
World of Elite

This story take place in the world of Arcana. A world where 30% of the whole humanity awakened to strange power and were named as 'Elite'. A world where the threat of monsters existed through the 'Rift'. A world at time safe and at time dangerous. Meet our protagonist, Rin Kagane as she try her hardest to find her own place on this uncertain world. ..... This story is also published on Royalroad.

Sky573 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Change in Daily Life

[The perpetrator, which has been confirmed to be the terrorist group called 'unchained', is unfortunately still on the run. However, the police force as well as Ark's Elite member are doing everything in their power to bring them to the court of justice...]

Rin was currently watching the news on her T.V while slowly putting on her school uniform. The screen showed the devastating image that Ursa and the group caused just three days ago.

Ark's main building was completely destroyed. Rubble and dust could be seen everywhere. Remains of mechanical and technical device could be spotted around the area. Honestly speaking, Rin was even astonished that the recent event didn't claim any lives.

"..." Having a look of sadness on her face, Rin quietly finished her preparation. "I'm sorry." She said before leaving her house.

She knew it was hypocritical of her to pronounce such words. Still, she had to say it. Even if it was just to appease her guilt.

Meanwhile, inside a certain coffee shop, two teenage girls were discussing with each other.

"Things really became complicated, didn't they?" A blue haired girl, Lia Holder, said in a worried tone.

In front of her was a black haired girl taking a sip of coffee from a cup. "Don't care." Raven responded in a flat tone.

"...You should." Lia replied in a slightly tired manner.

"Our mission," Raven retracted the cup from her mouth. "Doesn't change."

"Take this more seriously, Raven!" Lia shouted, slamming her fist on the table. "Our success rate decreased because of 'unchained'! At this rate, we might die against the 'disaster'!"

"Dwelling over the past is...." Raven responded, looking at Lia's eyes with a serious expression. "...pointless."

Hearing those words, the blue haired girl calmed down.

"I know that, but..." She heaved a sigh and responded dejectedly.

At that moment, a ring sound came from Raven's phone signaling a new notification. Putting down her cup, Raven reached out her hand. Looking slowly over the new message she received, a semblance of a smile appeared on her face.

"Cheer..." The black haired girl handed her phone for Lia to read. "..up?" She said a little unsure of her sentence.

Lia's eyes landed on the word on the screen and frowned. Her face distorted into a complicated expression, her mouth opening and closing many times, not knowing what to say.

"...I don't even know if I should be relieved about this." Lia finally expressed as she once again read the text on the phone.

«The future disaster's location has been confirmed. Please, immediately depart to Talia city» The message instructed.

"I hate this season." Rin muttered, feeling the cold weather from outside.

She was currently sitting across the window inside her own classroom. Her mood was completely sour because of the completely frigid and chilly air. To make it worse, she couldn't help but feel the sneaky gaze some of her classmate would give to her.

"Ah~~ I really missed our princess." Some of the boys in the class murmured.

"I know how you feel!"

"Not being able to see her for more than a month was really hell, wasn't it?"

"Agreed! She's our angel after all!"

Rin breathed a sigh as he heard the boy's not-so-quiet whisper.

'It's at time like these that I really miss you, Celia.' She thought, imagining the appearance of the orange haired girl.

The school reparation was finally done. As such, Rin's daily school life has returned to normal. —Or so it seemed on the outside.

In fact, there were a few point that changed in Rin's life. The first one is the absence of her precious friend, Celia Kail. The girl was, at the current moment, in the most famous place of the entire world, Ark island.

Personally, Rin had never visited that island herself, so she didn't know what kind of facility or tourism spot was present there. However, it was certain that Celia wouldn't return before a long while.

Be that as it may though, Celia is already considered as an Elite. So, when she would return, it is highly likely that she will transfer to one of Ark's academy. Which meant that the two girl's school life together had already ended.

The second and biggest change in Rin's life is, obviously, her involvement with the criminal group, 'unchained'. Rin's deal with them is a simple one. She became one of their member in exchange for obtaining power.

Nevertheless, that didn't mean that she was obliged to stay with them 24 hours nonstop. She only needed to show up when Aiden decided on a new operation and called for her. Outside of that, she was free to do whatever she wanted with the 'upgrade' she had received. Of course, any action that would blow up unchained's cover was still forbidden.

♪ Ding Dong ♪

The sound of the bell rang, finally signaling the start of the class. Rin slowly took out her notebook and prepared for the usually boring lecture.

After the school finally ended, Rin normally packed her thing. Having no friend inside the school and not being part of any particular club, she decided to quickly head home. Unfortunately for her, when she arrived on the first floor of the school building, she remarked an unusual gathering of people on the outside gate.

Boys and girls alike, from all grade and years were present. One individual was standing in the middle, arm crossed like he was waiting for someone. He was a very tall man for his age and had a very handsome face.

Rin wondered what was happening and took a step forward. When she did so, the crowd of people immediately parted way for her to the center where the boy was present.

Question mark filled her head at the sudden development. Then, her, now enhanced, hearing picked up the voice from the crowd.

"Will that guy really confess?"

"I wonder what will happen."

"Does he even stand chance?"

"I hope he will get rejected!"

