
Chapter 15: A Startling Discovery

Deep within the heart of the forest, Ayla's voice broke the quiet, asking Arthur a simple question, "What are you thinking, Arthur?"

He turned to Ayla, his expression nostalgic, and asked her in return, "Do you remember the good days back in the slum?"

Ayla's eyes sparkled with fond memories, and she began recounting tales of their shared laughter, recalling moments of warmth and happiness they had experienced amidst the harshness of their lives.

Arthur, ever the practical thinker, chimed in, "It was challenging, but there were moments that made it all worth it."

As the three friends continued their journey, following the river's winding path, a sense of nostalgia welled within them. They shared the weight of their history, a tapestry of moments etched in their hearts.

Diell, typically the silent one, broke into the conversation, "Remember the time we found those coins, and we thought we'd struck gold?"

Ayla laughed, her voice a soothing melody in the quiet forest. "Oh, and how we celebrated with that stolen bread."

Arthur smiled, the weight of their present challenges momentarily lifted by the memories of simpler times. "Those were the days, weren't they?"

The journey continued, the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future carried by the unwavering bond of three friends who had grown up together in the unforgiving slum.

Finally, they reached the end of the river, and Arthur announced, "We're here."

"Are you sure arthur? Theres nothing here"

Ayla, perplexed, questioned his certainty, noting the absence of any visible clues in the dense forest.

Diell chimed in, revealing his uncanny insight, "It's underwater, and it smells weird."

Arthur nodded, affirming Diell's new peculiar observation, but the moment took a dark turn as Diell added, "It smells like blood."

Arthur's heart skipped a beat, and he urgently asked for more details. "Blood?"

Diell continued, revealing, "Yeah, I can also smell perfume and something smells familiar."

Ayla, her expression a mix of worry and realization, chimed in, "Perfume? That's something nobles wear, isn't it? Why would nobles be here? And what do you mean by 'something smells familiar'?"

Arthur's mind raced as he tried to piece together the puzzling information. Blood, perfume, nobles, and something akin to Diell – it was an enigma he needed to decipher. He voiced his thoughts, "Blood, perfume, nobles, and something like Diell... that something like Diell is Hounsworth, and the blood, why would Hounsworth be involved?"

"Arthur?" Said ayla noticing his behavior.

With a sense of panic gnawing at him, Arthur took an impulsive leap, diving into the water to explore the cave, convinced that something sinister lay within.

"Arthur! What are you doing you dumbass!" Shouted ayla.

Diell, caught off guard by his impetuous act, had no choice but to follow.

"Seriousl!? Diell you too!?" SHouted by ayla again before following

Ayla, her voice filled with trepidation, inquired, "Arthur, what do you see in there? Are you sure about this?"

Diell, his eyes reflecting the fear in his voice, added, "Arthur. We should be careful."

Entering the cave, they found no signs of life, only remnants of a hurried departure. Arthur's suspicions grew stronger, and his agitation was palpable as he began explaining. "There's no sign of anything happen here, and I don't know why. It's strange.."

"Maybe they clean before going?" Asked Ayla.

"No, Someones been here but didn't touch anything" Respond by diell.

Ayla's brow furrowed with worry as she shared her thoughts, "This doesn't make sense. Why Finn and not us? What's going on, Arthur?"

Diell, his concern mirrored in his words, joined in, "Are you sure it's Hounsworth? What could he want with this Finn?"

"Who else is a noble and probably has a connection with you other than the houndsworth?" Arthur said.

As the three friends stood in the quiet, dimly lit cave, the weight of their uncertainty and fear pressed down on them. Arthur's mind raced, connecting dots that led to an unsettling conclusion.

His voice quivered as he contemplated the sinister possibilities. "Finn... he was different from us. Did they take him because he's a merman?."

Ayla's eyes widened as realization dawned. "Maybe they took him to get to us, to use him against us."

Diell's usually calm demeanor was shaken by the thought. "But why would they go after Finn? Why not us, Arthur family aren't we a better bait?"

Arthur's voice dropped to a whisper as he shared his fears. "I don't know, but whatever it is, it's dangerous. Finn is might be in danger."

Ayla's eyes reflected her anxiety as she looked around the cave. Her voice trembled with concern. "What do we do now? Do we search for Finn?"

Diell's gaze remained fixed on Arthur, waiting for his response, their unspoken trust in him evident.

Arthur contemplated the situation, his thoughts racing. He looked at his friends and began to explain his plan. "They've been here before, and I don't think they'll return anytime soon. Besides, Finn doesn't know where we are. We can use this cave as a hideout... just you two. I'm going back to look for Finn."

Ayla's frustration and worry boiled over, her voice raised in protest. "What! Why can't we go with you? You're leaving again just when you've come back!"

Arthur tried to reassure them, his voice laced with determination. "Don't worry, Ayla. I'm just going to take a look. I won't engage with them. I'll be back soon."

Ayla hesitated for a moment, her eyes locked with Arthur's. It was the unspoken trust they had forged over the years, a bond that transcended words. In that fleeting moment, she found the reassurance she needed. With a nod, she reluctantly agreed, "Alright, Arthur. But please, promise me you'll come back safely. We trust you."

With her trust placed in him, Arthur left the cave, embarking on a mission to find Finn and uncover the truth about the mysterious events that had unfolded. The weight of responsibility pressed on his shoulders, but he carried the hopes of his friends, knowing they were waiting for his return.