
World of soccer

The soccer world is filled with calm and peace soon followed by one team. Is this storm wreaking the world or will it bring the revolution? The genius technological student enter the world of soccer to free soccer from its control or had another purpose? His other teammates held what kind of secret? Is this just a simple soccer battle or something else in the dark? The person standing at the center of this all what will he choose? *As a new amateur author, this is my first story. Overlook my mistake anyway

Var_Monyroath · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The roommate

Tino walked lightly as he stared at the map on his phone that showed every inch corner of the school. He got that from the receptionist after registering his name. The phone has all kinds of information about a Player and a set of rules too.

After arriving at the door of his room, he opened the door. The moment the door opened he came face to face with the navy-haired boy who was changing his clothes. The moment seemed to freeze as their eyes met. The silent stare lasted for a second before Tino closed the door with a thud. The boy opened the door again with his clothes this time and Tino could the annoyance in the boy's eyes. The boy opened his mouth, "Don't you dare touch my stuff."

His voice was deep and cold filled with threat. Tino asked with a stupid smile on his face, "What is your name? I haven't asked for your name yet?"

"Yuki", the boy answered coldly before he left, yet Yuki's mind had a confirmation. This guy is different than before. Tino scanned the room before he arranged his stuff in place. The luggage didn't have much for an orphan who lived in the orphanage. Tino noticed the change in his mind and abilities for the first time. Even though he still loves football, his mind seems to tell him about other important things to do like the mission that he got. Before he would scrumple in happiness as long as it was about football and forget everything.

Tino stood in place for a moment before reciting the rules of Player. He read in detail as he noticed the huge prohibition of using power against normal people. After memorizing the rules, he made his way to the cafeteria. The table was full of all kinds of dishes and each of them looked very appetizing. The hallways were filled with different location of seating places as they divided the space for each team.

He can see many people standing and eating in the cafeteria but the atmosphere is somehow very tense. Most of them didn't smile and some even had a dead look on their face. Some of the people turned their heads toward Tino's direction like they were trying to find out the new face in the place.

"It's you again, Tino." The familiar voice called from afar. Tino turned his head to meet with Kito and this time there was another man standing with him. "This cafeteria is for Trainees only. You come to the wrong place."

Tino shook and asked, "Then I can't eat here. Then where should I go?"

"You can follow me." Kito said simply. Tino asked with worry on his face, "Why is everyone looking like that?"

Kito stopped and said, "For strength, they are willing to go through those harsh training that even Players wouldn't dare to go to. Of course, this is a simple setback."

Tino added sadly, "I thought football was supposed to be fun."

Then a silence comes before Kito side added, "Do you know about the missing Go players recently? They said it was the Player doing."

The boy at the side Kito shook violently before clutching his fish tightly. Tino turned his attention to him. The boy had straight blue hair, his face gave Tino the impression of a gentle and intelligent person. Tino stole a glance at the dull eyes and frustrated eyes on the boy's face from the corner of his eyes. Even his eyebrows twisted together. Tino almost guessed that Kito said this just to anger the boy.

Tino acted like he didn't see anything before answering, "Why would Player do something like this? Maybe there is a misunderstanding."

The boy at the side erupts violently, "What do you take me as? Clearly, you know that I came here to save them and find out the evidence of your kidnapping and doing a forced experiment on them yet you still didn't admire it."

"It doesn't matter to me, this time I let this guy come and listen mainly to help you find the evidence. You are just a Trainee while he is a Player. There are many places he can take you to. Don't ask me why him because he is just like you. Both of you are a spy from outside."

This time Tino doesn't know how to react because he just stands at the side before pushing into the new pithole. Kito's phone suddenly rang before he left to pick up his phone. Tino turned toward the other boy before saying, "You know, I was introduced here by a guy with name Tama."

The boy raised his eyebrow in shock before asking, "Do you have his contract?"

Tino nodded and then gave him the contract that the guy gave him. This is supposed to be a secret but Tino found that there is no need to hide anything after reading the rules book. It is stated clearly that they will accept anybody who is willing to come as long as they are a Player. Then it means there will be many divisions and spies in this place and this boy was part of it too."

The boy closed his eyes and smiled before his gentle voice exclaimed, "Let's go. I will take you to one place."

Tino stupidly followed him, through the many mental doors and so on until they reached an corridor. Tino stared downward only seeing a people was playing soccer. The people were just normal people with all kinds of shooting balls from the shooting equipment aimed at them. From the look of this, Tino could see the cruelty of the training in. The boy had his back toward Tino as the gloominess in his gentle voice could be pointed out, Tino could tell that his frustrated inside.

"I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Kio. Originally, I was just a Go player. Coming here was just to find the missing Go members but no matter where, I can't find them. The FU gained me access to all their Trainee training places. Then I started to dislike this place, I wanted to end all of this together and find the missing Go player. That's why I bet you. Please join my team together we will let them know that people are not just a tool. Toma chose you, he must believe in your character."

