
Xu Jinming

Twenty years later,

Hundreds of small and large cuts and bruises littered Xu Jinming's body as he walked towards a certain location, stepping over the corpse of a dead priest in the process.

Tens of thousands of dead bodies, lay around Xu Jinming, enemy and ally alike, all of them have died, but compared to them, Xu Jinming focused on something else entirely.

Looking at the slightly red sword in front of him, which was broken into two, Xu Jinming let out a soft sigh, before picking it up and putting the two pieces on his back before walking away from the battlefield.

"Hopefully I can fix you," mumbled Xu Jinming as he vanished into the distance.


Feeling the hot temperature in the air, Xu Jinming smiled as he breathed heavily.

"This should be the place," mumbled Xu Jinming as he looked at the cave entrance in front of him, and then looked at the volcano above it.

The moment Xu Jinming began walking into the cave, he felt the temperature around him began gradually rising even further, so much so, that steam began emerging from Xu Jinming's body.

'As expected, I can use this place,' thought Xu Jinming as he continued going further and further down into the cave, knowing that his destination was near, and at the same time, the temperature around him continued rising to even more insane levels.

A few moments later, Xu Jinming finally saw an exit to the cave causing him to suddenly disappeared, flashing towards the exit with incredible speed, arriving there in merely a fraction of a second.

Looking at the large hill in front of him shook his head, a smile appearing on his face.

"And I was so excited," said Xu Jinming, slightly laughing at his own hastiness as he began walking up the hill.

Eventually, Xu Jinming finally saw it as he reached the top of the hill, an enourmous pool of lava that seemed to stretch into infinity.

"This is perfect," mumbled Xu Jinming, his eyes lighting up as he suddenly jumped down, landing on the edge of the ground, right next to the pool of lava.

Suddenly, a makeshift-looking pouch on the side of Xu Jinming's waist suddenly began to light up, causing an extremely solid stone table to suddenly appear in front of Xu Jinming.

Merely a moment later, Xu Jinming took out a hammer from that same pouch, as well as several metal ores he had specially prepared for this moment.


Looking at the alloy, Xu Jinming smiled, before beginning to carefully begin pouring it into a mold with a weird shape.

Several minutes later, Xu Jinming took in a deep breath, before taking out the broken sword pieces from his back and placing it on the solid stone table.

Suddenly, the temperature of the table began rising at an incredible speed, so much, that even Xu Jinming with his cultivation, did not even dare get too close to it, merely putting on a pair of thick gloves.

After around thirty more minutes, even a sword that was tempered in the blood of countless enemies, and strengthened dozens of times seemed to give in, becoming orange in color.

And at that same moment, Xu Jinming finally took action, using the gloves and a pair of metal pliers, he took out the sword from the stone table, and began working.


Walking out of the cave, Xu Jinming couldn't help but take in a deep breath of the fresh air.

"May I never have to go to that place ever again," mumbled Xu Jinming as she put his hand on the hilt of the sword on his waist.

As if to cement his words, Xu Jinming suddenly, took out the new sword, and in one swift motion, slashed toward the cave entrance.

Merely a few moments later, large amounts of rock began falling into the cave, as the vast majority of the rock supporting it's entrance was cut into little tiny pieces.

Feeling how easily his sword cut through the solid rock, a large smile appeared on Xu Jinming's face.

"It looks like we still have a lot of fighting to do together my friend," mumbled Xu Jinming as he placed the sword back in it's sheath.


An unknown amount of time later,

Looking at the old man in front of him, Xu Jinming couldn't help but feel somewhat ashamed.

"You really want to remain here?" asked Xu Jinming as he turned his head, looking at the mountains around him, slightly frowning.

"What, are you scared that you would be useless without me?" asked Yan Yuan as he looked at Xu Jinming with a smile on his face.

Hearing his sword's response, Xu Jinming couldn't help but let out a dry cough, before looking at the old man, his eyes narrowing.

"I understand, hopefully, it doesn't take too long for us to meet again," said Xu Jinming, as he stared at the sky above him, a somewhat bitter smile appearing on his face.

Suddenly, both Xu Jinming and Yan Yuan turned their head, as they suddenly heard a pair of light footsteps coming from right behind them.

A smile then appeared on Xu Jinming's face as he looked at the little girl that suddenly arrived next to the two of them.

"Grandfather, do you really have to go?" asked the little girl as she stared at Xu Jinming, as a sad expression appeared on her face.

"I'm sorry Feng'er, but you will still have your mother and father, as well as grandpa Yuan to help you along if you struggle," said Xu Jinming as he suddenly bent down, coming face to face with the little girl.

Hearing that, tears suddenly appeared on Xu Lanfeng's face as she hugged Xu Jinming, but merely a moment later, Xu Jinming broke free from Xu Lanfeng, beginning to float in the air.

Merely a few moments later, a hole suddenly appeared next to Xu Jinming, causing him to suddenly disappear, leaving Xu Lanfeng and Yan Yuan alone.

At this moment, one of the most powerful True Immortals in history, the Sword Ancestor Xu Jinming ascended.