
World Ixion/SAGA

A young worker sees his end on the tracks of a train. He prays to an entity to have a second chance and it grants his wish. And he is reborn in a fantasy world of magic and mechas called Armor. But to his misfortune he is living in a game world where he is the VILLAIN. Can the young man named Rudel survive in a world where the world wants him dead for the sake of the protagonist?

Siegburn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
221 Chs

Save 15 - Parasite

A few minutes after leaving the port, I gathered everyone in the central corridor.

"Listen well, I wanted capable people with experience, but the guild thought it must have been a joke, so I don't plan to count on you, you will only move when I say so, am I clear?"

My reason for this meeting was to tell them that I didn't want anything to happen to them, in unkind words, I couldn't stand some high status house teasing me that their heir lost his life because of me.

Among that is also that these guys are dressed as if they were going to a dungeon, are they thinking that they will fight on soft ground and against beings that attack head on perhaps?

I noticed you all looked at me with angry eyes, I'm mad at you too.

"The girls' rooms are downstairs, the rest of you trash can choose your rooms on the lowest floor. I'll call you when it's time for dinner, now, get out of my sight."

I notified them where their place to stay was, due to the fact that I am not classist like the rest of the nobles; the rooms look like those of a four star hotel, there are five star rooms, but they are for more important people. The only ones reserved exclusively are the VIP rooms that only people I care about can use, like Airi at the moment.

I turned my gaze towards her, who still looked exhausted from the emotional stress of her village being attacked, I wanted to get there as fast as possible, but I didn't want to raise suspicion.

"Airi, your room is upstairs, you told me it was very gray so I upgraded it a bit as a girl would like, of course with advice from my mother I did."

There were no replies so I left her alone as she may want space to herself.

I moved my feet to go to my own room, but....

"Wait a minute Bradford."

...I was stopped by these idiots.

One of the guys grabbed my shoulder, it wasn't the red head but a different colored one, I turned only to look at them sternly and say "what's wrong?".

My look was stern because I didn't want these inexperienced idiots to come, then a guy next to him spoke.

"In this place is there any means of entertainment?"

"If they just wanted to know that, they could have asked normally, obviously there is."

Then the boys looked at each other including the red head, they all nodded and the red head was the one who spoke now.

"Bradford, compete against us."

I blurted out a silly "huh?" at his ridiculous comment to my response.

"You were able to beat me in interscholastic, but in other types of fights like games, I'm sure I can win, these guys also want to compete because they don't think you could have beaten me."

I was about to send them to hell when an idea came to me.

(These fools once we get there will plummet in going out fighting, then if I get to break them psychologically I won't have to deal with watching their asses).

(I'm a genius!)

I made my best face, which, with my facial expression, sure seemed to say that I was making fun of them.

"Okay, if they want me to humiliate them so badly I'll do it."

The idiots smiled when they heard that, I said goodbye to Airi and led them to the healthy playroom.


The girls were guided by one of the robots to their rooms so they wouldn't wander around the airship, Airi was also guided by one to where her upgraded room was.

She was surprised to see that the door was totally different from before. It was made of fine wood, the knob was gold and it had a sign that said her name on it.

The odd thing was that it was the only door in what looked like a long corridor, as she opened the door her eyes were closed by the light, after a few seconds she opened them, what she saw made her feel nauseous.

The inside of the room was what you would call something undoubtedly VIP class.

The paint color was a salmon color, there was a large red carpet covering the entire floor, the bed was in the middle, it seemed to be something only Alisa or royalty would use. There was a chandelier on the ceiling, it was very large to be for a room, there were also different items such as board games, a tea party table and even a huge personal bathroom so the person sleeping here wouldn't need to go out.

The last time Airi was here, it was a normal gray colored room, but now it was neither gray nor small, the space was equivalent to ten meters long and thirty meters wide; which is equivalent to about three or four rooms.

Sweat marked Airi's forehead, what she heard before yesterday began to ring in her head.

What her eyes saw was undoubtedly a favored treatment towards someone, normally this would be for an important guest, but the owner himself said it was for her. A girl of commoner origin, a girl who has neither land nor money, let alone a family that is important, just an ordinary girl from a remote village.

Tears began to flow from their eyes, as what they said came true.

(He just wants your body.)

(No one would do so much for someone if it wasn't for a special reason.)

Airi without closing the door, ran out of the place.

I was at my peak of happiness, the reason was....

"Pair of kings, I win!"

...Why I was winning.

Me and the boys after arriving in the game room tried all types of entertainment, first was darts, I could prove that my aim was better than theirs. Then came the billiards, I enjoyed it like you can't imagine.

After other games we ended up in poker, after several minutes of starting I managed to win with the help of Ixion who was hiding out there, somehow he understood what I was thinking and helped me.

I already had three wins in a row against these guys, they decided to bet money, I said this was healthy fun since it was without bets, but human greed is something else. Now they go around regretting betting against me, they even bet personal stuff as part of their territory, but what assholes.

After my crushing victory and their agonized faces I decided to give them back their papers and family jewels, but the money I will keep as punishment.

I told them that as a reward for making me happy I would buy them free booze, they happily accepted the bastards.

When I asked them what drink they wanted they all said in unison "beer!!!", they are fucking alcoholics.

I served beer to all of them, it was warm beer for almost everyone, only one asked for cold beer to calm his bad mood, of course it was the red ape.

I watched him as he drank it all in one gulp. What a disgusting sight he was without a doubt.

He handed me the glass and asked for more, just as I was about to send him to hell, he said something interesting.

"I really envy you Bradford, not only did you defeat me in mobile knight combat, also in games where you didn't even make the effort. You also defeated the algae head who was the best strategist in the academy, and even his highness the prince, with his state of the art armed unit."

I was surprised to hear that, what I had done was so incredible it seemed.

But then I was more surprised by what he said.

"You may be someone incredible, but that doesn't mean you're a big deal. After all, you'll never be a match for that [bloody knight]."

My brain shut down for a few seconds, then I answered him very curious.

"Bloody knight? Who's that?"

