated the fusion, and he might be able to acquire new abilities in a short time.

Continue to seduce!


There are fish spinning and jumping~

The movement here once again attracted the attention of the strange birds.

The leader of the strange bird fluttered his wings and flew towards this side.

"Well done!"

Ye Fei couldn't help being excited. He didn't expect to lead the leader of the strange bird here just for the second time.

The opponent is bigger and stronger!

But...after all, it's a bird!


Ye Fei repeated his old trick.

The violently closed mouth of fangs created a surge at the bottom of the water.

But the sea is still calm.

Ye Fei thought it was stable.

Unexpectedly, the leader of this strange bird reacted so quickly that he instinctively started to scratch around inside the battleship with sharp claws and fangs.


Flesh splattered.

A large piece of meat was scratched off by the strange bird's claws.

Ye Fei was startled, and quickly manipulated the battleship to chew.


The claws of this strange bird are so sharp!

It's simply a metal sickle!

Ye Fei was surprised.

The leader of the strange bird was suddenly swallowed into the big mouth, and it panicked too much. In its panic, it avoided the fangs and rushed all the way into the belly of the battleship, which is the lower level of the battleship.

Ye Fei made a decisive decision and immediately began to float up. Because of the water pressure, the battleship couldn't vomit forcefully here.


I saw sharp claws protruding from the deck, stabbing~!

Make a crack.

The strange bird panicked and attacked wildly inside.

Fortunately, the battleship floated very fast. The next moment, before the strange bird grabbed the deck and reached the upper level, the battleship opened its huge mouth and spit it out.

The strange bird that had seen the light of day was already frightened, and was about to leave with its wings flapping.

"I still want to run!"

Ye Fei is very angry.

Immediately launched the trick - the magnetic storm nova!


Crackling crackling~!

A circle of electric current burst out from the battleship, and within tens of meters of the surrounding area, there were tiny electric lights moving in the sea water.

Before the strange bird had time to get out of the water, it was so electrified that its farts crackled, and then sank into the water convulsively.

Ye Fei also took this opportunity to throw the spear in a hurry.


The blood splattered, and the strange bird was completely chilled.

The spear directly passed through its wings obliquely, and emerged from its buttocks.

Ga~! !

The strange bird struggled and screamed.

How could Ye Fei give it a chance? The servants at the side saw the opportunity and cast the net, and directly dragged the strange bird up.

The strange bird flapped its wings frantically, its bones cracked, and its claws made a lot of scratches on the deck.

The screams shocked the entire island.


All of a sudden, the remaining dozen or so strange birds on the island quickly took off.

If besieged by so many strange birds, the battleship will be fine, but I must be completely cold!

But Ye Fei didn't panic at all.

He took a step forward and stomped off the strange bird's neck.


Afterwards, a dazzling white light flew from the strange bird and sank into the deck...

[Ding! Kill a level 1 monster bird (elite), gain energy +20]

At the same time, the fusion of the first monster bird that was killed just now has also been completed!

[Ding! Fusion success! The battleship gains an additional ability - super long-distance vision! (Grade F)]

[Battleship management damage +1, firepower +1]

At this moment, Ye Fei only felt that his whole body was full of strength, and strands of warmth poured into his body, making him extremely comfortable.

His abdomen was wet just now, the clothes were attached to it, and the abdominal muscles were clearly visible!

Ha ha!


Ye Fei couldn't help shouting.

The strength is growing visible to the naked eye!

But at this time, Ye Fei didn't have time to experience more, he quickly manipulated the battleship to start sinking.

At the same time, another golden light began to shine inside the battleship.

[Ding! Fusion Monster Bird (Elite) succeeded! Battleships get an extra ability - Metallized Claws! (Grade D)]

[The ability has been obtained - Magnetic Storm Nova (D-level)]

[The two abilities are superimposed on each other and are improved, and the battleship has evolved a new ability-magnetic storm claw! (Grade C)]

[Magnetic Storm Claws: Through the coil-like metal claws, a high-voltage current that bursts out short and medium-range attacks]


A new ability has evolved!

Ye Fei looked ecstatic.

This ability is absolutely amazing, the magnetic storm claws, let him directly obtain the means of attacking in the air!

In one step of evolution, wouldn't it become a magnetic storm coil?

"It's time to power up!"

Ye Fei looked at the roaring strange bird, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, the tragic death of the same kind has driven this group of strange birds into madness.

But the more this is the case, Ye Feiyue will not dive too deep.

So as not to "lose hatred".

He just kept floating about ten meters below the water, and from time to time he ventured up to pick a shirt.

This operation is very exciting!

Ye Fei had to concentrate all his energy.

He is waiting. When the battleship finishes accumulating electric energy, it will be taken away in one wave!

As for whether Luo Bing will be accidentally injured when he comes, Ye Fei is not worried about this. It has only been an hour now, and it is still early before Luo Bing arrives.

Seeing the shadows swimming on the bottom of the sea, the strange birds went crazy. According to their thinking, this mutant shark whale must come up to breathe! At that time, it was time for them to hunt and kill!


Huh? What's going on, so many strange birds hovering in the sky? !

Luo Bing, who rushed to the vicinity of the small island ahead of schedule, was in shock.

She hurriedly stopped the battleship, not daring to sail any further.


She suddenly remembered something.

"This guy is really..."

She wanted to cry without tears, and finally managed to get someone with some skills to help her, but it turned out that she was desperate!

There is no doubt that Ye Fei provoked those strange birds.

But after thinking about it, she became happy again.

It's good to die!

The strange bird only eats meat, not wood.

Didn't she pick up a boat for nothing by rushing over there?

The upgrade materials are here!

Thinking of this, Luo Bing tearfully sent a message to Ye Fei to verify it.

Luo Bing: "Brother Ye Fei, are you here yet?"

Sure enough, no one replied!

It should be dying, but not completely dead yet!

But...just be cautious.

She sent several messages in a row.

"Ye Fei, I saw a lot of strange birds, are you still alive?"

"Hey! When you see the news, reply immediately!"

"I tell you not to come close, and I will not listen!"

"Poor baby~"

The more she sent, the more surprised Luo Bing was.

However, with her head down, she didn't notice that the flock of strange birds in the distance was moving here.

When she found out, she was in a daze.

At this time, Ye Fei at the bottom of the sea became angry.

He was completely focused on pulling the strange bird just now, and he didn't notice anyone coming at all!

Who the hell is this!

His big move seems to be ready soon, a wave of fat!

As a result, a fucking ship directly attracted all the hatred away.

At this time, the strange bird was extremely crazy. When it saw the ship, it rushed directly to it!

Luo Bing turned pale with fright, what should I do?

The strange bird will arrive in just a short while!

She will be torn into pieces!

Fortunately, at this time, in the private chat box that she did not close, a sentence popped up, "Quick! Agree to disband the team! Then dive in!"

Luo Bing didn't have time to think too much at this moment, so she hurriedly followed suit.

Just as he jumped into the water, the next moment, there was an electric current flashing.

"Ahhh! Mmmmmmm..."

Luo Bing's delicate body trembled from the electric shock.


After a minute,

Ye Fei dragged the opponent to the deck.

"Woo woo woo..."

At this moment, Luo Bing had been shocked to the point of crying. She was lying on the deck with her legs spread, unable to move.

They can only be dragged and manipulated by Ye Fei.

This unsightly posture made her want to find a crack in the deck to get in.

"You are shameless..."

She really wanted to say that.

But the problem is...the other party didn't harm me.

On the contrary, I have to thank others.

Thinking of this, she became even more depressed. With a wow, tears flowed out.