
World of Euphoria

(Disclaimer: This is a very dark, adult fantasy novel, with themes such as rape, murder, slavery. You have been warned). +18 Ada Elwen dreams of becoming an adventurer. After years of rigorous training under the watchful eye of her parents, she is finally deemed ready to follow tradition: To go out into the world, gather knowledge and return. Leaving the Elven forest of Greenwoods, she is excited to discover hidden treasures, meet new races and show her worth as a grand adventurer! While dreams are meant to be grand, her reality will soon turn sour... as dangers of the outside world make themselves known... (DnD inspired)

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9 Chs

Brand of Sylvis! (1)

First sunrays lit up Ada and her small but filled with care room. She lazily stretched and shifted in her bed. Smell of fresh bread, baked by her mother, eventually jolted her up. 

'Breakfast!' Sudden realisation of food being prepared motivated her to jump out of the bed. 

While Ada was looking for her clothes, a Barn Owl approached her open window and landed on top of a tree branch, overlooking her room. 

The Owl looked at Adas messy, long blonde hair covering her face, then icy blue eyes flashed as they danced across this room, looking for something. 

'Where is my shirt!' She complained, unaware of having a visitor. 

Owl glanced at her slender body, perky round breasts that swayed with rapid movements. Abs glistening with sweat, outcome of her nightly training sessions and her long ears that pierced past her hair. 

Owl grinned as it feasted on the view in front of it. Swift, blue energy coursed through its feathers as it eventually flapped its wings and left.

The smell of fresh food filling the entire house intensified, making Ada drool. 

'Finally! Now lets go eat!' She smiled, sharing one last look at her small room, the broken wooden swords in the corner, her little shrine of the Goddess Sylvis (Goddess of Elves and Fertility) and a magic picture, powered by crystal, of her Auntie, The Saint Priestess.

 ''Mom! Dad! I woke up on time!'' She pushed past the wooden door.

''Good! You must be really excited, usually you oversleep and are so exhausted.'' Her mother chuckled. Aina for that was Adas mothers name was a tall and slender elf with braided blond hair and emerald green eyes. Her biggest assets were two large melons on her chest, something that Adas father agreed with wholeheartedly. 

''Honey, leave the girl alone, today is a big day!'' Her father chuckled as he was finishing his food. Ramiel was a tall elf with broad shoulders, chiselled jawline and the same icy blue eyes. His short white hair was neatly cut and his nose had a scar going across it. 

Ada sat down and a plate flew across the room, with small wind currents being visible from below it, finally landing in front of her, with freshly sliced bread and a honey spread.

''You will finish your magic training with Arvin and then both of you will travel outside the Greenwoods. You have to remember everything we taught you and not to be so naive, listen to me child!'' Ramiel softly bonked Adas forehead as she was devouring her food. 

''Ah! Yes dad I know I know.'' She rolled her eyes. Aina chuckled as someone started knocking at the door.

*thud* *thud* *thud*

''That must be him, I'll get it.'' Aina swiftly moved towards the door and opened it. 

''Aina, your beauty only becomes more potent.'' A soft, pleasing voice gently spoke.

''Thank you and welcome back Arvin.'' She hugged the man before he entered. Arvin wore a long black robe that covered most of his body, his brown eyes scanned the room before stopping at Ada, what was surprising was the fact that Arvin was a human sorcerer. 

''Took your time, old friend.'' Ramiel chuckled as he beckoned Arvin to sit down. 

''Well roads got more dangerous, there is a resurgence of monsters but that also means more chances for our little rising star to become famous.'' He grinned as a familiar Barn Owl followed him and landed on his shoulder.

''Hello Uncle Arvin and hello little Nast.'' Ada smiled and welcomed the two. 

''I hope you did not forget to practice while I was gone, we will have to do some revision today.'' He smirked, his eyes hidden behind his hood, swallowing the look of her incredible body. 

''A-ah no uncle.'' She nearly choked on food.

''Well come on then, no time to waste. We will be in the back garden, same spot as always, don't expect us until past midnight.'' Arvin swiftly stood up before bowing to Ramiel and Aina.

''As always we leave her in your capable hands, my friend.'' Ramiel nodded his head. 

Arvin and Ada left the house and headed through the forest that surrounded the house. After strolling through the woods for an unknown amount of time, the duo reached a small clearing in the woods with a pond filled with various fish and rocks adorning the back of it. 

'Narn keep an eye on the surroundings, as always inform me if someone is close.' Arvin said in his mind as his eyes focused on Ada, who was taking off her armour and clothes. He got really lucky, who would have thought that his best friend would have such a beauty of a daughter. 

Arvin chanted something and a purple brand appeared above Adas womb, he got closer and scanned it.

'Nice, the brand of Sylvis has progressed further.' He nodded.

''Good girl, I can tell you have been practicing at night.'' He smirked, his fingers rubbing her clit, that sent shivers down Adas spine, she was starved of sex, her young barely 17 years old body was too used to her uncle.

When he raped her 4 years ago she was going to report him to her dad straight away but her body froze as an unknown to Ada brand manifested above her womb. Having no knowledge when it came to magic, Ada gave up and learned to cope with Arvin and his desires, which only increased in depravity. 

As the amount of sex increased, the amount of Arvins seed filling her womb that was being absorbed by the brand intensified and it created a scenario where she was unable to go against his will. Eventually Arvin managed to convince gullible Ada that sex is a type of secret training while showing her a book based on sex magic of Sylvis and fortyfing this belief when during one of their training sessions, the two sneaked outside the house, peeking through an open window, exposing Ada to her parents doing it in their room. 

Arvins desire reached its peak as his cock pressed against his robes, he shifted his clothing and a white penis peeked through. 

''He missed you.'' Arvin chuckled as Ada got on her knees and embraced his cock with her slender hands. It was twitching as her lips finally touched its tip... 

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