
World Of Heroes: System of the Firstborn

Jax'in Gail'Toren is the the last known surviving Moon Elf on the world Wysterian. After an ambush by the tyrannical King Halcion's Hunters, known as Hounders, he travels alone, unless you count the semi-sentient 'System' that guides him. However, he finds out that he isn't the only one who can use the 'System'. There are 4 others that can use the 'System' and one is his friend (and possible lover????) the Princess of the Halcion Kingdom, Zarita Camilla Halcion!! He must get to safety and travel through a desert wasteland, a forest that tries to devour any who desire passage, and a land of ebony stone and liquid fire to find the other 3 users of the 'System', and will he risk his life to rescue the Halcion Kingdoms FIrst Princess! Well read it and find out how our Heroes story goes!

Soren_L_Javerin · Fantasy
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22 Chs

2: The System of the Firstborns


-No active threats detected-

-Activating emergency revival system-

My eyes open with a jolt as I race to a standing position, and quickly rush up into a tree and scan the surrounding forest only to see nothing around me.


-New User Detected-

"What the fu.." I start to say as a blue silver box appears in my view.


-User Status-

Name: Jax'in Gail'Toren

Race: Moon Elf

Class: Magi (Upgradable)

Level: 5 (Class limit reached Upgrade class to advance to higher levels)

Exp: 0/500 (Upgrade class to resume gaining exp)

HP: 15/33

Spirit: 40/40

Mana: 15/87

Strength: 13

Constitution: 10

Agility: 17

Intelligence: 27

Wisdom: 30

Luck: 7

Stat points: 15


Longsword: Rank 2 (Deal 40% more damage while using Longswords)

Saber: Rank 4 (Deal 80% more damage while using Sabers)

Longbow: Rank Max (Deals 2x damage while using Longbows)

Medium Armor: Rank 3 (All Medium Armor blocks 60% more damage)



Heal Wound: Rank 2 (Increases healing done by 40%)

Growth: Rank 1 (causes plant growth at 20% increased speed)


Fertilize: Rank 2 (makes desired soil 40% more fertile)

Earth Spire: Rank 2 (Juts a sharp spire of rock up at the targeted enemy dealing Int x 40%)

-Place remaining free stat points in the next 24 hours or they will be placed for you-

'What the fuck is this? What is this "status" magic?' I think to myself


-User input detected-

-System Magic is World Tier magic unique to the Firstborn of each races royal bloodline-

-Current available users: 5 (Jax'in Gail'Toren, ???, ???, ???, Zarita Halcion)-

-Current active users: 1 (Jax'in Gail'toren)-





"Ahhhaha, that hurt..."


-1 hp

Current HP: 14/33

"What the fuck is HP?!" I worriedly look at the remaining number like it was the end of the world.


-HP is the users current health points-

"Ok, what happens if it hits zero??"


-If the user's HP falls to 0, the user dies-

"Ok, well that still doesn't explain what the hell you are, if you're even real that is." I say while looking at the prompts in front of my eyes.

-The System is World Tier magic unique to the Firstborn of each races Royal family-

"By the Foul Gods breath! You already said that, what does it do?" I shout.


-The System allows the user to actively modify his/her own abilities-


-20 hours remaining before automatic stat allocation-

"Uhhhh.... System how do I 'allocate' these stat point things?"


-The user must think of which stat to add a point to and how many points to add-

"Oh... that seems rather simplistic..."


-The System is optimized for each individuals mental capacity to accept and learn new things-

'The fuck? Did I just get called simple by an information magic screen?'


-The System does not recognize this query-

"CAN YOU READ MY THOUGHTS!" I yell out of surprise.

If someone were to be passing by this section of the woods they would've seen what looks like a mad elf raving to himself about some unknown magical spell. And they probably would've gone and alerted the contingent of guards that were only a mile and a half away from where Jax'in fell out of a tree.


-The System is designed to react to any valid mental or verbal command the user issues-

"Ok... System, how do I activate the Status screen?" I wondered out loud.

-The user needs to think or speak the word Status-

"Uhhh.... Status..."


-User Status-

Name: Jax'in Gail'Toren

Race: Moon Elf

Class: Magi (Upgradable)

Level: 5 (Class limit reached Upgrade class to advance to higher levels)

Exp: 0/500 (Upgrade class to resume gaining exp)

HP: 14/33

Spirit: 40/40

Mana: 15/87

Strength: 13

Constitution: 10

Agility: 17

Intelligence: 27

Wisdom: 30

Luck: 7

Stat points: 15


Longsword: Rank 2 (Deal 40% more damage while using Longswords)

Saber: Rank 4 (Deal 80% more damage while using Sabers)

Longbow: Rank Max (Deals 2x damage while using Longbows)

Medium Armor: Rank 3 (All Medium Armor blocks 60% more damage)



Heal Wound: Rank 2 (Increases healing done by 40%)

Growth: Rank 1 (causes plant growth at 20% increased speed)


Fertilize: Rank 2 (makes desired soil 40% more fertile)

Earth Spire: Rank 2 (Juts a sharp spire of rock up at the targeted enemy dealing Int x 40%)

-Place remaining free stat points in the next 20 hours or they will be placed for you-

'Hmmm... Lets try this then.'

'System add 5 stat points to wisdom'


-System is unable to add stat points to wisdom as it is at the class limit of 30-

"I thought you said I could place them wherever I want?" I cried out indignantly.


-Due to the user's class restrictions user will be unable to make any stat go beyond 30 until user upgrades their class-

"How. Do. I. Upgrade. My. Class?" I angrily punctuate every word out of frustration.


