
world of fibre generals

In the World of Fibre Generals there is a multi- government funded projects to create super soldiers with unique abilities.But they don't tell the researchers the true meaning of the project and are told a lie that it's for medical purposes but the government gets what they want but at a price. The cover isn't mine I couldn't find the maker but if they want it taken down or credit I will do so.

MRgold1 · War
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47 Chs

Bill chapter-37

Once the group finally got to the gate they were all in awe of the Surroundings with multiplle logs,vines and other plant matter being used to form towers.Walls to protect them whilst also being able to see the guards posted with 4 different guards posted near the gate and groups of 2 and 3 patrolling and watching from the towers.

"It looks cool and all that but is it safe I mean can't someone just ya know burn it?"-Jhon

"They shuld it's been shaped and moulded by the commanders and our leader themselves so it will be less flamable because of the energy provided for the walls.Also we can easily rebuild the walls and they are in the middle of iron and steel in terms of strength so it could hold out and keep us safe."-Ryan

"Knock on wood ha ha"-Jhon

"Your crappy puns are the reasons your wife left"-?

"Still alive though"-Ryan

"Shut it"-Jhon

After waiting for a few minutes the gates began opening slowly opening and they began to see the inside as the slowly walked in.Once the gates closed behind them they started darting their eyes around seeing what they could find out about there new home for the week.

They quickly noticed multiple walled in area's in the centre with them being at the furthest so they quickly asked as they began walking.

"So were are the tents..all I see is grass and trees surrounded by walls"-Jhon

"Oh that's because there are currently 5 different designated zones with this being 5 which is used for farms and the normal citizens."-Ryan

"Oh ok but were will we be staying then?"-Jhon

"Well you will all be on the 4th zone but if you decide to stay you will all be moved up or down depending on multiple stages like skills and strengths among other things"-Ryan

"But wait isn't the segragation or social classes or something like that?"-?

"Well yes but why would we focuse our resources which all around the world are very little on someone who can't do anything and may even relies on us for survival.We won't allow it because if you still haven't got it the world's changed money and technology are useless and in limited supply.Now what matters is the skills that those hold and use them to make them strong while the weak will become food for the strong I know it's sound cruel.But the truth is never easy and it has always been that way since we first picked up rocks and sticks"-Ryan

Everyone stood still with some even sweating a little since what Ryan just said was the cold hearted truth.And some of them knew they didn't have any particular skills and just relies on their jobs or family.

And even if they didn't join Luther's base one they may not find another group so friendly as them and the matter will still be the same strong devouring the weak.

"Ha ha ha! that what you get you stupid flake of a son"-?

Everyone quickly turned to look at the seemingly crazy old man who was in his mid fiftys with green eyes and a ragged grey beared with a shiny head reflecting the sun.

"What's up with meal on wheels over there?"-?

"What do you mean sir?"-Ryan

The old man quickly pushed past the group until he came in front of Ryan with what looked like excitement radiating off him.

"Hello there ur..sir..yes sir im Bill blue and I'm a herbalist will that be of any help?"-Bill

"Oh wow seriously"-JHON

"If you are then depending on you skills you could get to the 2nd zone which would be for those.Who are masters of their craft but if it's regular probably 3rd or 4th zone by you would still be treated better."-Ryan

Bill's legs slightly shaked while he clenched his fist in joy.

"Trust me I'm the best in the area and I won't let you down"-Bill

Whilst everyone was wondering why he was so excited considering they didn't know his skills and only just got here.However Bill had been around for some time and he knew in fact his was in the top 10 best herbalist in Britain.Also from him seeing how the leaders of the base controlled plant life they would deffinelty mix well.And there is the fact that caught Bill's eye was that they were probably the best place to survive in world.With strong guards walls leaders with wired unknown powers and food and water.

"Ok now let's go to the 4th zone so you can settle in here"-Ryan

After walking a few minutes they reached another gate to the 4th zone which was already open with Luther,Zack and J waiting for the newcomers.

"Hi ryan your finnaly back how's it been?"-Luther

"Its been well sir shall I lead them to their houses?"-Ryan

"Sure sure let's get everyone settled in and give them something to eat and drink"-Luther

Ryan than walked the survivors towards the different types of houses and told them to pick and choose and share which ones they wanted.With most wanting the tree homes or cousy hobbit homes whilst also putting what little things they have into the wooden shelves.

"Wow it's actually kind warm inside"-?

"Its really beautiful in here"-?

"My god yes there's a working toilet with toilet paper praise baby buda and jesus!"-?

"I could get use to this"-?

"It need more variety of colours and maybe carpet but other than that it amazing!"-?

Outside looking at the small newly build community gossiping at their own houses and differences Luther ,Zack and Ryan stared at them not to far away.

"You seem pretty happy luther"-Zack

"I'm just happy I can help I mean I'm not all cold blooded.I just want to help and allow people to grow stronger to protect themselves whilst also living their lives however they can"-Luther

"Well said sir shall we prepare the food?"-Ryan

"Yea sure what's to eat?"-Luther

"Chicken and chips with mach potatoes"-Zack
