
world of darkness

Life and Death, two sides of the same coin. After his death, his hell begins as he gets imprisoned in the endless darkness for eternity... But after an unknown amount of time, his quiet lonely days gets disturbed by an eye-shaped crack that shows him the vision of a newborn child. After that, his fate becomes linked and cannot be separated from the child's. And the question remains, will he ever be able to escape this lonely hell, or will he be stuck here forever... ?

Zied_Younis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Going Back

Next day Astrick left his room with a complicated look on his face.

Thinking about how Amelia and Kevin saved him the other day made him feel a bitter taste in his mouth, he didn't know why they helped him but remembering their worried faces when they saw made him disgusted as he thought.

'Heh, they should consider becoming actors or something.. worried...what a joke...'


After a while Astrick finally reached his class leaving a deep sigh hoping that a situation like the last time doesn't happen.

Opening the door Astrick was able to see everyone in the class suddenly turning their heads towards him....

The sudden attention made him feel uncomfortable as he walked inside but before he walked two steps he was able to see his fighting class teacher, Diana.

"Huh? Mrs Diana I'm pretty sure there's 5 minutes till the lesson begins, I'm not late right."

Astrick said in a worried tone, afterall he doesn't want to be late in his first week.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking presence since almost everyone was here early, go take your seat"

Diana said with her usual tone but Astrick could feel something was wrong, it was like she was... angry at him...?

'Why would Mrs Diana be angry at me? I must be tripping..' After a few seconds of standing in his place like an idiot, Astrick went to his seat in the middle of all those eyes that were staring at him like they were going to pierce his back.

On his way he was able to hear some of the students' whispers as they were talking about him..

-"Psst, that's him, he's the one who got beaten up yesterday.."

-"Huh? him? isn't he just a Mortal rank, how could he possibly take all that beating..?"

-"I don't know how, but I've heard that the nurse who's a peak fallen rank took more than 6 hours to fully heal him.."

-"Whaat?? how did he even survive such an injury..?"

-"According to what I've heard it was Amelia and Kevin who saved him, and after knowing about the situation Mrs Diana then punished all the students responsible for that incident by herself.."

-"No way!! they were punished by the Red death herself, i kinda feel sorry for them now."


Hearing that last information made Astrick surprised,

'Mrs Diana punished them herself??why would she do that though...?'

Astrick thought as he looked towards Jack for the first time since he entered the class, and to his surprise Jack was also looking towards him while his face was distorted with an angry look on his face.

And to add to Astrick's surprise he was able to see blue circles surrounding Jack's eyes as they were swollen and puffy.

One would think Astrick would be happy after seeing Jack's condition but less than being happy, Astrick just had an expression of complete indifference as his thoughts were unknown.

Astrick put this situation in the back of his mind as he sat down and their lesson started...


The fighting class today didn't have much, it had more theoretical knowledge about fighting styles and the human body anatomy as well as other races anatomy.

There also wasn't much after that as the day went on pretty quickly without much drama,

The only important thing that happened was that they were given each a mana pill, which is a pill that can help those who are around their age to breakthrough their ranks and they were also given three days off to make a full use of the pill's traits..

Of course Astrick saw in those three free days a chance... a chance to go back to Lilith's world and gain more power, and there those three days will be equal to a month meaning he'll have much more time to train and get used to his teleportation ability...


After returning to his room with the pills in his hands Astrick didn't waste anytime as he told the System to start transporting him to Lilith's world.

[Beginning the teleportation to Lilith's world]


After the progress bar reached a 100% which took a minute long, Astrick found himself in the same room of the Residence he was in the last time once again, it has been about a month and a half to two months since he was here .

But unlike when he was last here, the room was a complete mess, it seemed like someone had broken into the room searching for something, destroying what was once a beautiful and a clean room.

It wasn't unexpected though, afterall this is a zombie apocalypse world... and probably no one can stay in the same place forever.

But for some reason Astrick didn't know why, but he had a bad feeling about this...

Going out of the room a distinctive fishy metallic smell attacked his nose as he was met with a scene that could only exist in war or horror movies.

The walls were painted with blood as human and elf corpses were scattered all over the floor, the bowels of the corpses were coming out making this scary disgusting scene even scarier and more disgusting.

Astrick was barely able to hold his puke after witnessing this horrifying scene as he looked away, he couldn't stand to see the horrible look on the corpses faces, it was like they were looking at death itself.

After a while Astrick finally got himself together as he walked in the halls passing between the dead corpses, his steps would sometimes make a weird sound of gurgling as his foot might accidentally step on someone's guts.

But even with his self control and strong mind he couldn't help but get this weird feeling like he's tiny and insignificant, it felt like his life wasn't important.

Other then that Astrick finally realized the dangers of this world and how death can crawl upon him at any moment.

While walking between the corpses Astrick was hoping that Ava and Isabella aren't between them...

Although he had only spent with them less than ten days he didn't want to see someone he knows in such a situation.

Thankfully even after walking for a while he didn't see any sign that indicates they were dead.

In fact he also didn't see anything that indicates they were alive either... and he didn't know wether that was good or bad...

After walking aimlessly for a while, he decided to go back to his room to check it out as it was the only place he hasn't checked carefully yet.

But even after a while of searching he was unable to find anything unusual...

That was of course until he noticed a small paper which seemed to have been hidden very carefully..and if Astrick wasn't intensely searching for it he wouldn't have even noticed it.

Grabbing the small piece of paper carefully Astrick was only able to see one word written on it in the worst handwriting Astrick has ever seen which read...


