
Short Story ─ Night of the Vampires

"This really sucks."

My name is Rudel.

A simple, generic high school student.

One day upon returning home, my parents said to me.

"Rudel! You've been selected to study at the prestigious Altfode Royal Academy!"

"Are you excited? Mom is, she always thought you'd end up being a good-for-nothing like your older brothers."

(Hey, you shouldn't tell your kids that.)

(By the way, what the hell is the Altfode Royal Academy?)

That's what I wondered before I went to sleep.

When I woke up, I read the pamphlet my dad gave me.

It said there that the Altfode academy is a very special private institution which only a certain number of the world's elite can enter.

"Damn, that's impressive!"

But that's not what's truly impressive.

How the hell did I get selected?

It says in the pamphlet that they give you a special exam to get in.

But I never took one.

How could I have gotten in?

My parents don't question this.

My older brother Lyle looked at me with a jealous expression on his face.

"Why is Rudel the one selected to go to a prestigious school?"

"I'm the oldest son, I should be the one selected."

"Why on earth should it be you?"

Was what my second oldest brother, Bram, said.

"Unlike you guys I'm the one with the better grades in sports. I'm about to qualify to get into regionals."

Lyle teased Bram.

"Pff, sportsmen these days are no big deal. Anyone can throw a ball like have a gorilla physique like you."

"What's important is how popular you are on social media."

"If you are popular you can get sponsors and thus become famous and rich."

"Says the guy who took two years to reach 100 subscribers."

"That's because women are more favored than men!"

"If I were a woman and showed my breasts or butt, I'd also have 1 million subscribers in less than an hour."

(The worst part is that it's true. I follow several models who do that.)

(Especially a certain actress by the name of Sara, she doesn't show off her body but her clothes, she is very beautiful and elegant. Almost as if she were a European princess.)

Leaving these idiots aside.

"I can't find anything on the internet."

I pulled out my Smartphone to search for information on this academy.

The search said no results to be found.

Lyle spoke to me after punching Bram.

"Places like this exclusive are kept hidden in plain sight. It's normal for important people that simpletons don't bother them."

"Hey, you're a simpleton too."

After that I went to pack my bags since the bus would take me to that place in the morning.

I was happy to be selected to enter a place of exclusive people.


"Fuck that exclusivity thing!"

I was complaining because of the bus that dropped me off near a forest.

He said he had been informed that the academy selected me to be an exchange student.

I would be staying in the home of a family who are part investors in the place.

He told me to go straight ahead and after 15 minutes of walking I would find a huge mansion.

That was a vile lie!

I'm going to die here!

Yesterday I saw a horror movie where a group of young people got lost in a forest and were killed by a madman on a chainsaw.

I don't want to die!

Help me!

I was about to cry when I heard a branch break.

I turned to look and found no one.

It must have been my imagination.

"I'm sure I've already walked for more than twenty minutes and I don't see any mansion."

Again I heard the sound of a branch breaking, but this time it was accompanied by dry footsteps.

I turned around and saw no one, but I certainly heard that.

I quickly walked.

"Ugh, I hate this. Let's go fast."

I walked in a hurry and this time I'm sure I didn't mishear, footsteps behind me I heard.

I quickened my weight a bit thinking it might be an animal.

The footsteps sped up.



I ran as fast as I could.


"Just because I haven't made any progress in my life does that mean I'm going to die because of it!"

I was about to cry, but I couldn't as I suddenly found myself looking at the sky.

Why was I looking at it?

Well... apparently I came to a deep hole, or maybe it was a ravine.

I couldn't see as I blacked out while falling.

But before my consciousness faded, I thought I saw a silhouette of a blonde mane looking at me.


"Umm... What happened?"

I wondered as I stood up.

"It was a weird dream. My head hurts a little."

"Have some water, I already inserted a pill that melts inside, it will help you feel better."


I thanked and took the glass of water.


(Moment. This place can't be my room, the lights are off and there are curtains everywhere.)

(The bed is too big, I don't have my smartphone or my portable console.)

Besides that.

