
World Of Us!

Harris and Stanley are from different world. Harris was from real world While Stanley is from another world. They became best friends for over 12 years. Harris and Stanley once promised that they will be best friends forever and no matter what happens, their friendship will last forever. Their fates will encounter the mysterious happenings. how long will Stanley stay in the real world? Will he accept the fact that he is from another world?

BLairWeetch · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Lance rushed out of the hospital and head to his car. He immediately starts the engine and drives as fast as he could.

"WHY!!!" he shouted as he couldn't believe what he just saw. His hands are shivering, every nerve is tensed and his heart beats abnormally.


Meanwhile, the sun is already set, Harris and Stanley's head are both laid on the dining table since they passed out due to drunkenness last night. They had too much fun that they drink until the last drop of alcohol.

Stanley was the first one who wakes up as the alarm sound keeps echoing in the whole dining area.

"Geez! I'm still sleepy..." he said while rubbing his eyes, he opens his eyes, and Harris sleeping face greeted him. He smiled but that smile didn't last long as he felt his head aching.

'Hangover, ugh!' he quickly stands up supporting his head with his right hand, and heads to the washroom to wash with cold water to at least lessen his dizziness.

After 10 minutes of bathing, dizziness slowly fades but the headache is still there. He approaches Harris who is still peacefully sleeping and slowly touched his cheeks and pinched it.

"Ahhhh!!!" Harris's shout "What are you doing?! Can't you see, I'm sleeping?!" he said with mixed annoyance while glaring at Stanley.

"Hahaha! I'm just waking you up... It's already morning. We both still have work. Get up! and get a wash!"

Harris looks at the clock "Oh! You're right! It's 6 am already!" he said in shock and runs towards the bathroom.

"Hey, take it slowly. You still have 1 hour and 30 minutes to get ready. Cheer up! And by the way, I borrowed your clothes. I'll bring it back when we see each other again." Stanley said while tying his shoes "I will be ahead of you, See ya again..." He added as he finished tying his shoelace.

Harris starts to bathe "Ok! See you again on my day off." He shouted as loud as he could for Stanley to hear.

Stanley was about to open the door when the phone suddenly rings. He decided to answer the phone since Harris can't answer it.


A woman's voice answer "Hi this is nurse Shin, Is this Mr. Harris Kramer? This is an emergency from Twilight Hospital."

"Oh, Ummm... He's taking a bath. You can tell me what it is all about and I'll relay it to him."

"I see. It's about his sister."

Stanley feels worried "W-what about his sister?" he asked while playing the buttons of his polo with his left hand.

"Mr. Harris Kramer's sister was confined in our hospital right now and still unconscious. She needs a family member who can take care of her sir. Her friend told us to call his older brother before he left and handed us a note where Ms. Jamine Kramer's address and person to contact is written."

Harris already finished and come out from the bathroom, He saw Stanley's back.

"Hey, you still here. I thought you left already," he said while adjusting the towel rolled around his waist and walks towards his room.

"Okay, Ma'am I will tell this to her brother then. Goodbye." Stanley said to the caller and hung up the phone.

Stanley knocked at Harris's room "Hey, open the door, I need to tell you something emergency about your---"

Suddenly the door opened "Yes, What is it?!" said Harris to Stanley's surprise.

Stanley was about to finish his sentence when he began to feel guilty, worried and scared at the same time because he had become, Jasmine's accomplice and he was able to lie to Harris by covering up for Jasmine to leave at night.

"HEY! HEY! What do you want to say?" Harris said while pinching Stanley's cheeks.

Stanley looked at Harris's eyes

"I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry! Please forgive me..." he said and knelt while apologizing.

Harris wonders why Stanley became emotional and apologized while kneeling in front of him "Hey, What happened? I do not remember that you did anything bad to me except you suddenly left me at the restaurant? So, stand up there. You have done nothing wrong." he said as he stroked Stanley's head.

Harris walked back into his room and sat in his chair near his bed, it did not close his door as he waited for Stanley to enter his room.

"I am..." said Stanley as he slowly stands up "It's about your S---"

"I know..." Harris suddenly replied.

Stanley was shocked and sweat ran down his forehead "Y-you know? what do you mean by you know?" he said while walks to enter Harris's room.

"I knew my sister was gone and you covered her. I just found out, because while you were sleeping, I went to her room. To check on her. But she was not there. Then, I go back to sleep to pretend I know nothing."

"I'm sorry... She begged me not to tell you that she's going to somewhere..." Stanley said while looking down, he can't bear to meet his best friend's eyes.

Harris stands up and walks towards him "It's okay... I know you're just trapped in the middle. You didn't mean anything." he said as he trying to calm Stanley's feelings.

