
World Jumper: A Wizard's Odyssey

A Simple law student's life turned upside down when he was gunned down by a fellow student. Thrown into places and situations beyond his wildest imagination follow him on his journey to become the strongest being in all the verses. SI/OC with magic from the Harry potter verse World travel/Multi crossover ************************************************************************ My patreon if you want to support me: Patron.com/Crowkenz

crowkenz · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5

Two months have passed since I got my memories back. I had spent the majority of my time in Azeroth making a temporary base in a cave that I found. 

It may not be the most visually stunning place of all time, but it was damn functional. It had everything I needed, which was honestly not a lot. 

A bed. Which I borrowed from my house.

A mirror. Which I also borrowed from the house.

And lots of dried meat that I conveniently " Borrowed " from the butcher with the help of my powers. 


Last time I checked, there was even an arrest warrant for my head in winter town. Not that they know it was me.Even if they did, they would be hard pressed to catch me. Especially considering that I was going to hop dimensions once more again. 

You might be wondering why I'm using such a self destructive power so casually in such a small time frame. 

 The answer is simple. 

It is simply because I have to. The more I age, the number of times that I could potentially use this ability of mine gets lower and lower. 

 Taking into account that I am a wizard and their general life expectancy is around the hundred year mark. I had already lost sixteen years of my life span, meaning that I could only jump dimensions sixteen more times before my life force gets fully used up. 

 " I hope that I can go to a place like Marvel or Dc. " I thought to myself.

These two universes had power ups and serums that could make someone near immortal just laying around at every corner. 

" Yosh lets try my luck again shall we. " I thought to myself as I stood in front of my cave. 

As I was about to call upon my powers, a sudden feeling of euphoria came over me. 

I know that I should actually be nervous as hell right now, but I was feeling none of it. 

' It looks like my degenerate gambling side is rearing its ugly head again. ' I thought to myself. 

In my first life I was a huge gatcha addict that spent thousands of dollars and hours on games like Fate, Genshin, and Honkai impact. 

The gambling high that I got when burning my money to get more rolls was exactly what I was feeling right now. 

" Is it going to be a jack pot or a dud ? " I asked myself with a maniacal smile on my face before activating my powers. 

Just like last time, my eyes flashed with a kaleidoscope of colors.


' Okay self note to never keep my eyes open again. ' I thought to myself as I waited for my vision to clear up. 

I observed my surroundings as my vision slowly came back to me. 

It was night time. I was in what appeared to be an alleyway between two brick houses. 

' A modern world? Huh This might be slightly problematic.' I thought to myself. 

It wasn't that I wasn't happy that I arrived in a place that was more advanced than GoT. 

I was. 

But this meant that it was going to be way harder to incorporate myself into this society. In the GoTverse there were no such things as security cameras or identification cards. But here, I couldn't say the same. 

Thank the lord that it was night time. 

I could only imagine what kind of headaches I would get if anyone saw me wearing such thick woolen clothes. 

Careful not to make a noise while hiding in the shadows of the buildings, I made my way towards the road. 

I peeked my head out of the alleyway to see if there was anyone around. 

Not a soul was in sight on the road that was dimly lit by antique looking street lamps. 

' A sleeping city. Is there a curfew in place or something? ' I thought to myself as I looked around the place more. 

The buildings around me looked like those classic victorian era buildings I saw on TV. 

The cars parked on the side of the road also looked like the ones I would often see at the museums. 

Deciding that it was safe enough I got out of the alleyway and onto the road. 

There was one thing that I noticed about this world that put my mind at ease. There were no security cameras in sight. 


' Judging from the architecture of the buildings or the cars parked on the road, I guess it's safe to assume that security cameras are either not a thing in this world or just not mainstream yet.' I thought to myself as I picked up a newspaper from the ground. 

" The times??? 24th July 1992?????? London????? Yeah, it's definitely the second reason " I muttered.

After figuring out when and where I was I scanned around the area for places to rob and loot. 

After all, I had no reason not to anymore.There were no cameras to snitch on me here. 

As long as I did it out of sight, no one could link it back to me. 

Besides, I really needed things like clothes, basic hygiene products and money.

Only when you lived in a world like Game of Thrones would you appreciate such basic things as toothbrushes and toothpaste.