(Pola doesn't have a sweet voice, she has an angelic voice but that voice that gave me the glass was a more mature tone. Don't tell me...).

I opened my eyes and found two lights, one blue and one red, staring at me.


I screamed like a little girl.


Shouted the voice that belonged to those eyes.

It was very cute her scream.

Suddenly someone came in.

Turned on the light and I could see the face of the person screaming.

A beautiful girl with orange blonde hair which was tied in a side ponytail.

Her beautiful eyes were ice blue and red like fire.

Her face was so beautiful you could mistake her for a doll.

Her attire was what you would expect from a high class girl.

Elegant clothes, accessories on her hands and neck.

The smell of her perfume like shampoo was so wonderful that it could permeate my nasal passages.

But best of all, was that she to look like a teenager.

Her front was so big it seemed unreal.

Her breasts were as firm and big as girls in erotic anime.

She was undoubtedly so beautiful that I blurted out the word.

"How beautiful you are."

She heard what I said.

She immediately blushed and hid her face in the sheets.

I had forgotten who turned on the light.

A very attractive young man, possibly the age of Lyle's age, was looking at me.

Looking at the situation, it must be someone related to her.

"Emm, I..."

I was trying to explain what happened, but I had no idea how to do it.

"Alicia, what are you doing here, can't you see that you scared him?"

"B-But onii-chan. I was worried about him. I was worried if he wouldn't wake up."

"I understand you. But right now a person in his condition should rest. Let's go downstairs."

"Ah, don't worry, you can rest and come out when you feel comfortable."

"A servant will be outside in case you need anything."

The young man took the girl's hand and before leaving they gave me a bow.

They left and he stealthily closed the door.

All I could say was.

"This is the first time I've ever been treated so politely."

Is that what respect feels like?

How to say it... it's a feeling... that I would like to feel again.


So as not to inconvenience the owners of this place any further, I decided to get dressed.

Some new clothes were on the side of the bed.

Apparently after a little more sleep, someone came in and gave them to me.

I got dressed and I could feel the difference of simplistic clothes like the ones I wear versus the fine, velvet clothes that these are.

On my way out, a servant greeted me.

I returned his greeting in embarrassment, I asked.

"W-where are the people who came in just now?"

"The young master and the young lady are in the main hall. Do you wish to see them?"

"Y-Yes please."

(Young master?)

(Young lady?)

(They are more important people than I thought!)

My stomach began to ache at the thought that I was in someone too important's house.

Still, I went along with the servant.

After a while of walking we arrived at the main hall.

He opened the door and I found a living room.

There I found several people so beautiful that it was impossible for me to think that I was not a living portrait.

A bearded, but very handsome man noticed my presence, put down his pipe and got up.

He went to greet me.

"I see you are well, I'm glad."


I didn't know what to answer, I was so scared.

Then, a beautiful woman, with golden hair and firm as a little uncovered breasts that swayed as she walked approached.

"My dear, the young man doesn't remember what happened. You must explain to him in detail."

"Oh, it's true! My fault, sometimes I'm very forgetful."

"Let me introduce myself, I am the head of this house."

"This is my wife."

"A pleasure to meet you."

The lady bowed.

It was beautiful to see her ripe fruits move gracefully as she did.

Then four more people came.

"This is my only son."

"Nice to meet you, sorry for the trouble my younger sister caused you."

He then introduced the girls, the oldest of them all she looked like a rebellious girl, but her behavior was only of someone imposing her will before others to be heard.

"I am the oldest daughter and they are all my cute little siblings, you can think of me as a big sister if you like."

Truth be told, I would like to trade my brothers for any of them.

Next was the girl I met.

"I-I've met before but I didn't introduce myself. My name is Alicia, the second daughter of the Redgrave family."

Alicia was a beautiful girl, her beauty not getting out of my head.

"I'm the youngest daughter! It was thanks to my sister Alicia that you fell! She's very clumsy sometimes."

"D-don't say something like that, he will think badly of me."

"But isn't that so?"


Alice averted her eyes from her younger sister.

Apparently I understand the situation a little.

