
World Hopping-Easy Mode

A single terrorists, took over a building and wanted to make it explode to hurt many people. But a brave 20-year-old guy did something really brave. He hugged the person who was going to make the building explode. Then, he jumped out of the building, saving others but losing his own life. His bravery stopped the horrific plan and saved many people. Even though he is not here anymore, people will always remember him as someone really brave who cared about others. Jake's Pov As I stood there, the weight of the decision pressed heavily on my mind. The world around me blurred, and the muffled sounds of chaos filled the air. Deep down, I knew that I had a choice to make – a choice between saving myself or risking everything to save others. My heart raced, and a whirlwind of thoughts flooded my mind. Fear clawed at me, urging me to run away, to escape the impending danger. But then, amidst the chaos, I saw the faces of those innocent people – the families, the children, the ones who had no part in this madness. A profound sense of responsibility and empathy welled up within me. I couldn't stand by and watch as their lives were threatened. A surge of courage ignited within, challenging the fear that held me back. "What if I don't make it?" I wondered. The unknown loomed before me, but the thought of not trying to save them felt even worse. In that moment, a simple truth crystallized in my mind – the value of human life and the importance of standing up for what is right. The decision was made. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try to make a difference. With a deep breath, I steeled myself for what lay ahead. The path of sacrifice stretched before me, but in that instant, I embraced it. I chose to be the shield that stood between the innocent and harm, knowing that the price might be high, but the purpose was greater. "What are you doing??" The terrorist yelled but I tackled him, fortunately the floor window was big enough, I tried to push him out but he suddenly grabbed me, leaving me no choice, I-I choose to jump with him. Arghhhhhhhhhh He shouts too loudly probably, trying to vent out his frustration, " What a Idiot am I.." -------------------------------------------------------------- Covers not mine, from google

Enigmatic_Dream · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


I watched those two idiots bickering as they walked, chuckling I also followed them, Asta looked back and seeing me he waved.

Yuno also looked back and nodded and then kept going on.

Together we reached Church and another round of celebration started but this time with Fire Boars meat. I have hunted earlier and brought it along, of course that resulted in scolding from father and Sister Lily as they scolded me for doing such dangerous thing.

But Overall, our celebration party ended with a bang.

After celebration.

"Asta , Give me your Grimoire, I will fix it for you" I said to Asta.

"Huh? Fix it but it's not broken" Asta said showing his Grimoire.

"Its not broken but it is dirty, let me help you with it, My Magic can make it as good a new" I said trying to fool him.

"Okay, I will leave it to you" And Asta agreed.

"Hmm, I will make it so new that you won't be able to identify it" I said with a smile.

Asta nodded.

Coming out of Church I climbed the roof, none found it suspicious as they Know I like watching sky while laying on the roof.

Making sure no one else is watching I took out Asta Grimoire and then enveloped my hands with Divine Magic, " I know you are inside, come out or I will purify you"

The Grimoire didn't respond so I slowly take my Hand enveloped with Divine Magic towards it and As I was just meters away from it, a smoke came out of it and the a Demon materialized.

"What do you want?" It arrogantly asked.

"Nothing, I will help you in becoming stronger" I replied.

"And why would you do that?" He asked looking at me.

"Asta's Mother is your Foster Mother, that makes him your brother, also he is my brother which means you are also my brother , So is it weird I am trying to Help my brother" I said trying to foo..cough I meant I explained our relationship to him.

"How do you know?" He asked with killing intent filled eyes.

"My Magic, So should I make you stronger or not?" I shrugged and said.

"Why should I believe you?" He asked still maintaining his vigilance.

I enveloped my whole body with Divine Magic and he visible flinched " I can kill you anytime I want, why would I go with this unnecessary stuff? If I wanted to harm you" 

He looked at me some times and then went back to Grimoire saying " Do what ever you want".

"Don't resist" I said as My hands glowed pure white, signifying the activation of Divine Artisan Touch.

With it I touched the Grimoire and then slowly the pure white light engulfed the Grimoire.

When Light subsided now only a Pitch Black Grimoire with Crimson Patterns remains, Even the Clover leaf is hard to distinguish if one not look carefully.

"What did you do?" The Demon or Liebe came out of the Grimoire, he now looks like some one more powerful compared to his past weak self.

"Didn't I said I will make you stronger, It's the result" I shrugged. 

"What ever you did, Thank You" He said with last last part almost inaudible and returned back.

"Myne Inspect it" I asked Myne to inspect Asta's new Grimoire.

[Grimoire : Five-Leaf 

Effect : Allow usage of Advance spells and Amplifies Spell power.

Additional Effect : Sword Magic : Anti-Magic version is now available

Demon Spirit : Liebe-The Magic Annihilator ]

"It become stronger, also Licht-The whom this Grimoire originally belonged to, Magic is now available to use and it seems even Liebe became stronger, well Asta is also strong now, it won't change anything except Asta now has a new Magic" I honestly felt excited about it.

"Now before Going I should Also, use it on my Grimoire, I wonder what will happen with it" I mumbled and then used the Divine Artisan Touch on my own Grimoire, after the Glow subsided I asked Myne to Analyze it.

[Grimoire : Four-Leaf

Effect : Allow usage of Advance spells and Amplifies Spell power.

Additional Effect : Multi-Magic 

Multi-Magic : 1. Allow usage of Various Magic using single Grimoire. 

 2. Grimoire capacity will increase with each additional Magic. ]

"hehehe, It's better than I thought" I smiled happily, after all now I won't have to stole Grimoiries every time I copy a Interesting Magic.

"Now let's Go back" I mumbled and decided to return Asta, Grimoire, of course not before Copying his Sword Magic.

Returning to Church, I passed the Grimoire back to Asta " Here it is" 

"Woah, is it really My Grimoire, It's so cool now" Asta exclaimed seeing his Grimoire.

"Hmm, it really became better than before" Father said.

"It's really cool" Nash said.

"Now, Now go back to sleep, you all" Sister Lily said.

"But I also want to see the Grimoire" Rebecca pouted and said

After the little episode everyone went to sleep and then next day.

I took everyone to skull, the place where we are going to Train before next Magic Knight Examination.

"Together we will learn about the Techniques, I came up with" I said, as I am going to teach also learn myself Six styles of Navy from One Piece world, I just told them about it to Myne and she recreated them into Magic versions.

"The First Technique is Movement Technique called, Instant Step, It involves circulating your Magical power, inside your legs, to empower them and then using that empowerment, we can step forward instantly" I explained but looking at Asta and Yuno confused faces, I sighed and thought 'This will not easy'

I can train myself but they are my favorite characters, and I would like to help them.

"Today we will, first try to sense our Magic powers" I said and then all three of us sit cross legged, trying to feel the Magical power inside of us.

As I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my magical power I sensed but it was fleeting , so I concentrated hard and after some time, saw, Four threads like flow going all over my body, They were, Grey, Rainbow, Golden and Black color, each specifying one of magic, respectively, Null, Celestial, Divine and Sword Magic-Anti-magic version.

According to Myne's description, I concentrated on one of the Threads and tried to control its flow, and it was very hard. After a few times of trying, I opened my eyes, gasping for breath. It was quite tiring to do. Looking around, I noticed others panting, 'I guess I'm not the only one who failed'.