
World Of The Fallen Sun

Synopsis The world is plunged into darkness and the abyss is running rampant across the planets and planes, supernatural awakening has become the norm for those of the new world. What caused this? Why is the giant moon in the sky sometimes bright and other times filled with cracks that seemed to hide a gigantic evil? This story encompasses a universe filled with diverse creatures and powerful beings that all have one thing in common- trying their best to resist the abyss. The protagonist will slowly explore this universe and the mysteries in it.

Korian_Hermit · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 12: Different Perspectives

Chapter 12: Different Perspectives

 "This is the worst person I have ever seen in my life, he just enjoys putting others in difficult positions while laughing behind their backs. I will make sure I become stronger than he is so I can teach him a good lesson." Lucian had this thought while maintaining his composure within the maze. After resisting for a while, he finally entered a door that led outside only to discover he returned to the same spot.

"He delibrately made us overlook this information, constantly distracting us and keeping us in our toes. So his goal is not just physical training but also psychological.

The trio endured the torture for six hours before they finally felt their thoughts spared from the torture. They immediately jumped to the door that opened, they did not see the outside they were expecting, they found themselves in a new maze with even more complexity.

Aaron who was outside nodded his head thoughtfully, "so the living characteristics of the maze has been triggered. This rookies will be good test subjects" He felt delight throwing this rookies into this maze without giving them any information about what they were going to go through.

The second level of the maze kept them on tenterhooks for the first hour because nothing happened. But thirty minutes after they thought they could relax, they found out that their mental strength was draining quickly due to remaining on the same spot. They immediately pushed themselves to start moving even they did not enter any door.

The trio were pulled out of the maze after six hours at the same time, they were given an exception because all of them managed to escape the first level temptation.

"This is the worst training I have experienced. He literally threw us into hell." Reina who was panting and looking pale looked backward in fear at the unassuming mirror placed in the training hall.

Lucian was not feeling any better, "this mirror might be at least a rank 4 artifact. Rank 4 must be really strong, ordinary artifacts can already seal off my second mind not to talk of a living warrior. I need to do my best to reach rank 4."

The nutritionist in charge of their daily meals called them to the dining hall. Aaron was already eating devouring the steaming meat placed on the table. The tyrant team has external members who take care of duties like cleaning, meals and other miscellaneous tasks.

The first spirit reading expert was an avid explorer who discovered several cooking recipes before his death. He also gave his opinion on the reason for the existence of fowls, cows and domestic animals suitable for eating.

He said planet path warriors at higher levels can change the laws of reality to a certain extent which means an expert or one wielding a planet path artifact must have achieved the same effect.

Of course he was the one who gave this animals the names they now use to refer them.

Among the extraordinary creatures in Dell's plane, golden eagles, burning apes and golden Lions were some of the top forces in the plane, they all had rank 5 ruling over them.

The trio are their fill and immediately returning to their respective rooms to sleep because they had no idea what the next day had in store for them.

Aaron watched the flowers bloom from the window sighing slightly, "tomorrow will mark the beginning of April. I need to help them enjoy this training. Which artifact will give me this effect? He turned towards the words of the scribe in the hall after all he still couldn't handle the level of artifacts placed in the vault by himself.


 Gunvor ate his food still not getting while he could not capture the fleeting thought of what was going wrong.

He turned to the woman sitting at the head of the table, "thanks for the meal." He was trying his best to be polite while pretending he knew what was going on.

"I don't even know where my teammates are, how am I going to find them so we can escape from this place. This small girl who calls herself Suli is really strange, I feel like she is illusory."

The woman who seemed to be in a hurry are her food quickly, and after waving to her daughter she left for work.

Suli who tried hard to hide her burp said to the uncle loudly, "being my bodyguard is really easy, my parents will pay you really well. I will be in your care from now on." The little girl bowed.

Gunvor nodded at her while smiling at her cuteness.

He walked upstairs under the stare of Suli which made him very uncomfortable but he held it in, he couldn't give himself out at this point. Gunvor was a very cautious person, the choice to use the metal spirit wings skill was not only because of it destructive powers but also because it could be used manually for flying if every other abilities are suppressed.

He began to feel heat in his body while he dressed up, his consciousness was connecting at a fast speed to an unknown place, after resisting it for a while, he finally saw four people sitting in a fireplace.

He recognised them as his teammates, "Lucky, I am sure you are the one who enhanced the probability of me being found, how is it? Is this place concealed?."

"Cautious as ever… the lady of concealment said, yes it is concealed."