"B-but...She's in the hospital now. A nurse called from Twilight Hospital and said that Jasmine was unconscious."

"W-WHAT ?!" Harris said in shock because he could not believe what he heard.

"Let's go to that hospital now... Hurry! She needs you by her side now." Stanley said and dragging Harris to go to the hospital.


"Hi, sir. Harvey, Good morning!" said the waitress at the expensive restaurant as she approached the customer.

"Thank you ... You too, you are beautiful," Harvey replied as he smiled with his infectious smile.

Harvey was the owner of the famous and one of the most expensive hotels and restaurants in their country.

He was known by his employers as always encouraging to become energetic and always spreading positive vibes because he despises negative vibes "Let's all be productive today." he said to its employees of the company, as he walks towards his office.

A man with a brown cowboy hat entered Harvey's Hotel and restaurant, he walks towards the receptionist.

"Hi, may I ask if your boss was here?"

"Yes sir. He was in his office at this time. What do you want from him sir?" the woman receptionist replied to the man.

The man hands down his resume "I'm applying for a waiter attendant on his restaurant. I saw its hiring on the internet. can I apply directly to him?"

"Ok sir, wait for a moment."

The receptionist dialed the telephone number of their boss.

"Hello sir, There's an applicant here who wants to apply as a waiter attendant and he's asking if, he can apply directly to you sir. Can I send him there or should I sent him to our HR directly?"

"Ok, send him here."

"Ok, sir. Thank you, sir." The receptionist hung up the phone and has got back to talk with the applicant.

"So, sir our boss agreed to meet with you, you can apply directly to him. I will call someone who can assist you towards there," she said and looked around to find a worker to accompany the applicant.

"Thank you." the man replied with a smile on his face.

The receptionist found one attendant and instructed him to take the man to their boss's office. And the attendant nod as he understood the instructions by the receptionist.

"Hi sir, Please come with him. He will assist you." The receptionist said.

The attendant looked at the applicant.

"Hi, sir please follow me."

Without question, the applicant followed until they arrived at Harvey's office.

The attendant assists the man knocked on the door "Sir, the applicant is here already."

"Yes, Come in!" Their boss replied.

"You can come in now sir. The door is open, I will leave you here. Excuse me." the attendant said and leave the applicant in front of the office's door.

The applicant slowly entered the office

"Hi, nice to meet you," he said.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Harvey. Oh, please sit down here in front of me. So, that we can talk about you."

The man applicant walks towards him and hands down his resume before sitting down.

"Oh, So, your Young, Howard... Hmmm, I see..."

(Blood Type X? Is there a Blood type X??) Harvey questions in the back of his mind as he feels strange.

"So, You've worked as a waiter already in the other restaurant. Hmm... I see... I see... Well, since, our company is really in need of an applicant for a waiter position. I think I should hire you since you already have experience as a waiter. Plus, I think you fit on that available position."

"Thank you. I will promise you that, I will do my best." Howard said with a smile on his face.

Harvey offered a hand to shake hands with him.

"Welcome! I look forward to that promise. I hope you do not break it because I am very angry with people who do not know how to keep their promises." He said and looked into Howard's eyes as he smiled at him.

"Of course, I will."

They both let go of the shaking hands "So, can you start by now?" Harvey asked while he's preparing for Howard's contract.

"Yes, sure. Glad to hear that Harvey, I mean sir Harvey."

Harvey smiled "Thank you. Welcome to our Family."

"So, I'll get going now. I need to prepare for my 1st day of working in your restaurant."

"Ya, sure! Take care then."

Howard turned away and the color of his eyes changed into white for a moment, a strange smile formed on his face.

Harvey's looking at him until he got out of his office.

"What strange feelings towards him," he said while looking again to Howard's resume.

Howard goes to the company male restroom. Aside from him, there is one guy who was with him. The guy stares at him while he is washing his hands. Howard's eyes changed again for the second time into strange glowing white eyes and eyed directly at the guy using the mirror.

"Hey hey hey... Woah!!" instead of being afraid the guy seemed amazed "Nice contact lenses huh! Are you shooting something huh? Are you an actor," the guy said as he was teasing Howard.

The guy was about to grab a tissue but, decided not to, instead he looked at Howard's shirt. He put his hand on the Hongseok shirt and slowly use it to dry his hand.

Howard suddenly grabs the guy's neck as he gets pissed.

"L-LET ME G-G-GO!" the guy said as he feels like he can't breathe normally.

Howard choked the guy with his one hand until it dies.

After he killed the guy his eyes returned to a normal color and he just walked out of the bathroom. No one saw Howard come out of the bathroom. Until the janitor came to clean the man's bathroom.