"Let's talk about it later."

"You still haven't introduced yourself, have you?"

"Ah, I'm so sorry about that."

"I'm Rudel."

"Emm, I came to this place looking for the family that will host me as an exchange student."

The head of the house laughed a little.

"I see, I was saying it was strange to see someone around our territory."

"Let me read the letter, we only received notice from the principal that a student was coming, but nothing else."


I handed him the letter.

He read it and started laughing.

"Really, Principal Leonis is funny."

"Well, never mind."

"Let's go eat. Are you hungry?"


My stomach was growling.

It was so embarrassing.

We all went to dinner.


As we entered the large dining room.

I sat near Alicia, rather I sat in a random chair and she sat next to me.

She kept looking at me.

It was very embarrassing to be seen and more so a beautiful girl.

The servants came and placed silver covered trays on each plate.

Alicia asked me.

"I'm sorry, I know you will like it."


I wondered what she was talking about.

Maybe it's some kind of meat or vegetable that rich people usually eat.

As I uncovered the top.


I was shocked.

A tomato soup was the dish.

It was rare to see that.

I had had tomato soup once before.

The difference with this one was the color.

It was very strong smelling as well as looking like a mirror.

I watched everyone grab their spoon and did the same.

The moment after I tasted it.

I felt something strange.

Tomato soup tastes a bit bitter, but this one tastes like meat.

Is it ground beef soup?

No, ground beef can't be made into this.

Then what is it?

Then, I noticed through the reflection of my watch.

Alicia next to me had no reflection.

I thought the glass was broken, but focus behind her.

The servant next to her was not reflected either.

After I felt a shudder, I focused on her younger sister who was next to me.

She was not reflected either.

I did the same with everyone.

They stared at me for some reason.

"Is something wrong, Rudel-kun?"

Sweat was running down my forehead.

It was there that I noticed something belated.

Why are there no mirrors?

There isn't a single mirror in the place.

I looked at the head of the house and boldly asked.

"Excuse me... what's the soup made of?"

After taking a sip and wiping himself, he said.

"It's type AA+ blood, an expensive blood and very difficult to purify."

"Not to your liking?"

"I told you we should use the most common of all, O+. That way it wouldn't taste weird to you such uncommon blood."

My spoon fell into the dish.

Alicia and the others became concerned.

"Is something wrong?"

I then shouted digging my grave.

"... Are you... all vampires?"

Her younger sister replied.

"Of course we are. Everyone here is."

Next thing I knew, I used the strength in my arms to propel myself backwards and run out of there.

"This must be a joke."

"A fucking lie!"

I was running all over the place.

I would run into some servants and dodge them.

Not finding a door, I grabbed the floor mat and jumped out a window to use it as a shock absorber.

Despite the fact that I should be hurt, I'm fine.

Resuming my escape, as I fled, I looked up at the sky.

The moon was red.

Behind me I could hear Alicia's voice calling out to me.

"Rudel-san, please wait! Let me explain."


"You are going to kill me. You're going to drink my blood."

"That's something only barbarians do. Vampires are more civilized than you think."

"How can you expect me to believe that when they made me drink the blood of someone murdered!"

"It wasn't from someone murdered. It was legally purchased from the blood bank where my family donates a large sum of money every month to help people injured from accidents."

That sounds great, but I won't fall for it!

Again and without noticing, I fell off a cliff.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

That was the end of me.


Or it wasn't.

I opened my eyes and I was fine.

"Why am I okay?"


I heard Alicia's voice who was falling towards me.

Suddenly, she put her hand forward and from her fingertips a vividly colored red thread appeared.

That thread became a feather and she was able to glide down in the breeze of the wind.

As it landed near me, I could see her white underwear with a drawing of a bunny in the center.

It was very cute.

But that didn't matter.

She fell on me and said with a worried face.

"I'm glad I found you."

Her concerned face was pleasant, it showed genuine concern for me.

"Please listen to me. No one wants to hurt you, it's over."

"... It was me who requested you to come."


Alicia's embarrassed face was so wonderful that it was unintentionally triggering a biological impulse in my lower half.