The guys looked at each other and then spoke.

"You don't really know who that is? You may be from the countryside, but that person, no, that beast is a legend all over the world."

I wanted to tell them no, but I better kept quiet.

"That beast is one of the strongest warrior-horse in the world. Even a master swordsman is nothing compared to that monster."

Another boy continued.

"I heard that during World War II. He wiped out over six hundred mobile knights."

"I heard that he single-handedly, wiped out a warship after infiltrating it. After killing all the men inside, he crashed the ship into a camp on land."

"I heard that not even the sword emperor himself could handle him, he was beheaded and his head was sent to his home country."

I wanted to say many things, but only one caught my attention.

World war.

And not just one, but two world wars. That was something that scared me just to imagine. In this world, too, a war of a large caliber like that broke out.

(In my previous life I watched movies and documentaries about war, they all gave me the impression of being something horrible that I would avoid without a doubt. Since I died once, I understand better than anyone else the feeling of fear and despair in the face of death, I wish never to enter a battlefield).

While I was thinking about how terrifying that was, Ixion whispered in my ear in his stealth mode.

"Master, a small amount of monsters are approaching, what do you wish me to do?"

It was normal for magical beasts to attack ships, but at this point I didn't want to waste ammo or time on them, so I did the most sensible thing of all.

I crouched to the ground pretending to drop something so they wouldn't hear me, Ixion joined me as well.

"Send drones to fight those things, it would be problematic if these guys want to go out and fight."

Ixion in a low voice confirmed the order I gave.

I couldn't see him, but he sure floated away.

I raised my head to check on the guys, they were quietly drinking beer. I was going to take this opportunity to see Airi, but one of these drunks grabbed me and wanted me to drink with them, I couldn't get them off my back as drunks were annoying to deal with.


A fleet from the Royal Palace along with another fleet from House Bismarck had formed up after several hours of organizing.

There were ten ships and about ten mobile knights in each, both the Bismarck house and the Royal Palace had their resources and soldiers occupied in other matters.

Through the guild and the Duke's daughter, they had learned that Baron Rudel van Bradford, was headed for a dangerous area.

Alisa was on the flagship which was of the house Bismarck who was taking command, she was in one of the guest rooms.

Her arms were crossed, it had been almost a day, that is, several more hours since Rudel and company left.

The sun was setting and the sunset was beautiful, she was watching it through a window while thinking about Airi.

Rudel was also on her mind, but he was just a walking sea of trouble.

She heard from Rudel the cruel things that were said to her friend, some of it was true. She wanted to apologize for those true, but being an aristocrat, the word sorry had never crossed her vocabulary until she met them both.

The captain told her that by tomorrow morning they would arrive at their destination, she could only think of the worst because of the great time difference.

She knew the speed of Rudel's airship so they could arrive much sooner.

Her heart had only one feeling.

(Please be safe and sound).

Gradually the sun was setting and she became more and more worried.


Night had already fallen, Airi was sitting in Brunhilde's downstairs girls' bathroom.

She had her own private bathroom, but she didn't want to be in there because of her complicated thoughts.

She wasn't doing any needing either, just sitting on the toilet bowl clutching her legs like a scared child.

She wanted to ask Rudel if there was a reason for treating her so well, she once asked him what she meant to him and got an answer that was not so correct.

But she didn't care, but now that answer would have been good to know so she wouldn't be this depressed.

Then she heard some voices, it was three girls in fact.

She didn't know what they were doing, but they seemed to be focused only conversing in the wash.

Their conversations seemed of useless things until she heard something that disturbed her.

"I walked by that commoner's room that one, the door was open and I couldn't believe it - the whole place looked like it was designed exclusively for royalty!"

"You should see the rest of this place, there are amazing things that no ship I know of has, especially things like portraits and super fine ornaments, who puts that on a ship?"

"Carissa tried to seduce him a few minutes ago, that Bradford guy made a disgusted face at him."

"Ahh~ must be nice to have a boyfriend who can buy you everything you want and don't even need."

"It must be because she has big breasts! Didn't you see how she was looking at that size sideways? If she had my breasts that big, I'm sure she'd give me gifts too just for letting her touch them."

The girls giggled for a while and then left after hearing over a loudspeaker that the food was ready.

After a few seconds of walking out, there was a cry that no one could hear over the closed bathroom door.


"You're wrong... our relationship, it's not like that..."

"I would never..."

"He would never..."


In that small space, a scream and tears of pain surrounded the atmosphere of that place.


After crying for several hours, Airi finally got tired and went to sleep in her room.

The bed was so big that four other people could sleep there and she would still have no trouble settling in.

The sun had already risen, but it was still early to get up.

Through a megaphone, a voice sounded, it was Rudel calling Airi.

"Good morning, Airi, could you come to the foredeck?"

Airi had gotten up from the moment the megaphone made a screeching sound.

She figured what it was, but she didn't want to go out, she knew what would happen if she went out... but she still got up from the huge bed to go where Rudel was calling her.


As she reached the bow, the sunlight covered her eyes, way where she saw some feet, the number of feet increased and her face gradually changed its expression to one of fright.

As he looked up, he just noticed that the ship had stopped and several people were outside, the boys and girls were looking at Airi with eyes full of anger for some reason, the reason was....

"Hey, explain to us what is this!!!?"

...That there was nothing but an unsettled island.

As far as anyone's eye could see it looked like an ordinary island, the size was even smaller than a normal small inhabited island.

Everyone's gaze was focused on Airi, it was because when they arrived at the indicated coordinates, there was no port, let alone anchorage.

Chlust approached her to speak to her.

"Hey girl, you said this place was your home being attacked, but there is nothing here let alone life, this guy, Bradford, already surrounded the area and there is not a single living thing around."

Airi was in a panic and did not know what to answer.

Everyone asked her what was going on here, but she just stammered.

"It's just that... I..."

"You see..."

"I just..."

Tears flashed in her eyes, she held back the urge to cry at everyone's stern stares until....

"Shut the fuck up!"

...Rudel spoke.

