
World First Ant King

When There is Ant There Is Colony And If there Is A Colony There Is a Queen, There Is A Queen But No King?... you gotta be kidding me. then today the very first ant king shall be born. cover isn't mine.. if you are the one who create the cover and want me to remove it please message me. btw this is my first novel that i am writing and i hope you guys enjoy it, and don't blame me for grammar issues and also for my writing skills. if you don't like the first chapter then my bad, i guess my writing style was bad, but hey give the other chapter a try. ill try to update this novel 1chapter per day but ill usually update it 1 to 5days per chapter because am quite busy constantly studying. so i hope you guys enjoy reading it and that all other tags:empire building,ant, ant mc, monster society,strategy,Gods,GameLikeSystem

JershonTheWriter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

A Big Monster Battle Part 1

In the previous chap, konoe was running away from a big cat and found a big teddy bear for the big cat to play with




Konoe watched the two giant monsters fighting and while he was about to watch the big fight, he was finding a place to seat at the 500-year-old oak tree, after 5 seconds he finally found a perfect place to watch the fight between the adult lion and earth bear.

while our protagonist konoe was seating at a branch, he heard a roar. Konoe probably already knows what going to happen and what he saw was the Adult Lion Running Toward The Earth Bear, While The Bear Seems to be preparing his skills to immobilize The Running Lion Toward Him.

The Lion Charging his tail with electricity to throw at the Earth Bear

While the lion was charging his tail and trying to ram and jump at the earth bear, suddenly a wall made of hard dirt came out and thanks to the speed the lion was at he can't stop so he rammed the Hard dirt wall and felt dizzy but there was no damage. the lion was shaking his head, the earth bear removed the earth wall he created and saw the lion still shaking his head and the bear saw this as a perfect opportunity to strike so he decided to run toward him, the lion who was still shaking his dizzy head and saw an afterimage of the earth bear running toward him and decided to shoot out the electronic ball out of the tail, the lion keeps swinging and swinging hoping to hit the earth bear.

the first electronic ball missed and the second one was a missed as well but the third one was a hit but it only hit the earth bear right ear.

the bear got irritated because his right ear was so achy and the bear also felt that his right ear was suddenly numb, with a stupid brain, he decided to stop and touch his right ear, the bear forgot what was he was totally doing and suddenly two electronic balls hit him in his stomach, he groaned at the pain and started to look for the creature who dares to shoot at him.

What he saw was The lion who was shaking his head, no longer shaking it and the dizzy effect was gone, the earth bear was startled because this lion was running as fast as it could at him and the lion tail charging electricity to make electronic balls, while also roaring and showing his strong lion fangs that seem to be prepared to bite at him.

the bear was preparing his defense but alas lady luck wasn't on his side the lion was already at him, jumping like a snake who will launch at his prey, the bear hit the ground and the lion was on top of him.

the lion bites the earth bear on its neck, and the bear groan and bite back at the lion, the lion was groaning cause the bear bite the lion on the cheek while the lion was beating the bear, and konoe saw this and felt like he was watching an adult porn video because if this was human it will be the man biting and licking the cheek of the woman ehem don't watch porn guys if there are people nearby or else you will be found out xD.

anyways let's continue our story.

the lion groans and prepares another type of attack on the bear and it was a tail attack, suddenly the lion tail formed a triangle shape but it was formed by the lion electricity or thunder element. the lion then stabs the bear with his tail at a high speed.

konoe who was watching as if he was in the cinemas, spit out a piece of popcorn which came out from nowhere and said good thing I didn't attack this Damm lion or else ill die for good, and suddenly felt chills down his ant body and said uh I don't even wanna think about it, suddenly the tree that was konoe at started to shake, and he shifted his focus on the Monster fighting again and what he saw was the lion tail was stuck at the bear and seem to be covered with hard dirt, the lion wanted to remove his tail but he can't, so the lion was about to remove his bite from the bear, but the bear applied more pressure on his bite on the lion and pull down the lion close to the bear, suddenly the hard dirt that covered the lion tail started to move like it was an army of an ant walking to cover the entire body but it was dirt, hard dirt that the earth bear used on his opponent which is the lion.

the dirt move little by little and the lion felt that his body was being caged but it was just hard dirt, he started to push away from the bear, but the earth bear just continued to bite the lion persistently, seeing the bear not giving up on him, the lion decided to use his skill. suddenly the lion glowed as if he was the sun himself and the bear groaned feeling like he was close to the sun, because it was hot, the bear skin was like solid dirt sticking together and seemed won't come out, suddenly dried like a piece of dirt that will fell down and not stick together anymore.

the bear that can no longer bare the pain decided to remove his bite and use his hand and feet to kick off the lion which seem to work, but that was the original plan of the lion that why the lion use that skill, after the lion back away from the bear, the lion seems to be sweating and was panting like he was exhausted, konoe saw this and decided to use system inspect and what he saw shocked him.

Adult Lion

Affinity:Light & Thunder



Physical & Magical Strength:200

Physical & Magical Defense:300/400

what shocked konoe was the lion being exhausted but what was more shocking to him was that the lion defense went down, because in the game defense debuff on opponents was a rare skill, but konoe was wondering what the hell did the earth bear do to decrease the lion Defense, and suddenly remembered that there was a time he played as an orc though he never played as a bear in the game, he remembers he once fight against a bear that has no elements but was a regular bear, it was regularly but it was already in its adult phase, and konoe fought that bear but he still won but while they were fighting he remember he got a notification which was a debuff and it was called "blooded bear fangs" though konoe don't know what was the description of the skill, he knew that skill only decrease 50 of his Defense, but konoe wondered what level was the earth bear blooded bear fangs to decrease the lion Defense that much, suddenly a notification from the system came.

ding System inspect has reached level 2, I advise the player to be more active to level up the skill more.

konoe didn't know what the system meant. was it leveled up because he keep using the skill itself or was it level up because he was interested to know more about the monster or, anyways the answer could be anything but konoe gotta discover it himself.

konoe went with a glance at the level up of system inspection and see what new feature it will have

System Inspect Lvl2

-Able to Inspect What Are The Status and skills of the monster and objects.

what he saw was quite not shocking but he felt delighted as if the system knew he was curious and konoe immediately ask the system.

system are you helping me?...


konoe was dumbfounded by the answer of the system as he felt like he was being played at, though he was konoe was curious indeed if the system helped him, he was more curious on what level the bear skill was at. konoe ask the system to use system inspect and ding the status of the earth bear showed up but the skill was there now.

Earth Bear




Physical & Magical Strength:255

Physical & Magical Defense:410


Blooded Bear Fangs(Passive)Lvl4

Hard Dirt Wall(Active)lvl1

Dirt Manipulation(active)lvl2

konoe was dumbfounded because the bear HP was not that even low like the Lion, like the blooded bear fang skill, really is super OP, anyways decreasing the enemy defense that much will make the battle one-sided that what konoe thought on his mind, but by the look of it the lion seem not wanting to back away even if its HP is already low

sorry for the late chapter guys, am busy preparing for the new year's, so i can't upload chapter that much but i will try my best.

happy 2020 christmas and new year everybody.

there will be a second part for this please wait

JershonTheWritercreators' thoughts