
World Invasion: Cultivation

I've read transmigration novels, but they've never had too many people transferred at once. I want to change that by bringing an entire world and plop it over another. How would two technological time periods clash? How will they adapt to a magic/cultivation based world where technology is less than an after thought? *** =Rewriting In progress= -=Progress 21%+Old World Lore and Prologue=- (Each percent = Corresponding chapter number) *** Ip Cheng, an oriental man whose been away from his birth country since 8 finally returns at 19. He hasn't fully been separated from the culture though as he's read cultivation novels while away. He's come to reminisce a little about his past as well as take a break to enjoy his stay. Not long after though a quaking erupts from the earth as he loses consciousness. When he wakes up nothing seems different, until new land is suddenly discovered. It's almost like one of the transmigration novels he's read, but who is the protagonist? Normally it's just one person who's transferred, but what about now? Also Yanderes, multiple Yanderes, many Yanderes, just enough Yanderes. Please tell me if you spot any errors or plot holes in my writing. That would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Schedule: I'm enjoying writing YSM more right now, possible resumption in the future. P.S This is my first time writing a novel and I'm doing this for fun.

RoosterLop · Eastern
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121 Chs

First steps into Cultivation

Taking a glance at the three manuals she set down on my lap, I was a little astounded. They were created the same way that my own were, as pages were bind together with a string at it's spine. It was created more extravagantly though, while my own manuals were made of basic materials and seemed quite worn down, hers was made of some expensive parchment and a colorful blue binding string, it also seemed like you wouldn't be able to smudge it if you tried.

Just by reading the names alone they seemed a little too fancy and even difficult to preform. She just started this kind life right? I should to teach her about about going at this one step at a time.

She brought: [Flowing Swordsmanship: 8 Forms] a more advanced sword technique book than mine, [Sky Skipping Steps] a more advanced movement technique than mine, and [Gentle Flame] a healing manual.

"After getting my room key a woman came over to me, giving me a token and a jade slip telling me that, 'You can use this to access the second floor of the library.' So I went over there and found these manuals." Quickly taking out her token and jade slip to show me.

"These are cool manuals, but make sure you don't overwork yourself. They sound like hard techniques to understand so if you need to, go and choose an easier technique to comprehend." I tried advising her before returning the manuals to her.

After doing so an old man came onto the stage announcing the start of the class.

"Since all of you are new to cultivation, we have prepared a manual for your first stage." Books appear with a wave of the old man's hand and a flash of light before they started flying towards everyone.

Getting a hold of the book it was called Limit breaker/ For the cultivation beginners.

'Hmm, that's quite a name for it. But it's pretty appropriate as well considering what cultivation is about.'

"The manuals I've given you shall help you through the first two stages of cultivation Body Refinement, and Meridian Opening. Now take 4 incense sticks of time to read a little just before the training techniques about the first stage. Afterward I'll teach you how to start it off." Finishing up to sit down and meditate with a bowl of four incense sticks in front of him.

'Wow, what is this some kind of self study session for the first lesson? Whatever I guess I better start reading.'


Body Refinement- The first stage of cultivation.

During this stage the cultivator may still not gather Qi. They will be strengthening their body for the second stage where they will be able to start using general qi. The strengthening will involve the flesh, muscles, bones, and spine. The strength of the cultivator's body shall be approximately 1.5 times then average mortal and 1.2 times faster once reaching the first level of the stage.

The spine will be the hardest and most dangerous to temper as if done wrong there is a possibility of becoming disabled. There are nine levels to this stage. 2 for the flesh, muscles, and bones while the spine has 3 levels dedicated to it. Normally people take 3-5 days to get to level one which tempers the flesh, same for level two.

Level 3 - 4 tempers the muscles all at once.

Level 5 - 6 tempers the bones, starting from bones below the waist, not including the spine. The second level will temper those remaining bones above the waist, not including the spine.

Level 7 -9 tempers the spine. Since this part is disastrous it's separated into three different parts. The first level tempers the lower part of the spine, the second level tempers the middle part of the spine, and finally the last level tempers the upper part of the spine.


*SSSsss...* The incense stick finally runs out.

"Times up, Now everyone has qi in their bodies since birth right? About 99 strands are the average amount people have and they are scattered within your bodies. You must first meditate, find and gather at 11 of those strands within your body to begin your redistribution into Body Refinement level one.