"I was looking to see if I hadn't gotten the address mixed up, but it seems I haven't, Airi you perchance..."

Rudel's voice made the panicked expression increase to the point where she knew what he was going to say, and that was....

"You made a mistake in writing down the coordinates, didn't you?"

...Not to mention that he got it wrong.

Rudel made a warm smile as if he were a father telling his son that he wouldn't punish him after breaking a priceless vase.

"Don't worry, I too until I was eleven didn't know what the coordinates were for my home territory, it must be hard to remember something like that. Let's calmly think about what the specifications or characteristics of your island were yes?"

Airi made a pained face at those kind and not at all lying words.

Chlust and the others spoke to Rudel in an angry tone.

"Hey, Bradford! No matter how you look at this place, there's no life around here at all! There's no way this isn't a direction with no destination. I think that-"

Before he finished speaking Rudel dropped them.

"Shut your mouths! I never asked for your opinion! Unlike you I trust her and I know she wouldn't lie to me!"

Airi's eyes widened at what she heard, she should be happy about something like that, but the situation was only generating discomfort in the others.

Rudel was yelling at the guys who came as reinforcements not to speak something wrong about her.

That hurt her. She could hear Rudel raising his tone of voice as he responded rudely to Chlust.

"Why the hell are you talking like you know something about her, I'm telling you it must be a coordinate error! Stop talking pure red ape shit!"

"I'm telling you that even if it is, how weird is all this!!!? Can't you think of another excuse to try to defend her-"

Before he finished his sentence. Chlust was suddenly grabbed by Rudel, the boys tried to remove his hands, but their attempt was futile.

Airi watched in horror at what Rudel was doing just for her.

"Apologize. Apologize to Airi for saying stupid things! This instant!"

"Bradford, don't you take the opinion of anyone but her or Alicelotte?"

Airi's heart started to ache at hearing that, but then ached more at Rudel's response.

"Why should I care what others think, the only people's opinions I need to hear are those girls' and no one else!"

Looks from some of the girls and murmurs crept into Airi after that.

"I told you, no one would defend a person like that if they weren't his girlfriend."

"They may be boyfriend and girlfriend. But their aptitude is very arrogant and closed-minded."

"The hole between her legs must drive him crazy with happiness for him to protect her."

It looked like Rudel was going to turn to say something to those girls, but immediately his vision focused on Airi who ran away.

"Airi!!! Wait!"

Rudel let go of Chlust and immediately ran after her.

The boys and girls who saw that stood around talking to each other.


In the distance, there was a small boat with two people observing the situation in Brunhilde.

One of them, the driver, was drinking a beer as if it were water, while his companion was using binoculars while transmitting a message to someone.

"Yes. I was able to confirm the target, he just entered the ship. Looks like there are only kids inside from what I saw and the notification from our spy in the guild and dock."


"I understand, in that case I only have one question."


"After killing the men, can we keep the women and the ship? They look like houses we can extort, the ship is very rare and fascinating..."


A sinister smile formed in his gaze.

"You are indeed a very kind customer, we'll send you that bastard's head with the best expression of horror you can imagine."


"Yes. Yes. Of course we will, don't worry. It looks like the ship is turning around. Now with your respect I take my leave."

The man pressed a button on the communicator that looked like a conch.

He tapped his companion to put down his drink and signaled an order.

"Hey, you filthy bum, get off your dirty ass so we can get to the boss fast and proceed with the plan!"

After being affectionately insulted, the man put his hand on the engine and a light was emitted, the light was not his usual light blue color, this one was orange, as it was an illegal device that gathered prana from people, air and earth as fuel.

The small boat sped off in the same direction, but at a great speed.

The man with the binoculars was disgustedly running his tongue between his lips as he unpleasantly touched his pants.

"Since I'm the one who established contact with the client, who set up spies and watched these idiots since they arrived, I deserve a reward."

His eyes went upward as he remembered a certain girl....

"I couldn't believe it when I saw her. That girl was more beautiful than the poor peasant girls we normally use. Her hair was very pretty despite being messy, her face was like a doll and..."

...It was Airi.

Further lasciviously running her tongue, she continues her morbid sentence.

"For a teenager she has such huge tits!!!!! I must be the first to taste her before Captain Sellzan, breaks her both physically and emotionally. Ahhh~ I hope she's a virgin, it's been a long time since I've had one..."

Saliva poured out of the man, his bald head reflected the sun, he suffered from baldness and only had hair in the back. More and more obscene sentences came out of his mouth.

I was running after Airi who came out of the place agitated.

I can feel the airship moving, it must be Ixion's doing.

I shouted for it to stop.

"Airi!!! Please don't run!"

She kept running until she tripped over a cleaning robot, it was small as a poodle and circular as a plate.

After falling, she quickly tried to get up, but I grabbed her shoulder to pick her up and ask her what happened.

"Airi, why did you run so suddenly like that? I told you that anyone makes a mistake like that, you shouldn't feel bad about-."

After lifting her up, something happened that I never thought would happen.

"Why are you always acting in my defense!?"

"A-Airi... what's wrong with you..."

Her eyes were red and tears were falling like waterfalls, I can't understand what's happening to make her get.

"I-I don't know what's wrong, but come on, calm down a little."

"I don't want to!!!"

"Why are you going to all this trouble to help me!!!?"

"We're supposed to be friends, aren't we!!!?"

Her tone sounded very harsh, she was running out of oxygen.

"You've always helped me, I appreciate it, but..."

"But?" -I never imagined that word I said, it would tear me apart so much.

"The way you treat me is too suspicious!!!"

His words left me breathless, I didn't know what to reply. The shock was so great that I let out an attempt at words.

"Uh, I didn't... actually... I just, you see..."

"You didn't realize you were contradicting yourself with what you said to the prince."

"You told him he was a childish idiot for blindly trusting others... you did exactly the same thing!!!"

Those words made me remember what I had said to the stupid prince.

I hit him and spat that he shouldn't blindly trust someone just because he had a long relationship. What me and her had was just a friendship that started a few months ago.