Gunvor described his experiences to them, the mother and daughter duo and the father who would not come home.

They all listened carefully before golden crow who was leading the team said, "shadow, follow Gunvor secretly so you can provide timely backup. The rest of us will do our best to locate anything that can be helpful to us in escaping this place."

 Aster and her teammates walked a short distance into the forest before Leylah who walked in front of the group stopped, she turned and nodded at Aster.

Aster stretched out her left hand and with this motion, symbols and patterns of stars, wormholes and doors took form. The rest of the group felt themselves being pulled by a suction force into a tunnel, when they emerged from the tunnel, they were in front of the dark forest.

Star path mutated skill: Star door

This skill can only be used by star path warriors from rank 7 upward due to the high energy required.

This skill makes the user more attuned to spatial points and connecting multiple points through star tunnels until you arrive at your destination.

Within the spirit body and the sea of consciousness, runes, patterns, signs and symbols of different knowledge of a path are contained within. Splitting a part of this runes and combining them together to form a stronger version is what led to the formation of mutated skills.

The runes they are split from are filled up with energy again until they are reformed. This mutated skills have a huge impact on mental strength due to the action of splitting. Rank 5 warriors can have a maximum of three skills or their sea of consciousness will fall apart leading to their deaths.

Leylah continued to serve as the guide within the forest.

Star path mutated skill: Astrology and divination

The users of this skill can glimpse at secrets of the stars and extreme intuition.

Star path warriors even at rank 5 are extremely weak in astrology and divination, only this skill can give a warrior a chance.

This also means the warrior cannot have more than one more skill due to the high mental and spirit energy required to maintain this skill.

She motioned the team to stop while signalling them to prepare for combat.

Bulls with prominent muscles, coated with a metallic luster were slowly surrounding the team. Whenever creatures make this kind of move it means that they were ready for a fight and do not plan to back out easily.

Leylah pointed at a silver like bull standing in the middle of the herd, it had a horn filled with patterns of metals, sandstorms and meteors. She was informing Xander so he could watch out for it because it was most likely rank 6 and the leader of the herd.

Having Aster in the team who could teleport everyone out at anytime gave them the opportunity to fight this herd before they made a getaway after all the bulls had strength in numbers.

The silver bull squinted it's eyes as it tried to release a domain over the entire fighting ground, any other team that saw them would have escaped which means that this team had the confidence of escaping at any time.

As a rank 6 planet path creature, their domains can help them detect in advance lower ranks attempt to use their abilities.

Xander did not give him the chance, he materialised near the silver bull disrupting it attempt. A neighbouring plane had a scarcity of bull armors that they needed whenever they guarded mines, if they could get some of the bulls skin, they will sell them at a high price to this plane.

John unleashed flares all over the forest blinding the bulls, he wanted to stop the silver bull finding out who was aiding their escape. The silver bull could have easily resolved this flares but due to Xander's influence, it could not.

Xander amplified the effects of this attack by also releasing flames in an attempt to induce a calamity. The elements in the dark forest are pretty chaotic preventing warriors from being able to use their full strengths.

Aster and Leylah cooperated in killing the creatures, this creatures were all bloodthirsty so they no psychological reservations. Besides the dark forest was a very corrupted place that even rank 5 will have to carefully guard their consciousness to prevent them from being corrupted.

Leylah and Aster used the basic star path rank 7 skill intuition interference, in other to make this bulls get their guards down.

Leylah who maintained this interference nodded at Aster, she also turned to John who turned into a massive burning ball in the air forcefully turning the surrounding creatures thoughts chaotic.

Aster's left hand became dark, she pulled a nearby spatial point towards herself, starlight lit up over the entire void making it difficult to determine her destination.

She immediately tried to resonate with a star that led to where she wanted through the connection her skill had with stars, after about two seconds, she took a step forward and with this motion, Xander, John, Leylah and the captured bulls all vanished from the forest.

The silver bull was dumbfounded, the dark forest could not possibly have allowed the movement of so much creatures in the dark forest due to the collision of elements.

After the team appeared near a river, they immediately killed them all. Xander turned to Aster, "hiw did you do that?" you pulled even John in his transformed state to this place, are you close to rank 6?"

Aster nodded slowly, "I am close to rank 6 but even a rank 6 will find it difficult to do that. I augmented our luck making it possible.

Leylah nodded at her words, "I felt the change when she did it.


You improvised quite quickly when the situation called for it."

Xander nodded in praise, "it is necessary to avoid fighting for too long in that forest, you might attract a calamity. Let's handle this skin and leave quickly.