You must search within your bodies for these strands with your mind in meditation focusing of your location of your search or you might not find it. Class dismissed, I'll see you in three days." As soon as the word 'days' left his mouth he flew away and other students began leaving.

Looking over to Yao Ya I ask "So do you understand any of that?"

"Well only a little, I think I can feel three of these strands already." Looking at her she seems embarrassed at her lack of comprehension.

'What the fuck! He just told us about this and she already almost has 30% of what was needed?!'

"Damn, that's amazing! I didn't feel like I understood anything, let alone feeling any strands. I think I should go back to my room, I gotta focus so I can feel them too." Standing up I prepared to go to my room when suddenly the other four converged upon our position.

Qiu Tu spoke first climbing the stairs "So.. You weren't lying about this cultivation stuff."

"What you still thought I was lying? Even after the magical floating number crystal?! What about those people who could literally fly?" I exclaimed in surprise.

"W-well... we that could do that too, why wouldn't they be able to." She said while looking down at her token.

"But there's nothing modern here that could even make us think that technology was involved." I said sitting back down.

"Uhh... So how long are we even going to stay here?" She asked changing the topic.

"I feel like we should at least get to the second stage before going home to show the World Alliance what they could be dealing with. At that point we would be able to showcase Qi to those who still don't believe us. We also have no idea what's happening back home though so that might be an issue." I expressed my thoughts.

"So we're actually going to 'cultivate' here for however long it takes? Well, its fine with me I suppose gaining all this power ain't so bad." Hu Daquan said while examining his hands

"So do any of you have any feeling of the Qi hidden in your bodies?" I asked wondering about their situation.

"Yeah, I feel it around my stomach." Qiu Tu hugs her stomach.

"I feel it around my left forearm." Liang Jia extends his arm out.

"My right shoulder felt something while I was searching." Rao Nuan injects.

"How do you guys feel anything, I didn't feel anything!" Hu Daquan replied crossing his arms

"Yea, me neither, I'ma go back to my room to find this thing. I'll see you guys later. If you haven't gotten a manual yet you should probably go get one." Standing back up I walked back down the stairs, outside, and back to my room.

Getting back inside The place hasn't changed yet. I wonder who my roommate is I haven't seen him at all yet, anyway I should find this Qi strand. Sitting down onto the bed I begin my search by closing my eyes.

Trying to focus my mind on my body parts nothing comes up. Concentrating on my right hand slowly exploring with my conscious starting from my pinky to my thumb, my thumb to my palm and slowly up my arm until I feel something. Is it my first strand? Its warm and small like a string, I could feel it floating around my forearm. It was like nothing obstructed it within me besides the my skin which barred it from the outside world.

Choosing to make my heart the gathering spot I slowly guide it over using the manuals instructions. I did it I found one, now to find another 10 for the first level. Finding another 7 minutes after I felt like I was doing really well, until I spent another hour with no progress. A little frustrated I went to the backyard to practice the manuals.

Taking out the sword to release a bit of stress I start swinging, vertical slashes, horizontal slashes, and diagonal slashes. Stopping at a few hundred to start practicing the movement skill. Running around the yard like a madman without a bit of grace as I huffed and puffed, after a little while I just climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Waking up I try my luck with the search I once again, this time finding two strands within a quarter hour of each other and stop to practice my manuals only after an hour and half of not finding anything more. I got increasingly good at the basic slashes and attacks of the styles, the movement ability also increased my endurance and agility a bit. I just don't have any experience in combat with it. After another day it was time for the first meet up.

After being seated the teacher just asked who had made it to level one and for those people to raise their hands. Around 7% of the people raised their hands including Yao Ya, Rao Nuan, and the 'Young Master' who I just remembered was here too who smirked as he raised hand. And that was the whole class he just dismissed us afterword telling us to come back tomorrow.

I did the same I had been doing the previous three days and had gathered 8 strands of Qi in total before going to bed.

During class today around 55% of the people raised their hands this time including Qiu Tu and Liang Jia this time. Telling us once again to come back the next day.

Getting back home I immediately started the search throughout my body and find two strands once again within a quarter of an hour of each other, but this time I kept searching for another 5 hours. Then I finally found it the last one required, which lingered within my left kneecap.

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