
World of magic: Vampiric Reincarnation

The year is 2190. The genre of DIMMVRRPG for VR games has been ruling over the world's entertainment world for 20 years. However, one game monopolized most games in a matter of 2 years, it was Volos. The game is heavily based on Slavic Mythology. For 10 years the game was a playground for many players, among them there was Nikodem. His Guild - The Oak Tree has risen quickly to #10. However, after those 10 years. the game has decided to shut down its servers. After long minutes of crying. Nikodem decided to go outside, to forget about what happened, but instead of forgetting what happened, he got stabbed, by a man. After which, he got reincarnated, as a vampire? Let's see how Nikodem will rise in the new world. The cover is not mine, it's by Kogasa. Or so I believe. From what I know it represents Touhou, however, it's the best art that represents the main character. I hope you won't mind. Discord contact: Yu.#3554

OsukaGrande · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 18: Preparations for the Dungeon

The next day Oskar [Aight, I will change his name to Oskar from now on] woke up, he was immediately called to the training grounds, as if something happened.

It was very early in the morning, so he was quite surprised, but also used to it, because of his previous life.

'Just what is it' He thought.

As he got there, he saw 2/4 of the students of his class standing in a straight line and standing next to them, class A.

At first, he thought that it was some kind of training drill, but this idea was quickly erased from his head.

[It may be the same thing, as the last raid (Referring to chapter 11)] Suddenly, Biel spoke in quite a human way.

Oskar thought for a bit and agreed with Biel. Monsters have been more active lately, which meant that they were probably doing the same thing as before.

How quickly learned [Again, I think I could use a better word here, but nothing is coming on my mind right now], that he was wrong.

The rest of his classmates came to the training grounds, and behind them, there were teachers.

All of them were looking as if they have just woken up, even if it wasn't true.

Well, it was 5:30, an hour when you normally sleep, who could blame them?

After they walked to the group, they instantly fixed their behaviour and changed their poses, as if they were scripted to do so.


Everyone was waiting for teachers to say something, however, for some time they just stood there, and discussed something, with the face of someone, who was waiting at someone.

Finally, someone arrived.

It was the Administrator.

He walked through the training ground, as if he was some sort of dictator, in front of his army, and stood in front of them.

Dead silence was finally broke with Heinz's words;

"Students," He started, and stopped for a few seconds as if he didn't know what to say; " Overmorrow, we will go into a dungeon." He sighed and continued. "You probably, know what fearsome and dangerous place is a dungeon, from fairytales, books or studies. However, near our city, a new dungeon has appeared."


Everyone's morals until now, were high, but most of them were broke with these words.

The dungeon was a very dangerous place, even Oskar thought that he couldn't solo-finish them, it was just too dangerous.

The lowest level dungeons had monsters that were on level up to 100.

Adventures almost always created a 'party' to clear even a small part of the dungeon, and some were even being cleared by official armies.

However, the students were way too weak to challenge even low-level dungeons, at least those in class A.

Class S was sure, that if they formed a 'party' then, they would clear a low-level dungeon.

However... It would take months, if not years.

The dungeon was a place filled with monsters and floors.

Even the lowest levels had 25 floors, then imagine a high-level dungeon.

The highest level dungeon had 1000 floors and was not cleared till this day.

It was just impossible, even for demon kings.

It was just something, that was created by so-called 'Demon Gods'.

Well, that was only a rumour, so no one knew the truth if demon kings actually couldn't clear them.

The silence was broken by Heinz, again.

"I know, that your morales might right now below, after hearing this. However, listen to me---------."

He talked like that for a moment, trying to fix his students' morals, and he succeeded in doing so.

However, they were not high as in the beginning, he only succeeded in doing little in this matter.

'Well, he still did a good job' Oskar thought.


Dead silence.

The dungeon was anticipated to be raided the next day, on the same hour that was right now, and everyone was told to prepare but were not allowed to do so yet.

Heinz, waited and looked at his watch for a few seconds, and finally left, saying those words;

"You better prepare yourself carefully, it's your normal day, and you won't be able to buy anything in the dungeon."


It was 7 pm, and Oskar mind has finally been enlightened by Biel.

[You can level up in the dungeon.] She said.

Until now, Oskar was thinking of what can he find in the dungeon, what monsters could be there and how many floors could be in the dungeon, yet, he didn't think of this simple matter.

