To the long and lonely journey
Where aid was no more
And my thoughts gone
Leaving a helpless body
Not that seasons could change
For the weather stood still
Yet the journey went beyond
The right lerts of my sight
And i had to keep moving
Crowling the brused limbs
Only to hold my goal
But my lips went dry
With my huggering body
That yearned for a water drop
To cool my only tongue
And refresh my dry throat
That takes saliva not.
In between my huggering,
Beyond my grasp reach
Came a blinding saviour
Where seemed no water
He stood clean and well
With streached but open hands
That welcomed me for a hug
With hands that hugged
All in one go
And bring confirt to them.
Hussled and troubled
I stood firm again
Crowling my body with hope
With a goal to reach him
And hopes for a hug
To let my energy flow
And hold me strong
Clearing my sight
That I may stand for the journey.
Crowling barely enough
To reach my dear saviour
Forgetting all my pain
I had to reach him out
He looked peaceful and loving
More like a door inn
Amidst my lonely journey
Raising my body high enough
To reach the huging hands
But they still vanished
It was all in vain
Falling helpless to the ground
And my sight blured.