"Waaaahhhh!" the janitor shouted when he saw a corpse lying on the floor.


Harris and Stanley finally arrived at the hospital where Jasmine was confined. Harris immediately went to the hospital's Informations staff.

"Hi, I'm Harris Kramer. May I know where or what is the room number of My sister?"

"What is your sister's name sir?"

"J-Jasmine, Jasmine Kramer..."

"Okay sir, wait a moment." the nurse staff replied and starts to search on her data-name list.

Stanley supporting Harris by caressing Harris's back.

"Take it easy. Everything will be fine."

"Ah, sir her room was on the third floor. the room number is 308." The staff nurse said.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Harris said and rushily runs to the room with Stanley.

Stanley suddenly felt strange, he began to feel dizzy. And stopped running as he tried to remove his dizziness to shake his head as Harris continued to run and did not notice that Stanley was no longer following him.

A woman approached "Hey! Hey! Are you alright?" she said while she's supporting Stanley.

Stanley tries to open his eyes and saw the face of the woman in a blurred sight.

"Mister? Mister?" said the man whose secondly approached Stanley.

"A.. ah... a... I-is that y.. you... Ruth?" said Stanley and lost consciousness.

A nurse came "What happened, sir Yosef?"

"Please, call a doctor. He collapsed." Yosef said as he carried Stanley on his back.

(Why he seems to know me? Who is he?)

Ruth asked to her mind.

"Ruth, wait for me there... I'll be back," Yosef said and walks while carrying Stanley towards the emergency room.

Ruth looked at the window from the second floor she noticed the sky which gradually change color into light red, suddenly she cannot breathe properly and feels scared.

*She slowly steps back*

"N-no... It can't be! It can't be! He is... He is here..." Ruth said while trembling. She heard the ring sound echoing in her ears.

"Ahhhh!" She shouted and covered her ears with her hands.

Yosef heard Ruth shout, he put Stanley first on the bed in the emergency room then rushedly runs towards her "Ruth! Ruth!" he said while hugging Ruth "Can you hear me?" he added while looking intently at her eyes.

Ruth is panicking and crying "IT CAN'T BE! IT CAN'T BE!" She said as she seemed like panicking.

"It's okay... It's okay... Calm down... It's okay now... Don't be scared. I am here by your side." Yosef said as he caressed her head and kissed her forehead.

Due to what happened, Yosef processed all the papers for Ruth to be discharged. He decided to take Ruth to his house so that he can properly take care of her without any other people around her.

On their way home, while Yosef is driving the car, Ruth fell asleep. Yosef holds her hands

(I promise... I'll protect you.) Yosef vowed.


Harris worriedly watching Jasmine's face, he holds her hand.

"Sis... please wake up... You're my only family. I can't live without you..." He said pleadingly.

A nurse came to check Jasmine's vital.

"My sister will wake soon right?"

"Yes, of course. Your sister's state is not so serious. don't worry. She will be fine." The nursed replied.

"Of course I am!" Jasmine interrupts as she suddenly wakes and speaks up.

Harris was shocked and almost drop his cellphone that he was holding "WOAH" he shouted.

"I am glad that you're awake, ma'am... I'll leave now. Hoping for your full recovery. Excuse me." the nurse said and leave the patient's room.

"Geez! I almost had a heart attack! You scare me." said Harris while holding his chest.

"Hahaha! is that true? That you can't live without me? I heard all of what you've said." Jasmine said while laughing at Harris.

"I didn't say anything! Don't assume. You're just dreaming."

"I am not dreaming silly! I was awake while you are saying your dramas!"

Harris feels annoyed and covered Jasmine's mouth.

"Blah! Blah! Blah! Don't talk too much."

Jasmine removed Harris's hand on her mouth "Crap! How dare you to do that. Can't you see I'm sick?" she said with annoyance."By the way, where are Lance and Marky?" She asked.

"Who is Lance and Marky?"

Jasmine remembered that she met Marky at the bar "Ahh, Ummm... Marky was my friend. And hmm... Lance was also my friend and Ummm..."

"Ummm what? You keep saying Ummm... What is it?"

"Ummm... I saw Murphy..."

"Huh? Murphy? Where? Murphy died a long time ago already." Harris said while preparing Jasmine's food.

"Yes, But ... I saw him ... I was with him while the ambulance took me here to the hospital ... I also touched his hairy face."

"Hahaha... I think you're still not feeling well. Stop saying nonsense. Here's your milk." Harris said and handed to Jasmine the glass of Milk.

"Hey! I'm not lying. Plus, murphy's body was missing before right? We don't have an assurance that Murphy is dead."

"Did you see murphy?" he asked seriously while looking intently at Jasmine.


*Someone's knocking on the door