The people back in the north used twigs to keep their teeth clean. 

After walking down the road for a couple of minutes I found a decent Sized clothing shop in the corner. 

' Sorry about this lol but I need to loot your shop.You can blame your luck for it being the first shop I came across. ' I thought to myself as I made a silent prayer for the unfortunate owner of the place that I was going to rob. 

" Alohomora "

I muttered as I pointed my finger at the door. 

It was the only spell that I diligently practiced over and over again after I got my memories back. 

The ability to unlock anything. How overpowered is that ? Especially for someone like me who needed to stee 


"Borrow" things from people. 


There were no visual signs that I had even cast a spell. The only sign that the spell actually even worked was the faint clicking sound that came from the lock. 

Taking a deep breath, I took my fur covered gloved hand and opened the door before going in.

 I made sure to quickly close the door behind me. Someone seeing an open door was the last thing I needed right now.

' Time for my bootleg unlimited inventory to do its thing. ' 

I went around the shop, touching everything I saw, sending them to my cave in Azeroth. 

By everything I mean everything. 

 The furniture. The clothes and even the cash register.

By the time I was done the shop was nothing but an empty room. 

Looking at this place no one would have even guessed that this was a shop filled with clothes just twenty minutes ago.

Pleased with my work, I walked back out after making sure that there was no one there. 

By the time the sun rose, I cleaned up three more shops.

A normal corner shop. 

A furniture shop. 

And my personal favorite, the jewelry shop.

I'm sure the owners will be crying tears of blood soon when they find out what happened to their precious stores.

Although I did feel a little bit bad for stealing from innocent people, it wasn't anything that I was going to lose sleep over. 

I did what I had to do because I needed to do it. 

Sure, I didn't have to steal everything they had, but whatever it is, it's not like they are going to die just because someone robbed them.




 ' Ahhhhhh this feels so good. I missed modern clothes so much and my body feels so much lighter without all those fur coats. ' I thought to myself. 

It had been an hour since I arrived here. 

 I looked around the place I chose to be my anchor place. 

A bathroom in one of the many subway stations in London


' Well, it doesn't matter whether it's a bathroom or not. It's not like I can't change the anchor to another place later on. ' 

What's more important is the fact that I just had my first proper shower since I got reincarnated. 

My body had never smelled better and my hair had never been this soft. 

' Bless whoever invented shampoo, shower gels, toothpaste and toothbrushes.' I thought to myself as I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. 

There looking back at me dressed in all black clothes was someone that looked nothing like my body from my first life. If anything I looked almost identical to my mother, that died giving birth to me. 

I had her eye color.

I had Her hair color. 

I even had the olive brown skin she had. Although my skin was a bit on the paler side when compared to my mothers. 

' A true mommas boy ' 

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of that.


 A sudden bang on the bathroom door startled me. 


' Guess people are starting to come now. It's almost six in the morning ' I thought to myself as I looked at the watch on my wrist. 

" Okay, okay I'm opening the door. GIve me a minute. " I said out loud as I shoved my GoT clothes back to Azeroth. 

" hello im sorr…." I said as I opened the door only to find that there was no one there. 

 " Bloody owl, how did it get in here? " I heard a male voice yell out in the distance followed by people screaming. 

Curious to see what was going on, I poked my head out of the bathroom in the direction in which I heard the voice.

However, the moment I poked my head, a big brown thing rammed into my face. 

"Owwww what the hell. " I shouted out loud with my hands on my nose. 

When I opened my eyes to see what had hit me, I couldn't help but be shocked. 

Standing in front of me with what appeared to be a letter in its beak was perhaps one of the biggest owls that I had ever seen. 

' It can't be.... I couldn't have been this lucky …..but how did they even find me? ' I thought to myself as I knelt down to get the letter from the bird's beak. 

To Mr Edward K. Grey.

 4th bathroom down the left. 

Russell Square Station.


I looked at the name and address on the letter with the Hogwarts badge on it in disbelief.

My eyes were wide open in shock at what I was seeing. 


" Well, it looks like I'm in the Harry Potter verse. " I muttered as more and more people cast funny looks in my direction as they passed by where I was.

Of course they were. 

Who wouldn't after seeing a boy kneeling in front of a giant owl?.



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