
Chapter 7: Sky Horse Treads on the Moon_1

Translator: 549690339

Xiao Chen quickly climbed the ancient tree and grabbed the light gauze in his hand. It seemed to be a face covering veil, smooth, unbelievably soft, and feather-light, and it was undoubtedly a top-notch silk product.

On it was embroidered a faint and elusive phoenix, and upon a closer look, it was lifelike. Suddenly, Xiao Chen seemed to remember something, a familiar scene entered his mind, a woman's figure, beautifully elegantly veiled...

He clearly remembered the Royal Heavenly Girl Zhao Lin'er wearing this sort of phoenix veil!

Could Zhao Lin'er have also entered the World of Longevity?

Instantly, Xiao Chen recalled the situation that day. With him and Zhao Lin'er rushing to the peak one after the other, their distance was not too far. At that same time, the Prideful Goddess Lanno shattered the void and a splendid burst of light emerged, enveloping the entire peak with an incredibly sacred glow.

On the spot, he was enveloped in that glow, hence entering the World of Longevity. Could it be that Zhao Lin'er, like him, was also involuntarily drawn into the World of Longevity? The more he thought, the more likely it seemed.

This is not the human world, and Zhao Lin'er's royal Heavenly status has no significance here. If Zhao Lin'er gets trapped on this island, they would have no reason to hold back.

Just a while ago Xiao Chen was the one being pursued. If Zhao Lin'er truly entered the World of Longevity, then their roles would be completely reversed.!

However, Xiao Chen did not hope to meet Zhao Lin'er prematurely. She is a true master, and given his current insufficient recovery, he doubted he could compete with her.

Five days! He only required five days, once the healing time was over, he would fear no Royal Heavenly Girl.

Two days easily passed, and Zhao Lin'er did not show up.

Although the gauze was blown here, the violent wind that night was extraordinarily strong, perhaps she was someway off from here. Xiao Chen was confident that if she was still alive, he would meet her on the island sooner or later.

Presently, the Evil Octopus Dragon was still guarding the seaside, only venturing to near-by waters when leaving the sea. Xiao Chen was not eager to take the risk again. The ancient ferocious beast's fury was truly capable of causing catastrophic damage.

The tiny light spot in the Shangqiu acupoint of his left foot seemed to have perfectly condensed with the acupoint. The silver light spot was the Shangqiu acupoint, the Shangqiu acupoint was the silver light spot, there is no difference between the two.

Until now, Xiao Chen still didn't know what purpose it served. He could not sense the tremendous life energy that he once could and felt that there was no speciality about it at all.

In these two days, Xiao Chen was immersed in continuous cultivation, his body recovery was quite successful.

The gentle moonlight was like water ripples, and throughout the forest, it was like the light veil had been draped. Xiao Chen stood motionless by the lake, which was as shiny as a mirror, attracting the moonlight to rush into his body.

A series of micro-invisible sacred light circled through Xiao Chen's body. The moonlight, like sweet dew, seeping into his body, giving his organs, bones, flesh, and blood a treasured glow...

Time seemingly stagnated, Xiao Chen immersed in the pleasant state of cultivation, with an endless compilation of moonlight. His surrounding was enveloped with a faint glow, and he was radiating a light lustre.

At this moment, he elevated to a realm of ethereality. Although his eyes were closed, the surrounding scenery was vivid in his mind and his whole demeanour emitted a light and elegant charm.

Suddenly, he felt that deep in the dense forest, an organism was rapidly approaching. Immediately after, he saw an odd spectacle. A small horse, entirely snow-white, was treading on tree crowns as if flying, prancing from one tree crown to another.

This was a very astonishing spectacle!

The horse was very young, not more than a meter tall, but it was extraordinarily peculiar. The snow-white body was flashing a crystal-clear lustre, like a most gorgeous pale jade carving. Moreover, its forehead had a translucent jade horn, making it appear even more extraordinary!

Especially when it came stepping over the moon, galloping lightly over treetops in the woods, under the soft moonlight, it appeared utterly unrivalled and noble to the extreme!

A young Sky Horse! Xiao Chen was extremely shocked.

The horse stepped on treetops and pranced around the petite lake, examining the moonlight-enveloped Xiao Chen secretly. Its large eyes, like black gems, filled with wonder.

Xiao Chen pretended not to notice it, not disturbing it, continuing to absorb the hazy moonlight as the white glow, like water ripples, circled him. He made the environment spiritual, filled with a sacred and serene atmosphere.

The horse seemed eager to come closer, but appeared somewhat scared. Its bright, large eyes observed Xiao Chen carefully, and only after being certain of its safety did it jump to a towering tree not too far from Xiao Chen.

Immediately after, Xiao Chen once more noticed the horse's extraordinary traits. The jade horn on its head could gather moonlight. The glow swirling around Xiao Chen was scattered away by half by the jade horn. The horse's body flashed even more radiantly and the faint glow kept flickering, truly extraordinary.

Only after Xiao Chen stopped did the horse doe away like a frightened rabbit, stepping on treetops and flying, leaving behind a silver glow, its speed indeed at an extreme.

Xiao Chen laughed, this was indeed a delightful and adorable Little Sky Horse.

In the following two days, the horse would often show up near the petite lake, sharing the spiritual energy Xiao Chen gathered. There was dawn at sunrise, the vitality of plants at daytime, and moonlight at night. It slowly grasped the schedule and wasn't as timid as before.

Xiao Chen didn't attempt to capture the Little Sky Horse. Firstly, he was not sure he would be successful, and secondly, even if such spiritual beings were forcibly captured, making them obey would be difficult. He was waiting for an opportunity.

Ten days went by swiftly since he arrived on this Mysterious Island; Xiao Chen was completely recovered from his injuries.

"Flap flap flap."

From the bird forest nearby, countless seabirds flew away in fright. The horse, carved from beautiful jade, escaped like a silver light while stepping on the treetops. Xiao Chen felt someone is approaching!

The newcomer's speed was incredibly fast, like a fleeting light, almost immediately traversing through the woods and then standing at a distance staring at Xiao Chen.