"You're so smart, but you didn't realize that the letter was fake! The paper was from the trash, it was my handwriting, you even came all the way here all the way because of a lie I was forced to tell you! Why didn't you realize that?"

(Uh, wait... Airi, she cheated on me? But she's supposed to be my friend... I treated her so well).

I realized a little too late what I thought. My expression changed just having thought that part.

Treat well.

"I know that both, you and Alisa see me as a pet!!!"

That's right, like a dog.

I looked at Airi with a face that showed my fear.

She continued.

"I don't know if there's something you or Alisa are hiding, but don't treat me like I'm just your toy!"

Tears came every time she spoke.

"I'm not a toy!!! I'm not your pet!!! I'm a human being just like you!!!"

"Just because I'm a commoner, doesn't mean my life is insignificant compared to that of nobles or aristocrats!"

Her words hinted at what she had in store. Certainly, in this country the treatment of commoners is bad, but I have never treated Airi or the commoners in my house's territory as if they were objects.

I looked down at her words that seemed like a criticism of me, as if to someone else. But the next sentence made my hair stand on end as it was obviously meant for me.

"Rudel-san, the reason you are helping me... is it because you are interested in possessing my body?"

I was frozen by what I heard. I never thought of hearing that she could say something like that, I have certainly seen Airi as a woman and had moments dedicated only to her on some nights, but that, is something that leaves me speechless as it is true what she says.

Airi immediately covered her breasts with both hands, thinking I was seeing them from my downward gaze, her tears stopped for a second, but came back out like waterfalls.


"So it's true, I was hoping I was wrong, but you just see me as an object to satiate your lust don't you?"

(You're wrong! I did think obscene things about you, but I never thought of laying a hand on you!)

If I told her that, would she hate me more or hate me less?

I didn't know what to say or do now, I felt helpless for just a few words from a girl.

"I bet you were thinking of asking me to offer you my body for saving my village, weren't you?"

(I would never ask, I really valued our friendship. You're an important friend to me!)

I wanted to tell her that, but the words wouldn't come out of my head.

Her gaze turned dark as if the light in her eyes had faded.

"Come on, tell me what you were going to ask me? To cuddle? To kiss? To massage my breasts? Or maybe... want to be the first to test this silly commoner's chastity?"

Her words hurt my heart, it is not a heart made of steel, it is a heart as fragile as glass. In my old life it was the same way, if a girl rejected me I would start crying, she would say things like "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in a partner for now" or "I'm busy with my studies". But the next days I would see her with an attractive guy who looked like a delinquent with his piercings and tattoos, from that moment on I hated young women. Daughters of aristocrats for sure were the same so that's why I hated them, I met Alisa and only she changed a small part of my point of view.

But Airi, she is destroying my heart with her hurtful words.

How I didn't give her an answer she seemed to affirm that it was true what she said.

"I see, I'm sorry that this silly commoner doesn't want to offer her body to you as payment, maybe Alisa or someone else is interested in offering her body to you."

She slowly turned around, gave me a few last words before walking out of there.

"I... I considered that a commoner could make friends who are of a higher status, I was sorry to be just a hindrance of flesh to you."

He quickly ran off leaving me alone.

What was it that I did wrong?

I wanted to protect her and take care of her, not as a pet, but as a friend. or is that wrong?


After Airi ran off, a small needle came out of her never. It got bigger as it came out, it had strange black veins which surrounded part of her head, it got smaller and smaller until the strange needle coming out of her neck disappeared.

It clung to the wall and, like a snake, moved towards Rudel.

After circling him, it immediately jumped into his neck, piercing it and causing pain. But Rudel was so sad that he did not feel it.

Black veins reflected on his head, invisible to the human eye or Ixion.

As the mysterious needle entered, the black veins turned fluorescent violet.

Rudel had a headache after that.

"Gahh!!! My head, it hurts, it hurts, why does it hurt, Gahh!"

The needle was going deeper and deeper into him. The veins were growing taking up almost his entire skull.

"Ahhh!!! Ixion!!! Somebody!!! Help!!! It hurts!!!"

When the mysterious needle finally went in. Rudel stopped screaming and his hands collapsed hanging down as well as his head.

Slowly he was getting up. Nothing happened.

"My head hurt, what on earth happened?"

Immediately before scratching the back of his neck, an alarm sounded.

Ixion spoke through some speakers.

"Master, it's an emergency come quickly to the main cabin!"

Rudel immediately ran to the cockpit as he was called.

Ixion had called me over a loudspeaker to come to the main cabin or command post. What I saw from there was something that was not supposed to happen.

"Are you serious!!! That's too many ships to be just a pirate fleet!!!"

In front of me was a total of twenty seven pirate ships. They couldn't be more cliché I thought, they were big and black in color, the sails and airships were also black with a big white skull with hat and patch, at the bottom of the skull were swords and bones forming a big X.

Could they at least not be so generic?

I know it's a fantasy world, but please, have some shame!

The other guys were at the bottom getting ready to leave. Ixion immediately locked them in so they wouldn't dare come out, I was going to do that anyway, but it was a good thing he went ahead.

I quickly asked him the status outside.

"Ixion tell me what this looks like to me."

This super artificial intelligence of ancient humanity gave me the worst possible answer.

"For you, master. It's all very bad."

But what a piece of junk you are.

"With my cannons I can take them out while you drink tea, but you will surely want to avoid human loss for what looks very bad for you. After a scan I detect that there are six hundred humans on the ships, they are being divided into three parts."

"One of them is handling the ships and cannons."

"The second group runs to some smaller ships to invade Brunhilde."

"The last group consists of using mobile knights to fight."

"Umm... that's a very good formation in my opinion, should I applaud them despite being human trash?"

Putting aside what this floating junk says, it's a really bad situation. I don't want to kill anyone, I'm not a murderer. Even if the guys in front of me can take the lives of others easily, I won't act the same as them. Normal people and civilians don't go around killing others just because they dislike them.

