
Chapter 2

As I entered the town, I was once again greeted by the same looks of caution and curiosity as I first received when I first entered this place. 

Not that I blamed them. After all, I looked nothing like the natives of this land, and I certainly didn't dress for the weather when I came here either. 

It was a miracle by itself that I didn't freeze to death when I first arrived here. 

The people of this land were fair people who wore clothes made from thick wool padding in order to protect themselves from the harsh biting cold. 

A stark contrast to how I looked and what I wore. 

Thankfully, it seemed as if they took pity on me and provided me with some clothes and warmth when I showed up at their doorsteps wearing my paper-thin clothes.

I don't know whether it was because I was a child or not, but it was an act of kindness that I will never forget. 

A debt that I will hopefully pay back. 

A child of the sand is what they called me while they referred to themselves as northerners. 

At first, I thought that I had teleported myself to another country. To Ice Land, to be more specific, due to the resemblance of these people to the vikings of the past in my previous life. 

However, that belief was slowly shattered over the course of the week that I was here. 

The tiny suspicion that I was not in my previous world began when I first saw an oddly familiar structure in the distance. 

It was a castle that was so enormous that it could have been called a town of its own. Its walls were so dark that the castle completely disappeared from view at night. 

That tiny suspicion slowly grew bigger as I learned more and more about the place I was in. 

For example, the castle that I saw was called Winterfell, and the people that ruled this place were the House of Starks. The cherry on top was when I found out that there were seven kingdoms all fucking united under something called a motherfucking iron throne. 

When I figured out exactly where I was, I could not help but laugh at my terrible luck. 

The whole thing was so absurd that for a second I thought that a certain multiverse traveling troll vampire was behind all this. 

After all, I had successfully escaped with my life from the orphanage into a world that was a hundred times worse. A world that had a legion of undead ice zombies around the corner. Just waiting to end all life on this planet. 

That's right, ladies and gents and whatever else is out there.

I had somehow successfully fucked myself in the ass and teleported into the world of Game of Thrones.

The world where people waged wars for a throne made from thousands of swords. 

'At least I have a couple of years before the whole world goes to hell ' I thought to myself. 

How do I know this? Well. The answer is very simple. 

According to the locals, the Greyjoy rebellion just happened a few months ago. So if this world's future was anything like the one I watched, I had at least four if not seven years before the start of season one aka the canon. 

Hopefully, that would be plenty of time for me to work out exactly what my fucking powers were. 

"Hey, Bradie, got any food for me ? I'll wash the plates again in exchange. " I called out to the owner of the tarvin nearby. 

Bradie was the old man who gave me food, clothes and a place to stay when I arrived here in winter town. 

The man was a widower who was approaching his 70's with no kids of his own. He was truly a kind soul. 

The man had no reason to help me, but he did anyway without asking for anything in return. In the days that had passed since I first arrived here, The man treated me as if I were his own son. 

Not that I mind. After all, I never saw my father, so I could only assume that he was either dead or dipped to get some milk. 

"Sure thing, lad. " He called out from across the road with a chuckle. 

................................................(time skip)..............................................

A year had almost passed since I crossed over to Game of Thrones and winter was slowly approaching.

My first winter since I came to this world. 

I didn't know how it was possible for it to get even colder, but it did.

The temperature had been dropping rapidly over the past few weeks and more and more people were moving from the winter town and into winterfell. 

According to old man Bradie, this was a yearly thing. It was the reason why the majority of the people who live in Winter Town, Bradie included, have a second house in Winterfell. It was the place where they lived during the long, harsh and unforgiving winter of the north. 

"Listen up, lad. Those walls of Winterfell are made from the same stuff the wall is made from. Legend has it that the ancestor of Lord Stark, Bran the Builder weaved magic into those walls to keep the cold out. " Bradie told me. 

Within a few more weeks, the entire winter town was reduced to nothing but a ghost town. Me and Bradie were among the last to leave the place.

I for one was glad to be leaving the town to winterfell. Hopefully, my stay there would allow me to interact with some of the main cast or at the very least catch the eyes of Ser Rodrik, the arms master of Winterfell.

If I am to survive in this world I for sure have to learn how to fight. After all, there is no such thing as justice or fairness in Westeros. There is only the power of the sword and the coin. 

Just look at Ned Stark and Jon Snow. One had his head decapitated. The other got stabbed in the back by the very ones he deemed as brothers. 

Having honor will only get you killed in Westeros and I wanted none of it. 

The castle was an hour's ride from the town on horseback. Thankfully, we were able to reach the gates before the sun set. 

The gates of Winterfell were huge.

It was by far the tallest looking gates that I had ever seen in either of my two lives and guarding it were two strong, tall men who collected an entrance fee from anyone who wished to enter the castle. 

"So what do you think about the place? " Bradie asked me as we strolled towards his house. 

"Gloomy and dark, yet lively " I replied as I looked around. 

There were lots of civilians as well as soldiers just walking around the place. 

"Hahahahahhahahah. That is one way to put it. Yet we must thank Lord Stark for allowing us to stay here. If not, we would be suffering like those wildings who live beyond the wall. " Bradie said to me.

"Well true. But don't you own a house here? " I asked him, a little bit confused.

"I might own a house in Winterfell, but I only get to keep it as long as Lord Stark allows me to keep it. Remember boy there are some things that even coins cannot buy " Bradie said to me with a serious look on his face. 

"Is that so? " I replied with a thoughtful look on my face. 

' What should I do in this world? I cannot solely rely on my knowledge from the series in order to survive. For all I know, everything I know might already be useless just because of the simple fact that I exist.' I thought to myself. 

You might ask why I thought of such a thing. The answer is simple. 

It is because of the butterfly effect. 

It is the theory that even the smallest action can lead to a greater and more complex problem down the line. 

Just like how a flap of a butterfly wing can cause a hurricane on the opposite side of the world. 

'Who knows, maybe I had already done something that would cause that hurricane in the future.' I thought to myself as I watched a dark raven fly towards one of the towers of the castle.