-User needs to think or say 'Class Upgrade'-

It was mocking him. It had to be. At least that's what he was thinking. Because what kind of information magic does this? What kind of information magic tells you to do something but then tells you you can't actually do the thing it told you to do.

"sigh... System... Class Upgrade"


-Magi Class Upgrades-



-Battle Mage-

-??? (requirements for discovery Int: 30 Wis: 30 Luck: 12)-

-End List-

'System why is the last class hidden?'


-User does not meet the base requirements for the class-

'System allocate 3 points to Intelligence and the rest into Luck.


-User Status-

Name: Jax'in Gail'Toren

Race: Moon Elf

Class: Magi (Upgradable)

Level: 5 (Class limit reached Upgrade class to advance to higher levels)

Exp: 0/500 (Upgrade class to resume gaining exp)

HP: 14/33

Spirit: 40/40

Mana: 15/87

Strength: 13

Constitution: 10

Agility: 17

Intelligence: 27 -> 30

Wisdom: 30

Luck: 7 -> 19

Stat points: 0


Longsword: Rank 2 (Deal 40% more damage while using Longswords)

Saber: Rank 4 (Deal 80% more damage while using Sabers)

Longbow: Rank Max (Deals 2x damage while using Longbows)

Medium Armor: Rank 3 (All Medium Armor blocks 60% more damage)



Heal Wound: Rank 2 (Increases healing done by 40%)

Growth: Rank 1 (causes plant growth at 20% increased speed)


Fertilize: Rank 2 (makes desired soil 40% more fertile)

Earth Spire: Rank 2 (Juts a sharp spire of rock up at the targeted enemy dealing Int x 40%)

'System. Class Upgrade'


-Magi Class Upgrades-



-Battle Mage-

-Moon Mage (Requirements Int: 30 Wis: 30 Luck 12-

-End List-


-User has discovered Hidden Class Quest-


-Defeat the Ancestral Lunar Treant-

Reward: -Hidden Class option (???)

- 1000 exp

-Blessing of the Moon Bloodline

"A quest... System what are these quests?"


-Quests are missions given to the user by either the System itself or an outside individual requesting the users aid, to accept a quest from the System think the word 'Accept' and to accept a quest from an outside individual reply in the affirmative to their request-

'huh... that was actually quite helpful... unlike before...' I grumbled in my head.

'System, Accept quest'


-Quest 'Defeat the Ancestral Lunar Treant' accepted.-

-Proceed to the Center of The Moon Forest (Waypoint provided on map)-



-User request confirmed-

Before I knew it a map of the entire continent had popped up in my field of view with two glowing dots of different colors. No sooner had Jax'in thought about getting a closer view of the area than the map quickly zoomed in to encompass the location of the two glowing points. It was at this point that Jax'in noticed one dot was blue, while the other was a shining silver color. after examining the rest of the map and not being able to tell what the dots meant, he decide to go sit down on a fallen tree nearby, and that when he saw it. The silver dot moved with him! No it didn't just move him, it was him. After focusing and getting the map to zoom in even more he could see that the dot had slowly started developing until it became the perfect image of him... well a perfect image made out of silver anyways.

Three days have gone by since Jax'in had accepted the Hidden Class quest. And in those three days Jax'in had learned much about the System. First, it's known as the System of the Firstborn, a Magic developed at the beginning of the Age of Magic. More than three thousand years ago. It was designed by individual leaders of each race to suppress an enemy known as The Legion. It also has an Inventory, Quest, and Enchanting tab. The Inventory can store up to 150 items in stacks of 99, but it's limited to materials such as roots, minerals, ores, and the such. The quest tab keeps a running log of all the quests that the user has accepted, and the Enchanting tab allows the user to fuse items to make something new based on the users luck, enhance items, or to infuse certain items with magical properties.

'System, how much farther until I reach the Center of the Moon Forest?'


-36km, user will reach quest destination in approximately 7 hours at current pace-

Jax'in looks up at the moonlit sky, admiring how beautiful the stars were. So he decided to take a rest up in the trees for the night. Once he got to the tallest branch he could manage to safely balance his weight, Jax'in fished the little black book out of his tattered chainmail and examined it. He didn't know exactly what he was looking for, he didn't even know if he was for sure looking for anything on it to be exact. So he ended up putting the book back between his chainmail and closed his eyes for sleep to take him.

*Inside Castle Halcion*

The news had finally reached the palace. The Prince of Moon Elves, Jax'in Gail'Toren was slain, and his loyal retainer Gaish was captured and thrown in the dungeons to spend the rest of his life at the mercy of his Jailers. Meanwhile, up in her room, Princess Zarita Halcion was preparing herself to answer her fathers summons, however she wasn't prepared for what the summons was for. By the time she had finished getting herself ready there was a knock on the door and her personal aid and trusted defender, Knight Lieutenant Kimel, entered the room.

"My Lady, your father requests your presence immediately, he said to inform you that he grows impatient." He said while kneeling on the ground with his head bowed.

"Rise, Sir Kimel, we have known each other since we were little. There is no need to stand on ceremony with my." Zarita chuckled.

"Fair enough, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but be prepared for the worst. His Majesty King Halcion received a high priority message an hour ago." He said gravely.

Princess Zarita simply nodded her head in affirmation, and extended her hand to the Lieutenant. And with a smile she gave the only response she could.

"Shall we go and see what my father has deigned necessary to summon me at such a late hour?"

"What other choice is there my lady." He replied with a light chuckle in his voice.

Here's the second chapter in what i hope to be a long series. Please leave a comment, some stones, or just by spreading my work around. Every little bit helps.

Soren_L_Javerincreators' thoughts