"Get Battler ready! I'll be right out, use non-lethal ammo and keep anti-freeze missiles to stop them. They're pirates so cowardice is normal for them, they're sure to run away when I'm done with their leader!"

Among all the cliché ships there is one that is the most cliché and generic of all. It is twice as big with more sails and airships on its deck. It has its skull with something like a blue colored beard giving a very horrible combination in colors.

"I'm going to get ready! Don't let them leave until everyone is incapacitated got it!!!?"

In an electronic tone with no desire to answer correctly he confirmed "yes", I want to hit him.


Chlust and his companions were locked in the meeting room Brunhilde had. They had left their weapons there for when the time came, but were locked in after entering.

Chlust was banging on the door for Rudel to get him out. I knew there were no other personnel as I could see no one but some strange golems floating around there and there.

"Bradford, I know you're in there, get us out now! We want to support you! Do you hear me, Bradford!"

A voice came from a nearby speaker, it was Rudel.

"I'm sorry, but you guys are staying here for your safety."

Chlust immediately spoke angrily towards Rudel's voice.

"Damn you, you're trying to earn all the glory all by yourself aren't you?"

Obviously speakers were on the ships, so it would be impossible for anyone to answer him.

Only if it wasn't super technology from ancient humanity of course.

"Are you an idiot? Of course you are, but I didn't imagine you were such an idiot."

"Listen well, tell me how you're going to fight? Do you have a mobile knight? No! Do you have a personal ship? Nooo! Do you have any high range rifles? That's more obvious than no, you don't even know how to use one so you're completely useless."

"Be good children and play until I finish this so you guys can go out and clean up. I don't want your houses blaming me for losing your heirs."

Chlust fell silent at what Rudel's voice said.

The communication was cut off and Chlust screamed. His companions tried to calm him down.

After dressing, I went straight to the hangar where Battler was. My faithful companion big and stout, jet black in color and his body with red veins covering his body. His knees, elbows and shoulders had red circles, his chest was the center where the strange red veins came out as the center was a flashing hue. Her arms and legs are thick as trunks with her fingers in the shape of an exoskeleton, her feet looked like an all terrain vehicle.

I really admired her beauty, but I liked her head more. It looked like a motorcyclist's helmet, its eyes were a visor of the same flashing red as the center, apparently the lateral red lines on its face allow it to regulate its internal temperature since according to Ixion, there is a small reactor in its chest. I was so scared at the fear of radiation, but Ixion said that has several protective layers my cabin which makes it impossible for radiation to pass through, I was relieved to hear that.

After entering the booth, which was actually a small room with a chair for those people who are videotaping themselves playing. I settled in and after the hatch on his chest closed, some monitors that looked like high-definition televisions came on, eight of them grouped together forming almost a movie screen.

"All right, let's go pirate hunting!"

My enthusiasm was as great as my optimism, but I never imagined that would be the worst mistake I would ever make in my life.


On one of the pirate ships, to be exact the flagship. There was a man biting into a fried chicken wing, he was chewing with his mouth open as if he was a dog, some chicken fell into his belly button, his texture was thin with a big beer belly. He grabbed the fallen chicken there and ate it, a man next to him, the vice captain handed him a bottle of rum to down the food.

He drank it without moderation and drank it to the bottom.

He gave a big belch and then scratched his belly button, he had short hair and a big blue beard that didn't match his brown skin color at all.

The man was speaking casually to the vice captain.

"Hey, Faldeus. *eructation* Is it true what that bastard Barma said?

The tall orange-skinned man with lots of tattoos, ear piercings and a hideous green mohican answered him in the same tone he spoke to him.

"What's that, Captain Sellzan?

"You know. The client this time gave us a large amount of money for a murder. I mean, it's fine for us to get paid for killing a stupid brat, but don't you think it's weird?"

The vice captain looked quizzical at that question.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. I'm talking about it's a large sum of money just for a simple country nobleman. If he's really an insect as you described, he could simply take care of it himself. In truth, Count Rossini sure likes to open his mouth, it's thanks to him and that person that we can freely do as we please in this country."


The man covered his mouth to think thoroughly.

"But?" -Said the vice captain staring at his thoughtful captain.

"That ship is really strange, Barma said there were only children there and no one else. But that's the strange thing, who is moving it if there are no sailors?"

The captain was very perceptive in small details, for it was thanks to his high sense of analyzing situations that he owed his fame. The captain of the blue-bearded pirates, Sellzan, the cunning fox they called him. The most feared criminal gang in the whole world, an enemy that he protagonist together with the heroine should defeat to strengthen their relationship, but that was not happening now thanks to Rudel.

"It's very rare, or rather, information is scarce. Just in case have my Ozymandias ready."

The vice captain was taken aback at what he heard.

"My captain? You're seriously planning to use your own armed unit to fight!"

"You moron. It's just a just in case. On this continent there is no better machine faster and more agile than mine. In order to catch up with me, you'd need something that flies like a missile, terararara."

The captain let out his usual weird laugh, the vice captain ran to the hangar to prepare his mobile knight.

A man watching Brunhilde informed him.

"Captain, they're finally moving! A mobile knight is peeking out!"

Sellzan stopped laughing to watch from the open window along with binoculars what was going on.

He was looking at Battler emerging from the front of the ship.

"Hah! What is that ugly thing! It's so big and sturdy, how is it that something that looks from such an old generation can be used today?

"Never mind, tell them to go crush it!

A pirate who was on comms relayed his message, continued to watch Battler.

"All he's got in his hand is a club with spikes on the ends and... what the heck is that?"

"It looks like a weird big X with big bullets on each end that he's embedding in his back."

"Huu~ that's disgusting. Hurry up and kill it, I want to check that ship and see if there are any women worth selling on the slave market or using us-"

Before he could finish his dreadful sentence he heard a huge explosion.

He looked ahead and yelped in startled fright.

"What the hell was that all about!"

Going outside I ran into a large number of mobile knights, according to Ixion's analysis, they were all similar to the one Chlust used, it seems to be called Adamas class. What a horrible name and they have guys too.

