
World of mysterious

A bus filled with 30 students and teachers, had left for a trip to the local Mountains. Four ours into the ride, the bus had disappeared.

B1gduff · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Searching for new land

Since that blissful night, two full weeks had passed. In total, the group of six had been on this island for almost four weeks.

Outside of the regular tasks ( Cooking, hunting, gathering. and building), the group also had explored the entire island. For Al and Jessica, they would spend more time together, sometimes leaving the group for hours and hours.

It indeed was Bliss for both of them.

Another thing that Al had noticed was that his Spear throwing skills had improved. He was throwing it faster and with more power.

His reaction time also improved, he had better aim, and even at times, he would react better.

The past few, He and Paul had decided to create better spears with stone heads.

But they were facing another issue

With it almost being a month, they had discovered that the island could at most support them for another month or two. Remembering what Derek (Journal boy) had written in his letters, Al and the group knew that they had to move on and find better land and see if they could return back to their timeline or the world.

THey had used the methods of Spear building from the stone age. Using wood had the shaft, and then taking large rocks, grinding them down, burning them with the campfire, that had created four Sharp stone Spearheads.

Using the strings made from fiber, they attached the spearheads to the wooded shaft. These spears were much better than the regular wood head; spears also provided better protection.

While they worked on this part. The girls helped gather, cooking, and making better clothes.

As a team, the group had also created a Raft that would allow them to travel downstream.

The raft had taken them a good week to make. Roped were needed, tree logs were cut down and then cleaned. In total dozen, ropes were used, and four large logs were tied together to create a square-like shape.

Using that as a frame, the group added more woods with clay to create a raft surface.

Currently, the group of six was on the raft, with Al and Paul padding.

Besides the six, there was luggage of clothes and blankets, Torches, and a small campfire on the raft, tools, and food.

Besides the two that were Paddling, everyone else was tightly packed together.

At the moment, the biggest fear was the raft, notwithstanding the pressure they applied and falling apart.

It was a risk they took; at first, there weren't any worries, but about 30 mins into the trip, danger hit them. First, a piranha had got a hold of a log and had beaten into it. But that issue was resolved. Next, another Piranha had gotten a hold of one of the paddles that Al was using. The quick thinking of Jessica and Elena had saved him from falling into the river.

As of now, they were just looking for a place to land the boat.

Just then, Lisa yelled out.

" There, there's land to place the raft" point towards a small piece of land that bared from any trees or scrubs and was open.

It was a safe spot to land.

Thru this journey on the water, Al and co, had learned that there were having a tough time finding areas to land the raft.

Luckily for them, Paul being in the army, helped told them to look for an area that was opened, not filled with trees and scrubs as one would be able to see the dangers.

Finally, they had found that area.

Slowly paddling to that general area, AL and company searched the area around the bed to see if it was safe.

Al and Paul got of the raft and quickly did a small search, in about a few fews mins they had competed for this search.

Gathering back to the raft, the duo helped gather the items out and then created a fireplace on the raft.

It was a signal for them to return to the raft and also would provide safety.

It was placed on the raft so that it wouldn't catch on fire and burn everything down. In this way, if it did catch on fire, it would just be the raft that was on the water.

Taking the toches that had been prepared, each member lit a fire, providing light and protection.

Before this journey, Al and company had done their work; they travel up the river, scanning the area for any dangers, and found out that this area was the safest.

But still, this area was unknown, and they had to be prepared!

Gathering their stuff, the group made their journey, carrying spears on the one hand and their ax's around their waist. Al and Paul directed the traffic.

Slowly the group went deeper and deeper.

"I've already seen a lot more food and lush plants in this small part than the small Island," Said Elena as she walked along with the group and kept an eye on everything that they passed.

Lisa, who was right next to " Yes, that is true. But we still need to on the lookout."

They continued while talking about what they discovered.

Soon enough, the group had started to hear sounds of water splashing on to something.

Al, who was the first to hear that, directed the group towards the sound.

Eventually, they had reached the source, it was a small Waterfall!

Jessica, who was right next to Al as he had discovered the waterfall, ran over to it. " This is perfect, Al; with this, we have a supply of water."

Walking behind them came Lisa." Water is always a need, and am to find a freshwater supply is always a plus. I think we should consider setting a base or camp close to this waterfall"

Both Cindy and Paul, who were directing from behind, finally arrived and agreed with Lisa.

Al, who was looking at the waterfall, and also his surroundings, disagreed.

" it would be the logical idea to set a base to hear, but we are surrounded by thick forest, and we don't know the dangers, so let rest up a bit and than follow downstream to find better ground. "

" Plus, we have this stream of fresh water that can supply water".

After a small rest and a small meal, the group got up and left.

Soon enough, the group still following the stream had left the forest and came to open land.

Land that stretched from miles to miles. Not only that, there was landscapes, ridges, and cliffs around them.

Looking at the land around them, Lisa grew excited, " This is it! the open land is perfect!"

" I know the area near the waterfall was perfect, but this is the ideal land. There's open land to build and also to farm. There's also enough water from the stream, and looking at the land, it should lead to a river. "

Turning over to Al, " Al this is the perfect area"!