After a few second, Rin finally understood the situation. Resigning herself with a sigh, she stepped forward again. Arriving in front of the boy she stopped moving. At first glance, the man in front of her seemed to be filled with confidence.

However, after observing calmly Rin could make out the sweat forming on his forehead and the weak trembling his feet were making. The poor boy was completely nervous.

Nevertheless, the boy gulped down and looked at Rin. He seemed to have made his resolve.

"R-Rin Kagane!" He spoke in a slightly trembling voice. "I, I...!"

Rin also returned the man's gaze and waited for his sentence.

"I love you!!" As soon as those words were spoken out, the surrounding noise instantly went quiet. "Please go out with me!!"

All eyes were glued on the two of them. Some (most) of the people, boys and girls alike were hoping for the man to be rejected. While others were somewhat moved by the man's courageous action. Still, everyone waited for Rin's reply in anticipation.

Rin slowly opened her mouth. "I'm sorry."

With just these sentence, the noise of the crowd returned like the wheel of time had flowed once again. The eyes of the boy in front of her began to water. Rin felt a little apologetic toward him but she felt like being in a relationship right now would be a bad idea. Plus, she didn't even know his name.

"I..." Wanting to continue her apology, Rin spoke.

—And was instead interrupted by someone.

"Of course she can't be with you!" Another man suddenly shouted making his way through the crowd of people.

He didn't seem to be wearing a school uniform, so he was probably not a student. In addition, anyone that saw him would probably remember it for the rest of their life. The man's face was just insanely handsome. The girl who were present screamed and blushed just at his sight.

"She already has me!" The man shouted, hugging Rin from behind, as if saying she was his property.

Obviously, Rin had never seen such a man before. She was a little surprised by his abrupt action, but, when she smelled the faint scent of alcohol in the air, she complied quietly.

"W,-who are you?" The boy asked, dumbfounded by the handsome man's word.

"Me? Can't you tell just by seeing?" The other person responded, hugging Rin tighter. "I'm this girl's boyfriend!"

Once again, the crowd of people went silent. All of their body went stiff, seeming to have heard the year's most dreadful news.

"N-no..." The boy that confessed to Rin stumbled to his knees. Despair filled his eyes. "No way."

Heaving a sigh of exasperation, Rin took the handsome man's hand and headed outside the school at full speed. Then, when her figure went out of sight, all the student of the school kneeled down and cried.

"O-our angel already has a boyfriend...!"

"This has to be a nightmare!!"

"Why! Why is this world so cruel!"

"I beg of you, god! Please let those two break up!"

Gender didn't matter anymore at this point. Everyone present shouted and cursed to the sky. The nearby bystanders were even surprised by what was happening. An entire cloud of gloomy and desperate thought covered the entire school.

Adding to the proof of how much of a sinful woman Rin really was.

All the while, Rin had a complicated expression on her face. She could still hear the school's shouting even though she was already pretty far away.

"Wow!" The handsome man talked. "I didn't expect this much reaction to happen!"

"...Don't do that again." Rin responded flatly.

"Hm? Do what?" The man replied, making Rin face him. "Were you perhaps embarrassed?" He continued, slowly approaching his face to the black haired girl's.

Anyone seeing him would have concluded that he was going to kiss Rin. Taking his time, he very, very slowly advanced his lips to his target's. A long while passed and finally—

"—Aren't you going to stop me!?" The man shouted backing off.

Rin looked at him with condescending eyes. "Were you even going to do it?"


"Stop playing around already," Rin continued and turned around. "Ursa."

On cue with these words, the handsome man's appearance started to distort. Before long, the usual face of a blond haired woman replaced it.

"...You're surprisingly fearsome, aren't you?" She spoke with a wry smile. "When did you notice?"

"From the very beginning." Rin stated nonchalantly. "Anyway, what business do you have with me."

"Business? Why are you so stiff, Rin? Weren't we friends?" Ursa answered in her usual playful voice. "—Wait! Actually, didn't I just become your official boyfriend!"

Rin rolled her eyes in exasperation at the woman's attitude. 'And to think she's older than me.' She thought internally.

"What do you want?" The younger girl asked again.

Slumping her shoulder in disappointment, Ursa opened her mouth. "Can't I just see you without a reason?" She said in a slightly pouting manner. "But, I guess if you really need one then—"

"—I'm here to freeload in your house!"

Arriving at Rin's home after a twenty-minute walk, those were Ursa's first word. With an even more exasperated expression, Rin looked at the older woman running around in the mansion.

'Is she a kid?' She thought, seriously doubting Ursa's identity. "Are you really serious?" She continued with her question.

It was at that time that the woman finally stopped moving. Somehow her mood instantly changed into a serious one as she looked at Rin.

"I know this is sudden and completely selfish of me, but," Despair slowly crept up with Ursa's voice. "I beg of you Rin! I seriously can't live in that shitty, smelly and crappy excuse of a house anymore!"

Dropping her bag on a nearby couch, Rin listened to the blond haired woman's voice. She couldn't help being a little amused by the comment. After all, having seen the building herself, she could relate on Ursa's situation. Personally, she would rather die than actually considering sleeping in that run down house.

Thus, for the first time of the day, a small smile appeared on Rin's face. "Fine." She accepted, feigning reluctance. "I'll lend you a bed."