They all flew, from their feet and back emanated a large gray magic circle, in the center had a crest in the form of four wings attached to a shield with something similar to crosses at the ends.

All the armed units were the same blue color, which made it very unpleasant to look at. They also used rifles that had a magic circle at the tip, the crest was something like a bow and arrow at the upper end, while the lower end had a short sword. Others used very piratey swords, again these used magic circles, their crest was a skull, seriously, someone tell these people they were embarrassing.

Their voices were so hoarse and obnoxious, they all sounded exalted.

Battler couldn't fly as it was originally for ground combat, that's why I'm using an extension that plugs into his back like a USB. It was X shaped with large and small sized rocket boosters on the ends, the order from large to small is top and bottom.

My only weapon was a spiked club, if I used another weapon they would have likely died instantly, so I opted to use the easiest weapon to guess how much damage it will do. I prepared as well, rather Ixion did. Non-lethal ammunition made of rubber, it will destroy iron and steel, but will not kill humans, I also had a rocket launcher with anti-freeze projectiles on my back.

The combat began when after being completely outside I ignited the rocket boosters.

I quickly approached the armored unit and hit it hard on the head destroying it.

After the body fell, I approached another one and in the same way its head was destroyed, the other pirates around noticed and suddenly came towards me.

I took out my four-barrel rocket launcher and pressed the button, in each barrel there were four holes where four missiles were stored in the shape of beer cans, they came out propelled from the end of taking impacting the air meters straight away from them.

After a few seconds of being in contact with the air, the contents which appeared to be various boogers quickly solidified with the armed units. I could hear the voices of the pirates sounding shocked at what happened.

"Hey, what the hell is this thing!"

"I can't get away from it!"

"I can't cut it!"

Of course you can't idiots, it's made of some I don't know what, Ixion mentioned. It seemed to be important so next time I'll pay attention.

Small ships were approaching Brunhilde, I was not terrified as I had an excellent countermeasure.

Small drones that looked like flying frying pans were coming out from the vicinity and firing with non-lethal ammunition, the ships of course were destroyed and the pirates fell into the sea, but before they fell the drones fired the anti-freeze missiles so they would all stay together and not sink.

After verifying that they were okay, I proceeded to continue my fight.

One bastard was yelling at me "you dirty cheater! I, the great Floki will-" and before he finished speaking in his squeaky voice I kicked him good and hard impacting a large boat.

The bastards behind him took distance and attacked me with their... swords?

From the strange magic circle emanating from the tips of their swords, mysterious multicolored attacks shot out. The same applied from their rifles. It's all so strange that I shouldn't be surprised by this anymore.

A large cloud of rainbow smoke covered Battler, the bastards screamed with joy at the thought of defeating me.

But I immediately came out of the smoke and started once again kicking their asses.


Sellzan watched in horror as his subordinates both in boats and those using armed units fell into the sea by a single person, before long it would look like a sargasso in the area.

Each passing second equaled more defeated subordinates.

He shouted in panic to a man who was on comms.

"Hey, what the hell is that thing! No matter how many numbers we have or how many attacks we give it, that son of a bitch won't go down!"

Sellzan watched in horror as half of the envoys were left in just a few minutes, at which point the vice captain arrived.

"My captain, your armed unit is ready!"

"Oh Faldeus, you arrived just in time, I want you to take command and tell everyone using armed units that we will use the Cannanite combat formation , while the boats will serve as support to shoot that bastard. I'll be out to pound him too."

"Understood" -said the vice captain with a sinister smile in his eyes.

The other pirates in the place smiled and muttered among themselves.

"Shall we use our trump card and best strategy against a single enemy?"

"No choice, the wretch is too strong."

"Yes. Besides, the captain himself said he wouldn't go out too? He means victory is assured now."

While the pirates were conversing among themselves their captain had already left the room, the vice captain grabbed a conch-shaped communicator to inform his subordinates.

Sellzan walked toward the hangar with a smile.

"Now that I'm coming out to deal with you, get ready to know why we're the strongest in the world, you son of a bitch."

He had just taken out another nasty pirate when suddenly all of them along with their small ships were retreating. Had he finally understood that it was an unwinnable battle for them?

I was checking how many missiles were left, zero total. It seemed I had used them all. I still had my ammunition intact so I was fine. The drones protecting the ship were still on guard.

I was about to send a message to surrender when a deep blue armored unit descended from the flagship. It appeared to have a shark fin on its back, it was larger than the others, in one hand it held an anti-tank type rifle and in its hand a saw-like sword.

The bastard spoke in a tone of extreme self-confidence.

"Now that the great and magnificent captain of the blue-bearded pirates came. You dirty son of a bitch will see the end of your days, terarara."

I ignored the bastard and the laughter and insults of the others towards me.

I was about to shoot him to shut them up, but then all the armed units moved in circles forming half a ring.

I didn't understand what they were doing, but I didn't care. I simply shot out towards one of them and smashed his head, these guys don't learn it seems.

Before I moved to the next target, a hail of rifle and sword shots hit Battler.


I screamed in panic because of the loud impacts that sounded, after finishing their shots I observed how all the armed units and small ships were at a considerable distance and again proceeded to attack me.

Showers of magic shots hit Battler in every part of his body without a single space without hitting.

After they finished shooting at me again, I flew straight out towards the leader to eliminate him.

If I defeat the main bastard the others will surrender, it's the norm for things like this in organizations.

Before my club could hit him, the bastard took to the sky. I stood for a few seconds in amazement at how absurdly fast he soared.

I did the same and reached him seconds later, once again before I touched him. The fucker went about ten meters out of my reach to the side.

Again I followed his direction, but this time he came down before I reached him. Then he gave an order to his subordinates and they attacked me. There was not a single gap free of damage.

Before I knew it, the attack was over and the saw-sword bastard was on top of me, out of his strange sword came a magic circle with the crest in the shape of ten wings in a circle and those wings had circles as well.

The saw-sword became stout and enlarged three times its size, it looked like the mouth of a bulldozer.

