
World Linking High School Boy Emis

Emis Seale, a young high school boy is about to start his high school life in Japan. He wishes he could experience an out-of-the-ordinary experience up until he meets the young, blue, short-haired beauty, Ayaka Aiko, who tends to contradict the boy's way of life as she tends to get extra hard on the young lad. He later realizes that his wish came true. With his manly friend Daiki, the mysterious Hiroto, and their mad homeroom teacher, Takeshi, will young Emis be able to handle this?

addam_david · Fantasy
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13 Chs

EPISODE 2 - Seating Arrangement

Teacher: Okay, for today, we will be having a seating arrangement by alphabetical order.

What's up with him and alphabetical order? But I'm glad it would be arranged that way since that means I get to sit with Hiroto, because I know there aren't any students with last names that end with K and S. Plus *looks at Ayaka*, I get to sit far away from that blueberry *smiles confidently*.

Teacher: Don't be mistaken, it would be based on your first names.


Teacher: Wouldn't it be fuuuuuuuunnnn?

*Emis bangs his head loudly to the desk*

*They are now arranged according to their new seating arrangement*

Why am I seated to the right of this BLUEBERRY?! I hate fuuuuuuun!

Ayaka's thoughts: Why am I seated here with this cheesestick?

I want to get out of this hell! Why aren't there any students with B, C, or D?! Not only that, Hiroto is very far away from me.

Hiroto's thoughts: Too bad I'm on the opposite, but at least Emy-kun gets to make-up with Ayaka-san.

No,no...I can't spend...

Ayaka's thoughts: ...my school life with this...


Ayaka's thoughts: ...Cheesestick!

Both: We have to change seats!

Both(not thoughts): Sir, I demand a change of seats!

*Both look at each other*

Teacher: Sorry, but you need to make up with everyone, so no changing, okay?

*Both are now in their desks mourning*

Both: *quietly* Whyyyy?

Teacher: I see you two are close already.

Both: *shouts* We are not!

*Teacher smiles*

*Bell rings*

*It is lunch break*

*Emis and Hiroto are in the hallway walking*

Emis: Hey, Hiroto, didn't you think that Sensei was acting a bit odd a while ago?

Hiroto: Yes, Emy-kun, I think so.

Emis: Right? He was super serious yesterday, but just a while ago, he was quite the opposite.

Hiroto: I think that either one of those personalities must be Sensei's real personality. But it could also be both.

Emis: That would be quite troublesome.

*It is now time for class*

*Emis and Ayaka are staring at each other angrily*

Takeshi: My, my, is this love at first sight?

Both: NO!

More like hate at first sight.

Ayaka: Okay, how about a truce?

Emis: A truce?

Ayaka: How about we ignore each other for the rest of the school year?

Emis: Ignore?

Ayaka: That way, no one would think of us as a couple, and we could live our beautiful separate lives in harmony.

Emis: That would be a great idea!

Ayaka: Okay, let's shake our hands on it!

Emis: Okay!

*They shake hands*

*School bell rings*

*Hiroto and Emis are both outside*

Hiroto: Did you two finally make up?

Emis: Yup, we finally agreed to ignore each other.

Hiroto: That was the opposite of what I expected.

Hiroto's thoughts: So, that was what that handshake was all about.

*A mysterious boy by a tree calls Emis*

Hiroto: *whispers* I think you should ignore him.

Emis: I think it's fine.

Hiroto: But...

*Emis approaches him*

Emis: What is it?

??? : You're going to suffer a very painful fate...

Emis: What are you talking about?

??? : My hands would be filled with your blood...

Emis: What?!

*Hiroto takes Emis's hand and sprints fastly and then leave*

*The mysterious boy laughs maniacally*

*Emis is at home; at bed specifically*

Emis: I wonder what that was all about? He seemed serious.

??? : MIKUUU!!!

*Emis is shocked*

Emis: Yes, mom?

Mom: How was your day at school?

Emis: Err...it was fine.

Mom: Did you make any new friends?

Emis: Umm...no.

*Mom seems teary*

Mom: Wahhhh! My little Miku still hasn't grown up! How ya' gonna take home a woman at this rate?

Emis: Wha? What are you talking about mom? I'm still too young!

Mom: I know, but if you keep this up, you're gonna be 50 years by the time you get a woman.

*Emis is mocked, extremely*

Emis: *sighs* But mom, I don't think I need any more friends.

Mom: Oh my little Miku.

Emis: Mom, I'm not a little child anymore.

*Mom laughing*

Emis: Mom, why are you laughing?

Mom: You didn't think you can hide it forever could ya'?

Emis: Hmm?

*Mom chuckles*

Mom: Hoooney!!!

Emis: Mom...Why are you calling Dad?

*Dad wakes up from the couch*

Dad: Yes, Honey?

Mom: Our little Miku already snatched the heart of a woman!


*Dad smirks crazily*

*Points at Emis*

Dad: Youuuu...slyyyy...little devil...

Emis: I did no such thing! Mom who said that?

Mom: Hiroto did, in my phone.

Emis: He messaged you?!

*Phone rings in left pocket*

*Emis looks*

Its Hiroto...

*Answers phone*

Hiroto(on phone): Sorry...(end of call)

Oh no...

*Dad wraps around his right arm on Emis's shoulder*

Dad: So, how'd you get her heart in 2 days?

Emis: Uh, ummm...

Dad: What's her name, Honey?

Mom: It's Ayaka Aiko!

Dad and Mom: *mutter nonsense*

This is going to take a lot of explaining...

Mom: *dramatic* Noooo! Whyyyy? It was all a lie!

Dad: You better bring back a woman in a few days! Stat!

*Next day in class*

Well, that was a complete mess of things yesterday.

*School bell rings*

*It is AM Break*

*They are in the hallway*

Emis: Hey, Hiroto!

Hiroto: Yes, Emy-kun!

*Emis's eyes get serious*

Emis: So, why'd you pull a prank like that yesterday?

Hiroto: Umm, no reason...*nervously answered*

*Emis's eyes get even more serious*

Emis: Never associate me with sassy blue hair...

Hiroto: Okay, okay...

*They are back in class*

When will I have a perfectly good day?

*Emis's gaze accidentally meet Ayaka's eyes*

Ayaka: What are you looking at? Jerk.

Emis: That's what I should be asking you.

Ayaka: Idiot. I thought we would ignore each other, but why were you looking at me?

Emis: I accidentally looked at you, that's it!

Ayaka: I don't believe you, hmph!

Emis: Why, you?! You were the one complained first!

*Both are arguing like dogs*

So that's how my odd relationship with the blueberry continued for two whole weeks. We couldn't stand the sight of each other. The truce basically made no sense.


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