
World of Order

In the dialogue across the epochs, Karen asked the god of the previous order, "Are you lonely?" He said, "I really like the feeling now - sitting on the empty street, listening to the whispers of 'them', enjoying the hustle and bustle of 'them'. I don't feel lonely, because I know that behind me is the peace that I guard."

Searching_God · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Reaching out, I touched the switch, turned it on, and there was a "pop" sound, and the light came on. Karen continued walking down and came to the basement.

The perception of "terrible" often does not come from the actual object, but from "self-imagination".

  When the Imles's basement was being renovated, they would certainly not be foolish enough to design it with a "gloomy" and "depressive" atmosphere. But at night, even if your walls are painted Barbie pink, as long as you know there are two bodies lying inside, You won't find a corpse "warm" or "lovable".

The crying, still continuing , came from Aunt Mary's studio.

Karen walked to the studio door, which was unlocked... because you couldn't think of the need to lock it. Karen stopped and did not turn the door handle in a hurry. Instead, she turned back and looked behind her. The corridor behind him was not dark because there was a light, but the spiral ramp from the basement to the first floor was still dark, making it hard to see clearly.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Karen hoped to smell the sweetness of hot milk, but unfortunately she didn't have a dog's nose. Think of dogs,

Karen lowered her head and took a look. The golden retriever, who had been very enthusiastic because she let it into the house, did not go down to the basement with her; it was really a dog that did not deserve deep love.

He reached out and held the door handle; in an instant, as if the "channel" was suddenly switched, a sense of trance came over him, not strong, but his presence could be clearly perceived; then, the "crying" in the studio , stopped abruptly.

Karen turned around again. The light bulb in the aisle above her head still maintained its normal brightness.


Twist the handle, open the door, then reach out, touch the switch button next to the door as quickly as possible, and press it immediately; "Pop..." The lights in the studio came on. Light, sufficient light, can bring great psychological comfort to people. On two stretchers in the studio, Mr. Jeff and Mr. Mossanen were lying respectively . Jeff put makeup on his face to make him look "glossy".

It can be seen that it is a bit heavy, and the hair is combed into a middle part, and the hair is sprayed with hair gel. It looks... extra energetic. I guess Jeff has never been so energetic in his lifetime. Mr. Mossanen looks a lot more "normal". He does not put on heavy makeup but pays more attention to details and nature. He looks like he is really sleeping soundly. Aunt Mary fully "favours one while favoring the other" when working; the difference between the welfare bill and the normal bill is reflected here.

Of course, if Aunt Mary had known in advance that Mr. Mossanen's children planned to cremate him, Mr. Mossanen would really be more "pretty" than the young man next to him, Jeff.

Karen walked past Jeff. The previous cry had an old feel to it. It was obviously not coming from a young man like "Jeff". It could only be... Mr. Mossanen . But after standing in front of Mr. Mossanen , Karen only saw Mr. Mossanen lying there quietly, with no other "heresy". He reached out and dragged a round stool with wheels next to him, sat down, and put his feet up on the lower railing of the stretcher.

Karen tilted her head slightly and kept staring at Mr. Mossanen . At the same time, out of the corner of my eye, I occasionally peered through the open door of my office and noticed the aisle...well, mainly the slope at the end of the aisle. Time passed by for a quarter of an hour. For this quarter of an hour, everything was calm. It's a human or a ghost. Can you show up and give me some reaction?

Karen sighed and prepared to leave. A warm bed was more attractive at night. After getting up and walking past Mr. Mossanen , Karen noticed that the button on Mr. Mossanen 's neck was unzipped, and he subconsciously reached out to help tie it back. However, just as her fingertips touched the skin of Mr. Mossanen 's neck, Karen suddenly felt dizzy.

This feeling was like being dizzy from smoke, and my body staggered a bit. Karen immediately stabilized her body and leaned her back against the wall.

"Wuwuwu..." The choking sound came again. Karen immediately raised her head. Directly in front of him, Mr. Mossanen was still lying there; but in the diagonal corner, there seemed to be another figure huddled in the corner with his knees in his arms, crying.

Seeing this scene, Karen didn't scream out of fear. In fact, he had already had enough psychological preparation; and for Karen, seeing a "ghost" is much better than "not seeing a ghost"; in the latter case, He had to wonder if there was something wrong with his "brain" and "spirit".