Its weapon hit me pushing me down so hard that it shook the inside of my cockpit.

I managed to steady him before he fell into the sea.

I looked up, well Battler's visor did. And watched the bastards getting into attack position.


Airi was in her room with her head on her legs sitting on her bed.

The reason was Rudel.


"Why did I tell him that?"

"Rudel-san has always helped me, it's normal for him to get nervous if I said all those strange things to him, why did I have to say something meaningless like that?"

Airi was strange, her reason was the terrible things she said to Rudel, since the morning her mood was weird. Yesterday she was sad, but that was not reason enough to say those things to Rudel.

Suddenly she falls from her bed to the floor.


She gave a delighted cry as she wondered what was going on outside. Peeking out of her bedroom window she saw something that horrified her.

It was Battler being bombarded from different angles. He could hardly move, to top it off. Brunhilde was also being attacked from the sides, a magical shot hit the side of the window, the damage only caused the wood that served as camouflage to fall.

Immediately Airi thought of only one thing.


She screamed from her room in horror due to the danger Rudel was in.

She immediately ran out of the room heading somewhere.

Why was this happening?

I was being bombarded over and over again. There was no blind spot to try to escape.

Of course, his attacks on both Battler and Brunhilde are useless as they are part of a super technology of ancient humanity.

Ixion mentioned that they would never be defeated by weapons of the new humanity, so I would be safe.

So why am I terrified now?

"Ixion, fire the shoulder ammunition!"

"Master, they're already spent, I recommend you eliminate the threat in front of you!"

I yelled at Ixion.

"No!!! I told you, I don't want to kill anyone!!!! Normal people don't take other people's lives that easy-"

Before I finished speaking I was hit by the wave of explosions.


My cabin was shaking as if I was on an eternal roller coaster that just goes down and around endlessly.

Why was this happening to me?

There is no way Battler is going to be destroyed. So why am I panicking as if at any moment a message will come up indicating critical damage?

Ixion spoke to me exalted in his electronic voice.

"Master, please give me an order now!!!!! I am just a tool of the humans, it is impossible to do anything if you don't order me!!!"

"Ixion, stop these bastards without killing anyone!!!"

"Impossible in accomplishing that!!!!! If you want to get out of here you will have to eliminate them, they are just toying with you, they won't be able to hurt this guy, but you are under a great deal of stress and anxiety, I recommend proceeding to eliminate them before you have a nervous breakdown!!!"

"I told you no!!!"

When I yelled at Ixion I didn't realize I was on top of Brunhilde. The fire had ceased and before I knew it the bastard was on top of me again.

"Terarara, take thiiiis!!!"

He wretchedly swung his weapon and hit me like a bat to a baseball.

Battler was hit and impacted hard against Brunhilde's surface. Bits of wood that were his camouflage scattered high into the air, revealing the true steel form of part of the ship.

What had I done to deserve this?

I'm just a simple person of the bunch, I don't have anything that anyone could care about, not counting Ixion and his super technology from the past. I don't have anything more than that, I'm not even attractive to say it's a punishment for conquering girls with partners.

I never hurt anyone or abused commoners. I never swindled a single person either in this life or the previous one.

Why do I suffer this torment?

Before I knew it the bastards stood in a circle in the sky. They were pointing big rifles that looked like bazookas at me.

The leader of the bastards spoke to me before what was about to happen.

"Terarara. My Ozymandias is of the Cornelius class, one of the fastest in the world. Add to that the corrupted plasma tree he has implanted, which allows us to gather prana from living things, animals or plants as well as air. We can have an infinite amount of prana for our attacks, terarara. We'll never be defeated if we use this formation and as long as I'm in charge!"

I didn't need to know any of that, let alone care.

"We will suffer no loss of prana as it is thanks to the fact that we have it located on our ships, by using it we can gather and store like a hive the stored aether."

No, seriously. Shut up already, your voice is horrible and what you say is very much like an old fashioned villain who is always defeated after telling his plan.

Is listening to your bullshit also part of my suffering?

Your rifles once again had a magic circle with a crest in the shape of a winged sword. I was getting sick of this already, seriously, what the hell is in their heads to use so many weird and strange magic circles?

Whose fault is it that this is happening to me?

-You know whose fault it is?

The pirates?

-No. Who put me up to this?

Then the person who brought me here came to mind.

-Who was the person who asked for my help? -Who was the person who asked for my help?

-Who was the person who gave me the coordinates to come here?

- Who was the person who lied to me and lured me into this trap?

-The person I thought was my friend.

"That's right. The blame for all this is-"

Before I declared the culprit I was bombarded by an intense red light.


Airi was running towards a door that led to the outside, there were a few robots standing guard so that no one would enter by opening it, but upon observing her they tried to stop her.

"Noo, let me go, I have to see Rudel-san and apologize to him!"

Airi was removing the robots by pushing them away like floating garbage cans. Removing the one guarding the door she stepped out.

It was only seconds that she saw.

"Burn, you son of a bitch, burn. inferno Star Shot!"

A blue armed unit with shark fin in the back shouted and everyone around them fired towards Battler. A huge spiral flare about sixty meters high occurred, after several seconds the flare gradually lowered to form a large bonfire.

Airi saw that.

"Rudel-san, no!!!"

She shouted as she watched Battler go up in flames, even from the distance where she was, the intense heat was overwhelming. He couldn't get closer, even if he wanted to.

A voice sounded from his right.

"I fo~und you ,☆ hu~ge boobs-chan. ♡♡♡"

An armed unit approached her grabbing her, the voice sounded very morbid.

"Oh shit, her tits are even bigger nearby!!! No doubt this is a big game!"

Airi was caught.

The man kept saying more morbid things related to her, meanwhile, several boats were heading to the other end of Brunhilde. They planned to invade it since Battler had been defeated.

The shark fin armed unit descended along with the others to the deck, they were all several meters away from Airi, but they could cut the distance with a few steps. The captain spoke up.

"Barma, is that the girl you were mentioning? Umm... damn you wretch, I'll take it from you, your reward will be to be the first to taste her, but when it's my turn no one else will, only I want to break her, terarara."

