
World Hopping-Easy Mode

A single terrorists, took over a building and wanted to make it explode to hurt many people. But a brave 20-year-old guy did something really brave. He hugged the person who was going to make the building explode. Then, he jumped out of the building, saving others but losing his own life. His bravery stopped the horrific plan and saved many people. Even though he is not here anymore, people will always remember him as someone really brave who cared about others. Jake's Pov As I stood there, the weight of the decision pressed heavily on my mind. The world around me blurred, and the muffled sounds of chaos filled the air. Deep down, I knew that I had a choice to make – a choice between saving myself or risking everything to save others. My heart raced, and a whirlwind of thoughts flooded my mind. Fear clawed at me, urging me to run away, to escape the impending danger. But then, amidst the chaos, I saw the faces of those innocent people – the families, the children, the ones who had no part in this madness. A profound sense of responsibility and empathy welled up within me. I couldn't stand by and watch as their lives were threatened. A surge of courage ignited within, challenging the fear that held me back. "What if I don't make it?" I wondered. The unknown loomed before me, but the thought of not trying to save them felt even worse. In that moment, a simple truth crystallized in my mind – the value of human life and the importance of standing up for what is right. The decision was made. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try to make a difference. With a deep breath, I steeled myself for what lay ahead. The path of sacrifice stretched before me, but in that instant, I embraced it. I chose to be the shield that stood between the innocent and harm, knowing that the price might be high, but the purpose was greater. "What are you doing??" The terrorist yelled but I tackled him, fortunately the floor window was big enough, I tried to push him out but he suddenly grabbed me, leaving me no choice, I-I choose to jump with him. Arghhhhhhhhhh He shouts too loudly probably, trying to vent out his frustration, " What a Idiot am I.." -------------------------------------------------------------- Covers not mine, from google

Enigmatic_Dream · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Magic Knights

As we entered inside, we saw many people standing there, each mingling with each other.

"I will ask around, you guys can do what ever you want" I said and then walked away. 

Asta and Yuno too then walked separately. 

After we reach inside we saw the anti-magic birds. 

"What are these?"??? Asked trying to shoo away the birds.

"oh they are famous Anti magic birds, the lower one has magic power the more more they flock towards him"??? Another one answered.

"huh? No wonder"???? Nodded.

"hey look at him"??? Said pointing at Yuno, where not even a single Anti magic bird is near him.

"Oh, he is from earlier"???? Said

"From earlier?"??? Asked. 

"hmm, there were three people with Four leaf grimoire he is one of them"??? Replied.

"Three people? But wasn't the rumour was about only two, so where the third one came from"??? Exclaimed. 

" Dunno, but it's true at the entrance it was confirmed they have Four leaf grimoires"??? Replied.

"Hmm, huh? Look at him"??? Nodded and then pointed at Asta who is covered with Anti magic birds.

"This is.. Weird?"??? Said.

"why wierd, it's normal isn't, having many anti magic birds if you don't have enough mana"??? Said.

"That's true but he is one of four leaf grimoire holder"??? Said and then ezplained.

"The heck? Is his grimoire blind?"??? Said in disbelief.

"Yuno, this is where I will defeat you and start My journey of wizard King" Asta said pointing at Yuno. 

"That's my line" Yuno smiled and said. 



Everyone become speechless hearing them. 

"M-maybe his magic is special, I Mean how else he can be chosen by a Four leaf right?"???? Said and then others also nodded.

Clearly having a Four leaf grimoire is amazing thing, that can make people ignore the amount of anti-magic birds but not all are same.

'It seems, he is just lucky, hehe' One of the nobles guy sinisterly laughed looking at Asta. 

And many others with ambition of defeating a four leaf grimoire holder, targeted Asta. 

As for Jake side. 

"ohhh, who is this?"!!!!! - > random girl, said looking at silver hair and blue eyes, guy with lean but muscular build, yep that's our Mc Jake.

"he might be a Royalty"!!! Said, hushing the other girl.

Jake didn't paid them any attention and continued to act like he is gathering information while he kept looking at Asta whose head is now grabbed by Yami-the leader of Black Bulls.

'hmm, this is going as same as origunal' I thought looking at Asta. 

Yami is now doing his inverse countdown and the moment his countdown reached 1, fireworks exploded in sky, signaling the arrival of other Captains.

Yami released Asta and then went up to join other captains too. 

Seeing this I walked up to Asta but some other guy reached their first. 

"Ba-ha, are you alright? " Sekke, the first bully Asta met in original.

As he was trying to help him, I placed my hand on his shoulder and then told him to F*k off while releasing some Mana pressure.

Sekke became frightened and backed off. 

" hmm, Jake why did you scared him away?" Asta asked.

"He was just targeting you, don't fight him, find a powerful opponent to fight or you wouldn't be able to properly demonstrate your magic" I shook my head and explained him. 

"That true, we should choose a good opponent if we have to show case our talent" Yuno said. 

"Okay, I will" Asta nodded and then Magic Knight Captains appeared and took their seat. 

And Now I became someone who will explain about each captains to them, as I scared away Sekke, now that I think of it, I should have let him stay, at least until the explanation part. 

I explained about them one by one and when it was Yami turn.. 

"Asta, you should join his squad" I said. 

"huh? Hell no, he was going to kill me just beacuase I bumped into him earlier!!" Asta crossed his hands and replied.

I shook my head and said " He is called Lord of Destruction, His magic is somewhat similar to yours, and he also uses Sword, he is perfect for you". 

Asta nodded and then replied " if it's true then I will try to join him". 

"Ahh, one more thing, he is 2nd strongest, just after him, the person closest to become next Wizard King, Williams Vangeance" I said pointing at the masked guy, the captain of golden dawn. 

Hearing this both Yuno and Asta looked at Williams with focused eyes. 

'So he is the person' Both of them thought. 

I shook my head seeing this, they became easily excited. 

"Hello candidates, my name is William Vangeance, the captain of Golden Dawn, today's Head Examiner" He introduced himself and then brought out his grimoire "Magic Tree : Descend". 

Black clouds cover the sky and then various branches descended and formed brooms and each participants received one. 

"Flying on broom is most basic capability of each mage, this is your first test, begin" Williams said and then sit back. 

I looked the broom and then standing on it, started flying away, I moved here and there, Yuno also did the same but then I shook my head seeing Asta, that idiot is hoping to fly on the broom. 

I reached near him and said, "Asta, use your sword, have you already forgotten I said your magic is different,? You will never be able to fly on this broom".

Asta looked at me and then thanked me. 

Asta then brought out his Grimoire but the moment he was going to use it...

"use of grimoire is not allowed" William's voice sounded.

"My magic is different I can never fly on this broom" Asta shouted back and silence descended. 

"oh, then show us how it's different" William smiled and replied. 

Asta nodded and then brought out his Demon slayer sword and started flying using it. 

"Hmm, it is not against the rule, okay" William nodded and said.

"I can't sense any mana from him" William said to others. 

"same here" others replied. 

"So how is he flying?" Charlotte, captain of Blue rose asked. 

"he did say, his magic is different" Yami replied while thinking ' I didn't sensed any mana from him earlier.'