Therefore, Karen is more inclined to accept "This is a neurotic world" than "I am a neurotic".

" Mr. Mossanen ?" Karen asked the figure huddled in the corner.

But that figure didn't seem to hear it at all, and didn't make any response, just sobbing on its own. Karen stood up and walked towards Mr. Mossanen , but his "sight" was "isolated" from the "reality". When he walked towards Mr. Mossanen , the distance between the two parties did not close. Instead, it remains constant. When Karen's face was almost pressed against the opposite wall, Mr. " Mossanen " was still curled up in the "far" corner.

The "ghost" scene has not frightened Karen until now, and this "supernatural constant distance" has given Karen a desire to explore.

"So, what I saw is not real?" After saying this, Karen bit her lower lip, "I said nonsense." Then, Karen tried to spread her hands and slowly move herself station direction . The next moment, the crouched figure of Mr. Mossanen also began to move, no, it moved horizontally. It felt like there was a projector hanging on my head.

Is this... a soul? Karen wasn't sure of the "material" of this thing. After all, it was so far away that he couldn't reach out and touch it. However, Karen suddenly had an idea. As Karen continued to turn, the sobbing Mr. Mossanen and Mr. Mossanen lying on the stretcher were placed in the same direction.

After adjusting the direction, Karen began to "focus" again, moving back and forth to bring Mr. " Mossanen " and Mr. Mossanen as close together as possible. In fact, Karen herself didn't know why she did this, but it seemed natural. Of course the "ghost" should be placed with his body, at least try it?

Mossanen " who was originally curled up suddenly stopped crying. Then, he stood up in confusion. Under Karen's "gazing", Mr. " Mossanen " lay down on Mr. Mossanen . on the body. The whole process was very fast, extremely smooth and smooth; and when the two sides completely overlapped, Karen felt as if a hand suddenly grabbed her "brain", yes, it was her "brain", not her forehead. , not the back of the head, nor the scalp, but in the depths of his brain; with a "squeak" sound, he clenched it tightly and pulled it outward!

"Well..." Karen let out a painful snort and fell to her knees on the ground. She had to subconsciously support the floor tiles with her hands, otherwise she would have to pay tribute to Mr. Hoffen during the day. But even so, Karen could clearly see drops of blood falling on the blue and white tiles in front of her.

The nostrils... are bleeding again. Covering her nose with one hand, Karen reluctantly began to stand up again. At the same time as he stood up, Mr. Mossanen , who was lying on the stretcher car and had finished applying makeup , also slowly sat up. The movements of the two were almost synchronized, silently.

"Well..." Karen let out a low breath. Although he knew that all these "suicide" behaviors came from his own initiative, when he saw a corpse sitting upright in front of him, he still couldn't avoid the mental impact.

The impact brought a little panic, a little doubt, a little confusion and... absolute excitement.

  Mr. Mossanen gradually changed his position, from sitting on the stretcher to kneeling on the stretcher. His eyes were open, but they had no color, and were a very monotonous gray-white color.

"Please... please... don't burn me... don't burn me... cremate the body... no forgiveness... cremate the body... no forgiveness..."

Karen swallowed and looked at Mr. Mossanen who was "worshipping" and "begging" to her in religious rituals .

I heard Aunt Mary say that Mr. Mossanen 's doctrine does not allow believers to cremate their own bodies, and for a devout believer, there are only two things to show his loyalty to his faith..."life" and "death".

Life is the "life" when one joins the religion, and death is the end of oneself, while inheriting the "life" in the religious sense.

The "crying" I heard earlier was the sorrow and resentment coming from Mr. Mossanen .

" Mr. Mossanen ? Mr. Mossanen ?"

Karen tried calling him.

"Please... don't burn me... please... don't burn me..."

  Mr. Mossanen still repeated his prayer.

Oh, there is no way to communicate on a peer-to-peer basis, is there only an "instinct" left? Or, to use the explanation that I was used to in my previous life, that is... obsession. But how did all this happen?

Aunt Mary, Uncle Meissen, and Mina never said that corpses would undergo "mutations," which meant that this world should be normal in the eyes of normal people.

But the first time it was "Jeff" and the second time it was Mr. Mossanen . After encountering this kind of mutation originating from the remains twice in a row, Karen had to doubt... no, she was almost certain that all of this had something to do with her. The inseparable cause, the triggering medium, should be within yourself.