"Ehh!!! It's not fair captain I want too!!!"

"Captain always gets the best women!!!"

"Silence, you ball of ticks!!!!! I already gave an order and it will be carried out, the other women on the ship will be yours and that's the end of it."

Airi's face was terrified by what she heard, fear made her shake like jelly. The boats had already landed and had forced one of the entrances inside, they all carried swords or rifles.

Airi wanted to shout only one name, the name of an existence she knew would always come out to support her. That name was-

Before she could shout that name, the man who held her prisoner gave her some warm words.

"You heard what the captain said, don't worry. A big-titted cutie like you should be given the best of attention, so I'll be as gentle as possible. You're really going to enjoy my-"

Before he finished his morbid sentence, a black hand grabbed his head like a medium ball, it lasted only a fraction of a second and his head was crushed like an egg.

Airi and the others witnessed this, their expressions were stunned, the hand had a wire coming out of the flames.

As he opened his fist, the hand quickly returned from where it came out, the pirate's hand that had Airi opened and released her, she fell a few inches to the ground while the armed unit walked backwards until it fell off the ship and crashed into the sea.

Then they all heard a sound.

*kachim, kachim, kachim?

It was the sound of footsteps, they were slow, but very intense. The sound came from only one direction, the campfire where Battler was.

The pirates slowly, like in a horror movie, turned around when they heard the sound that continued to be heard.

From the intense flames that seemed like the very fire of hell, a shadow was barely visible, even among the flames its jet black color stood out more than the flames, its red eyes shone so bright that they suppressed the fire next to it. And, the extension he had on his back to fly gave him the impression of having wings. Along with the flames his figure was distorted showing an aberration before the eyes, it was almost as if he were a....

"D-d-d-demon! It's a demon, uwahh!!!"


The pirates started firing at point blank range making the flame grow larger, after a while they stopped and they no longer heard the footsteps.

The captain made a shout of joy, the others the same, then he heard a communique.

"Captain. this is an emergency!!! We need backup, I repeat. We need-"

The communication suddenly went dead. Another call he heard.

"We need backup my captain, no. We need to get the hell out of here immediately!!! This place is more dangerous than we thought!!! There is no crew so it should have been a piece of cake, but some strange golem like things started attacking us and..."

The man's voice sounded agitated and sounds of gunshots as background sounded very intense.

"This place is very dangerous, we've already lost most of them. We must escape as soon as possible- no, get away from me, I'm warning you, no, please don't. Noo, ahhhh-"

Suddenly the communication was cut off, then a sound was heard. It was a gate on the left side, it seemed to be a waste disposal gate, then a large number of things fell, no. They were not objects, they were people. The captain watched in horror as his subordinates fell as if they were garbage cans. All of them had bloody arms or legs.

Sellzan saw that and his panicked expression increased to a degree of extreme fear, voices of the falling pirates could be heard.

"Please help!"

"I don't want to die!"


Suddenly without warning. Two of those beside him were dragged by two black hands coming out of the flames, one of them screamed and was quickly ejected in flames into the sea, the other was ejected as if thrown up in their direction, he had his limbs and head destroyed, he looked like a cardboard box with holes in it.

Then, a hand appeared out of the flames, the hand was pointing in his direction. Above the hand was a large red light that stared at Sellzan. It then spoke through the flames with a hostile tone.

"You... are dead!!!"

Battler was covered in flames, the flames lasted a few seconds. But that time was too long for me so I came to the right answer.

(The blame for all this is on her, that woman, the one who claimed to be my friend. Irisdina!!!).

Immediately after finishing the attacks, Ixion informed me.

"Master, the pirates have entered the ship, emergency orders!!!?"

I stood there thinking for a few seconds as I watched the imbeciles laugh at me.

I gave a simple order to Ixion.

"Don't kill them, it may leave them with severely damaged limbs or their spines, I authorize you to be very rough if you wish, but get rid of them now!"

The ever talkative Ixion suddenly went quiet, what's wrong with you, isn't it normal for you to be quiet?

Out of nowhere he spoke asking me if I was okay.

"Master, are you really saying that, are you really sure of what you are saying, they are human beings to you aren't they? You don't want to kill them, but the wounds I will cause them will make them ask for death."

I quickly interrupted him so that he wouldn't continue saying idiocies.

"You're wrong, I don't want to kill them, but. I won't let them kill me either, they sought my wrath themselves, that's right. themselves and that woman!"

I turned my gaze to one of the monitors to observe that Air- no, the woman by name, Irisdina, was being held hostage by one of those bastards, I told Ixion once again to proceed with the cleanup.

This bastard replied that he had already started since I gave the order, don't make me worry for the sake of it.

After hearing his confirmation, I used a secret technique I hadn't tried in combat, Battler's right hand shot out catching the bastard's head, then I crushed it like an egg.

My hand came back and the bastard fell into the sea, then I stood up and walked slowly why I didn't want to cause dent by the force of Battler's footsteps, the wretches shot at me, after stopping their shots Ixion informed me something.

"Master, the defeat of the intruders is about to end, just as you said, I was a bit rude as I didn't want them to dirty the airship any more than it already is, what do you wish to do now?"

"It's obvious. Throw them down the dumpster, use some antifreeze so they don't sink into the sea."


Then through some internal cameras I managed to see how the pirates were being thrown by the robots down the dumpster after being sprayed with the mucus.

They were dropping like screaming flies, it made me laugh to remember how confident they were and now they were no more.

And now the next ones, I noticed that the flames were no longer as high so thermal mode was no longer unnecessary. So I did the same thing I did earlier, I grabbed two bastards, one of them burst into flames as I entered, so to keep him from dying I threw him into the sea. The other had his head melting so I ripped off his limbs to keep the prana from inflating him like a balloon, his head I also ripped off and threw to the front.

It was then that I saw a figure, the person who drew me into this and made me angry like never before. Irisdina.

I pulled my hand out of the flames and raised my index finger pointing at her.

"You... are dead!!!"