Tino doesn't bother thinking at all before agreeing. He raised a question in his mind, "Who is Toma exactly?"

Kio avoided his gaze before answering, "Toma senior is an amazing Go player. He can read anyone's mind as well as Shu's GO chess teacher."

Tino excitedly busted out a bunch of questions, "Shu? Do you mean the best football player and the most perfect person in the FU? Is he also a Go chess player? Would he be in danger? No, he is so strong."

Kio's voice came out through gritting teeth, "Shu is just a power thirst person. Not worthy of anyone's admiration."

Tino wondered if that was really the case, he must meet his mission subject first right before drawing a conclusion. At that time, a dark figure came in their direction. His dark hair and dark eyes were distinguished, and his soft and mature voice came out, "Koi? You haven't left yet."

Tino finally saw the figure that he had been wanting to see. That was the Shu, his target. His eyes were soft and gentle like black jade and his dark hair was as dark as the night sky. The word darkness suited him well. His slight smile gave his eyes a hint of gentleness but Tino could see the dullness inside like a walking corpse.

Koi stared at Shu in complexity and replied, "I am not leaving until I stop this madness."

Shu's soft smile turned complicated with his eyes turned downward as he added in seriousness, "There is no way to stop this, I will stop anyone who poses a threat to the organization." Shu turned back toward Koi and seriously added, "Including you."

Koi spoke heartfully, "Originally, I want to fight together with you against this madness. How silly of me to think that way! You just couldn't let go of your power."

Shu's smile returned to his face, "The emotion is just a burden. One needs a clear path to get stronger."

Tino opened his mouth and interrupted both people, "Is it really the case? Shu, does football even matter to you? Do normal emotions even matter? Shu, why don't you play all your emotions out? Maybe the path that you see is even clearer."

Tino's clear eyes kept his eyes on the Shu as he was waiting for an answer from him. Then a chuckle was busting out of Shu's mouth. He is trying to hold it in but he still can't control himself. Tino had a blind look on his face which made it hard to tell what he was thinking.

Shu somewhat found an interesting person. It felt like the light lit up in his mind as he said something astonishing to Koi and Tino. "I will join your team. Maybe you are right. What I need to play my heart out."

His gentle voice brought the most earth-shattering news to them. For the first time, Koi finally got what he wished for, and this made him stand in a daze as if he wondered if he was dreaming. Koi guarded up, "What are you planning?"

Shu could only disappointedly mumbled, "If you are unwilling, then I will fight with myself only. I want to see the path that I walked in more clearly."

Tino cheerfully smiled and took the hand of Shu and Koi together and said, "From now on, we are teammates. Koi, let's believe in him."


After Shu and I joined together with Koi's plan. Koi introduced us to his teammates but not many of them were willing to trust us, especially Shu. Tino adapted slowly to the training of FU, Shu would point out the flaw in his movement each time Tino made any mistakes. Soon their meet-up of us caught someone's attention. Kito was the first one and one time Tino caught on Kito was trying to persuade Shu to quit his action but he refused.

One day as Tino got up from sleep, he felt cold gazes in the darkest. Tino jumped in fright before meeting the owner of the eyes. Yuki was sitting in the darkest and mocking was showing in his eyes.

Tino felt a hint of absentmind covered his mind. The thought of beating him up echoed repeatedly in his head. Tino still trying to calm himself before asking a question, "Yuki, you finally returned."

Yuki opened his mouth and let out a sentence that sent a chill to Tino's heart, "You really are something to convince Shu. But no matter what happens, you will lose."

This word sent Tino an idea, Tino stood to depend on the Shu, "If you keep talking bad things about Shu, I will fight with you."

Yuki's voice is like a freezing winter, "You will lose."

TIno met with Yuki's eyes in determination but in Tino's mind, he just wanted to find a practice partner. Both of them walk out to the sparring place. Yuki kicked the ball in the rotation motion before the ball was covered in black color and shot like a bullet toward Tino. Tino felt the feet grew heavier at the moment. Tino let out a sign before stopping the ball in the front with his body. Tino seemed to notice some of his bones were injured but he dashed toward Yuki like a wind before trying to steal the other ball on Yuki's side.

Tino rushed toward Yuki before stretching his leg tripping Yuki's leg. Yuki reacted quickly and threw the ball upward. Tino was faster as he jumped and put his hand on Yuki's shoulder taking the balance on his hand and turning his body upside down. Both of his legs caught the ball as he jumped down to the ground.

These dangerous movements made Tino's injury worsen. Tino could feel the pain yet he paid no attention to it at all.

Yuki knew that Tino was hurt so he remained silent after seeing his movements. Tino turned around with a sweet smile on his face.