Is it because of the original "Karen" or because of her own "awakening"?

"Please... don't burn me... don't burn me... don't burn me! Don't burn me! Don't burn me!!!"

Karen noticed that Mr. Mossanen 's speaking speed began to increase, his shoulders began to tremble slightly, and his eyes that were originally without any luster were gradually filled with bloodshot eyes.

A dangerous atmosphere began to fill the air.

" Mr. Mossanen ?"

  Karen tentatively shouted again, and at the same time her body began to move; the beginning of things was a bit strange, but the development of things seemed to be proceeding according to the "normal" that he could understand, just like... a corpse suddenly "scammed" "What will it do when it wakes up.

However, just as Karen passed by Mr. Mossanen , Mr. Mossanen suddenly raised his head: "You actually want to... burn me!"

Suddenly, Mr. Mossanen 's eyes were completely covered in blood, and his body was violently thrown up;

Yes, when thrown up, the coordination of muscles, bones, and whole body seemed to be non-existent at this time, but it just stood up, like a fish thrown on the shore, jumping up!

"Bang!" Karen felt a heavy blow on her back, and she fell forward.

After falling down, Karen immediately put her hands on the ground and turned her body over. At this time, Mr. Mossanen also climbed up and quickly reached for Karen's neck with his hands.

Karen raised her knees and pressed against Mr. Mossanen ; but this body was indeed a little weak and in poor physical condition. Secondly, Mr. Mossanen 's weight could be said to be heavier now than when he was alive.

Instead of pushing up Karen's knees, under the pressure given by Mr. Mossanen ... she lay flat.

"How dare you... dare to burn me!!!"

  Mr. Mossanen opened his mouth and bit Karen's chest directly.


Karen's chest felt like she had been hit by a stone. It hurt a lot, but the expected bloody injuries did not occur because Mr. Mossanen had lost all his teeth before his death and had to use dentures to eat.

Therefore, Mr. Mossanen was feeling lonely before.

But Mr. Mossanen 's hands had already clung to Karen's neck and began to exert force. His legs and torso were more like an octopus, tightly wrapped around Karen.

Karen tried hard with both hands to break away, but his struggle seemed a bit futile at this time.

At the point of near desperation, Karen, who was pressed on the tiles, could only turn her head and look at the door of the studio;

"How dare you burn me!!!"

  Mr. Mossanen is crazy!


It was like the sound of metal hitting, or like a light bulb exploding.

Or, like a snap of the fingers?

Karen could no longer distinguish the timbre clearly, but her heart felt relieved and she was saved.

However, after that voice came, "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Burn me! Burn me! Burn me!"

Mossanen , who was originally "crazy" , now completely went berserk.

Karen suddenly felt that the hands holding her neck were much stronger than before. This was a real state where her neck was about to be strangled.

Like a ham sausage, grab both ends with two hands and start twisting them in opposite directions, and then wait for one end to...explode;

Karen's "eyes", "ears" and "nose" now have the illusion that they are about to explode.

"How dare you...burn me!"

"It's actually...me!"




  Mr. Mossanen seemed to have reached a critical point, his body stiffened and he collapsed.

After the restraint around her neck was gone, Karen began to breathe heavily. The air in the basement was not fresh, but Karen felt it was particularly sweet at this time;

This was not an exaggeration, but he was bleeding from his throat. In addition, the nosebleed also soaked into his mouth.

  Karen pushed Mr. Mossanen away from her, put her hands on the ground, and slowly moved her position. After her back was against the wall, she stopped.

Turning his head, he glanced outside the door again. Nearby, there were dim lights in the corridor, but in the distance, it was still dark;

Karen held her face with her hands. After a while, she patted her forehead a few times with her blood-stained palms.

"Hey hey hey..."

He laughed. After laughing, he took a deep breath and cursed the world over and over again in Chinese that did not exist in this world:

"Mahle Gobi, what kind of bullshit world is this..."

The slope from the basement to the first floor,

Dis stood there, with the black cat Pu'er prostrate on the same height of the stairs on the first floor on his face. Dis turned his head, looked at Pu'er, and asked, "Is the last thing he said the language of a strange demon?"

The black cat raised its head and looked at Dis. The next moment, a woman's voice came out, speaking human words: "I have lived for two hundred years, and I have never heard of a strange demon... that can create its own language." Then, Pu'er added: "It's still so...complex and obscure."