Of course, levelling up, meant that he would become more powerful, one level was like 10 stats, although he couldn't spend them the way he liked, and most of the time it was random how they were spent.

His face was dumbfounded, and he was blushing, for the first time.

However, there was only one reminder, that could destroy his dream of levelling up in the dungeon.

"Level difference.'

His level wasn't even close to reaching 50 [For me at least 40 is close], yet he was about to fight level 100 monsters, if not higher.

"My level is only 33, it's not hard to see that I have a small chance against them...." After those words, his expression disappeared, and he looked like a corpse; "Wait... I have stats that reach points of a few hundred, I will be able to win against them right?" His expression returned, and he asked Biel.

[....] She went silent.

It was like that for a while, as if she didn't want to say it.

[Their stats reach those levels too] she said.

After she said that, Oskar has gone silent.

"I can only count on my skills, don't I?"


The next day, Oskar saw everyone preparing for the dungeon, even teachers.

Well, he understood them.

It was not a normal day that you go to a dungeon, and teachers didn't even have authority to, since you had to be at least a 4-star level adventurer in Empire's standards or Silver in international's standards.

Teachers were at that level, however, they weren't able to join the adventurer guild, just because of fact that they were teachers.

And they were the most enthusiastic.

Meanwhile students, at least most of them, were taking crosses with them, and a lot of them were praying for at least leaving the dungeon alive.

Well, looking at their strength, going into the dungeon was radical.

Of course, some students wanted to go to the dungeon, and were enthusiastic about it, but still not on the same level as teachers.

And that's how most of the day went; everyone was preparing for the dungeon, even those who didn't go there, prepared or rather helped to prepare.

In other words, full mobilization.

Unity, that couldn't be seen in his previous world for centuries, it was right in front of his eyes.

"If only our nation worked like that always." He whispered to himself.


Meanwhile at the Administrator's meeting.

"Are you crazy?! Sending students into dungeon?! It's like sending them to die!" A feminine voice shouted.

It was the Katherineke. [Reminder, she is the Admin of blue tower]

She shouted to the point, where everyone in the room, covered their ears with the worry of their own ears, adding to that magical energy she added to her voice, and it was enough to kill the low-level demon and easily normal person.

Everyone went silent after those words.

What she said was right, no matter how they wanted to disagree with her, she was in the right.

"Katherineke, I know how mad you may be, but they are going with Heinz and other teachers from the white tower... They are powerful enough..." A very deep voice responded to the silence. It was Balthaser. [Administrator of the red tower]

"It doesn't change the situation! Don't you remember what happened 10 years ago?! Or do you have some kind of amnesia or something." She responded to him

After that, he went silent, reminded of what happened 10 years ago.

----- [Little bit of history rn]

It was ten years ago.

Everyone in the meeting went to the dungeon, all of them were during their early 20s.

They went with their friends, fiancees and many many other people.

It was supposed to be a low-level dungeon, and they were supposed just to show their friends and fiancees what kind of place is Dungeon.

However, it was very soon, that they were about to lose their lives.

The fiancee [Yes I know that fiancee is the female version of that word] of Katherineke, Fiance of Balthaser and Fiancee of Heinz were all dead.

Their friends were bleeding, meanwhile being protected.

'How did this happen' everyone was thinking.

It was not normal for a low-level dungeon to have such a high-level monster.

In the end, they had to call for help, with succeded, and now they were being helped.

Well, their friend's wounds were far too big to heal with only a potion.

So... They all died... except for Administrators.

The one that suffered the most was Katherineke, unlike the others, that had a fiancee because of their political affairs within their family, she has truly fallen in love with her Fiancee, and was about to marry her.

----- [End of the history time]

They were reminded against that, what happened that time.

All of them agreed right now with Katherineke, except for... Heinz.

He was still looking as if he is not gonna abandon the dungeons, and still go with the students into one.

And they went around for a moment, trying to convince him to abandon it, however, no matter the arguments, he still continued on.


It was finally the day, where they would all go into the dungeon.

Everyone was ready.

Students were nervous and Teachers were enthusiastic.

Heinz was looking at all of them and gave them a little speech to boost their morales, before the raid.

It was necessary for all of it to begin since most students' morales were nervous.

And that's how it began.