
World Hopping with my Friend

Two friends get to be reincarnated, they get the ability to hope to different worlds along with many others First world is Avatar: The Last Airbender ------------------------------------------------------------ I don't own any of the art that will be shown in this novel This is wish-fulfillment GARBAGE

MR_No1 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

I know where we are

[Hello you two, you might be wondering what world you two are in, and what a couple of things I said id give you to help you out, so, first off, the system, obviously, second, I added a function to the system's Mission function, once you both beat the current story arc, you will be given a choice to travel to another world, don't worry though, as if you want the world you are leaving can be frozen in time, so once you return, its as if nothing has changed, and if you want, you don't have to leave the world after the story arc, you can stay, but, you will not get another chance until you complete the next story arc]

"Hmm, alright," Kin

[Now, once you go to another world, you will be given a new power related to that world, and as you may have guessed from hearing that, yes, you two are in Avatar: The Last Airbender, now, I hope you both the best, I have to reincarnate some more people, please do be safe]

"Woah, Avatar, that's awesome!" Jack

"Hmm, he said story arc, does that mean that we will be put in a random arc? Or does that mean we start at the beginning of every story?" Kin

"Oh, good question, um, we also need to find out where we are," Jack

"Yeah, well I guess we should look around, I did a little exploring while you were unconscious, but I didn't go far cause, well, you were unconscious," Kin

"Right, well, come on, hopefully, we were put somewhere that Aang and the others will visit, cause if not, then that means we're going to have to hunt em down," Jack

"That.....sounded violent," Kin said as he and Jack exited the main hall and proceeded to look around

While walking down a hallway, Kin went to step forward, but his foot was met with something, causing a ringing sound to play out

"Fuck!!" Kin shouted as he held his foot

"Hahahaha!! Dumbass!!" Jack only laughed at Kin, who looked forward to seeing what he had kicked, only for the color in his face to drain

"Jack....." Kin tried to get Jack's attention

"Hahahahaha!!" Jack could stop laughing

"JACK!" Kin shouted causing Jack to stop in an instant, pointing forwards toward what Kin had kicked, Jack had a look of fear in his eyes as he realized what it was

"Fire nation?!" Jack shouted as Kin looked at the fire nation helmet

"It's old, from what I remember, I'm pretty sure these are the models the fire nation used at the beginning of the war, I think I only saw them maybe a handful of times in the show," Kin said as he looked around them, he looked at the walls of the hall they were in

"I think I know where we are," Kin said causing Jack to gulp

"Where?" Jack

"I think we're at the southern air temple," Kin

"fuck, wait, then that's a good thing right, didn't they visit the southern air temple in like, the third episode?" Jack

"Yea, but, I have a feeling Aang might try to kill me if I reveal I'm a fire bender since he goes into the avatar state and all that...I have an idea," Kin

"What?" Jack

"We still need to confirm that we're at the southern air temple, and if we are, then we can throw all of the fire nation's bodies off of a cliff, so that way he doesn't just go straight for my neck, I mean, he's still going to know that it was the fire nation afterward, and he'll probably be a little pissy toward me for a while, along with Sokka and Katara, since they don't like fire benders anyhow, but hey, they gave Zuko a chance after what he did, so I see me being good, and with the offer of teaching him firebending, and you teaching him and Katara waterbending, we shouldn't have anything to worry about," Kin

".....Alright, but we need to get started on confirming this is the southern air temple first, and if it is, we need o quickly get rid of all the bodies, then rain our asses off until they get here so that we don't have to worry about having to use our scrolls and anyone seeing them," Jack

"Alright, well I say we outta put a little pep in our step," Kin said as he started to jog

"Yeah," Jack replied as he and Kin started sprinting around the building

After the longest five minutes of their lives and trying to navigate the hallways of the building, they finally arrived outside, where they saw something that they both recognized

"Airball," Kin

"Fuck!! We need to quickly-" jack assaying but suddenly a huge pillar of light shot threw the air in the distance

"Huh....is that?" jack

"Yep, well, at least we know we have at least what? A day or two?" Jack

"Yep, let's get cleaning up the bodies!" Kin said but the system's cold voice rang out through both of their heads


[New Mission!]

[Prepare for team Avatar's arrival!]

[Time Left: 36 hours]

[clean up any trace that the fire nation was here by getting rid of any of the fire nations armor or corpses, and train for the remainder of the time]

[Rewards: 200 shop points, Outfit Creation ticket]

[Mission fail: none]


"Oh, well that's handy, um, let's get to work then, shall we?" Kin

"After you," Jack said as he and Kin quickly started to run around to find any fire nation corpses, they threw them all in a pile outside so that they could just focus on finding whatever bodies they could first

After around an hour to two, they had rounded up all of the bodies they could find, now they started to throw the corpses off of the side of the mountain, all together it took them around five hours to gather and dispose of all the bodies

"Finally, we can train!" jack

"Fuck that, I'm exhausted, I might go the fuck to sleep," Kin

"I'm tired too, but come on, we've only been awake for 6 hours?" Jack

"I was awake before you remember? but yeah, you're right, we should train, be careful though, don't damage your scroll," Kin said as he stood up and pulled his scroll out, leading Jack to do the same, they then spent the next few hours training until they got to tired to continue, so they went back to the main hall, and fell asleep