With tears in her eyes she said to me.

"Maybe you don't remember, but we met in the past. You helped me and ever since that time I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"One day, I observed the blood in bags that my father brought."

"One of them caught my attention, it had your name on it, I did some research and found you."

"I asked the principal to please allow you to enter as the first human to the academy."

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, but I really wanted to see you... after all..."

Her eyes were shining in such a way that the red moon looked like a reflection of one of her eyes.

"I... I'm in love with you... I may look like a monster to you for drinking human blood, but believe me. We vampires aren't like you see in stories and movies. They're just slurs."

"I-I understand, please get off."

"I won't until you listen to me!"

This girl was showing aggression equal to a puppy dog.

"I understand what you're saying. But it would be good for you to get off."

"... You're sitting in a dangerous place and you've been rubbing it for a while now."

Alicia looked down and noticed that her hips were resting on mine.

She panicked and screamed.


She pulled off of me and very embarrassed said.

"I'm so sorry, I invaded your personal space!"

"Worst of all... I let you see my underwear. How embarrassing."

(No, no, no. That's not bad.)

I told her since I understood the situation.

"I appreciate that you like it. But I'm just a human, I don't think I'll fit in with you."

"Of course you'll fit in."

Alicia came up to me and buried her breasts in my arm.

"We vampires live cooped up on this side of the country and very rarely get to make contact with humans, so if everyone gets to know you and see that humans aren't scary like everyone thinks. We will be able to create a future where we don't have to hide."

Her smile and optimism were the opposite of someone negative like me.

But... I guess this is what they call charisma.

"I-I understand. If I have a beautiful girl like you by my side, I guess I won't have to worry about being bullied."

Saying that, I looked at Alicia.

She squeezed her cheeks like a hamster.

She was very adorable.

"He called me cute. Rudel-san called me cute. Kyah."

How adorable can this girl be?

I feel like I'll fall in love with her.

"I have to apologize to your parents and so on."

"They don't know that they eat humans, they thought blood was vital for them since they eat raw meat from what we heard."

"... I think you are reading too much fiction."

We walked to the direction where the mansion was.

Now I will live with vampires, this couldn't get any worse.


In a place far away from Alice's mansion.

A girl was watching everything thanks to her familiar.

The girl was beautiful, she had red eyes like a rabbit's and long blonde hair pulled back.

A maid informed her of the situation.

"So the principal wants to create a world where vampires and humans can live in harmony, huh?"

"What an absurd situation. Humans will destroy us if we give them the chance, the barrier between us is the best."

Said the girl as she looked at a portrait on a nightstand.

She looked at her maid to tell her.

"As long as I, Alicelotte of the Bismarck family is here."

"I will make sure to protect the peace of the vampires."

"I will personally go and drive that vile human out of here."

Alicelotte smiled malevolently.

Rudel's fate had just begun.




There will be no Lecia, but we will have several Barbaras.

For the sake of good taste, I leave a beautiful Alicia to generate hype the moment she comes out: https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/es/post/show/31310770

Happy Halloween everyone!

I bring you mini stories for this very special scary... date.

A disclaimer.

This short like Razel's had to be five pages long at the most... but the script is stronger than me and it wrote itself.

When you read it you will see that it looks like a novel prologue.

Back to this.

Just as I said it in Razel I say it here.

Depending on how acclaimed it is, I may make it a spin-off, not at the plot level of the alternate Rudel, but at a fanservice level like Razel Quest.

As an interest for everyone, I'm giving a 5% spoiler of what the family of... Alicia will be like!

That's right, this time the heroine on duty is Alicia to get to know a little bit of what her personality would be like as well as her family's since we'll get to meet them in volume 8.

Now with nothing more to say, except that both this one and the one about Razel, guess what I'm parodying in these SS.

Read it with pleasure.

As a minor unrelated detail, in my new novel the main heroines will have similar personalities to Lucy, Ellen and Alicia as they will be sisters.

There will be no Lecia, but we will have several Barbaras.

Siegburncreators' thoughts